
Defines functions gatherFromList cvGenStratified cvGen reliabilityPlot intervalMidPoint intervalNames preparePlot optDefault checkDataOptions checkOrdEvalOptions checkPredictOptions checkModelOptions checkEstimatorOptions checkOptionsValues getStatNames optionData convert.Options prepare.Options infoCore get.formula prepare.Data

Documented in cvGen cvGenStratified gatherFromList infoCore intervalMidPoint preparePlot reliabilityPlot

prepare.Data <- function(data, formulaIn, dependent, class.lev=NULL, numericAsOrdered=FALSE, orderedAsNumeric=TRUE, skipNAcolumn=TRUE, skipEqualColumn=TRUE)
	if (dependent) { # shall we fill in the column with the dependent data 
		if (inherits(data[[1]],"ordered")) {
			data[[1]] <- factor(data[[1]],ordered=FALSE,levels=levels(data[[1]])); # protect against transformation to numeric
			cat("Changing dependent variable to unordered factor.\n");
		if (length(data[[1]][is.na(data[[1]])])>0)
			warning("Instances with dependent variable equal to NA are left out.")
		data <- data[!is.na(data[[1]]),]
	else {
		if (is.null(class.lev))  {# regression
			predictionColumn <- double(length=nrow(data))
			predictionColumn[] <- NA
			data <- cbind(prediction=predictionColumn,data)
		else {
			predictionColumn <- double(length=nrow(data))
			predictionColumn[] <- NA           
			data <- cbind(prediction=factor(predictionColumn,levels=class.lev),data);
	col.names <- names(data)
	discnumvalues <- integer(0);
	disccharvalues <- c();
	discValues <- list()
	discdata <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data),ncol=0);
	numdata <- matrix(nrow=nrow(data),ncol=0);
	discmap <- integer(0);
	nummap <- integer(0);
	skipmap <- integer(0)
	for (i in seq(along=data)) {
		# check validity of columns
		if (all(is.na(data[[i]]))) { #
			if (i > 1) {
				if (skipNAcolumn) {
					skipmap <- c(skipmap,i) 
					warning(sprintf("Variable %s has all values equal to NA and has been skipped.",names(data)[i]))  
					formulaIn <- update.formula(formulaIn, paste(". ~ . - ",names(data)[i],sep=""))
				else {
					if (dependent)
						warning(sprintf("Variable %s has all values equal to NA.",names(data)[i]))                  
		else {
			sc <- sort(data[[i]],na.last=NA)
			if (nrow(data) > 1 && (length(sc) <= 1 || sc[1]==sc[length(sc)]) ) { # all equal
				if (i>1) {
					if (skipEqualColumn) {
						skipmap <- c(skipmap,i)  
						warning(sprintf("Variable %s has all values equal and has beeen skipped.",names(data)[i]))
						formulaIn <- update.formula(formulaIn, paste(". ~ . - ",names(data)[i],sep=""))
					else {
						if (dependent)
							warning(sprintf("Variable %s has all values equal.",names(data)[i]))
				else warning(sprintf("Dependent variable %s has all values equal.",names(data)[i]))
		# this transformation is needed for ordEval algorithm
		if (inherits(data[[i]],"character") || (!inherits(data[[i]],"factor") && numericAsOrdered==TRUE)) {
			data[[i]] <- factor(data[[i]]);
		if (inherits(data[[i]],"factor") && 
				(numericAsOrdered==TRUE || !inherits(data[[i]],"ordered") || !orderedAsNumeric)) {
			column <- as.integer(data[[i]]);
			column[is.na(column)] <- as.integer(0);
			column <- matrix(column,ncol=1,dimnames=list(NULL,col.names[i]))
			discnumvalues <- c(discnumvalues,length(levels(data[[i]])));
			disccharvalues <- c(disccharvalues,paste(levels(data[[i]]),collapse="\x1F"));
			discdata <- cbind(discdata,column);
			discmap <- c(discmap,i);
			discValues[[length(discmap)]] <- levels(data[[i]])
		} else {
			column <- matrix(as.double(data[[i]]),ncol=1,dimnames=list(NULL,col.names[i]))
			column[is.nan(column)] <- NA
			column[is.infinite(column) & column > 0] <- .Machine$double.xmax
			column[is.infinite(column) & column < 0] <- - .Machine$double.xmax
			numdata <- cbind(numdata,column);
			nummap <- c(nummap,i);
	numdata[is.na(numdata)] <- as.double(NA)
	if (length(discnumvalues) != ncol(discdata)) stop("internal problem 1 in prepare dataa"); # for debugging only
	if (length(discmap) != ncol(discdata)) stop("internal problem 2 in prepare data"); # for debugging only
	if (length(nummap) != ncol(numdata)) stop("internal problem 3 in prepare data"); # for debugging only
	if (nrow(data) != nrow(numdata)) stop("internal problem 4 in prepare data"); # for debugging only
	if (nrow(data) != nrow(discdata)) stop("internal problem 5 in prepare data"); # for debugging only
	#if (ncol(data) != ncol(discdata) + ncol(numdata)) stop("internal problem 4 in prepare data"); # for debugging only
			numdata=numdata,nummap=nummap,discValues=discValues, noInst=nrow(data),skipmap=skipmap, 
get.formula <- function(class.name)
	as.formula(paste(class.name,"~ ."));
infoCore<-function(what=c("attrEval","attrEvalReg")) {
	what <- match.arg(what)  
	switch (what,
			attrEval =
					c("ReliefFequalK", "ReliefFexpRank", "ReliefFbestK", "Relief", "InfGain", "GainRatio", "MDL", "Gini",
							"MyopicReliefF", "Accuracy", "ReliefFmerit", "ReliefFdistance", "ReliefFsqrDistance",
							"DKM", "ReliefFexpC", "ReliefFavgC", "ReliefFpe", "ReliefFpa", "ReliefFsmp", "GainRatioCost", "DKMcost",
							"ReliefKukar", "MDLsmp","ImpurityEuclid", "ImpurityHellinger",
							"EqualDKM", "EqualGini","EqualInf", "EqualHellinger","DistHellinger","DistAUC", "DistAngle", "DistEuclid" 
			attrEvalReg =  c("RReliefFequalK", "RReliefFexpRank", "RReliefFbestK","RReliefFwithMSE","MSEofMean","MSEofModel","MAEofModel",

prepare.Options <- function(...)
	scp <- getOption("scipen")  #store the value
	options(scipen=20)  # change option
	optionsList <- list(...);
	for (i in seq(along=optionsList)) {
		if (is.logical(optionsList[[i]])) {
			optionsList[[i]] <- if (optionsList[[i]]) "Y" else "N";
		} else if (is.numeric(optionsList[[i]])) {
			optionsList[[i]] <- as.character(optionsList[[i]]);
		} else if (!is.character(optionsList[[i]])) {
			stop(paste("wrong type of option",names(optionsList)[i],"=",optionsList[[i]]));
	options(scipen=scp)  # restore the old value
	opt <- unlist(optionsList)
	# convert integer values of estimators to their character descriptors
	for (est in c("selectionEstimator","constructionEstimator")) {
		idx = match(est, names(opt),nomatch=-1)
		if (idx > 0) {
			warn.save <- getOption("warn")
			ival <- as.numeric(opt[idx])
			if (! is.na(ival) ) {
				est = infoCore(what="attrEval")
				opt[idx] <- est[ival]
	if (is.null(opt)) {
		opt <- character(0)
		names(opt) <- character(0)
convert.Options <- function(opt) {
	# convert character description of estimators to their character descriptors
	for (est in c("selectionEstimator","constructionEstimator")) {
		idx = match(est, names(opt),nomatch=-1)
		if (idx > 0) {
			estIdx = match(opt[idx], infoCore(what="attrEval"), nomatch=-1)       
			opt[idx] <- estIdx
	for (est in c("selectionEstimatorReg","constructionEstimatorReg")) {
		idx = match(est, names(opt),nomatch=-1)
		if (idx > 0) {
			estIdx = match(opt[idx], infoCore(what="attrEvalReg"), nomatch=-1)       
			opt[idx] <- estIdx
optionData <- function() {
	estDsc <- infoCore(what="attrEval")
	estList <- paste(estDsc,collapse=",")
	estDscReg <- infoCore(what="attrEvalReg")
	estListReg <- paste(estDscReg,collapse=",")
	optAllList <- list(
			## follows description of all parameters 
			## the format is list with 5 components, some may be empty "":
			## 1. name of parameter
			## 2. parameter type: logical, integer, numeric, character
			## 3. default value
			## 4. lower limit
			## 5. upper limit
			## Option data follow
			## \section{Attribute/feature evaluation}
			list("binaryEvaluation", "logical", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
			list("binaryEvaluateNumericAttributes", "logical", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
			list("multiclassEvaluation", "integer", 1, 1, 4),
			list("attrEvaluationInstances", "integer", 0, 0, Inf),
			list("minNodeWeightEst", "numeric", 2, 0, Inf),
			list("ReliefIterations", "integer", 0, -2, Inf),
			list("numAttrProportionEqual", "numeric", 0.04, 0, 1),
			list("numAttrProportionDifferent", "numeric", 0.1, 0, 1),
			list("kNearestEqual", "integer", 10, 0, Inf),
			list("kNearestExpRank", "integer", 70, 0, Inf),
			list("quotientExpRankDistance", "numeric", 20, 0, Inf),
			## \section{Algorithm ordEval}
			list("ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers", "integer", 0, 0, Inf),
			list("ordEvalBootstrapNormalize", "logical", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
			list("ordEvalNormalizingPercentile", "numeric", 0.025, 0, 0.5),
			list("attrWeights", "character", "", "", ""),
			## \section{Decision/regression tree construction}
			list("selectionEstimator", "character", "MDL", estList, ""),
			list("selectionEstimatorReg", "character", "RReliefFexpRank", estListReg, ""),
			list("minReliefEstimate", "numeric", 0, -1, 1),
			list("minInstanceWeight", "numeric", 0.05, 0, 1),
			## \section{Stop tree building}
			list("minNodeWeightTree", "numeric", 5, 0, Inf),
			list("minNodeWeightRF", "numeric", 2, 0, Inf),
			list("relMinNodeWeight", "numeric", 0, 0, 1),
			list("majorClassProportion", "numeric", 1, 0, 1),
			list("rootStdDevProportion", "numeric", 0, 0, 1),
			list("minNonMajorityWeight", "numeric", 2, 0, Inf),
			## \section{Models in the tree leaves}
			list("modelType", "integer", 1, 1, 4),
			list("modelTypeReg", "integer", 5, 1, 8),
			list("kInNN", "integer", 10, 0, Inf),
			list("nnKernelWidth", "numeric", 2, 0, Inf),
			list("bayesDiscretization", "integer", 2, 1, 3),
			list("discretizationIntervals", "integer", 4, 1, Inf),
			## \section{Constructive induction aka. feature construction}
			list("constructionMode", "integer", 15, 1, 15),
			list("constructionDepth", "integer", 0, 0, Inf),
			list("noCachedInNode", "integer", 5, 0, Inf),
			list("constructionEstimator", "character", "MDL", estList, ""),
			list("constructionEstimatorReg", "character", "RReliefFexpRank", estListReg, ""),
			list("beamSize", "integer", 20, 1, Inf),
			list("maxConstructSize", "integer", 3, 1, Inf),
			## \section{Attribute discretization and binarization}
			list("discretizationLookahead", "integer", 3, 0, Inf),
			list("discretizationSample", "integer", 50, 0, Inf),
			list("maxValues4Exhaustive", "integer", 7, 2, Inf),
			list("maxValues4Exhaustive", "integer", 30, 2, Inf),
			## \section{Tree pruning}
			list("selectedPruner", "integer", 1, 0, 1),
			list("selectedPrunerReg", "integer", 2, 0, 4),
			list("mdlModelPrecision", "numeric", 0.1, 0, Inf),
			list("mdlErrorPrecision", "numeric", 0.01, 0, Inf),
			list("mEstPruning", "numeric", 2, 0, Inf),
			list("alphaErrorComplexity", "numeric", 0, 0, Inf),
			## \section{Prediction}
			list("smoothingType", "integer", 0, 0, 4),
			list("smoothingValue", "numeric", 0, 0, Inf),
			## \section{Random forests}
			list("rfNoTrees", "integer", 100, 1, Inf),
			list("rfNoSelAttr", "integer", 0, -2, Inf),
			list("rfMultipleEst", "logical", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
			list("rfkNearestEqual", "integer", 30, 0, Inf),
			list("rfPropWeightedTrees", "numeric", 0, 0, 1),
			list("rfPredictClass", "logical", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE),
			## \section{General tree ensembles}
			list("rfSampleProp", "numeric", 0, 0, 1),
			list("rfNoTerminals", "integer", 0, 0, Inf),
			list("rfRegType", "integer", 2, 0, 2),
			list("rfRegLambda", "numeric", 0, 0, Inf),
			## \section{Read data directly from files}
			list("domainName", "character", "", "", ""),
			list("dataDirectory", "character", "", "", ""),
			list("NAstring", "character", "?", "", ""),
			## \section{Miscellaneous}
			list("maxThreads", "integer", 0, 0, Inf)
	optAll <- data.frame()
	optLogical <- data.frame()
	optInteger <- data.frame()
	optNumeric <- data.frame()
	optCharacter <- data.frame()
	for (i in seq(along=optAllList)) {
		optRow <- optAllList[[i]]
		if (optRow[[2]] == "logical") {
			optDsc <- list(default=optRow[[3]])
			optLogical <- rbind(optLogical,data.frame(optDsc,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
			optIndex <- nrow(optLogical)
		} else if (optRow[[2]] == "integer") {
			optDsc <- list(default=optRow[[3]],lower=optRow[[4]],upper=optRow[[5]])
			optInteger <- rbind(optInteger,data.frame(optDsc,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
			optIndex <- nrow(optInteger)
		} else if (optRow[[2]] == "numeric") {
			optDsc <- list(default=optRow[[3]],lower=optRow[[4]],upper=optRow[[5]])
			optNumeric <- rbind(optNumeric,data.frame(optDsc,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
			optIndex <- nrow(optNumeric)
		} else if (optRow[[2]]=="character") {
			if (optRow[[4]] != "" && length(grep(",",optRow[[4]]))==0) {
				warning(paste("Character option",optRow[[1]],"with a single value",optRow[[4]]))
			optDsc <- list(default=optRow[[3]],type=optRow[[4]])
			optCharacter <- rbind(optCharacter,data.frame(optDsc,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
			optIndex <- nrow(optCharacter)
		} else {
			warning(paste("Unknown type of option",optRow[[2]]))
		optDsc <- list(name=optRow[[1]],type=optRow[[2]],index=optIndex);
		optAll <- rbind(optAll,data.frame(optDsc,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

# prepare the structure in advance for speed
optData <- optionData()  

getStatNames <- function() {
	return(c("median", "Q1", "Q3", "lowPercentile", "highPercentile", "mean", "stdDev", "p-value","exp")) 
checkOptionsValues <- function(options) {
	optNames <- names(options)
	occurs <- rep(FALSE,times=nrow(optData$All))
	for (i in seq(along=options)) {
		j <- match(optNames[i], optData$All$name, nomatch=-1)
		if (j == -1) {
			warning(paste("unrecognised option",optNames[i]),call.=FALSE)
		else if (occurs[j]) {
			warning(paste("option",optNames[i],"used more than once"),call.=FALSE)
		else {
			occurs[j] <- TRUE
			if (optData$All$type[j] == "numeric") {
				warn.save <- getOption("warn")
				nval <- as.numeric(options[i])
				if (is.na(nval)) {
					warning(paste("option",optNames[i],"should be numeric"),call.=FALSE)
				else {
					k <- optData$All$index[j];
					lower <- optData$Numeric$lower[k]
					upper <- optData$Numeric$upper[k]
					if (nval < lower || nval > upper) {
						warning(sprintf("option %s should be in [%f, %f]", optNames[i], lower, upper), call.=FALSE)
			else if (optData$All$type[j] == "logical") {
				cval <- toupper(as.character(options[i]))
				if ( ! cval %in% c("Y","N")) {
					warning(paste("option",optNames[i],"should be TRUE, \"Y\", FALSE or \"N\""),call.=FALSE)
			else if (optData$All$type[j] == "integer") {
				warn.save <- getOption("warn")
				ival <- as.numeric(options[i])
				if (is.na(ival) || ival != trunc(ival)) {
					warning(paste("option",optNames[i],"should be integer"),call.=FALSE)
				else {
					k <- optData$All$index[j];
					lower <- optData$Integer$lower[k]
					upper <- optData$Integer$upper[k]
					if (ival < lower || ival > upper) {
						warning(sprintf("option %s should be in [%d, %d]", optNames[i], lower, upper), call.=FALSE)
			else if (optData$All$type[j] == "character") {
				k <- optData$All$index[j];
				if (optData$Character$type[k] != "") {
					values <- strsplit(optData$Character$type[k],",")[[1]];
					if ( ! options[i] %in% values) {
						warning(paste("option",optNames[i],"should be one of:",optData$Character$type[k]),call.=FALSE)
checkEstimatorOptions <- function(estimator, options, isRegression) {
	errMsg <- NULL ;
	optNames <- names(options);
	estDsc <- infoCore(what="attrEval");
	estDscReg <- infoCore(what="attrEvalReg");
	if (isRegression)
		estimator <- match.arg(estimator, estDscReg)
		estimator <- match.arg(estimator, estDsc);
	## options allowed for all estimators,
	commonOpts <- c("attrEvaluationInstances","minNodeWeightEst","binaryEvaluation","binaryEvaluateNumericAttributes","maxThreads")
	for (i in 1:length(commonOpts)) {
		idx <- match(commonOpts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
		if (idx >0)
			optNames = optNames[-idx];
	# options controlling extension of two-class estimators to multiclass 
	twoClassOpts <- c("multiclassEvaluation")
	for (i in 1:length(twoClassOpts)) {
		idx <- match(twoClassOpts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
		if (idx >0)
			optNames = optNames[-idx];
	## options allowed for Relief and its derivatives
	ReliefEst <- c(estDsc[grep("^Relief", estDsc)], estDscReg[grep("^RRelief", estDscReg)]) 
	if (estimator %in% ReliefEst) {
		ReliefOpts = c("ReliefIterations","numAttrProportionEqual","numAttrProportionDifferent")
		for (i in 1:length(ReliefOpts)) {
			idx <- match(ReliefOpts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
			if (idx >0)
				optNames = optNames[-idx];
		## more checks to follow
		kNearEqualEst <- c("ReliefFequalK", "RReliefFequalK") ;
		expRankEst <- c("ReliefFexpRank","ReliefFdistance","ReliefFsqrDistance","ReliefFexpC","ReliefFavgC",
				"RReliefFexpRank", "RReliefFwithMSE", "RReliefFdistance","RReliefFsqrDistance"
		if (estimator %in% kNearEqualEst) {
			kNearEqualOpts <- c("kNearestEqual");
			for (i in 1:length(kNearEqualOpts)) {
				idx <- match(kNearEqualOpts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
				if (idx >0)
					optNames <- optNames[-idx];
		else if (estimator %in% expRankEst) {
			expRankOpts <- c("kNearestExpRank","quotientExpRankDistance")
			for (i in 1:length(expRankOpts)) {
				idx <- match(expRankOpts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
				if (idx >0)
					optNames <- optNames[-idx];
checkModelOptions <- function(model, options) {
	optNames <- names(options);
	## first check options by models, later handle special cases
	discretizationOpts <- c("selectionEstimator","discretizationLookahead","discretizationSample","maxValues4Exhaustive","maxValues4Greedy")
	discretizationOptsReg <- c("selectionEstimatorReg","discretizationLookahead","discretizationSample","maxValues4Exhaustive","maxValues4Greedy") # currently not used
	bayesOpts <- c(discretizationOpts,"bayesDiscretization","discretizationIntervals")
	knnOpts <- c("kInNN")
	knnKernelOpts <- c("kInNN","nnKernelWidth")
	miscOpts <-c("maxThreads") 
	treeStopOpts <- c("minNodeWeightTree","minNodeWeightRF","relMinNodeWeight","majorClassProportion","minInstanceWeight","minNonMajorityWeight")  
	treeStopOptsReg <- c("minNodeWeightTree","minNodeWeightRF","relMinNodeWeight","minInstanceWeight","rootStdDevProportion")  
	treePruneOpts <- c("selectedPruner","mEstPruning","mdlModelPrecision","mdlErrorPrecision")
	treePruneOptsReg <- c("selectedPrunerReg","mEstPruning","mdlModelPrecision","mdlErrorPrecision")
	treeConstructOpts <- c("constructionEstimator","constructionMode","constructionDepth","beamSize","maxConstructSize","noCachedInNode")
	treeConstructOptsReg <- c("constructionEstimatorReg","constructionMode","constructionDepth","beamSize","maxConstructSize","noCachedInNode")
	treeOpts <- unique(c("selectionEstimator",treeModelOpts,treeStopOpts,treePruneOpts,treeConstructOpts))
	rfOpts <- unique(c("selectionEstimator",treeStopOpts,discretizationOpts,miscOpts,"rfNoTrees", "rfNoSelAttr","rfMultipleEst","rfPropWeightedTrees","rfPredictClass","rfSampleProp","rfNoTerminals","rfRegType","rfRegLambda"))
	rfNearOpts <- c(rfOpts,"rfkNearestEqual")
	regOpts <- unique(c("selectionEstimatorReg",treeModelOptsReg,treeStopOptsReg,treePruneOptsReg,treeConstructOptsReg))
	opts = switch(model, rf=rfOpts, rfNear=rfNearOpts, bayes=bayesOpts, knn=knnOpts, knnKernel=knnKernelOpts, tree=treeOpts, regTree=regOpts)
	for (i in 1:length(opts)) {
		idx <- match(opts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
		if (idx >0)
			optNames = optNames[-idx]; 
	if (model %in% c("rf","rfNear","tree")) {
		selEstIdx = match("selectionEstimator",names(options),nomatch=-1)
		if (selEstIdx==-1)
			selEst = optDefault("selectionEstimator")
			selEst = options[selEstIdx]
		optRemain <- checkEstimatorOptions(selEst, options[optNames], FALSE) ;
	else if (model == "regTree") {
		selEstIdx = match("selectionEstimatorReg",names(options),nomatch=-1)
		if (selEstIdx==-1)
			selEst = optDefault("selectionEstimatorReg")
			selEst = options[selEstIdx]       
		optRemain <- checkEstimatorOptions(selEst, options[optNames], TRUE) ;
	else {
		optRemain <- options[optNames]
checkPredictOptions <- function(model, options) {
	optNames <- names(options);
	## first check options by models, later handle special cases
	miscOpts <-c("maxThreads") 
	bayesOpts <- c()
	knnOpts <- c("kInNN")
	knnKernelOpts <- c("kInNN","nnKernelWidth")
	smoothingOpts <- c("smoothingType","smoothingValue")
	treeOpts <- c(knnKernelOpts,smoothingOpts,miscOpts)
	rfOpts <- c("rfPredictClass",smoothingOpts,miscOpts)
	rfNearOpts <- c(rfOpts,"rfkNearestEqual")
	regOpts <- treeOpts 
	opts = switch(model$model, rf=rfOpts, rfNear=rfNearOpts, bayes=bayesOpts, knn=knnOpts, knnKernel=knnKernelOpts, tree=treeOpts, regTree=regOpts)
	for (i in seq(along=opts)) {
		idx <- match(opts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
		if (idx >0)
			optNames = optNames[-idx]; 
	options[optNames] ;
checkOrdEvalOptions <- function(options) {
	optNames <- names(options);
	miscOpts <-c("maxThreads") 
	ordEvalOpts <- c(miscOpts,"ordEvalNoRandomNormalizers","ordEvalBootstrapNormalize","ordEvalNormalizingPercentile","attrWeights") #,"ordEvalConfidenceInterval")
	opts = ordEvalOpts
	for (i in 1:length(opts)) {
		idx <- match(opts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
		if (idx >0)
			optNames = optNames[-idx]; 
	optRemain <- checkEstimatorOptions("ReliefFequalK", options[optNames], FALSE) ;
checkDataOptions <- function(options) {
	optNames <- names(options);
	opts <- c("domainName","dataDirectory","NAstring")
	for (i in 1:length(opts)) {
		idx <- match(opts[i], optNames, nomatch=-1);
		if (idx >0)
			optNames = optNames[-idx]; 
optDefault <- function(optName) {
	optdat <- optData$All
	allIdx = match(optName, optdat[,"name"])
	type = optdat[allIdx,"type"]
	tabIdx = optdat[allIdx,"index"]
	switch (type, integer=optData$Integer[tabIdx,"default"],numeric=optData$Numeric[tabIdx,"default"],
preparePlot<-function(fileName="Rplot", ...)
	fileType = unlist(strsplit(fileName,"\\."))
	if (is.na(fileType[2]))
		interactive = TRUE
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="pdf")
		pdf(file = fileName, paper="default", ...)
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="ps" || tolower(fileType[2])=="eps") 
		postscript(file = fileName, paper="default", horizontal=FALSE, encoding="ISOLatin1.enc",...)
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="emf" && .Platform$OS.type == "windows")
		eval(call(paste("win","metafile",sep="."), filename=quote(fileName),quote(...)))
	# next line would be better than previous but generates an unjustified note about violation of CRAN policy
	# win.metafile(filename = fileName,...) 
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="jpg")
		jpeg(filename = fileName, ...)
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="tif")
		tiff(filename = fileName, ...)
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="bmp")
		bmp(filename = fileName, ...)
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="png")
		png(filename = fileName, ...)
	else if (tolower(fileType[2])=="tiff")
		bitmap(file = fileName, type="tiff24nc", ...)
	else interactive = TRUE
	if(interactive && dev.cur() == 1) # opens the default screen device on this platform if no device is open 

# construct named inetrvals from the discretization bounds
intervalNames<-function(sortedBounds, noDecimalsInValueName=2) {
	nms <- c(paste("<=", sprintf("%.*f",noDecimalsInValueName, sortedBounds[1]), sep=""))
	i <- 2
	while (i<=length(sortedBounds)) {
		# nms <- c(nms, paste(">", sortedBounds[i-1], ", <=", sortedBounds[i], sep=""))
		nms <- c(nms, paste("(", sprintf("%.*f",noDecimalsInValueName,sortedBounds[i-1]), ", ",sprintf("%.*f",noDecimalsInValueName,sortedBounds[i]), "]",sep=""))
		i <- i+1
	nms <- c(nms, paste(">", sprintf("%.*f",noDecimalsInValueName,sortedBounds[length(sortedBounds)]), sep=""))

# finds middle points of discretization intervals
intervalMidPoint <- function(data, boundsList, midPointMethod=c("equalFrequency", "equalWidth")) {
	method <- match.arg(midPointMethod)
	if (is.null(boundsList))
	midPoints <- list()
	for (i in 1:length(boundsList)) {
		attrName <- names(boundsList)[i]
		discValues <- apply( outer(data[,attrName], boundsList[[i]], ">"), 1, sum) 
		midPoints[[i]] <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(boundsList[[i]])+1)
		for (j in 0:length(boundsList[[i]])) {
			values <- data[discValues==j,attrName]
			if (method == "equalFrequency")
				midPoints[[i]][j+1] <- median(values)
			else if (method=="equalWidth")
				midPoints[[i]][j+1] <- (min(values) + max(values)) / 2.0
	names(midPoints) <- names(boundsList)

reliabilityPlot<-function(probScore, trueProb, titleText="", boxing="equipotent", noBins=10, classValue = 1, printWeight=FALSE) {
	# depending on boxing, select thresholds
	if (boxing == "unique") {
		uniqueScore = unique(probScore)
		threshold = uniqueScore[order(uniqueScore)]
		noBins = length(threshold)
	else if (boxing=="equidistant"){
	else if(boxing=="equipotent")   {
	# prepare classValue and  trueProb to be of proper types
	if (is.factor(classValue)) 
		classValue <- as.numeric(classValue)
	if (is.factor(trueProb)) 
		trueProb <- as.numeric(as.numeric(trueProb)==classValue)
	if (is.factor(probScore)) 
		probScore <- as.numeric(as.numeric(probScore)==classValue)
	# sort probability score and do likewise with true probabilities
	sortedScoreIdx = order(probScore)
	scoreSorted = probScore[sortedScoreIdx]
	trueProbSorted= trueProb[sortedScoreIdx]
	brier = 0.0
	values = rep(0, length(threshold))
	count = rep(0, length(threshold))
	classCount = rep(0, length(threshold))
	tIdx = 1
	for (i in 1:length(scoreSorted))  {
		if (scoreSorted[i] <= threshold[tIdx]) {
			count[tIdx] = count[tIdx] + 1
		else {
			tIdx = tIdx+1
			count[tIdx] = 1
		if (trueProbSorted[i] == classValue)
			classCount[tIdx] = classCount[tIdx] + 1
		brier = brier +  (trueProbSorted[i] - scoreSorted[i])^2
	values = classCount/count
	brier = brier / length(scoreSorted)
	xlim = c(0,1)
	ylim = c(0,1)
	plot(xlim, ylim, type = "l", xlab="predicted probability", ylab="true probability" )
	points(threshold, values, type="p", pch=20)
	if (printWeight)
		text(threshold, values, labels = count, pos = 3, offset = 0.2, cex = 0.7)
	#subText = sprintf("Brier = %.4g", brier)
	subText = ""
	title(main=titleText, sub=subText)

#generate k-fold cross validation of n instances
cvGen<-function(n, k) {
	v <- 1:k
	vec <- array(1:k,dim=n)
	sample(vec, size=n)

# generate stratified k-fold cross validation partition based on classes in classVal
cvGenStratified<-function(classVal,k) {
	levs = factor(levels(classVal), levels=levels(classVal))
	classFreq <- table(classVal)
	noClasses <- length(levs)
	n <- length(classVal)
	srt <- order(classVal)
	vec <- array(1:k,dim=n)
	cv <- array(0,dim=n)
	for (i in 1:noClasses) 
		cv[classVal==levs[i]] <- sample(cv[classVal==levs[i]], size=classFreq[i], replace=F)

# collect instances with the same position in different sublists of lst
	m <-list()
	for (j in 1:length(lst[[1]])) {
		names(m[[j]]) <- names(lst)
	for (i in 1:length(lst)){
		for (j in 1:length(lst[[i]])){
			if (is.null(dim(lst[[i]][[j]])))
				m[[j]][i] <- lst[[i]][[j]]

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CORElearn documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 5:08 p.m.