
Defines functions update_model

Documented in update_model

#' Fit causal model using 'stan'
#' Takes a model and data and returns a model object with data
#' attached and a posterior model
#' @inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#' @param data_type Either 'long' (as made by \code{\link{make_data}}) or
#'   'compact' (as made by \code{\link{collapse_data}}). Compact data must
#'   have entries for each member of each strategy family to produce a
#'   valid simplex. When long form data is provided with missingness, missing
#'   data is assumed to be missing at random.
#' @param keep_type_distribution Logical. Whether to keep the (transformed) distribution
#'   of the causal types.  Defaults to `TRUE`
#' @param keep_event_probabilities Logical. Whether to keep the (transformed) distribution
#'   of event probabilities. Defaults to `FALSE`
#' @param keep_fit Logical. Whether to keep the \code{stanfit} object produced
#'   by \link[rstan]{sampling} for further inspection.
#'   See \code{?stanfit} for more details. Defaults to `FALSE`. Note the  \code{stanfit}
#'   object has internal names for parameters (lambda), event probabilities (w), and the
#'   type distribution (types)
#' @param censored_types vector of data types that are selected out of
#'   the data, e.g. \code{c("X0Y0")}
#' @param ... Options passed onto \link[rstan]{sampling} call. For
#'   details see \code{?rstan::sampling}
#' @return An object of class \code{causal_model}. The returned model is a
#'   list containing the elements comprising a model
#'   (e.g. 'statement', 'nodal_types' and 'DAG') with the
#'   \code{posterior_distribution} returned by \link[rstan]{stan}
#'   attached to it.
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_model}} allows to create new model,
#'   \code{\link{summary.causal_model}} provides summary method for
#'   output objects of class \code{causal_model}
#' @examples
#'  model <- make_model('X->Y')
#'  data_long   <- simulate_data(model, n = 4)
#'  data_short  <- collapse_data(data_long, model)
#'  \donttest{
#'  model <-  update_model(model, data_long)
#'  model <-  update_model(model, data_short)
#'  }
#'  \dontrun{
#'    # It is possible to implement updating without data, in which
#'    # case the posterior is a stan object that reflects the prior
#'    update_model(model)
#'    data <- data.frame(X=rep(0:1, 10), Y=rep(0:1,10))
#'    # Censored data types
#'    # We update less than we might because we are aware of filtered data
#'    uncensored <-
#'      make_model("X->Y") |>
#'      update_model(data) |>
#'      query_model(te("X", "Y"), using = "posteriors")
#'    censored <-
#'      make_model("X->Y") |>
#'      update_model(
#'        data,
#'        censored_types = c("X1Y0")) |>
#'      query_model(te("X", "Y"), using = "posteriors")
#'    # Censored data: We learn nothing because the data
#'    # we see is the only data we could ever see
#'    make_model("X->Y") |>
#'      update_model(
#'        data,
#'        censored_types = c("X1Y0", "X0Y0", "X0Y1")) |>
#'      query_model(te("X", "Y"), using = "posteriors")
#'  }
#' @import methods
#' @import Rcpp
#' @import rstantools
#' @importFrom rstan stan
#' @importFrom rstan extract
#' @importFrom rstan sampling
#' @export
update_model <- function(model,
                         data = NULL,
                         data_type = NULL,
                         keep_type_distribution = TRUE,
                         keep_event_probabilities = FALSE,
                         keep_fit = FALSE,
                         censored_types = NULL, ...) {

  # Guess data_type
  if (is.null(data_type)) {
    data_type <- ifelse(all(c("event", "strategy", "count") %in% names(data)),
                        "compact", "long")

  # Checks on data_types
  if (data_type == "long") {
    if (is.null(data)) {
      message("No data provided")
      data_events <- minimal_event_data(model)

    } else {
      if (nrow(data) == 0 | all(is.na(data))) {
        message("No data provided")
        data_events <- minimal_event_data(model)

      } else {
        if (!any(model$nodes %in% names(data)))
          stop("Data should contain columns corresponding to model nodes")

        data_events <- collapse_data(data, model)

  if (data_type == "compact") {
    if (!all(c("event", "strategy", "count") %in% names(data))) {
        "Compact data should contain columnes",
        "`event`, `strategy` and `count`"
    data_events <- data

  stan_data <- prep_stan_data(model = model,
                              data = data_events,
                              keep_type_distribution = keep_type_distribution,
                              censored_types = censored_types)
  # assign fit
  stanfit <- stanmodels$simplexes

  # parameters to drop
  drop_pars <- c("parlam", "parlam2", "gamma", "sum_gammas", "w_full", "w_0")

  if (!keep_event_probabilities) {
    drop_pars <- c(drop_pars, "w")

  if (!keep_type_distribution) {
    drop_pars <- c(drop_pars, "types")

  sampling_args <- set_sampling_args(object = stanfit,
                                     user_dots = list(...),
                                     data = stan_data,
                                     pars = drop_pars,
                                     include = FALSE)

  newfit <- do.call(rstan::sampling, sampling_args)

  model$stan_objects  <- list(data = data)

  # Keep full fit object
  if (keep_fit) {
    model$stan_objects$stanfit <- newfit

  # Retain posterior distribution
  model$posterior_distribution <-
    extract(newfit, pars = "lambdas")$lambdas |>
  colnames(model$posterior_distribution) <- get_parameter_names(model)
  class(model$posterior_distribution) <- c("parameters_posterior", "data.frame")

  # Retain type distribution
  if(keep_type_distribution) {
    model$stan_objects$type_distribution <- extract(newfit, pars = "types")$types

    colnames(model$stan_objects$type_distribution) <- colnames(stan_data$P)
    class(model$stan_objects$type_distribution) <- c("type_distribution", "matrix", "array")

  # Retain event (pre-censoring) probabilities
  if (keep_event_probabilities) {
    model$stan_objects$event_probabilities <- extract(newfit, pars = "w")$w
    colnames(model$stan_objects$event_probabilities) <- colnames(stan_data$E)
    class(model$stan_objects$event_probabilities) <- c("posterior_event_probabilities",
                                                       "matrix", "array")

  # Retain stanfit summary with readable names
  # Identify saved parameters
  params <- colnames(model$posterior_distribution)
    params <- c(params, colnames(model$stan_objects$event_probabilities))
    params <- c(params, colnames(model$stan_objects$type_distribution))
  params <- c(params,  "lp__")

  params_labels <- newfit@sim$fnames_oi

  raname_list <-
      X = list(params, params_labels),
      FUN = function(x) vapply(
        X = x,
        FUN = function(y) {
          paste0(y, paste0(
            rep(" ",
                times =
                  max(vapply(c(params, params_labels), nchar, numeric(1))) -
            collapse = ""))
        FUN.VALUE = character(1),
        USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  model$stan_objects$stan_summary <- utils::capture.output(print(newfit))
  class(model$stan_objects$stan_summary) <- "stan_summary"

  for (i in seq_along(params)) {
    model$stan_objects$stan_summary <-
      gsub(pattern = raname_list[[2]][i],
           replacement = raname_list[[1]][i],
           x = model$stan_objects$stan_summary,
           fixed = TRUE)

  class(model$stan_objects) <- c("stan_objects", "list")


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CausalQueries documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.