
Defines functions seekClones psiFilter psiOptim

Documented in seekClones

#debugMe <- FALSE

psiOptim <- function(cndata.filt, mutdata.filt, psis, cnmodels, pars, cnmax=5, kPriors=NULL, kmax = 5){
    kPriors <- dgeom((1:5)-1, prob=pars$ktheta, log=TRUE)
  kPriorset <- sapply(1:nrow(psis), function(k){kPriors[length(which(psis[k,]>pars$thresh))]})
  dirichletPriors <- sapply(1:nrow(psis), function(k){psiPrior(psis[k,])})
  ## Outer loop, over psi vectors
  res <- lapply(1:nrow(psis), function(Ipsi) {
#    if(debugMe) cat("Ipsi =", Ipsi, "\n", file=stderr())
    nonzero <- which(psis[Ipsi,] > 0)
    models <- cnmodels[,nonzero]
    if(length(nonzero) == 1){
      models <- as.matrix(models)
    models <- as.matrix(unique(as.data.frame(models[,nonzero])))
    cnPriors <- sapply(1:nrow(models), function(j) {sum(dgeom(abs(1-models[j,]), prob=pars$theta, log=TRUE))})
    index.upper <- which(sapply(1:nrow(models), function(m) {length(which(models[m,] < 1)) == 0}))
    index.lower <- which(sapply(1:nrow(models), function(m) {length(which(models[m,] > 1)) == 0}))
    mods.upper <- as.matrix(models[index.upper,])
    mods.lower <- as.matrix(models[index.lower,])
    if(length(index.upper)==1) {
      mods.upper <- t(mods.upper)
    if(length(index.lower)==1) {
      mods.lower <- t(mods.lower)
    upper.priors <- cnPriors[index.upper]
    lower.priors <- cnPriors[index.lower]
    etas.upper <- as.vector(psis[Ipsi, nonzero] %*% t(mods.upper))
    etas.lower <- as.vector(psis[Ipsi, nonzero] %*% t(mods.lower))
    etaList <- list(etas.lower, etas.upper)
    priorList <- list(lower.priors, upper.priors)
    modList <- list(mods.lower, mods.upper)
    x.numbers <- y.numbers <- rep(1, nrow(cndata.filt))
    x.numbers[which(cndata.filt$X > 1)] <- 2
    y.numbers[which(cndata.filt$Y > 1)] <- 2
    xmat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(cndata.filt), function(L) {
      post <- dnorm(cndata.filt$X[L]-etaList[[x.numbers[L]]], 0, pars$sigma0/(cndata.filt$markers[L]^.5), log=TRUE) + 
      avec <- c(modList[[x.numbers[L]]][which.max(post),], rep(0, kmax-length(nonzero)))
      c(avec, etaList[[x.numbers[L]]][which.max(post)], max(post))
    ymat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(cndata.filt), function(L) {
      post <- dnorm(cndata.filt$Y[L]-etaList[[y.numbers[L]]], 0, pars$sigma0/(cndata.filt$markers[L]^.5), log=TRUE) + 
      bvec <- c(modList[[y.numbers[L]]][which.max(post),], rep(0, kmax-length(nonzero)))
      c(bvec, etaList[[y.numbers[L]]][which.max(post)], max(post))
    if(nrow(cndata.filt)==0 | length(na.omit(cndata.filt$seg))==0){
      xmat <- ymat <- matrix(numeric(),nrow=0,ncol=kmax+2)
    psiPost <- sum(xmat[, kmax + 2]) + sum(ymat[, kmax + 2])
    cnRes <- list(A = xmat[, 1:kmax, drop=FALSE],
                  B = ymat[, 1:kmax, drop=FALSE],
                  etaA = xmat[, kmax+1],
                  etaB = ymat[, kmax+1],
                  post = psiPost)
    if(nrow(mutdata.filt) > 0) {
      ## Nested loop, over mutation data
      mutmat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(mutdata.filt) ,function(Imut) {
        cn.index <- which(cndata.filt$seg==mutdata.filt$seg[Imut])
        if(length(cn.index) > 0) {
          A <- cnRes$A[cn.index,]
          B <- cnRes$B[cn.index,]
        } else {
          A <- B <- rep(1,kmax)
        mut.models <- as.matrix(expand.grid(lapply(1:kmax,function(m) {0:max(c(A[m], B[m]))})))
        mll <- sapply(1:nrow(mut.models), function(Imm) {
          if(sum((A+B)*psis[Ipsi,]) > 0) {
            p <- sum(mut.models[Imm,]*psis[Ipsi,])/sum(psis[Ipsi,]*(A+B))
            if(p<.0001) {
              p <- .0001
          } else {
            p <- .0001
                         p))) #PROF: one-third of total time
        ## Inner loop, over models for mutation data
        mprior <- sapply(1:nrow(mut.models), function(Imm) {
          dgeom(length(unique(mut.models[Imm, which(psis[Ipsi,] > pars$thresh)])) - 1,
                prob=pars$mtheta, log=TRUE) # PROF:about one-fourth of total time
        ## End: Inner loop, over models for mutation data
        mposts <- mll + mprior
        maxind <- which.max(mposts)
        etaM <- sum(psis[Ipsi,]*mut.models[maxind,])/sum(psis[Ipsi,]*(A+B))
        if(is.na(etaM)) {
          etaM <- 0
      ## End: Nested loop, over mutation data
      mutPosts <- sum(mutmat[,ncol(mutmat)-1])
      psiPost <- psiPost + sum(mutPosts)
      etaM <- mutmat[,ncol(mutmat)]
      mutated <- mutmat[,1:(ncol(mutmat)-2)]
      rownames(mutated) <- rownames(mutdata.filt)
    } else {
      mutated <- etaM <- NA
  ## End: Outer loop, over psi vectors
  psiPosts <- sapply(1:length(res), function(j) {res[[j]]$psiPost})
  psiPosts <- psiPosts + kPriorset + dirichletPriors
  pick <- which.max(psiPosts)
  A <- res[[pick]]$A
  B <- res[[pick]]$B
  if(is.null(dim(A))) {
    A <- matrix(A, nrow=1)
    B <- matrix(B, nrow=1)
    rownames(A) <- rownames(B) <- rownames(cndata.filt)
  list(A = A, B = B,
       mutated = res[[pick]]$mutated,
       etaA = res[[pick]]$etaA,
       etaB = res[[pick]]$etaB,
       etaM = res[[pick]]$etaM,
       psiPosts = psiPosts)

###Other functions
psiFilter <- function(psis, psi.center, range) {
  diff <- t(t(psis) - psi.center)
  bin <- abs(diff) <= range
  pass <- which(sapply(1:nrow(bin),function(k) {length(which(bin[k,]))==ncol(bin)}))
  list('psis'=psis[pass,], 'indices'=pass)

#'snp data' means cgh data unless there is no cgh data, in which case we substitute in snp info from seq data
seekClones <- function(cndata, vardata, cnmodels, psiset, pars, imputedCN=NULL) {
  if(is.null(cndata)) {
    if(is.null(imputedCN)) {
      seqsnps <- vardata[vardata$status=='germline',]
        snpdata <- seqSeg(seqsnps, len=100, thresh=.25)
        snpdata <- data.frame('chr'=numeric(),'seg'=numeric(),'LRR'=numeric(),'BAF'=numeric(),
    } else {
      snpdata <- imputedCN
  } else {
    snpdata <- cndata
      tcn <- 2*10^snpdata$LRR
      snpdata$X <- tcn*snpdata$BAF
      snpdata$Y <- tcn*(1-snpdata$BAF)
  #There's no reason vardata should have class 'logical' unless it's NA
  if(is.null(vardata) | inherits(vardata, 'logical')) {
    seqdata <- data.frame("chr"=numeric(),"seg"=numeric(),"mut.id"=numeric(),"refCounts"=numeric(),
    mu <- NA
  } else {
    seqdata <- vardata
    if(nrow(vardata)>0) {
      read.den <- density(vardata$refCounts)
      peak <- read.den$x[which.max(read.den$y)]
      mu <- peak
      pars$mu <- mu
      pars$sigma.counts <- sd(vardata$refCounts)
#was:  cn.filt <- filter(snpdata, threshold=pars$thresh, cutoff=pars$cutoff)
  cn.filt <- filterCN(snpdata, threshold=pars$thresh)
  cndata.filt <- cn.filt$mat
  indices.cn <- cn.filt$indices
  mutdata <- seqdata[seqdata$status=='somatic',]
  mut.filt <- filterMutations(mutdata, mu=mu, threshold=3)
  mutdata.filt <- mut.filt$mat
  mutids.filt<- mut.filt$ids
  kPriors <- dgeom((1:5)-1, prob=pars$ktheta, log=TRUE)
  psis <- psiset
  kmax <- ncol(psis)
  temp <- psiOptim(cndata.filt, mutdata.filt, psis, cnmodels, pars,
                   cnmax = 5, kmax = kmax, kPriors = kPriors)
  A <- temp$A
  B <- temp$B
  mutated <- temp$mutated
  etaA <- temp$etaA
  etaB <- temp$etaB
  etaM <- temp$etaM
  posts <- temp$psiPosts
  maxPost <- max(posts)
  iters <- pars$iters
  Q <- pars$Q
  iter <- 1
  logPosts <-  rep(NA, (Q)*(iters-1)+nrow(psis))
  psibank <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(psis), nrow=length(logPosts))
  while(iter <= iters) {
    if(iter == 1) {
      bank.indices <- 1:nrow(psis)
    } else {
      bank.indices <- min(which(is.na(psibank[,1]))):(min(which(is.na(psibank[,1]))) + Q - 1)
    if(max(posts) > maxPost) {
      A <- temp$A
      B <- temp$B
      mutated <- temp$mutated
      etaA <- temp$etaA
      etaB <- temp$etaB
      etaM <- temp$etaM
      maxPost <- max(posts)
    logPosts[bank.indices] <- posts
    psibank[bank.indices,] <- psis
    max.index <- max(bank.indices)
    postset <- logPosts[1:max.index]
    probs <- exp(postset)
    if(length(which(is.infinite(probs)))==length(probs)) {
      probs <- rep(1/length(probs), length(probs))
    probs[which(is.infinite(probs))] <- max(c(1,max(probs[which(is.finite(probs))])))
      power <- log10(length(probs)) + log10(mean(probs))
      divideBy <- 10^(power-308)
      probs <- probs/divideBy
    probs <- probs/sum(probs)
    if(length(which(is.na(probs)))==length(probs)) {
      min.post <- min(postset)
      adjusted <- postset - min.post
      adjusted <- adjusted + min(adjusted)
      probs <- adjusted/sum(adjusted)
      if(length(which(is.na(probs)))==length(probs)) {
        probs <- rep(1/length(probs),length(probs))
    indices <- sample(1:max.index, Q, replace=TRUE, prob=probs)
    alphas <- psibank[indices,]
    psis <- t(sapply(1:nrow(alphas),function(j) {
      temp <- as.vector(rdirichlet(1,alpha=alphas[j,]))
      if(length(temp)<kmax) {
        temp <- c(temp, rep(0, kmax-length(temp)))
      sort(temp, decreasing=TRUE)
    psis <- t(sapply(1:nrow(psis),function(x) {
      foo <- psis[x,]
      foo[foo<pars$thresh] <- 0
    temp <- psiOptim(cndata.filt, mutdata.filt, psis, cnmodels, pars,
                     cnmax = 5, kmax = kmax, kPriors = kPriors)
    posts <- temp$psiPosts
    iter <- iter + 1
  max.index <- which.max(logPosts)
  psi <- psibank[max.index,]
  psi[which(psi<pars$thresh)] <- 0
  psi <- psi/sum(psi)
  res <- list('indices'=list('indices.cn' = indices.cn, 'mutids.filt' = mutids.filt),
      'data'=list('seqdata'=seqdata, 'snpdata'=snpdata),
      'psibank' = psibank,'etaA'=etaA,'etaB'=etaB,'etaM'=etaM,'psi'=psi,'A'=A,'B'=B,'mutated'=mutated,'psiPosts'=logPosts,

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CloneSeeker documentation built on June 30, 2022, 5:05 p.m.