
Defines functions CoDa_path CoDa_seq

Documented in CoDa_path CoDa_seq

#' A sequence connecting two points in a simplex
#' @details
#' The sequence is evenly spaced and corresponds to a straight line in the simplex geometry.
#' If no end point is provided the line will connect the initial point with the first summit of the simplex.
#' Since exact zeros are not handled by the ilr they are replaced by a small constant.
#' @param comp_from A numeric vector, representing the initial compositions
#' @param comp_to A numeric vector, representing the final compositions.
#' @param n_steps An integer, indicating the number of steps used to go from comp_from to comp_to
#' @param add_opposite A logical, if `TRUE` the path in the opposite direction is added
#' @importFrom compositions ilr ilrInv
#' @importFrom methods is as
#' @return A data.frame frame where each row corresponds to one compositional vector
#' @seealso simplex_increment
#' @export
#' @author Lukas Dargel
#' @examples
#' # path to the first summit of the simplex
#' start_comp <- c(A =.4,B = .35, C= .25)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_seq(start_comp))
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_seq(start_comp, add_opposite = TRUE))
#' # path to an edge of the simplex
#' end_comp <- c(0,.8,.2)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_seq(start_comp, end_comp))
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_seq(start_comp, end_comp,add_opposite = TRUE))
CoDa_seq <- function(
  n_steps = 100,
  add_opposite = FALSE) {

  if (missing(comp_to)){
    comp_to <- comp_from * 1e-10
    comp_to[1] <- 1

  n_steps <- round(n_steps)
    length(comp_from) >= 2,
    length(comp_from) == length(comp_to),
    is.null(names(comp_to)) || identical(names(comp_to), names(comp_from)),
    n_steps >= 1,

  check <- " must be a single compostional vector!"
  if (isTRUE(nrow(comp_from) > 1)) stop("comp_from", check)
  if (isTRUE(nrow(comp_to) > 1)) stop("comp_to", check)
  comp_from <- as(comp_from, "vector")
  comp_to <- as(comp_to, "vector")

  # save total and replace zeros
  Tstart <- sum(comp_from)
  zero_values_present <- any(comp_from == 0, comp_to == 0)
  if (zero_values_present) {
    epsilon <- 1e-10
    warn <- "Zero values in `comp_from` or `comp_to` are not permitted and were replaced by %s!'"
    warning(sprintf(warn, epsilon))
    comp_from[comp_from == 0] <- epsilon
    comp_from <- comp_from/sum(comp_from)

    comp_to[comp_to == 0] <- comp_from[comp_to == 0] * epsilon
    comp_to[comp_to == 0] <- min(comp_to) * epsilon
    comp_to <- comp_to/sum(comp_to)

  ilr_start <- ilr(comp_from)
  ilr_end <- ilr(comp_to)
  ilr_dir <- ilr_end - ilr_start

  steps <- c(seq(0,1,length.out = n_steps + 1))
  ilr_path <- lapply(steps, function(s) ilr_start + s * ilr_dir)
  ilr_path <- do.call("rbind", ilr_path)
  result <- rbind(ilrInv(ilr_path))
  if (add_opposite) {
    steps <- rev(steps[-1])
    ilr_path <- lapply(steps, function(s) ilr_start - s * ilr_dir)
    ilr_path <- do.call("rbind", ilr_path)
    result <- rbind(ilrInv(ilr_path), result)
  row.names(result) <- seq(-n_steps * add_opposite, n_steps)

  if (!is.null(names(comp_from)))
    colnames(result) <- names(comp_from)

  result <- as.data.frame(result * Tstart)
  Anorm_dir <- sqrt(sum(ilr_dir^2))
  attr(result, "step_size") <- Anorm_dir/n_steps
  attr(result, "direction") <- ilrInv(ilr_dir/Anorm_dir)

#' Create a linear path in the simplex by defining a direction and a step size
#' @details
#' The function is very similar to [CoDa_seq()].
#' However, of drawing a line between a starting and end point it uses only a starting point and a direction.
#' @param comp_direc A numeric vector, defining a direction in the simplex
#' @param comp_from A numeric vector, an initial point in the simplex - defaults to a balanced composition, which represents the origin in the simplex
#' @param step_size A numeric, indicting the step size
#' @param n_steps A numeric, indicating the number of steps to be taking from `comp_from`
#' @param add_opposite A logical, if `TRUE` steps in the opposite direction are also computed
#' @param dir_from_start A logical, if `TRUE` the direction is calculated from the difference between `comp_from` and `comp_direc`
#' @return A data.frame frame where each row corresponds to one compositional vector
#' @importFrom compositions ilr
#' @seealso CoDa_seq
#' @export
#' @author Lukas Dargel
#' @examples
#' # three steps that go from the origin towards the defined direction
#' comp_direc <- c(A =.4,B = .35, C= .25)
#' CoDa_path(comp_direc, n_steps = 3)
#' # we can draw the path that is defined by this direction
#' comp_direc <- c(A =.4,B = .35, C= .25)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_path(comp_direc,n_steps = 10))
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_path(comp_direc,n_steps = 100))
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_path(comp_direc,add_opposite = TRUE))
#' # using the same direction we can draw a new path that does not go through the origin
#' comp_direc <- c(A =.4,B = .35, C= .25)
#' comp_from <- c(.7,.2,.1)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_path(comp_direc, comp_from,n_steps = 10))
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_path(comp_direc, comp_from,n_steps = 100))
#' compositions::plot.acomp(CoDa_path(comp_direc, comp_from,add_opposite = TRUE))
#' # the balanced composition does not define a direction by itself
#' comp_origin <- c(A = 1/3, B = 1/3, C= 1/3) # corresponds to a zero vector in real space
#' try(CoDa_path(comp_origin, comp_from,add_opposite = TRUE))
#' # with the dir_from_start option the direction is derived
#' # from the simplex line connecting two compositions
#' path_origin <- CoDa_path(
#'   comp_direc = comp_origin,
#'   comp_from = comp_from,
#'   add_opposite = TRUE,
#'   dir_from_start = TRUE,
#'   step_size = .1)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(path_origin)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(comp_origin, add = TRUE, col = "blue", pch = 19)
#' compositions::plot.acomp(comp_from, add = TRUE, col = "red", pch = 19)
CoDa_path <- function(
  step_size = 0.01,
  n_steps = 100,
  add_opposite = FALSE,
  dir_from_start = FALSE) {

  D <- length(comp_direc)
  if (missing(comp_from))
    comp_from <- comp_direc * 0 + 1/D

  n_steps <- round(n_steps)
    all(comp_direc >= 0, comp_from >= 0),
    length(comp_direc) >= 2,
    length(comp_from) == length(comp_direc),
    is.numeric(step_size) & length(step_size) == 1,
    isTRUE(n_steps >= 1))

  if (isTRUE(nrow(comp_from) > 1)) stop("comp_from must be a single compostional vector!")
  if (isTRUE(nrow(comp_direc) > 1)) stop("comp_direc must be a single compostional vector!")
  if (is.matrix(comp_from)) comp_from <- comp_from[1,]
  if (is.matrix(comp_direc)) comp_direc <- comp_direc[1,]

  if (is.null(names(comp_from)))
    names(comp_from) <- names(comp_direc)

  zero_values_present <- any(comp_from == 0, comp_direc == 0)
  if (zero_values_present) {
    epsilon <- 1e-10
    warn <- "Zero values in `comp_from` or `comp_direc` are not permitted and were replaced by %s!'"
    warning(sprintf(warn, epsilon))
    comp_from[comp_from == 0] <- epsilon
    comp_from <- comp_from/sum(comp_from)

    comp_direc[comp_direc == 0] <- comp_from[comp_direc == 0] * epsilon
    comp_direc[comp_direc == 0] <- min(comp_direc) * epsilon
    comp_direc <- comp_direc/sum(comp_direc)

  ilr_start <- ilr(comp_from)
  ilr_direc <- ilr(comp_direc) - if (dir_from_start) ilr_start else 0
  ilr_direc <- ilr_direc/sqrt(sum(ilr_direc^2))
  if (any(!is.finite(ilr_direc))) stop("The simplex direction is invalid!")

  # calculate the end point and use CoDa_seq
  ilr_end <- ilr_start + ilr_direc * n_steps * step_size
  comp_to <- ilrInv(ilr_end)
  result <- CoDa_seq(comp_from, comp_to, n_steps, add_opposite)

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CoDaImpact documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:40 a.m.