
Defines functions stirling2

Documented in stirling2

#' Stirling numbers of the second kind 
#' Denote the number of ways to partition a set of n objects into k non-empty subsets
#' @param n (integer): the number of the objects
#' @param k (integer <=n): the number of the non-empty subsets (buckets)
#' @return a "list" containing the following components:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' S \tab  \tab the stirling number of the second kind\cr
#' SM \tab       \tab a matrix showing, for each k (on the columns) in how many ways the n objects (on the rows) can be partitioned}
#' @references Comtet, L. (1974). Advanced Combinatorics: The art of finite and infinite expansions. D. Reidel, Dordrecth, The Netherlands.
#' @author Antonio D'Ambrosio \email{antdambr@unina.it}
#' @examples
#' parts<-stirling2(4,2)
#' @keywords Stirling numbers of second kind
#' @export

stirling2 <- function(n,k){
  #Stirling numbers of the second kind, denoting the
  #number of ways to partition a set of n objects into k non-empty subsets
  #input:  n (integer): the number of the objects
  #        k (integer): the number of the non-empty subsets (buckets)
  #        S:  the stirling number of the second kind
  #        SM: the matrix showing, for each k (on the columns) in how many
  #            ways the n objects (on the rows) can be partitioned
  if (k==0){
    if (n==0){S<-1}else{S<-0}
  }  else  {
    ind <- (1:k-1)*n+1:k
    for (i in 2:n){
      if (crit>=2){
        for (j in 2:crit){
  } #end else
  return(list(S=S, SM=SM))


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