
Defines functions cosinePerm

Documented in cosinePerm

#' Computes the cosine similarity and significance using permutation test
#' @examples
#' x <- factor(c(1,2,1,2,1))
#' y <- factor(c(2,2,1,1,1))
#' cosinePerm(x, y)
#' @param x [factor] is the factors for the first variable
#' @param y [factor] is the factors for the second variable
#' @param nperm [integer] is the number of permutations to comput ethe null distribution of MCC estimates
#' @param alternative [string] indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of
#' ‘"two.sided"’, ‘"greater"’ or ‘"less"’.  You can specify just
#' the initial letter.  ‘"greater"’ corresponds to positive
#' association, ‘"less"’ to negative association.
#' Options are "two.sided", "less", or "greater"
#' @param include.perm [boolean] indicates whether the estimates for the null distribution should be returned.
#' Default set to 'FALSE'
#' @param setseed [integer] is the seed specified by the user. Defaults is '12345'
#' @param nthread [integer] is the number of threads to be used to perform the permutations in parallel
#' @return [list] estimate of the cosine similarity, p-value and estimates after random permutations (null distribution) in include.perm is set to 'TRUE'
#' @importFrom lsa cosine
#' @import parallel 
#' @export

cosinePerm <- function(x, y, nperm=1000, alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), include.perm=FALSE, setseed=12345, nthread=1) {
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  if ((length(x) != length(y))) { stop("x and y must be vectors of the same length") }
  res <- c("estimate"=NA, "p.value"=NA)
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  y <- as.numeric(y)
  ## compute cosine
  res["estimate"] <- drop(lsa::cosine(x=x, y=y))
  ## compute significance of cosine using a permutation test
  if (nperm > 0) {
    splitix <- parallel::splitIndices(nx=nperm, ncl=nthread)
    splitix <- splitix[sapply(splitix, length) > 0]
    mcres <- parallel::mclapply(splitix, function(x, xx, yy) {
      res <- sapply(x, function(x, xx, yy) {
        xx <- sample(xx)
        yy <- sample(yy)
        return (drop(lsa::cosine(x=xx, y=yy)))
      }, xx=xx, yy=yy)
      return (res)
    }, xx=x, yy=y)
    mcres <- unlist(mcres)
      "two.sided" = {
        res["p.value"] <- 2 * (min(sum(mcres < res["estimate"]), sum(mcres > res["estimate"])) / sum(!is.na(mcres)))
      "less" = {
        res["p.value"] <- sum(mcres < res["estimate"]) / sum(!is.na(mcres))
      "greater" = {
        res["p.value"] <- sum(mcres > res["estimate"]) / sum(!is.na(mcres))
    if (res["p.value"] == 0) { res["p.value"] <- 1 / (nperm + 1) }
  res <- as.list(res)
  if (include.perm) {
    res <- c(res, list("estimate.random"=mcres))
  return (res)

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