Defines functions new.mzXML write.mzXML read.mzXML

Documented in new.mzXML read.mzXML write.mzXML

#' @title Read and write standard mzXML files.
#' @description `read.mzXML` and `write.mzXML` are copied from the caMassClass 
#'     package which is no longer actively on CRAN.
#' @details The main task of `read.mzXML` and `write.mzXML` functions 
#'     is to extract and save scan data of mzXML files. In addition attempt is 
#'     made to keep all other sections of mzXML file as unparsed XML code, so 
#'     the data can be extracted latter or saved into new mzXML files. Those 
#'     unparsed sections are stored as XML text.
#' @param filename The mzXML file name to be read or written.
#' @return A generic R object of class mzXML for `read.mzXML` and NULL for `write.mzXML`.
#' @export
#' @rdname mzXML
read.mzXML <- function(filename) {
  # ===========================================================================#
  # Written by Jarek Tuszynski. Copyright 2001-2003 SAIC.                      #
  # Software developed in conjunction with the National Cancer Institute       #
  # Distributed under GNU General Public License version 3                     #
  # ===========================================================================#
  # verify that suggested packages are available
  verify_suggested(c("XML", "digest", "bitops"))

  # supporting internal functions
  Paste <- function(...) paste(..., sep = "", collapse = "")

  strtrunc <- function(Str, Sub) {
    lp <- attr(regexpr(paste(".*", Sub, sep = ""), Str), "match.length")
    return(substring(Str, 1, lp))
    # y = unlist(strsplit(Str,Sub)) # other way of doing it
    # return( paste(y[-length(y)], sub,  sep="", collapse="") )

  fregexpr <- function(pattern, filename) { # similar to gregexpr but operating on files not strings
    buf.size <- 1024
    n <- file.info(filename)$size
    pos <- NULL
    fp <- file(filename, "rb")
    for (d in seq(1, n, by = buf.size)) {
      m <- if (n - d > buf.size) buf.size else n - d
      p <- gregexpr(pattern, readChar(fp, m))[[1]]
      if (p[1] > 0) pos <- c(pos, p + d - 1)
    if (is.null(pos)) pos <- -1

  # define XML handler function
  mzXMLhandlers <- function() {
    # local variables
    obj <- new.mzXML() # create new mzXML object
    iScan <- 0
    ParentID <- vector(mode = "integer")
    sha1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2) # optional - element - sha-1 sums
    sha1[1] <- sha1[2] <- 0
    # Optional attributes that might come with a scan that will be stored
    OptScanAttr <- c(
      "polarity", "scanType", "centroided", "deisotoped",
      "chargeDeconvoluted", "retentionTime", "ionisationEnergy",
      "collisionEnergy", "cidGasPressure", "totIonCurrent"

    # local functions
    ToString <- function(x, indent = 1) { # converts content of a node to a string
      if (is.null(x)) {
      spaces <- if (indent > 0) Paste(rep("  ", indent)) else ""
      Name <- XML::xmlName(x, TRUE)
      val <- XML::xmlValue(x)
      if (Name == "text") {
        return(Paste(spaces, val, "\n"))
      if (!is.null(XML::xmlAttrs(x))) {
        att <- paste(names(XML::xmlAttrs(x)), paste("\"", XML::xmlAttrs(x),
          sep = ""
        ), sep = "=", collapse = " ")
        att <- paste(" ", att, sep = "")
      } else {
        att <- ""
      chl <- ""
      for (i in XML::xmlChildren(x)) chl <- Paste(chl, ToString(i, indent + 1))
      if (chl == "") {
        Str <- Paste(spaces, "<", Name, att, "/>\n")
      } else {
        Str <- Paste(spaces, "<", Name, att, ">\n", chl, spaces, "</", Name, ">\n")

    CatNodes <- function(x, Name, indent = 2) { # concatinate strings of several nodes
      Str <- NULL
      for (y in XML::xmlElementsByTagName(x, Name)) {
        Str <- paste(Str, ToString(y, indent), sep = "")

    read.mzXML.scan <- function(x) { # process scan section of mzXML file
      if (is.null(x)) {
      if (XML::xmlName(x) != "scan") {
      scanOrigin <- precursorMz <- nameValue <- maldi <- mass <- peaks <- NULL
      att <- XML::xmlAttrs(x)
      num <- as.integer(att["num"])
      msLevel <- as.integer(att["msLevel"])
      peaksCount <- as.integer(att["peaksCount"]) # Total number of m/z-intensity pairs in the scan
      msk <- names(att) %in% OptScanAttr
      if (sum(msk) == 0) {
        scanAttr <- ""
      } else {
        scanAttr <- paste(names(att[msk]), paste("\"", att[msk], "\"", sep = ""), sep = "=", collapse = " ")
        scanAttr <- paste(" ", scanAttr, sep = "")
      maldi <- ToString(x[["maldi"]])
      scanOrigin <- CatNodes(x, "scanOrigin", 3)
      nameValue <- CatNodes(x, "nameValue", 3)
      precursorMz <- CatNodes(x, "precursorMz", 3)
      precursorMz <- gsub("\n      ", " ", precursorMz)
      for (y in XML::xmlElementsByTagName(x, "scan")) ParentID[as.integer(XML::xmlAttrs(y)["num"])] <<- num
      y <- x[["peaks"]]
      att <- XML::xmlAttrs(y)
      peaks <- XML::xmlValue(y) # This is the actual data encoded using base64
      precision <- att["precision"] # nr of bits used by each component (32 or 64)
      byteOrder <- att["byteOrder"] # Byte order of the encoded binary information (must be network)
      # [Modification_by_JaLi:] ProteoWizard exported "contentType" instead of "pairOrder" field
      if ("contentType" %in% names(att)) pairOrder <- att["contentType"] # Order of the m/z intensity pairs (must be m/z-int)
      if ("pairOrder" %in% names(att)) pairOrder <- att["pairOrder"] # Order of the m/z intensity pairs (must be m/z-int)
      endian <- ifelse(byteOrder == "network", "big", "little")
      if (precision == "32") {
        size <- 4
      } else if (precision == "64") {
        size <- 8
      } else {
        stop("read.mzXML.scan: incorrect precision attribute of peaks field")
      if (is.na(pairOrder) | pairOrder != "m/z-int") {
        warning("read.mzXML.scan: incorrect pairOrder attribute of peaks field")
      if (peaksCount > 0) {
        # [Modification_by_JaLi:]
        p <- base64decode(peaks, "double", endian = endian, size = size)
        np <- length(p) %/% 2
        if (np != peaksCount) {
            "read.mzXML.scan: incorrect 'peakCount' attribute of 'peaks' field: expected ",
            peaksCount, ", found ", np, "  ", (3 * ((nchar(peaks) * size) / 4)) / 2, " (scan #", num, ")"
        dim(p) <- c(2, np)
        mass <- p[1, ]
        peaks <- p[2, ]
      # x$children=NULL; # needed to capture the header
      # header <<- toString(x)
        mass = mass, peaks = peaks, num = num, parentNum = num,
        msLevel = msLevel, scanAttr = scanAttr, maldi = maldi,
        scanOrigin = scanOrigin, precursorMz = precursorMz, nameValue = nameValue

    # the instructions how to parse each section of mzXML file
      mzXML = function(x, ...) {
        y <- x[["sha1"]]
        sha1[1] <<- if (!is.null(y)) XML::xmlValue(y) else 0
        x$children <- NULL
        obj$header <<- toString(x, terminate = FALSE)
      msRun = function(x, ...) {
        y <- x[["sha1"]]
        sha1[2] <<- if (!is.null(y)) XML::xmlValue(y) else 0
        obj$msInstrument <<- ToString(x[["msInstrument"]], 2)
        obj$separation <<- ToString(x[["separation"]], 2)
        obj$spotting <<- ToString(x[["spotting"]], 2)
        obj$parentFile <<- CatNodes(x, "parentFile")
        obj$dataProcessing <<- CatNodes(x, "dataProcessing")
      scan = function(x, ...) {
        iScan <<- iScan + 1
        obj$scan[[iScan]] <<- read.mzXML.scan(x)
        x$children <- NULL
      data = function() {
        if (is.null(obj$header)) {
        } else {
          list(mzXML = obj, ParentID = ParentID, sha1 = sha1)
    ) # end of list of handler functions
  } # done with local functions

  # begining of read.mzXML function
  if (!is.character(filename)) stop("read.mzXML: 'filename' has to be a string")
  if (length(filename) > 1) filename <- paste(filename, collapse = "") # combine characters into a string

  sha1File <- digest::digest(filename, algo = "sha1", file = TRUE)
  x <- XML::xmlTreeParse(
    file = filename, handlers = mzXMLhandlers(),
    addAttributeNamespaces = TRUE
  )$ data()
  if (is.null(x)) { # is this file a mzXML file ?
    stop("read.mzXML: This is not mzXML file")
  mzXML <- x$mzXML
  sha1Read <- x$sha1

  # sort scans into correct order; find parent numbers of recursive nodes
  n <- length(mzXML$scan)
  NumID <- integer(n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    NumID[i] <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$num
    mzXML$scan[[i]]$scanOrigin <- paste("<scanOrigin parentFileID='", sha1File,
      "' num='", NumID[i], "'/>\n",
      sep = ""
  mzXML$scan <- mzXML$scan[order(NumID)]
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (!is.na(x$ParentID[i])) {
      mzXML$scan[[i]]$parentNum <- x$ParentID[i]
    } else {
      x$ParentID[i] <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$parentNum
  mzXML$scan <- mzXML$scan[order(x$ParentID)]

  ## read sha1 section
  n <- sum(as.integer(lapply(sha1Read, is.character))) # how many sha1 were found
  if (n > 0) {
    ## sha1 - sha-1 sum for this file (from the beginning of the file up to
    ## (and including) the opening tag of sha1
    if (is.null(sha1Read[[1]])) sha1Read[[1]] <- sha1Read[[2]]
    sha1Pos <- fregexpr("<sha1>", filename) + 6 # 6 = length("<sha1>")
    for (i in n) { # multiple sha1 sections are possible
      sha1Calc <- digest::digest(filename, algo = "sha1", file = TRUE, length = sha1Pos[i] - 1)
      if (sha1Read[[i]] != sha1Calc) {
          "Stored and calculated Sha-1 sums do not match (stored '",
          sha1Read[[i]], "'; calculated '", sha1Calc, "')"

  # strip mzXML terminator from header section
  mzXML$header <- gsub("/>", ">\n", mzXML$header)
  mzXML$header <- gsub("^ +", "", mzXML$header)
  # Remove incorrect "-quotes inserted in 2.10.0
  mzXML$header <- gsub("[\u0093\u0094\u201C\u201D]", '"', mzXML$header)
  # add info about parent file (the file we just read)
  mzXML$parentFile <- Paste(
    mzXML$parentFile, "    <parentFile filename='file://",
    filename, "' fileType='processedData' fileSha1='", sha1File, "'/>\n"

#' @param mzXML The generic mzXML object
#' @param precision Either '32' or '64' byte.
#' @return
#' Nothing. mzXML object is exported to filename. If it was imported using \code{\link{read.mzXML}} it should contain all previous fields.
#' @export
#' @rdname mzXML
write.mzXML <- function(mzXML, filename, precision = c("32", "64")) {
  # ===========================================================================#
  # Written by Jarek Tuszynski. Copyright 2001-2003 SAIC.                     #
  # Software developed in conjunction with the National Cancer Institute      #
  # Distributed under GNU General Public License version 3                    #
  # ===========================================================================#

  # verify that suggested packages are available
  verify_suggested(c("digest", "bitops"))
  # helper functions
  Paste <- function(...) paste(..., sep = "", collapse = "")

  fprintf <- function(fp, level, ..., append = TRUE) {
    x <- paste(..., sep = "")
    if (length(x) == 0 || is.null(x)) {
    spaces <- if (level > 0) Paste(rep("  ", level)) else ""
    x <- gsub("'", "\"", x)
    cat(spaces, x, file = fp, sep = "")

  # done with local functions

  precision <- match.arg(precision)

  if (!is.character(filename)) stop("read.mzXML: 'filename' has to be a string")
  if (length(filename) > 1) filename <- paste(filename, collapse = "") # combine characters into a string
  fp <- file(filename, "w")

  if (is.null(mzXML)) {
    stop("write.mzXML: Variable mzXML has to be an instance of class mzXML")
  if (attr(mzXML, "class") != "mzXML") {
    stop("write.mzXML: Variable mzXML has to be an instance of class mzXML")

  # Fill-in required sections if empty
  if (is.null(mzXML$header)) {
    Str <- "http://sashimi.sourceforge.net/schema_revision/mzXML_2.1"
    mzXML$header <- Paste(
      "<mzXML xmlns='", Str, "'\n  ",
      "xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'\n  ",
      "xsi:schemaLocation='", Str, " ", Str, "/mzXML_idx_2.1.xsd'>\n"
  if (is.null(mzXML$parentFile)) {
    mzXML$parentFile <- Paste(
      "    <parentFile filename='file://unknown' ",
      "fileType='RAWData' fileSha1='0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'/>\n"
  if (is.null(mzXML$dataProcessing)) {
    Version <- utils::packageDescription("caMassClass")$Version
    Time <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    mzXML$dataProcessing <- Paste(
      "    <dataProcessing>\n",
      "      <software type='processing' name='cran.r-project.org/caMassClass' ",
      "version='", Version, "' completionTime='", Time, "'/>\n    </dataProcessing>"

  # Write beggining of file
  fprintf(fp, 0, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>\n", append = FALSE)
  fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$header)
  fprintf(fp, 1, "<msRun scanCount='", length(mzXML$scan), "'>\n")
  fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$parentFile)
  fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$msInstrument)
  fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$dataProcessing)
  fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$separation)
  fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$spotting)

  # Write scan Section
  indexScan <- "  <index name='scan'>\n"
  n <- length(mzXML$scan)
  Num <- integer(n)
  for (i in 1:n) Num[i] <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$num
  mzXML$scan <- mzXML$scan[order(Num)]
  for (i in 1:n) Num[i] <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$parentNum
  mzXML$scan <- mzXML$scan[order(Num)]
  for (i in 1:n) Num[i] <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$msLevel
  Num <- 1 - diff(c(Num, 1)) # number of </scan> after each scan
  size <- (if (precision == "32") 4 else 8)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (!is.null(mzXML$scan[[i]])) {
      indexScan <- Paste(
        indexScan, "    <offset id='", mzXML$scan[[i]]$num, "'>",
        seek(fp), "</offset>\n"
      mass <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$mass
      peaks <- mzXML$scan[[i]]$peaks
      stopifnot(length(mass) == length(peaks))
      ScanHeader <- Paste(
        "<scan num='", mzXML$scan[[i]]$num,
        "' msLevel='", mzXML$scan[[i]]$msLevel,
        "' peaksCount='", length(peaks),
        "'  lowMz='", min(mass),
        "'  highMz='", max(mass),
        "'", mzXML$scan[[i]]$scanAttr, ">\n"
      fprintf(fp, 2, ScanHeader)
      fprintf(fp, 3, mzXML$scan[[i]]$scanOrigin)
      fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$scan[[i]]$precursorMz)
      fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$scan[[i]]$maldi)
      p <- as.vector(rbind(mass, peaks))
      fprintf(fp, 3, Paste("<peaks precision='", precision, "' byteOrder='network' pairOrder='m/z-int'>", base64encode(p, endian = "big", size = size), "</peaks>\n"))
      fprintf(fp, 0, mzXML$scan[[i]]$nameValue)
      if (Num[i]) for (j in 1:Num[i]) fprintf(fp, 2, "</scan>\n")
  indexScan <- Paste(indexScan, "  </index>\n")

  # Write end of file
  fprintf(fp, 1, "</msRun>\n")
  n <- seek(fp)
  fprintf(fp, 0, indexScan)
  fprintf(fp, 1, "<indexOffset>", n, "</indexOffset>\n")
  cat("  <sha1>", file = fp, sep = "")
  n <- seek(fp)
  sha1 <- digest::digest(filename, algo = "sha1", file = TRUE, length = n)
  cat(sha1, "</sha1>\n</mzXML>\n", file = filename, append = TRUE, sep = "")

#' @rdname mzXML
new.mzXML = function()
  object = list(
    header         = NULL, # required - list    - Path to all the ancestor files (up to the native acquisition file) used to generate the current XML instance document.
    parentFile     = NULL, # required - list    - Path to all the ancestor files (up to the native acquisition file) used to generate the current XML instance document.
    dataProcessing = NULL, # required - list    - Description of any manipulation (from the first conversion to mzXML format until the creation of the current mzXML instance document) applied to the data.
    msInstrument   = NULL, # optional - element - General information about the MS instrument.
    separation     = NULL, # optional - element - Information about the separation technique, if any, used right before the acquisition.
    spotting       = NULL, # optional - element - Acquisition independent properties of a MALDI experiment.
    scan           = vector(mode="list")
  class(object) <- "mzXML"

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