
Defines functions print.cyclopsData summary.cyclopsData getCovariateTypes isInitialized createSqlCyclopsData finalizeSqlCyclopsData loadNewSqlCyclopsDataStratTimeEffects loadNewSqlCyclopsDataY loadNewSqlCyclopsDataX loadNewSqlCyclopsDataMultipleX appendSqlCyclopsData reduce getUnivariableSeparability getUnivariableCorrelation readCyclopsData .useOffsetModelType .isSurvivalModelType .removeIntercept .isValidModelType .normalizeCovariates .checkFloatingPoint createCyclopsData

Documented in appendSqlCyclopsData createCyclopsData finalizeSqlCyclopsData getCovariateTypes getUnivariableCorrelation getUnivariableSeparability isInitialized print.cyclopsData readCyclopsData reduce summary.cyclopsData

# @file DataManagement.R
# Copyright 2014 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of cyclops
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' @title Create a Cyclops data object
#' @description
#' \code{createCyclopsData} creates a Cyclops data object from an R formula or data matrices.
#' @details
#' This function creates a Cyclops model data object from R \code{"\link{formula}"} or directly from
#' numeric vectors and matrices to define the model response and covariates.
#' If specifying a model using a \code{"\link{formula}"}, then the left-hand side define the model response and the
#' right-hand side defines dense covariate terms.
#' Objects provided with \code{"sparseFormula"} and \code{"indicatorFormula"} must be include left-hand side responses and terms are
#' coersed into sparse and indicator representations for computational efficiency.
#' Items to discuss:
#' * Only use formula or (y,dx,...)
#' * stratum() in formula
#' * offset() in formula
#' * when \code{"stratum"} (renamed from pid) are necessary
#' * when \code{"time"} are necessary
#' @template types
#' @param formula
#' An object of class \code{"\link{formula}"} that provides a symbolic description of the numerically dense model response and terms.
#' @param sparseFormula
#' An object of class \code{"\link{formula}"} that provides a symbolic description of numerically sparse model terms.
#' @param indicatorFormula
#' An object of class \code{"\link{formula}"} that provides a symbolic description of \{0,1\} model terms.
#' @param data
#' An optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in the model.
#' @param subset
#' Currently unused
#' @param weights
#' Currently unused
#' @param censorWeights
#' Vector of subject-specific censoring weights (between 0 and 1). Currently only supported in \code{modelType = "fgr"}.
#' @param offset
#' Currently unused
#' @param pid
#' Optional vector of integer stratum identifiers. If supplied, all rows must be sorted by increasing identifiers
#' @param y
#' Currently undocumented
#' @param type
#' Currently undocumented
#' @param time
#' Currently undocumented
#' @param dx
#' Optional dense \code{"\link{Matrix}"} of covariates
#' @param sx
#' Optional sparse \code{"\link{Matrix}"} of covariates
#' @param ix
#' Optional \{0,1\} \code{"\link{Matrix}"} of covariates
#' @param model
#' Currently undocumented
#' @param method
#' Currently undocumented
#' @param normalize
#' String: Name of normalization for all non-indicator covariates (possible values: stdev, max, median)
#' @param floatingPoint
#' Integer: Floating-point representation size (32 or 64)
#' @return
#' A list that contains a Cyclops model data object pointer and an operation duration
#' @examples
#' ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
#' counts <- c(18, 17, 15, 20, 10, 20, 25, 13, 12)
#' outcome <- gl(3, 1, 9)
#' treatment <- gl(3, 3)
#' cyclopsData <- createCyclopsData(
#'      counts ~ outcome + treatment,
#'      modelType = "pr")
#' cyclopsFit <- fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData)
#' cyclopsData2 <- createCyclopsData(
#'      counts ~ outcome,
#'      indicatorFormula = ~ treatment,
#'      modelType = "pr")
#' summary(cyclopsData2)
#' cyclopsFit2 <- fitCyclopsModel(cyclopsData2)
#' @export
createCyclopsData <- function(formula, sparseFormula, indicatorFormula, modelType,
                              data, subset = NULL, weights = NULL, censorWeights = NULL, offset = NULL, time = NULL, pid = NULL, y = NULL, type = NULL, dx = NULL,
                              sx = NULL, ix = NULL, model = FALSE, normalize = NULL,
                              floatingPoint = 64,
                              method = "cyclops.fit") {
    cl <- match.call() # save to return
    mf.all <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

    if (!.isValidModelType(modelType)) stop("Invalid model type.")


    hasIntercept <- FALSE
    colnames <- NULL

    contrasts <- NULL
    sortOrder <- NULL

    if (!missing(formula)) { # Use formula to construct Cyclops matrices
        if (missing(data)) {
            data <- environment(formula)
        mf.all <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        m.d <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "censorWeights",
                       "offset"), names(mf.all), 0L)
        mf.d <- mf.all[c(1L, m.d)]
        mf.d$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
        mf.d[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
        mf.d <- eval(mf.d, parent.frame())

        outcome <- model.response(mf.d)
        if (inherits(outcome, "Surv")) {
            if (!.isSurvivalModelType(modelType)) {
                stop("Censored outcomes are currently only supported for Cox regression.")
            if (dim(outcome)[2] == 3) {
                time <- as.numeric(outcome[,2] - outcome[,1])
                y <- as.numeric(outcome[,3])
            } else {
                time <- as.numeric(outcome[,1])
                y <- as.numeric(outcome[,2])
        } else if (inherits(outcome, "Multitype")) {
            contrasts <- attr(outcome, "contrasts")
            type <- outcome[,2]
            y <- outcome[,1]
        } else {
            y <- outcome

        mt.d <- attr(mf.d, "terms")

        # Handle strata
        specialTerms <- terms(formula, "strata")
        special <- attr(specialTerms, "special")
        hasStrata <- !is.null(special$strata)
        strata <- NULL

        if (hasStrata) {
            pid <- as.numeric(strata(mf.d[ , special$strata], shortlabel = TRUE))
            nterm <- survival::untangle.specials(specialTerms, "strata")$terms
            mt.d <- mt.d[-nterm]

            ## Must sort outcomes
            if (.isSurvivalModelType(modelType)) {
                sortOrder <- order(pid, -time, y)
            } else {
                sortOrder <- order(pid)
        } else {
            if (.isSurvivalModelType(modelType)) {
                sortOrder <- order(-time, y)
                if (missing(pid)) {
                    pid <- rep(1, length(y))
            } else {
                if (missing(pid)) {
                    pid <- c(1:length(y))

        #         if (.removeIntercept(modelType)) { # This does not work with constrasts
        #             attr(mt.d, "intercept") <- FALSE
        #         }

        dtmp <- model.matrix(mt.d, mf.d)
        dlabels <- labels(dtmp)[[2]]
        if (attr(mt.d, "intercept") && .removeIntercept(modelType)) {
            dx <- Matrix(as.matrix(dtmp[,-1]), sparse = FALSE)
            dlabels <- dlabels[-1]
        } else {
            dx <- Matrix(dtmp, sparse = FALSE)

        off.d <- model.offset(mf.d)
        if (!is.null(time) && !is.null(off.d)) {
            stop("Supplied both 'time' and 'offset' quantities")
        if (!is.null(off.d)) {
            time <- as.vector(off.d)

        #colnames <- c(colnames, dx@Dimnames[[2]])
        colnames <- c(colnames, dlabels)

        if (attr(mt.d, "intercept") && !.removeIntercept(modelType)) { # Has intercept
            hasIntercept <- TRUE

        if (!missing(sparseFormula)) {
            if (missing(data)) {
                data <- environment(sparseFormula)
            m.s <- match(c("sparseFormula", "data", "subset", "weights", "censorWeights",
                           "offset"), names(mf.all), 0L)
            mf.s <- mf.all[c(1L, m.s)]
            mf.s$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
            mf.s[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
            names(mf.s)[2] = "formula"
            mf.s <- eval(mf.s, parent.frame())

            if (!is.null(model.response(mf.s))) {
                stop("Must only provide outcome variable in dense formula.")
            mt.s <- attr(mf.s, "terms")
            stmp <- model.matrix(mt.s, mf.s)
            #stmp <- model.matrix(mf.s, data)
            slabels <- labels(stmp)[[2]]
            if (attr(attr(mf.s, "terms"), "intercept") == 1) { # Remove intercept
                sx <- Matrix(as.matrix(stmp[,-1]), sparse=TRUE)
                slabels <- slabels[-1]
            } else {
                sx <- Matrix(as.matrix(stmp), sparse=TRUE)
            colnames <- c(colnames, slabels)

        if (!missing(indicatorFormula)) {
            if (missing(data)) {
                data <- environment(indicatorFormula)
            m.i <- match(c("indicatorFormula", "data", "subset", "weights", "censorWeights",
                           "offset"), names(mf.all), 0L)
            mf.i <- mf.all[c(1L, m.i)]
            mf.i$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
            mf.i[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
            names(mf.i)[2] = "formula"
            mf.i <- eval(mf.i, parent.frame())

            if (!is.null(model.response(mf.i))) {
                stop("Must only provide outcome variable in dense formula.")

            # TODO Check that all values in mf.i are 0/1
            mt.i <- attr(mf.i, "terms")
            itmp <- model.matrix(mt.i, mf.i)
            #itmp <- model.matrix(mf.i, data)
            ilabels <- labels(itmp)[[2]]
            if (attr(attr(mf.i, "terms"), "intercept") == 1) { # Remove intercept
                ix <- Matrix(as.matrix(itmp[,-1]), sparse=TRUE)
                ilabels <- ilabels[-1]
            } else {
                ix <- Matrix(as.matrix(itmp), sparse=TRUE)
            colnames <- c(colnames, ilabels)

        if (!is.null(sortOrder)) {
            pid <- pid[sortOrder]
            y <- y[sortOrder]
            if (!missing(type)) {
                type <- type[sortOrder]
            if (!missing(weights)) {
                weights <- weights[sortOrder]
            if (!missing(censorWeights)) {
                censorWeights <- censorWeights[sortOrder]
            time <- time[sortOrder]
            dx <- dx[sortOrder, ]
            if (inherits(dx,"numeric")) {
                dx = as(dx,"dgeMatrix")
            sx <- sx[sortOrder, ]
            if (inherits(sx, "numeric")) {
                sx = Matrix(sx, ncol = 1, sparse = TRUE)
            ix <- ix[sortOrder, ]
            if (inherits(ix, "numeric")) {
                ix = Matrix(ix, ncol = 1, sparse = TRUE)

        if (identical(method, "model.frame")) {
            result <- list()
            if (exists("mf.d")) {
                result$dense <- mf.d
                result$dx <- dx
                result$y <- y
                result$time <- time
            if (exists("mf.s")) {
                result$sparse <- mf.s
                result$sx <- sx
            if (exists("mf.i")) {
                result$indicator <- mf.i
                result$ix <- ix
    } else  {
        if (!missing(sparseFormula) || !missing(indicatorFormula)) {
            stop("Must provide a dense formula when specifying sparse or indicator covariates.")

    # Handle multiple outcome types
    numTypes <- 1
    if (!missing(type)) {
        if (is.null(contrasts)) {
            contrasts <- contrasts(as.factor(type))
        numTypes <- length(contrasts)
        type <- contrasts[type]
        if (!is.null(colnames)) {
            colnames <- as.vector(sapply(colnames, function(x, y) { paste(x,y,sep=":")},
                                         y = dimnames(contrasts)[[1]], USE.NAMES=F))

    # TODO Check types and dimensions

    useTimeAsOffset <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(time) && !.useOffsetModelType(modelType)) {
        useTimeAsOffset <- TRUE

    if (is.null(pid)) {
        pid <- c(1:length(y)) # TODO Should not be necessary

    md <- .cyclopsModelData(pid, y, type, time, dx, sx, ix, modelType, useTimeAsOffset, numTypes,
    result <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    result$cyclopsDataPtr <- md$data
    result$modelType <- modelType
    result$timeLoad <- md$timeLoad
    result$call <- cl
    #     if (exists("mf") && model == TRUE) {
    #         result$mf <- mf
    #     }
    result$cyclopsInterfacePtr <- NULL
    result$call <- cl
    result$coefficientNames <- colnames

    if (!is.null(dx)) {
        result$rowNames <- dx@Dimnames[[1]]
    } else if (!is.null(pid)) {
        result$rowNames <- pid
    } else {
        result$rowNames <- c(1:length(y))

    result$sortOrder <- sortOrder
    result$weights <- weights
    result$censorWeights <- censorWeights

    if (identical(method, "debug")) {
        result$debug <- list()
        result$debug$dx <- dx
        result$debug$sx <- sx
        result$debug$ix <- ix
        result$debug$y <- y
        result$debug$pid <- pid
        result$debug$time <- time
    class(result) <- "cyclopsData"

    if (hasIntercept == TRUE) {
        .cyclopsSetHasIntercept(result, hasIntercept = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(normalize)) {
        .normalizeCovariates(result, normalize)


.checkFloatingPoint <- function(floatingPoint) {
      if (floatingPoint != 64 && floatingPoint != 32) {
          stop("Invalid floating point precision")

.normalizeCovariates <- function(cyclopsData, type) {
    scale <- .cyclopsNormalizeCovariates(cyclopsData, type)

    if (is.null(cyclopsData$scale)) {
        cyclopsData$scale <- scale
    } else {
        cyclopsData$scale <- cyclopsData$scale * scale # Can call function multiple times without bad effects

    cyclopsData$cyclopsInterfacePtr <- NULL # Force new engine for next fit


# @title isValidModelType
# @description
# \code{isValidModelType} checks for a valid Cyclops model type
# @template types
# @return TRUE/FALSE
# @examples
# isValidModelType("pr")
# isValidModelType("abc")
# @export
.isValidModelType <- function(modelType) {
    types <- .cyclopsGetModelTypeNames()
    modelType %in% types

.removeIntercept <- function(modelType) {
    types <- .cyclopsGetRemoveInterceptNames()
    modelType %in% types

.isSurvivalModelType <- function(modelType) {
    types <- .cyclopsGetIsSurvivalNames()
    modelType %in% types

.useOffsetModelType <- function(modelType) {
    types <- .cyclopsGetUseOffsetNames()
    modelType %in% types

#' @title Read Cyclops data from file
#' @description
#' \code{readCyclopsData} reads a Cyclops-formatted text file.
#' @details
#' This function reads a Cyclops-formatted text file and returns a Cyclops data object. The first line of the
#' file may start with '\samp{#}', indicating that it contains header options.  Valid header options are:
#'  \tabular{ll}{
#'  \verb{	row_label}		\tab (assume file contains a numeric column of unique row identifiers) \cr
#'  \verb{	stratum_label}\tab (assume file contains a numeric column of stratum identifiers) \cr
#'  \verb{	weight}				\tab (assume file contains a column of row-specific model weights, currently unused) \cr
#' 	\verb{	offset}				\tab (assume file contains a dense column of linear predictor offsets) \cr
#' 	\verb{	bbr_outcome}	\tab (assume logistic outcomes are encoded -1/+1 following BBR) \cr
#' 	\verb{	log_offset}		\tab (assume file contains a dense column of values x_i for which log(x_i) is the offset) \cr
#' 	\verb{	add_intercept}\tab (automatically include an intercept column of all 1s for each entry) \cr
#' 	\verb{	indicator_only}\tab(assume all covariates 0/1-valued and only covariate name is given) \cr
#' 	\verb{	sparse}				\tab (force all BBR formatted covariates to be represented as sparse, instead of \cr
#'                              \tab sparse-indicator, columns .. really only for debugging) \cr
#' 	\verb{	dense}				\tab (force all BBR formatted covariates to be represented as dense columns.. really\cr
#'                              \tab only for debugging) \cr
#' }
#' Successive lines of the file are white-space delimited and follow the format:
#' \preformatted{	[Row ID] {Stratum ID} [Weight] <Outcome> {Censored} {Offset} <BBR covariates>}
#' \itemize{
#'   	\item \verb{[optional]}
#'   	\item \verb{<required>}
#'   	\item \verb{{required or optional depending on model}}
#'  }
#' Bayesian binary regression (BBR) covariates are white-space delimited and generally in a sparse
#' \samp{<name>:<value>} format, where \samp{name} must (currently) be numeric and \samp{value} is non-zero.
#' If option \samp{indicator_only} is specified, then format is simply \samp{<name>}.
#' \samp{Row ID} and \samp{Stratum ID} must be numeric, and rows must be sorted such that equal \samp{Stratum ID}
#' are consecutive.
#' \samp{Stratum ID} is required for \samp{clr} and \samp{sccs} models.
#' \samp{Censored} is required for a \samp{cox} model.
#' \samp{Offset} is (currently) required for a \samp{sccs} model.
#' @template types
#' @param fileName          Name of text file to be read. If fileName does not contain an absolute path,
#' @return
#' A list that contains a Cyclops model data object pointer and an operation duration
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dataPtr = readCyclopsData(system.file("extdata/infert_ccd.txt", package="Cyclops"), "clr")
#' }
#' @export
readCyclopsData <- function(fileName, modelType) {
    cl <- match.call() # save to return

    if (!.isValidModelType(modelType)) stop("Invalid model type.")

    read <- .cyclopsReadData(fileName, modelType)
    result <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    result$cyclopsDataPtr <- read$cyclopsDataPtr
    result$modelType <- modelType
    result$timeLoad <- read$timeLoad
    result$cyclopsInterfacePtr <- NULL
    result$call <- cl

    class(result) <- "cyclopsData"

#' @title Get univariable correlation
#' @description \code{getUnivariableCorrelation} reports covariates that have high correlation with the outcome
#' @param cyclopsData    A Cyclops data object
#' @param covariates Integer or string vector: list of covariates to report; default (NULL) implies all covariates
#' @param threshold Correlation threshold for reporting
#' @return A list of covariates whose absolute correlation with the outcome is greater than or equal to the threshold
#' @export
getUnivariableCorrelation <- function(cyclopsData, covariates = NULL, threshold = 0.0) {
    # Check for valid arguments
    if (.isSurvivalModelType(cyclopsData$modelType)) {
        stop("Univariable correlation for time-to-events model is not yet implemented.")

    labels <- covariates
    covariates <- .checkCovariates(cyclopsData, covariates)
    if (is.null(covariates)) {
        covariates <- bit64::as.integer64(c()) # zero-length vector
        labels <- cyclopsData$coefficientNames

    correlations <- .cyclopsUnivariableCorrelation(cyclopsData, covariates)
    if (threshold > 0.0) {
        select <- abs(correlations) >= threshold
        correlations <- correlations[select]
        labels <- labels[select]

    names(correlations) <- labels

#' @title Get univariable linear separability
#' @description \code{getUnivariableSeparability} reports covariates that are univariably separable with the outcome
#' @param cyclopsData    A Cyclops data object
#' @param covariates Integer or string vector: list of covariates to report; default (NULL) implies all covariates
#' @return A list of covariates that are univariably separable with the outcome
#' @export
getUnivariableSeparability <- function(cyclopsData, covariates = NULL) {
    # Check for valid arguments

    labels <- covariates
    covariates <- .checkCovariates(cyclopsData, covariates)
    ids <- covariates
    if (is.null(covariates)) {
        covariates <- bit64::as.integer64(c()) # zero-length vector
        labels <- cyclopsData$coefficientNames
        ids <- getCovariateIds(cyclopsData)

    types <- getCovariateTypes(cyclopsData, ids)
    if (any(types == "sparse") || any(types == "dense")) {
        warning("Sparse and dense types are not yet implemented")

    separability <- .cyclopsUnivariableSeparability(cyclopsData, covariates)

    names(separability) <- labels
    return(separability == 1)

#' @title Apply simple data reductions
#' @description \code{reduce} reports the count of non-zero elements, sum and sum-of-squares for specified covariates in a Cyclops data object.
#' @param object    A Cyclops data object
#' @param covariates Integer or string vector: list of covariates to report
#' @param groupBy   Integer or string (optional): generates a segmented reduction stratified by this covariate.  Setting \code{groupBy = "stratum"} segments reduction for strataID
#' @param power Integer: 0 = non-zero count, 1 = sum, 2 = sum-of-squares
#' @return Specified reduction as number or \code{data.frame} if segmented.
#' @keywords internal
reduce <- function(object, covariates, groupBy, power = 1) {
    if (!isInitialized(object)) {
        stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")
    covariates <- .checkCovariates(object, covariates)

    if (!(power %in% c(0,1,2))) {
        stop("Only powers 0, 1 and 2 are allowed.")

    if (missing(groupBy)) {
        .cyclopsSum(object, covariates, power)
    } else {
        if (length(groupBy) != 1L) {
            stop("Only single stratification is currently implemented")
        if (groupBy == "stratum") {
            as.data.frame(.cyclopsSumByStratum(object, covariates, power),
                          row.names = c(1L:getNumberOfStrata(object)))
        } else {
            groupBy <- .checkCovariates(object, groupBy)
            as.data.frame(.cyclopsSumByGroup(object, covariates, groupBy, power),
                          row.names = c(0L,1L))

#' @title appendSqlCyclopsData
#' @description
#' \code{appendSqlCyclopsData} appends data to an OHDSI data object.
#' @details Append data using two tables.  The outcomes table is dense and contains ...  The covariates table is sparse and contains ...
#' All entries in the outcome table must be sorted in increasing order by (oStratumId, oRowId).  All entries in the covariate table
#' must be sorted in increasing order by (cRowId). Each cRowId value must match exactly one oRowId value.
#' @param object    OHDSI Cyclops data object to append entries
#' @param oStratumId    Integer vector (optional): non-unique stratum identifier for each row in outcomes table
#' @param oRowId        Integer vector: unique row identifier for each row in outcomes table
#' @param oY            Numeric vector: model outcome variable for each row in outcomes table
#' @param oTime         Numeric vector (optional): exposure interval or censoring time for each row in outcomes table
#' @param cRowId        Integer vector: non-unique row identifier for each row in covariates table that matches a single outcomes table entry
#' @param cCovariateId  Integer vector: covariate identifier
#' @param cCovariateValue   Numeric vector: covariate value
#' @keywords internal
appendSqlCyclopsData <- function(object,
                                 cCovariateValue) {
    if (!isInitialized(object)) {
        stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")

    if (is.unsorted(oStratumId)
        #|| is.unsorted(oRowId) || is.unsorted(cRowId)
    ) {
        stop("All columns must be sorted first by stratumId (if supplied) and then by rowId")


#' @importFrom bit64 as.integer64 is.integer64
#' @keywords internal
loadNewSqlCyclopsDataMultipleX <- function(object,
                                           covariateId, # Vector
                                           rowId, # Vector
                                           covariateValue = NULL, # Vector
                                           append = FALSE,
                                           checkSorting = FALSE,
                                           checkCovariateIds = FALSE,
                                           checkCovariateBounds = FALSE,
                                           forceSparse = FALSE) {

    if (!isInitialized(object)) stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")

    if (length(covariateId) != length(rowId)) stop("Vector length mismatch")

    if (is.null(covariateValue)) {
        if (forceSparse) stop("Must provide covariate values when forcing sparse")
        covariateValue <- as.numeric(c())
    } else {
        if (length(covariateId) != length(covariateValue)) stop ("Vector length mismatch")

    if (checkSorting) {
        # TODO: Check sorted by (1) covariateId, (2) rowId
        stop("Not yet implemented")

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(covariateId)) {
      covariateId <- bit64::as.integer64(covariateId)

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(rowId)) {
      rowId <- bit64::as.integer64(rowId)

    index <- .loadCyclopsDataMultipleX(object,

    if (!missing(name)) {
        if (is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
            object$coefficientNames <- as.character(c())
        start <- index + 1
        end <- index + length(name)
        object$coefficientNames[start:end] <- as.character(name)

#' @keywords internal
loadNewSqlCyclopsDataX <- function(object,
                                   covariateId, # Scalar
                                   rowId = NULL, # Vector
                                   covariateValue = NULL, # Vector
                                   replace = FALSE,
                                   append = FALSE,
                                   forceSparse = FALSE) {
    if (!isInitialized(object)) {
        stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")

    if (replace == TRUE) {
        stop("Replacing an X column is not currently supported")

    if (is.null(rowId)) rowId <- bit64::as.integer64(c())
    if (is.null(covariateValue)) {
        if (forceSparse) stop("Must provide covariate values when forcing sparse")
        covariateValue <- as.numeric(c())

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(covariateId)) {
      covariateId <- bit64::as.integer64(covariateId)

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(rowId)) {
      rowId <- bit64::as.integer64(rowId)

    # throws error if covariateId already exists and append == FALSE
    index <- .loadCyclopsDataX(object,

    if (!missing(name)) {
        if(is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
            object$coefficientNames <- as.character(c())
        object$coefficientNames[index + 1] <- name

#' @keywords internal
loadNewSqlCyclopsDataY <- function(object,
                                   stratumId = NULL,
                                   rowId = NULL,
                                   time = NULL) {
    if (!isInitialized(object)) {
        stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")

    if (is.null(stratumId)) stratumId <- bit64::as.integer64(c())
    if (is.null(rowId)) rowId <- bit64::as.integer64(c())

    if (is.unsorted(stratumId)) {
        stop("All columns must be sorted first by stratumId (if supplied) and then by rowId")

    if (is.null(time)) {
        if (.isSurvivalModelType(object$modelType)) stop("Must provide time for survival model")
        time <- as.numeric(c())

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(stratumId)) {
      stratumId <- bit64::as.integer64(stratumId)

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(rowId)) {
      rowId <- bit64::as.integer64(rowId)


#' @keywords internal
loadNewSqlCyclopsDataStratTimeEffects <- function(object,
                                                  stratumId = NULL,
                                                  rowId = NULL,
                                                  subjectId = NULL,
                                                  timeEffectCovariateId) {

    if (!isInitialized(object)) stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")

    if (is.unsorted(stratumId)) {
        stop("All columns must be sorted first by stratumId (if supplied) and then by rowId")

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(stratumId)) {
        stratumId <- bit64::as.integer64(stratumId)

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(rowId)) {
        rowId <- bit64::as.integer64(rowId)

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(subjectId)) {
        subjectId <- bit64::as.integer64(subjectId)

    if (!bit64::is.integer64(timeEffectCovariateId)) {
        timeEffectCovariateId <- bit64::as.integer64(timeEffectCovariateId)

    timeEffectCovariatesName <- .loadCyclopsDataStratTimeEffects(object,
    if (!is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
        object$coefficientNames <- append(object$coefficientNames, timeEffectCovariatesName)

#' @title finalizeSqlCyclopsData
#' @description
#' \code{finalizeSqlCyclopsData} finalizes a Cyclops data object
#' @param object							Cyclops data object
#' @param addIntercept				Add an intercept covariate if one was not imported through SQL
#' @param useOffsetCovariate	Specify is a covariate should be used as an offset (fixed coefficient = 1).
#' 														Set option to \code{-1} to specify the time-to-event column,
#' 														otherwise include a single numeric or character covariate name.
#' @param offsetAlreadyOnLogScale						Set to \code{TRUE} to indicate that offsets were log-transformed before importing into Cyclops data object.
#' @param sortCovariates			Sort covariates in numeric-order with intercept first if it exists.
#' @param makeCovariatesDense List of numeric or character covariates names to densely represent in Cyclops data object.
#' 														For efficiency, we suggest making at least the intercept dense.
##' @keywords internal
#' @export
finalizeSqlCyclopsData <- function(object,
                                   addIntercept = FALSE,
                                   useOffsetCovariate = NULL,
                                   offsetAlreadyOnLogScale = FALSE,
                                   sortCovariates = FALSE,
                                   makeCovariatesDense = NULL) {
    if (!isInitialized(object)) {
        stop("Object is no longer or improperly initialized.")

    savedUseOffsetCovariate <- useOffsetCovariate
    useOffsetCovariate <- .checkCovariates(object, useOffsetCovariate)
    if (length(useOffsetCovariate) > 1) {
        stop("Can only supply one offset")

    makeCovariatesDense <- .checkCovariates(object, makeCovariatesDense)

    .cyclopsFinalizeData(object, addIntercept, useOffsetCovariate,
                         offsetAlreadyOnLogScale, sortCovariates,

    if (addIntercept == TRUE) {
        if (!is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
            object$coefficientNames = c("(Intercept)",
    if (!is.null(useOffsetCovariate) && useOffsetCovariate != -1) {
        if (!is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
            object$coefficientNames = object$coefficientNames[-as.integer(useOffsetCovariate)]

#' @keywords internal
createSqlCyclopsData <- function(modelType, control,
                                 floatingPoint = 64) {
    cl <- match.call() # save to return

    if (!.isValidModelType(modelType)) stop("Invalid model type.")

    noiseLevel <- "silent"
    if (!missing(control)) { # Set up control
        stopifnot(inherits(control, "cyclopsControl"))
        noiseLevel <- control$noiseLevel

    sql <- .cyclopsNewSqlData(modelType, noiseLevel, floatingPoint)
    result <- new.env(parent = emptyenv()) # TODO Remove code duplication with two functions above
    result$cyclopsDataPtr <- sql$cyclopsDataPtr
    result$modelType <- modelType
    result$timeLoad <- 0
    result$cyclopsInterfacePtr <- NULL
    result$call <- cl
    class(result) <- "cyclopsData"

#' @title Check if a Cyclops data object is initialized
#' @description
#' \code{isInitialized} determines if an Cyclops data object is properly
#' initialized and remains in memory.  Cyclops data objects do not
#' serialized/deserialize their back-end memory across R sessions.
#' @param object    Cyclops data object to test
#' @export
isInitialized <- function(object) {
    return(!is.null(object$cyclopsDataPtr) && !.isRcppPtrNull(object$cyclopsDataPtr))

#' @title Get covariate types
#' @description
#' \code{getCovariateTypes} returns a vector covariate types in a Cyclops data object
#' @param object    A Cyclops data object
#' @param covariateLabel Integer vector: covariate identifiers to return
#' @export
getCovariateTypes <- function(object, covariateLabel) {
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("Cyclops data object is no longer or improperly initialized")

  if (!bit64::is.integer64(covariateLabel)) {
    covariateLabel <- bit64::as.integer64(covariateLabel)

  return(.getCovariateTypes(object, covariateLabel))

#' @title Cyclops data object summary
#' @method summary cyclopsData
#' @description \code{summary.cyclopsData} summarizes the data held in an Cyclops data object.
#' @param object    A Cyclops data object
#' @param ...       Additional arguments
#' @return
#' Returns a \code{data.frame} that reports simply summarize statistics for each covariate in a Cyclops data object.
#' @export
summary.cyclopsData <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!isInitialized(object)) {
        stop("Cyclops data object is no longer or improperly initialized")
    covariates <- getCovariateIds(object)
    counts <- reduce(object, covariates, power = 0)
    sums <- reduce(object, covariates, power = 1)
    sumsSquared <- reduce(object, covariates, power = 2)
    types <- getCovariateTypes(object, covariates)

    tmean <- sums / counts;
    tvar <- (sumsSquared -  counts * tmean * tmean) / counts
    tvar[tvar < 0] <- 0

    if (is.null(object$scale)) {
        tdf <- data.frame(covariateId = covariates,
                          nzCount = counts,
                          nzMean = tmean,
                          nzVar = tvar,
                          type = types)
    } else {
        tdf <- data.frame(covariateId = covariates,
                          nzCount = counts,
                          nzMean = tmean,
                          nzVar = tvar,
                          type = types,
                          scale = object$scale)

    if (!is.null(object$coefficientNames)) {
        row.names(tdf) <- object$coefficientNames

#' @method print cyclopsData
#' @title Print a Cyclops data object
#' @description
#' \code{print.cyclopsData} displays information about a Cyclops data model object.
#' @param x    A Cyclops data model object
#' @param show.call Logical: display last call to construct the Cyclops data model object
#' @param ...   Additional arguments
#' @export
print.cyclopsData <- function(x, show.call=TRUE ,...) {
    cat("Cyclops Data Object\n\n")

    if (show.call && !is.null(x$call)) {
        cat("Call: ",paste(deparse(x$call),sep="\n",collapse="\n"),"\n\n",sep="")
    cat("     Model: ", x$modelType, "\n", sep="")

    if (isInitialized(x)) {
        nRows <- getNumberOfRows(x)
        cat("      Rows: ", nRows, "\n", sep = "")
        cat("Covariates: ", getNumberOfCovariates(x), "\n", sep = "")
        nStrata <- getNumberOfStrata(x)
        if (nRows != nStrata) {
            cat("    Strata: ", nStrata, "\n", sep = "")
        if (.cyclopsGetHasOffset(x)) {
            cat("    Offset: ", .cyclopsGetMeanOffset(x), " (mean)\n", sep = "")
        cat("   FP size:", getFloatingPointSize(x))
    } else {
        cat("\nObject is no longer or improperly initialized.\n")
    if (!is.null(x$cyclopsInterfacePtr) && !.isRcppPtrNull(x$cyclopsInterfacePtr)) {
        cat("Initialized interface (details coming soon).\n")
    } else {
        cat("Uninitialized interface.\n")

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Cyclops documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:24 a.m.