
# Gets run when compiling

makevars_in <- file.path("src", "")
makevars_win_in <- file.path("src", "")

makevars_out <- file.path("src", "Makevars")
makevars_win_out <- file.path("src", "")

txt <- readLines(makevars_in)
txt_win <- readLines(makevars_win_in)

if (getRversion() < "4.3") { # macOS / linux
    if (!any(grepl("^CXX_STD", txt))) {
        txt <- c("CXX_STD = CXX11", txt)

if (getRversion() < "4.2") { # Windoz
    if (!any(grepl("^CXX_STD", txt_win))) {
        txt_win <- c("CXX_STD = CXX11", txt_win)

#################### CUDA Toolkit ####################

cuda_home <- system2(command = "find", args = c("/usr/local/", "-maxdepth", "1" ,"-name", "cuda"), stdout  = TRUE)
if (TRUE || length(cuda_home)==0) { # By default, no CUDA build
    message("no CUDA installation found; only compile host code")
} else {
    message(paste0("using CUDA_HOME=", cuda_home))
    nvcc <- c(paste0(cuda_home, "/bin/nvcc -arch=sm_70")) # TODO remove hardcoding of ARCH
    cub_path <- paste0(cuda_home ,"/include") # CUB is included since CUDA Toolkit 11.0

    # whether this is the 64 bit linux version of CUDA
    cu_libdir <- system2(command = "find", args = c(paste0(cuda_home ,"/lib64")), stdout  = TRUE)
    if (length(cu_libdir) == 0) {
        cu_libdir <- paste0(cuda_home ,"/lib")

    cuda_libs <- paste0("-L", cu_libdir, " -lcudart")
    cuda_cppflags <-paste0("-DHAVE_CUDA -I", cuda_home, "/include -I", cu_libdir, " -pthread -rdynamic")

    # modify if CUDA is available
    txt[grep("^PKG_LIBS", txt)] <- paste(txt[grep("^PKG_LIBS", txt)], cuda_libs)
    txt[grep("^PKG_CPPFLAGS", txt)] <- paste(txt[grep("^PKG_CPPFLAGS", txt)], cuda_cppflags)
    engine_idx <- grep("^OBJECTS.engine", txt)
    txt[engine_idx+1] <- paste(txt[engine_idx+1],
    txt <- c(txt,
             'all: $(OBJECTS)',
             paste0('\t', nvcc,' --default-stream per-thread -c -Xcompiler "-fPIC $(CPPFLAGS) -c" -I', cub_path,' $(R_PATH_LINKER) $^ -o $@'),
             '\trm -rf *o',
             '.PHONY: all clean')


if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
	cat(txt, file = makevars_out, sep = "\n")
} else {
	cat(txt_win, file = makevars_win_out, sep = "\n")

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Cyclops documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:24 a.m.