
Defines functions predict_parts_shap_aggregated predict_parts_shap predict_parts_break_down_interactions predict_parts_break_down predict_parts_oscillations_emp predict_parts_oscillations_uni predict_parts_oscillations predict_parts

Documented in predict_parts predict_parts_break_down predict_parts_break_down_interactions predict_parts_oscillations predict_parts_oscillations_emp predict_parts_oscillations_uni predict_parts_shap predict_parts_shap_aggregated

#' Instance Level Parts of the Model Predictions
#' Instance Level Variable Attributions as Break Down, SHAP, aggregated SHAP or Oscillations explanations.
#' Model prediction is decomposed into parts that are attributed for particular variables.
#' From DALEX version 1.0 this function calls the \code{\link[iBreakDown]{break_down}} or
#' \code{\link[iBreakDown:break_down_uncertainty]{shap}} functions from the \code{iBreakDown} package or
#' \code{\link[ingredients:ceteris_paribus]{ceteris_paribus}} from the \code{ingredients} package.
#' Find information how to use the \code{break_down} method here: \url{https://ema.drwhy.ai/breakDown.html}.
#' Find information how to use the \code{shap} method here: \url{https://ema.drwhy.ai/shapley.html}.
#' Find information how to use the \code{oscillations} method here: \url{https://ema.drwhy.ai/ceterisParibusOscillations.html}.
#' aSHAP method provides explanations for a set of observations based on SHAP.
#' @param explainer a model to be explained, preprocessed by the \code{explain} function
#' @param new_observation a new observation for which predictions need to be explained
#' @param ... other parameters that will be passed to \code{iBreakDown::break_down}
#' @param variable_splits named list of splits for variables. It is used by oscillations based measures. Will be passed to \code{\link[ingredients]{ceteris_paribus}}.
#' @param variables names of variables for which splits shall be calculated. Will be passed to \code{\link[ingredients]{ceteris_paribus}}.
#' @param N the maximum number of observations used for calculation of attributions. By default NULL (use all) or 500 (for oscillations).
#' @param variable_splits_type how variable grids shall be calculated? Will be passed to \code{\link[ingredients]{ceteris_paribus}}.
#' @param type the type of variable attributions. Either \code{shap}, \code{aggregated_shap}, \code{oscillations}, \code{oscillations_uni},
#' \code{oscillations_emp}, \code{break_down} or \code{break_down_interactions}.
#' @return Depending on the \code{type} there are different classes of the resulting object.
#' It's a data frame with calculated average response.
#' @aliases predict_parts_break_down predict_parts predict_parts_ibreak_down predict_parts_shap
#' @references Explanatory Model Analysis. Explore, Explain, and Examine Predictive Models. \url{https://ema.drwhy.ai/}
#' @examples
#' library(DALEX)
#' new_dragon <- data.frame(
#'     year_of_birth = 200,
#'     height = 80,
#'     weight = 12.5,
#'     scars = 0,
#'     number_of_lost_teeth  = 5
#' )
#' model_lm <- lm(life_length ~ year_of_birth + height +
#'                weight + scars + number_of_lost_teeth,
#'                data = dragons)
#' explainer_lm <- explain(model_lm,
#'                         data = dragons,
#'                         y = dragons$year_of_birth,
#'                         label = "model_lm")
#' bd_lm <- predict_parts_break_down(explainer_lm, new_observation = new_dragon)
#' head(bd_lm)
#' plot(bd_lm)
#' \donttest{
#' library("ranger")
#' model_ranger <- ranger(life_length ~ year_of_birth + height +
#'                        weight + scars + number_of_lost_teeth,
#'                        data = dragons, num.trees = 50)
#' explainer_ranger <- explain(model_ranger,
#'                             data = dragons,
#'                             y = dragons$year_of_birth,
#'                             label = "model_ranger")
#' bd_ranger <- predict_parts_break_down(explainer_ranger, new_observation = new_dragon)
#' head(bd_ranger)
#' plot(bd_ranger)
#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts <- function(explainer, new_observation, ..., N = if(substr(type, 1, 4) == "osci") 500 else NULL, type = "break_down") {
  # https://github.com/ModelOriented/DALEX/issues/394  keep only N rows
  if (!is.null(N) && N < nrow(explainer$data)) {
    explainer$data <- explainer$data[sample(1:nrow(explainer$data), N),, drop = FALSE]

  switch (type,
          "break_down"              = predict_parts_break_down(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          "break_down_interactions" = predict_parts_break_down_interactions(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          "shap"                    = predict_parts_shap(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          "oscillations"            = predict_parts_oscillations(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          "oscillations_uni"        = predict_parts_oscillations_uni(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          "oscillations_emp"        = predict_parts_oscillations_emp(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          "shap_aggregated"         = predict_parts_shap_aggregated(explainer, new_observation, ...),
          stop("The type argument shall be either 'shap' or 'break_down' or 'break_down_interactions' or 'oscillations' or 'oscillations_uni' or 'oscillations_emp' or 'shap_aggregated'")

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_oscillations <- function(explainer, new_observation, ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_oscillations")

  # call the ceteris_paribus
  cp <- ingredients::ceteris_paribus(explainer,
                                     new_observation = new_observation,
  res <- ingredients::calculate_oscillations(cp)
  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_oscillations_uni <- function(explainer, new_observation, variable_splits_type = "uniform", ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_oscillations_uni")

  # call the ceteris_paribus
  cp <- ingredients::ceteris_paribus(explainer,
                                     new_observation = new_observation,
                                     variable_splits_type = variable_splits_type,
  res <- ingredients::calculate_oscillations(cp)
  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_oscillations_emp <- function(explainer, new_observation, variable_splits = NULL, variables = colnames(explainer$data), ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_oscillations_emp")
  variables <- intersect(variables, colnames(new_observation))
  data_sample <- explainer$data

  variable_splits <- lapply(variables, function(var) {
  names(variable_splits) <- variables

  # call the ceteris_paribus
  cp <- ingredients::ceteris_paribus(explainer,
                                     new_observation = new_observation,
                                     variable_splits = variable_splits,
                                     variables = variables,
  res <- ingredients::calculate_oscillations(cp)
  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_break_down <- function(explainer, new_observation, ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_break_down")

  # call the break_down
  res <- iBreakDown::break_down(explainer,
                                new_observation = new_observation,
  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_break_down_interactions <- function(explainer, new_observation, ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_break_down_interactions")

  # call the break_down
  res <- iBreakDown::break_down(explainer,
                                new_observation = new_observation,
                                interactions = TRUE)
  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_shap <- function(explainer, new_observation, ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_shap")

  # call the shap from iBreakDown
  res <- iBreakDown::shap(explainer,
                          new_observation = new_observation,
  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))

#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
predict_parts_shap_aggregated <- function(explainer, new_observation, ...) {
  test_explainer(explainer, has_data = TRUE, function_name = "predict_parts_shap_aggregated")

  res <- shap_aggregated(explainer,
                         new_observations = new_observation,

  class(res) <- c('predict_parts', class(res))


#' @name predict_parts
#' @export
variable_attribution <- predict_parts

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DALEX documentation built on Jan. 16, 2023, 1:06 a.m.