
Defines functions dm.sf

Documented in dm.sf

dm.sf <-
function(xdata, ydata, rts = "crs", g = NULL,
                  wd = NULL, se = FALSE, sg = "ssm", date = NULL, cv = "convex", o = NULL){

  # Initial checks
  if(is.na(match(rts, c("crs", "vrs", "irs", "drs")))) stop('rts must be "crs", "vrs", "irs", or "drs".')
  if(is.na(match(se,  c(0, 1, FALSE, TRUE))))          stop('se must be either 0(FALSE) or 1(TRUE).')
  if(is.na(match(sg,  c("ssm", "max", "min"))))        stop('sg must be "ssm", "max", or "min".')
  if(is.na(match(cv,  c("convex", "fdh"))))            stop('cv must be "convex" or "fdh".')
  if(!is.null(o) && !all(o <= nrow(xdata)))            stop('o must be element(s) of n.')
  # Load library
  # library(lpSolveAPI)
  # Parameters
  xdata <- as.matrix(xdata)
  ydata <- as.matrix(ydata)
  g     <- if(is.null(g)) cbind(xdata, ydata) else as.matrix(g)
  date  <- if(!is.null(date)) as.matrix(date)
  n     <- nrow(xdata)
  m     <- ncol(xdata)
  s     <- ncol(ydata)
  wd    <- if(is.null(wd)) matrix(c(0), ncol = s) else matrix(wd, 1)
  se    <- ifelse(is.logical(se), ifelse(isTRUE(se), 1, 0), se)
  rts   <- ifelse(cv == "fdh", "vrs", rts)
  o     <- if(is.null(o)) c(1:n) else as.vector(o)
  # Data frames
  results.efficiency <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  results.lambda     <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  results.mu         <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  results.xslack     <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = m) 
  results.yslack     <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = s) 
  results.w          <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = m)
  results.p          <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = s)
  results.u          <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  # LP
  for (k in o){   
    # Declare LP
    lp.sf <- make.lp(0, n + n + 1 + m + s) # lambda+mu+efficiency+xslack+yslack
    # Set objective
    set.objfn(lp.sf, c(-1), indices = c(n + n + 1))
    # RTS
    if(rts == "vrs") add.constraint(lp.sf, c(rep(1, n*2)), indices = c(1:(n*2)), "=", 1)
    if(rts == "crs") set.constr.type(lp.sf, 0, 1)
    if(rts == "irs") add.constraint(lp.sf, c(rep(1, n*2)), indices = c(1:(n*2)), ">=", 1)
    if(rts == "drs") add.constraint(lp.sf, c(rep(1, n*2)), indices = c(1:(n*2)), "<=", 1)
    # Set type
    if(cv == "fdh") set.type(lp.sf, 1:n, "binary")
    # Mu
    if(rts == "crs" || rts == "drs" || sum(wd) == 0) add.constraint(lp.sf, c(rep(1, n)),
                                                                    indices = c((n + 1):(n + n)), "=", 0)
    # Input constraints
    for(i in 1:m) add.constraint(lp.sf, c(xdata[, i], xdata[, i], g[k, i], 1),
                                 indices = c(1:n, (n + 1):(n + n), n + n + 1, n + n + 1 + i), "=", xdata[k, i])
    # Output constraints
    for(r in 1:s){
      if(wd[1, r] == 1){
        add.constraint(lp.sf, c(ydata[, r], g[k, m + r]),
                       indices = c(1:n, n + n + 1), "=", ydata[k, r])
        add.constraint(lp.sf, c(1), indices = c(n + n + 1 + m + r), "=", 0)
        add.constraint(lp.sf, c(ydata[, r], -g[k, m + r], -1), 
                       indices = c(1:n, n + n + 1, n + n + 1 + m + r), "=", ydata[k, r])
    # PPS for Super
    if(se == 1) add.constraint(lp.sf, c(1, 1), indices = c(k, n + k), "=", 0)
    # Bounds
    set.bounds(lp.sf, lower = c(rep(0, n + n), -Inf, rep(0, m + s)))  
    # Solve
    # Get results
    results.efficiency[k] <- -1 * get.objective(lp.sf)
    temp.p                <- get.variables(lp.sf)
    results.lambda[k,]    <- temp.p[1:n]
    results.mu[k,]        <- temp.p[(n + 1):(n + n)]
    results.xslack[k,]    <- temp.p[(n + n + 2):(n + n + 1 + m)]
    results.yslack[k,]    <- temp.p[(n + n + 1 + m + 1):(n + n + 1 + m + s)]
    temp.d                <- -1 * get.dual.solution(lp.sf)
    results.u[k,]         <- temp.d[2] 
    results.w[k,]         <- temp.d[4:(3 + m)]
    results.p[k,]         <- temp.d[(3 + m + 1):(3 + m + s)]
    # Stage II
      # Link previous solutions
      add.constraint(lp.sf, c(1), indices = c(n + n + 1), "=", results.efficiency[k])
      # date sum
      if(sg == "max") set.objfn(lp.sf, c(-date[1:n], -date[1:n]), indices = c(1:n, (n + 1):(n + n)))
      if(sg == "min") set.objfn(lp.sf, c(date[1:n], date[1:n]), indices=c(1:n, (n + 1):(n + n)))
      # slack sum
      if(sg == "ssm") set.objfn(lp.sf, c(rep(-1, m + s)), indices = c((n + n + 2):(n + n + 1 + m + s)))
      # solve
      # get results
      temp.s             <- get.variables(lp.sf)
      results.lambda[k,] <- temp.s[1:n]
      results.mu[k,]     <- temp.s[(n + 1):(n + n)]
      results.xslack[k,] <- temp.s[(n + n + 2):(n + n + 1 + m)]
      results.yslack[k,] <- temp.s[(n + n + 1 + m + 1):(n + n + 1 + m + s)]
  results <- list(eff = results.efficiency, lambda = results.lambda, mu = results.mu,
                  xslack = results.xslack, yslack = results.yslack, w = results.w, p = results.p, u = results.u)

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