
Defines functions roc.malmquist

Documented in roc.malmquist

roc.malmquist <-
function(xdata, ydata, tm = NULL, dm = "dea", rts = "crs", orientation = "n", g = NULL, 
                          wd = NULL, ncv = NULL, env = NULL, cv = "convex"){
  # Initial checks
  if(!(3 %in% c(length(dim(xdata)), length(dim(ydata)))))              stop('Data must be 3-dimensional.')
  if(dim(xdata)[length(dim(xdata))] != dim(ydata)[length(dim(ydata))]) stop('Data must be balanced.')
  if(!is.null(tm) && length(tm) != dim(xdata)[length(dim(xdata))])     stop('tm must have a length of the time horizon.')
  if(dm == "dea" && orientation == "n")                                stop('DEA orientation must be either "i", or "o".')
  if(is.na(match(dm,          c("dea", "ddf", "hdf", "sbm", "sf"))))   stop('dm must be "dea", "ddf", "hdf", "sbm", or "sf".')
  if(is.na(match(rts,         c("crs", "vrs", "irs", "drs"))))         stop('rts must be "crs", "vrs", "irs", or "drs".')
  if(is.na(match(orientation, c("i", "o", "n"))))                      stop('orientation must be "i", "o", or "n".')
  if(is.na(match(cv,          c("convex", "fdh"))))                    stop('cv must be "convex" or "fdh".')
  # Parameters
  xdata <- if(length(dim(xdata)) != 3) array(xdata, c(dim(xdata)[1], 1, dim(xdata)[2])) else as.array(xdata)
  ydata <- if(length(dim(ydata)) != 3) array(ydata, c(dim(ydata)[1], 1, dim(ydata)[2])) else as.array(ydata)
  g.exe <- paste0("array(c(", 
                  paste0("xdata[,,", 1:dim(xdata)[3], "],", "ydata[,,", 1:dim(ydata)[3], "]", collapse=","), 
                  "), c(dim(xdata)[1], dim(xdata)[2] + dim(ydata)[2], dim(xdata)[3]))")
  gv    <- if(is.null(g)) eval(parse(text = g.exe)) else as.array(g)
  n     <- dim(xdata)[1]
  m     <- dim(xdata)[2]
  s     <- dim(ydata)[2]
  wd    <- if(is.null(wd)) matrix(c(0), ncol = s) else matrix(wd, 1)
  rts   <- ifelse(cv == "fdh", "vrs", rts)
  t     <- ifelse(is.null(tm), dim(xdata)[length(dim(xdata))], length(tm))
  tm    <- if(is.null(tm)) paste0("t", 1:t) else as.vector(tm)
  # Model Arguments
  m.arg <- list()
  if(dm %in% c("dea", "sbm")){
    for(i in 1:t){m.arg[[i]] <- list(rts = rts, orientation = orientation)}
  }else if(dm == "hdf"){
    for(i in 1:t){m.arg[[i]] <- list(rts = rts, wd = wd)}
    for(i in 1:t){m.arg[[i]] <- list(rts = rts, g = gv[,,i], wd = wd)}
  # Inter-temporal dm
  inter <- function(f, t){
    temp.it <- vector()
    for(j in 1:n){
      temp.x  <- rbind(xdata[j,,f], as.matrix(xdata[,,t]))
      temp.y  <- rbind(ydata[j,,f], as.matrix(ydata[,,t]))
      temp.g  <- if(is.null(g)) cbind(temp.x, temp.y) else rbind(gv[j,,f], gv[,,t])
      if(dm %in% c("dea", "sbm")){m.arg <- list(rts = rts, orientation = orientation)}
      else if       (dm == "hdf"){m.arg <- list(rts = rts, wd = wd)}
      else                       {m.arg <- list(rts = rts, g = temp.g, wd = wd)}
      temp.se <- do.call(paste0("dm.", dm), append(list(xdata = temp.x, ydata = temp.y, se = T, o = 1), m.arg))$eff[1]
      temp.no <- do.call(paste0("dm.", dm), append(list(xdata = temp.x, ydata = temp.y, se = F, o = 1), m.arg))$eff[1]
      temp.it <- c(temp.it, ifelse(round(temp.no, 5) < 1, temp.no, temp.se))
  # Malmquist Index
  cu <- fs <- mi <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:(t-1)){
    # Within efficiency
    m.0.0 <- do.call(paste0("dm.", dm), append(list(xdata = xdata[,,i],     ydata = ydata[,,i]),     m.arg[[i]]))$eff
    m.1.1 <- do.call(paste0("dm.", dm), append(list(xdata = xdata[,,i + 1], ydata = ydata[,,i + 1]), m.arg[[i]]))$eff
    # Intertemporal efficiency
    m.0.1 <- inter(i,     i + 1)
    m.1.0 <- inter(i + 1, i    )
    # Tick mark
    temp.tm <- rep(paste0(tm[i], "-", tm[i + 1]), n)    
    # Transform zero-eff into one-eff
    if(dm %in% c("ddf", "sf")){
      m.0.0 <- m.0.0 + 1
      m.1.1 <- m.1.1 + 1
      m.0.1 <- m.0.1 + 1
      m.1.0 <- m.1.0 + 1
    # Catching-Up (CU aka TEC) Index
    temp.cu <- m.1.1 / m.0.0
    cu      <- rbind(cu, data.frame(Period = temp.tm, DMU = factor(1:n), CU = temp.cu))
    # Frontier-Shift (FS) Index
    temp.fs <- ((m.0.0 / m.0.1) * (m.1.0 / m.1.1))^0.5
    fs      <- rbind(fs, data.frame(Period = temp.tm, DMU = factor(1:n), FS = temp.fs))
    # Malmquist Index (MI)
    temp.mi <- temp.cu * temp.fs
    mi      <- rbind(mi, data.frame(Period = temp.tm, DMU = factor(1:n), MI = temp.mi))
  # Retuning results object
  results <- list(cu = cu, fs = fs, mi = mi)

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DJL documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:05 p.m.