
Defines functions pre_process_drdid

# FUnction that pre-process the data to use with drdid, ipwdid and ordid

pre_process_drdid <- function(yname,
                              xformla = NULL,
                              panel = TRUE,
                              normalized = TRUE,
                              estMethod = c("imp", "trad"),
                              weightsname = NULL,
                              boot = FALSE,
                              boot.type =  c("weighted", "multiplier"),
                              nboot = NULL,
                              inffunc = FALSE) {
  # Data pre-processing and error checking
  # ####
  # set estimation method
  estMethod <- estMethod[1]
  # set bootstrap type
  boot.type <- boot.type[1]

  # Flag for estMethod
  if ( (estMethod!="imp") && (estMethod!="trad")) {
    warning("estMethod = ",estMethod,  " is not supported. Using 'imp'.")
    estMethod <- "imp"
  # Flag for boot.type
  if (boot){
    if ( (boot.type!="weighted") && (boot.type!="multiplier")) {
      warning("boot.type = ",boot.type,  " is not supported. Using 'weighted'.")
      boot.type <- "weighted"

  # Flag for normalized
  if ( (normalized != TRUE) && (normalized != FALSE)) {
    warning("normalized = ",normalized,  " is not supported. Using 'TRUE'.")
    normalized <- TRUE

  # make sure dataset is a data.frame
  dta <- data
  # this gets around RStudio's default of reading data as tibble
  if (!all( class(dta) == "data.frame")) {
    #warning("class of data object was not data.frame; converting...")
    dta <- as.data.frame(dta)

  # Flag for yname
  if ( !is.element(yname, base::colnames(dta))) {
    stop("yname = ",yname,  " could not be found in the data provided.")
  # Flag for tname
  if ( !is.element(tname, base::colnames(dta))) {
    stop("tname = ",tname,  " could not be found in the data provided.")
  # Flag for dname
  if ( !is.element(dname, base::colnames(dta))) {
    stop("dname = ",dname,  " could not be found in the data provided.")
  # Flag for idname
  if ( !is.element(idname, base::colnames(dta))) {
    stop("idname = ",idname,  " could not be found in the data provided.")
  # if(panel){
  #   if ( !is.element(idname, base::colnames(dta))) {
  #     stop("idname = ",idname,  " could not be found in the data provided.")
  #   }
  # }
  # Flag for weightsname
    if ( !is.element(weightsname, base::colnames(dta))) {
      stop("weightsname = ",weightsname,  " could not be found in the data provided.")
  # Flag for covariates
  #if (!is.null(xformla)) {
  #  if(!all(is.element(BMisc::rhs.vars(xformla), base::colnames(dta)))){
  #    stop("Some of the covariate names could not be found in the data provided. Double check the covariate names in xformla.")
  #  }

  # set weights if null
  base::ifelse(is.null(weightsname), w <- rep(1,nrow(dta)), w <- dta[,weightsname])
  dta$w <- w

  # make sure time periods are numeric
  if (! (is.numeric(dta[, tname])) ) {
    stop("data[, tname] must be numeric. Please convert it.")


  #  make sure dname is numeric
  if (! (is.numeric(dta[, dname])) ) {
    stop("data[, dname] must be numeric. Please convert it.")


  #  make sure id is numeric
  if (! is.null(idname)){
    #  make sure id is numeric
    if (! (is.numeric(dta[, idname])) ) {
      stop("data[, idname] must be numeric. Please convert it.")

    # Check if idname is unique by tname
    n_id_year = base::all( base::table(dta[, idname], dta[, tname]) <= 1)
    if (! n_id_year) stop("The value of idname must be the unique (by tname)")

    # make sure gname doesn't change across periods for particular individuals
    if (!all(sapply( base::split(dta, dta[,idname]), function(df) {
    }))) {
      stop("The value of dname must be the same across all periods for each particular unit")

  # figure out the time periods
  # list of dates from smallest to largest
  tlist <- unique(dta[,tname])[base::order(unique(dta[,tname]))]
  if ( length(tlist)!=2) {
    stop("drdid package only covers the cases with two time periods (pre and post) and two treatment groups (d=1 if treated at post, and d=0 if not treated in both pre and post).
           See package `did' for the cases with multiple groups and/or multiple time periods.")

  # list of groups from smallest to largest
  glist <- unique(dta[,dname])[base::order(unique(dta[,dname]))]
  if ( length(glist)!=2) {
    stop("drdid only work for case with two time periods and two treatment groups (d=1 if treated at post, and d=0 if not treated in both pre and post).
         See package `did' for the cases with multiple groups and/or multiple time periods.")

  # put in blank xformla if no covariates
  if (is.null(xformla)) {
    xformla <- ~1

  # # If repeated cross section, allow for null idname
  # if(is.null(idname) & (panel == FALSE)){
  #   dta$id <- seq(1:nrow(dta))
  #   idname <- "id"
  # }

  # sort data with respect to id and time
  dta <- dta[base::order(dta[,idname], dta[,tname]),]

  # If panel, make it a balanced data set
  if (panel) {
    dta <- BMisc::makeBalancedPanel(dta, idname, tname)

  # Outcome variable will be denoted by y
  dta$y <- dta[, yname]
  # group will be denoted by D
  dta$D <- dta[, dname]
  # Post dummy will be denoted by post
  dta$post <- as.numeric(dta[,tname] == tlist[2])
  # matrix of covariates
  covariates <- stats::model.matrix(xformla,
                                                       data = dta,
                                                       na.action=na.pass) )

  #check if covariates and group are time invariant in the panel data case.
  # matrix of covariates for pre-period and post periods
  covariates_pre <- stats::model.matrix(xformla,
                                        data=subset(dta, dta$post==0))
  covariates_post <- stats::model.matrix(xformla,
                                         data=subset(dta, dta$post==1))

  d_pre <- subset(dta$D, dta$post==0)
  d_post <- subset(dta$D, dta$post==1)
  w_pre <- subset(dta$w, dta$post==0)
  w_post <- subset(dta$w, dta$post==1)

  if (panel) {
    if (!all(covariates_pre==covariates_post)) {
      stop("Error: covariates should be time invariant, and there should be no missing data.")
    if (!all(d_pre==d_post)) {
      stop("Error: group indicator must be time invariant.")
    if (!all(w_pre==w_post)) {
      stop("Error: weights must be time invariant.")

  # check against very small groups
  gsize <- stats::aggregate(dta$D,
                            function(x) length(x)/length(tlist))

  # how many in each group before give warning
  # 5 is just a buffer, could pick something else, but seems to work fine
  reqsize <- length(BMisc::rhs.vars(xformla)) + 5

  # which groups to warn about
  gsize <- subset(gsize,
                  gsize$x < reqsize) # x is name of column from gsize

  # warn if some groups are small
  if (nrow(gsize) > 0) {
    stop(paste0(" Either treatment or the comparison group in your dataset is very small. Inference is not feasible "))
  # setup data in panel case
  if (panel) {
    # make it a balanced data set
    dta <- BMisc::makeBalancedPanel(dta, idname, tname)

    # Only use this smaller dataset
    dta <- as.data.frame(cbind(y = dta$y,
                               D = dta$D,
                               post = dta$post,
                               w = dta$w,

    # Check if we have missing values
    missing_X_flag <- base::anyNA(dta[,-c(1:4)])
    missing_D_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$D)
    missing_post_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$post)
    missing_y_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$y)
    missing_w_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$w)

    # Warning messages
    if(missing_X_flag) warning("Some covariates are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_D_flag) warning("Some treatment indicators are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_post_flag) warning("Some post-treatment indicators are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_w_flag) warning("Some weights are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_y_flag) warning("Some outcomes are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")

    # Remove NAs
    dta <- dta[stats::complete.cases(dta), ]
    covariates <- base::as.matrix(dta[,-c(1:4)])
    # Drop collinear covariates
    qr.covariates <-  base::qr(covariates,
                               LAPACK = FALSE)
    rnk_covariates <- qr.covariates$rank
    keep_x <- qr.covariates$pivot[seq_len(rnk_covariates)]
    covariates <- covariates[,keep_x]

    out <- list(y1 = subset(dta$y, dta$post==1),
                y0 = subset(dta$y, dta$post==0),
                D = subset(dta$D, dta$post==1),
                covariates = subset(covariates, dta$post==1),
                i.weights = subset(dta$w, dta$post==1),
                panel = panel,
                estMethod = estMethod,
                normalized = normalized,
                boot = boot,
                boot.type = boot.type,
                nboot = nboot,
                inffunc = inffunc

  else {
    # Only use this smaller dataset
    dta <- as.data.frame(cbind(y = dta$y,
                               D = dta$D,
                               post = dta$post,
                               w = dta$w,

    # Check if we have missing values
    missing_X_flag <- base::anyNA(dta[,-c(1:4)])
    missing_D_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$D)
    missing_post_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$post)
    missing_y_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$y)
    missing_w_flag <- base::anyNA(dta$w)

    # Warning messages
    if(missing_X_flag) warning("Some covariates are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_D_flag) warning("Some treatment indicators are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_post_flag) warning("Some post-treatment indicators are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_w_flag) warning("Some weights are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")
    if(missing_y_flag) warning("Some outcomes are missing (NA). We are dropping those observations")

    # Remove NAs
    dta <- dta[stats::complete.cases(dta), ]
    covariates <- base::as.matrix(dta[,-c(1:4)])

    # Drop collinear covariates
    qr.covariates <-  base::qr(covariates,
                               LAPACK = FALSE)
    rnk_covariates <- qr.covariates$rank
    keep_x <- qr.covariates$pivot[seq_len(rnk_covariates)]
    covariates <- covariates[,keep_x]

    out <- list(y = dta$y,
                D = dta$D,
                post = dta$post,
                covariates = covariates,
                i.weights = dta$w,
                panel = panel,
                estMethod = estMethod,
                normalized = normalized,
                boot = boot,
                boot.type = boot.type,
                nboot = nboot,
                inffunc = inffunc


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DRDID documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:10 p.m.