
Defines functions generate_dot

Documented in generate_dot

#' Generate DOT code using a graph object
#' @description
#' Generates Graphviz DOT code as an R character object using DiagrammeR graph
#' object.
#' @inheritParams render_graph
#' @return A character vector of length 1 containing Graphviz DOT code.
#' @export
generate_dot <- function(graph) {

  # Validation: Graph object is valid

  # Extract objects from the graph object
  nodes_df <- graph$nodes_df
  edges_df <- graph$edges_df
  directed <- graph$directed
  global_attrs <- graph$global_attrs

  if ("graph" %in% global_attrs$attr_type) {
    graph_attrs <-
      global_attrs %>%
      dplyr::filter(attr_type == "graph") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(string = paste0(attr, " = '", value, "'"))

    graph_attrs <-
      graph_attrs %>%

  } else {
    graph_attrs <- NA

  if ("node" %in% global_attrs$attr_type) {
    node_attrs <-
      global_attrs %>%
      dplyr::filter(attr_type == "node") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(string = paste0(attr, " = '", value, "'"))

    node_attrs <-
      node_attrs %>%

    # Fill in NA attribute values with global preset values
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(global_attrs %>% dplyr::filter(attr_type == "node")))) {

      node_attr_to_set <- (global_attrs %>% dplyr::filter(attr_type == "node"))[i, 1]

      if (node_attr_to_set %in% colnames(nodes_df)) {

        col_num <- which(colnames(nodes_df) == node_attr_to_set)

        nodes_df[which(is.na(nodes_df[, col_num])), col_num] <-
          (global_attrs %>% dplyr::filter(attr_type == "node"))[i, 2]

  } else {
    node_attrs <- NA

  if ("edge" %in% global_attrs$attr_type) {
    edge_attrs <-
      global_attrs %>%
      dplyr::filter(attr_type == "edge") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(string = paste0(attr, " = '", value, "'"))

    edge_attrs <-
      edge_attrs %>%

    # Fill in NA attribute values with global preset values
    for (i in 1:nrow(global_attrs %>% dplyr::filter(attr_type == "edge"))) {

      edge_attr_to_set <- (global_attrs %>% dplyr::filter(attr_type == "edge"))[i, 1]

      if (edge_attr_to_set %in% colnames(edges_df)) {

        col_num <- which(colnames(edges_df) == edge_attr_to_set)

        edges_df[which(is.na(edges_df[, col_num])), col_num] <-
          (global_attrs %>% dplyr::filter(attr_type == "edge"))[i, 2]

  } else {
    edge_attrs <- NA

  # Replace NA values with empty strings in character columns of `nodes_df`
  if (!is.null(nodes_df)) {

    if (ncol(nodes_df) >= 4) {
      vars <- base::setdiff(colnames(nodes_df), c("id", "type", "label"))
      vars <- vars[purrr::map_lgl(nodes_df[vars], is.character)]

      nodes_df <-
        nodes_df %>%
            .cols = dplyr::all_of(vars),
            .fns = ~ dplyr::coalesce(.x, "")

  # Replace NA values with empty strings in character columns of `edges_df`
  if (!is.null(edges_df)) {

    if (ncol(edges_df) >= 5) {
      vars <- base::setdiff(colnames(edges_df), c("id", "from", "to", "rel"))
      vars <- vars[purrr::map_lgl(edges_df[vars], is.character)]

      edges_df <-
        edges_df %>%
            .cols = dplyr::all_of(vars),
            .fns = ~ dplyr::coalesce(.x, "")

  # If `equation` column in `nodes_df`, ensure the
  # right amount of escaping is present
  if ("equation" %in% colnames(nodes_df)) {
    equation_col <- which(colnames(nodes_df) == "equation")

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(nodes_df))) {
      if (grepl("^\\$.*\\$$", nodes_df[i, equation_col])) {
        nodes_df[i, equation_col] <-
            nodes_df[i, equation_col], "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")
      } else {
        nodes_df[i, equation_col] <- ""

  # If `display` column in `nodes_df`, modify label
  # column for this render
  if ("display" %in% colnames(nodes_df)) {

    display_col <- which(colnames(nodes_df) == "display")
    label_col <- which(colnames(nodes_df) == "label")

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(nodes_df))) {

      if (nzchar(nodes_df[i, display_col])) {

        nodes_df[i, label_col] <-
            i, which(colnames(nodes_df) == nodes_df[i, display_col])]

      } else {
        nodes_df[i, label_col] <- ""

  # If `display` column in `edges_df`, modify label
  # column for this render
  if ("display" %in% colnames(edges_df)) {

    display_col <- which(colnames(edges_df) == "display")

    if (!("label" %in% colnames(edges_df))) {

      edges_df$label <- NA_character_

    label_col <- which(colnames(edges_df) == "label")

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(edges_df))) {
      if (!is.na(edges_df[i, display_col]) ) {
        if (nzchar(edges_df[i, display_col])) {

          edges_df[i, label_col] <-
              i, which(colnames(edges_df) == edges_df[i, display_col])]
      } else {
        edges_df[i, label_col] <- ""

  # Create vector of graph attributes
  graph_attributes <- gv_graph_attributes()

  # Create vector of node attributes
  node_attributes <- gv_node_attributes()

  # Create vector of edge attributes
  edge_attributes <- gv_edge_attributes()

  if (nrow(nodes_df) == 0 &&
      nrow(edges_df) == 0) {

    # Create DOT code with nothing in graph
    dot_code <-
                    "digraph", "graph"),
             " {\n", "\n}")

  } else {

    # Create the DOT attributes block

    # Create the default attributes statement
    # for graph attributes
    if (anyNA(graph_attrs)) {
      graph_attr_stmt <- ""
    } else {
      graph_attr_stmt <-
          "graph [",
          paste(graph_attrs, collapse = ",\n       "),

    # Create the default attributes statement
    # for node attributes
    if (anyNA(node_attrs)) {
      node_attr_stmt <- ""

    } else {
      node_attr_stmt <-
          "node [",
          paste(node_attrs, collapse = ",\n      "),


    # Create the default attributes statement
    # for edge attributes
    if (anyNA(edge_attrs)) {
      edge_attr_stmt <- ""

    } else {
      edge_attr_stmt <-
          "edge [",
          paste(edge_attrs, collapse = ",\n     "),


    # Combine default attributes into a single block
    combined_attr_stmts <-
        edge_attr_stmt, sep = "\n")

    # Create the DOT node block

    if (nrow(nodes_df) > 0) {

      # Determine whether positional (x,y) data is included
      column_with_x <- which(colnames(nodes_df) %in% "x")[1]

      column_with_y <- which(colnames(nodes_df) %in% "y")[1]

      if (!is.na(column_with_x) && !is.na(column_with_y)) {
        pos <-
            nodes_df %>% dplyr::pull(column_with_x), ",",
            nodes_df %>% dplyr::pull(column_with_y), "!"

        nodes_df <-
          nodes_df %>%
          dplyr::mutate(pos = !!pos)

      # Determine whether column 'alpha' exists
      if (any(grepl("$alpha^", colnames(nodes_df)))) {
        column_with_alpha_assigned <-
          grep("$alpha^", colnames(nodes_df))
      } else {
        column_with_alpha_assigned <- NA

      if (!is.na(column_with_alpha_assigned)) {

        # Determine the number of color attributes in
        # the node data frame
        number_of_col_attr <-
          length(which(colnames(nodes_df) %in%
                         c("color", "fillcolor",

        # If the number of color attrs in df is 1,
        # rename referencing alpha column
        if (number_of_col_attr == 1) {

          name_of_col_attr <-
              which(colnames(nodes_df) %in%
                      c("color", "fillcolor",

          colnames(nodes_df)[column_with_alpha_assigned] <-
            paste0("alpha:", name_of_col_attr)

      # Determine whether column 'alpha' with
      # color attr exists
      if (any(grepl("alpha:.*", colnames(nodes_df)))) {

        alpha_column_no <- grep("alpha:.*", colnames(nodes_df))

        color_attr_column_name <-
            (grep("alpha:.*", colnames(nodes_df)))
          ], ":"))[-1]

        color_attr_column_no <-
          which(colnames(nodes_df) %in% color_attr_column_name)

        # Append alpha value only if referenced
        # column is for color
        if (any(c("color", "fillcolor", "fontcolor") %in%
                colnames(nodes_df)[color_attr_column_no])) {

          # Append alpha for color values that are
          # X11 color names
          if (all(grepl("[a-z]*",
                        as.character(nodes_df[, color_attr_column_no]))) &&
              all(as.character(nodes_df[, color_attr_column_no]) %in%
                  x11_hex()[, 1])) {

            for (i in seq_len(nrow(nodes_df))) {
              nodes_df[i, color_attr_column_no] <-
                  which(x11_hex()[, 1] %in%
                          as.character(nodes_df[i, color_attr_column_no])), 2],
                  formatC(round(as.numeric(nodes_df[i, alpha_column_no]), 0),
                          flag = "0", width = 2))

          # Append alpha for color values that
          # are hex color values
          if (all(grepl("#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$",
                        as.character(nodes_df[, color_attr_column_no])))) {

            for (i in seq_len(nrow(nodes_df))) {
              nodes_df[, color_attr_column_no] <-
                as.character(nodes_df[, color_attr_column_no])

              nodes_df[i, color_attr_column_no] <-
                paste0(nodes_df[i, color_attr_column_no],
                       round(as.numeric(nodes_df[i, alpha_column_no]), 0))

      # Determine which other columns correspond
      # to node attribute values
      other_columns_with_node_attributes <-
        which(colnames(nodes_df) %in% node_attributes)

      # Construct the 'node_block' character object
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(nodes_df))) {
        if (i == 1) {
          node_block <- vector(mode = "character", length = 0)

        if (length(other_columns_with_node_attributes) > 0) {

          for (j in other_columns_with_node_attributes) {

            if (j == other_columns_with_node_attributes[1]) {
              attr_string <- vector(mode = "character", length = 0)

            # Create the node attributes for labels
            # and tooltips when provided
            if (all(colnames(nodes_df)[j] %in%
                    c("label", "tooltip"),
                    is.na(nodes_df[i, j]))) {
              attribute <- NULL
            } else if (all(colnames(nodes_df)[j] %in%
                           c("label", "tooltip"),
                           !is.na(nodes_df[i, j]))) {
              attribute <-
                       " = ", "'", nodes_df[i, j], "'")
            } else if (all(!(colnames(nodes_df)[j] %in%
                             c("label", "tooltip")),
                           is.na(nodes_df[i, j]))) {
              attribute <- NULL
            } else if (all(!(colnames(nodes_df)[j] %in%
                             c("label", "tooltip")),
                           !is.na(nodes_df[i, j]))) {
              attribute <-
                       " = ", "'", nodes_df[i, j], "'")
            attr_string <- c(attr_string, attribute)

          if (j == other_columns_with_node_attributes[
            length(other_columns_with_node_attributes)]) {
            attr_string <- paste(attr_string, collapse = ", ")

        # Generate a line of node objects when an
        # attribute string exists
        if (exists("attr_string")) {
          line <- paste0("  '", nodes_df[i, 1], "'",
                         " [", attr_string, "] ")

        # Generate a line of node objects when an
        # attribute string doesn't exist
        if (!exists("attr_string")) {
          line <-
            paste0("  '",
                   nodes_df[i, 1],
        node_block <- c(node_block, line)

      if ("rank" %in% colnames(nodes_df)) {
        node_block <-
                   nodes_df$rank, FUN = function(x) {
                     if(length(x) > 1) {
                       x <- paste0('subgraph{rank = same\n',
                                   paste0(x, collapse = '\n'),

      } else if ("cluster" %in% colnames(nodes_df)) {

        cluster_vals <- nodes_df$cluster

        clustered_node_block <- character(0L)
        clusters <- split(node_block, cluster_vals)

        for (i in seq_along(clusters)) {
          if (names(clusters)[[i]] == "") {
            # nodes not in clusters
            cluster_block <- clusters[[i]]
          } else {
            cluster_block <-
                "subgraph cluster", i, "{\nlabel='",
                names(clusters)[[i]], "'\n",
                paste0(clusters[[i]], collapse = "\n"), "}\n"

          clustered_node_block <- c(clustered_node_block, cluster_block)

        node_block <- clustered_node_block

        # cleanup variables
        rm(clustered_node_block, clusters, cluster_block)

      # Construct the `node_block` character object
      node_block <- paste(node_block, collapse = "\n")

      # Remove the `attr_string` object if it exists
      if (exists("attr_string")) {

      # Remove the `attribute` object if it exists
      if (exists("attribute")) {

    # Create the DOT edge block

    if (nrow(edges_df) > 0) {

      # Determine whether `from` or `to` columns are
      # in `edges_df`
      from_to_columns <-
        any(c("from", "to") %in% colnames(edges_df))

      # Determine which columns in `edges_df`
      # contain edge attributes
      other_columns_with_edge_attributes <-
        which(colnames(edges_df) %in% edge_attributes)

      # Determine whether the complementary set of
      # columns is present
      if (from_to_columns) {
        both_from_to_columns <-
          all(c("from", "to") %in% colnames(edges_df))

      # If the complementary set of columns is present,
      # determine the positions
      if (exists("both_from_to_columns")) {
        if (both_from_to_columns) {
          from_column <-
            which(colnames(edges_df) %in% c("from"))[1]
          to_column <-
            which(colnames(edges_df) %in% c("to"))[1]

      # Construct the `edge_block` character object
      if (exists("from_column") &&
          exists("to_column")) {

        if (length(from_column) == 1 &&
            length(from_column) == 1) {

          for (i in 1:nrow(edges_df)) {

            if (i == 1) {
              edge_block <-
                vector(mode = "character", length = 0)

            if (length(other_columns_with_edge_attributes) > 0) {

              for (j in other_columns_with_edge_attributes) {

                if (j == other_columns_with_edge_attributes[1]) {
                  attr_string <- vector(mode = "character", length = 0)

                # Create the edge attributes for labels
                # and tooltips when provided
                if (all(colnames(edges_df)[j] %in%
                        c("edgetooltip", "headtooltip",
                          "label", "labeltooltip",
                          "taillabel", "tailtooltip",
                        is.na(edges_df[i, j]))) {
                  attribute <- NULL
                } else if (all(colnames(edges_df)[j] %in%
                               c("edgetooltip", "headtooltip",
                                 "label", "labeltooltip",
                                 "taillabel", "tailtooltip",
                               edges_df[i, j] != '')) {
                  attribute <-
                           " = ", "'", edges_df[i, j],
                } else if (all(!(colnames(edges_df)[j] %in%
                                 c("edgetooltip", "headtooltip",
                                   "label", "labeltooltip",
                                   "taillabel", "tailtooltip",
                               is.na(edges_df[i, j]))) {

                  attribute <- NULL
                } else if (all(!(colnames(edges_df)[j] %in%
                                 c("edgetooltip", "headtooltip",
                                   "label", "labeltooltip",
                                   "taillabel", "tailtooltip",
                               edges_df[i, j] != '')) {
                  attribute <-
                           " = ", "'", edges_df[i, j], "'")
                attr_string <- c(attr_string, attribute)

              if (j == other_columns_with_edge_attributes[
                length(other_columns_with_edge_attributes)]) {
                attr_string <- paste(attr_string, collapse = ", ")

            # Generate a line of edge objects when an
            # attribute string exists
            if (exists("attr_string")) {
              line <-
                paste0("'", edges_df[i, from_column], "'",
                       ifelse(directed, "->", "--"),
                       "'", edges_df[i, to_column], "'",
                       paste0(" [", attr_string, "] "))

            # Generate a line of edge objects when an
            # attribute string doesn't exist
            if (!exists("attr_string")) {
              line <-
                paste0("  ",
                       "'", edges_df[i, from_column], "'",
                       ifelse(directed, "->", "--"),
                       "'", edges_df[i, to_column], "'",
                       " ")
            edge_block <- c(edge_block, line)

      # Construct the `edge_block` character object
      if (exists("edge_block")) {
        edge_block <- paste(edge_block, collapse = "\n")

    # Create the graph code from the chosen attributes,
    # and the nodes and edges blocks
    if (exists("combined_attr_stmts")) {
      if (exists("edge_block") && exists("node_block")) {
        combined_block <-
                node_block, edge_block,
                sep = "\n")
      if (!exists("edge_block") && exists("node_block")) {
        combined_block <-
                sep = "\n")
    if (!exists("combined_attr_stmts")) {
      if (exists("edge_block")) {
        combined_block <- paste(node_block, edge_block,
                                sep = "\n")
      } else {
        combined_block <- node_block

    # Create DOT code
    dot_code <-
      paste0(ifelse(directed, "digraph", "graph"),
             " {\n", "\n", combined_block, "\n}")

    # Remove empty node or edge attribute statements
    dot_code <- gsub(" \\[\\] ", "", dot_code)


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DiagrammeR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:21 a.m.