
Defines functions replace_in_spec

Documented in replace_in_spec

#' Razor-like template for diagram specification
#' @description
#' Use Razor-like syntax to define a template for use in a `grViz` diagram.
#' @param spec String spec to be parsed and evaluated.
#' @inheritParams grViz
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # a simple example to use a LETTER as a node label
#' spec <- "
#'   digraph { '@@1' }
#'  [1]: LETTERS[1]
#' "
#' grViz(replace_in_spec(spec))
#' spec <- "
#' digraph a_nice_graph {
#' node [fontname = Helvetica]
#' a [label = '@@1']
#' b [label = '@@2-1']
#' c [label = '@@2-2']
#' d [label = '@@2-3']
#' e [label = '@@2-4']
#' f [label = '@@2-5']
#' g [label = '@@2-6']
#' h [label = '@@2-7']
#' i [label = '@@2-8']
#' j [label = '@@2-9']
#' a -> { b c d e f g h i j}
#' }
#' [1]: 'top'
#' [2]: 10:20
#' "
#' grViz(replace_in_spec(spec))
#' }
#' @export
replace_in_spec <- function(spec, envir = parent.frame()) {

  # Directive for marking subscripted text in a label or tooltip '@_'
  if (grepl("@_", spec)) {

    spec <- gsub('(label|tooltip)[ ]*=[ ]*\'(.*?)@_\\{(.*?)\\}(.*?)\'',
                 '\\1 = <\\2<FONT POINT-SIZE=\'8\'><SUB>\\3</SUB></FONT>\\4>',
                 spec, perl = TRUE)

  # Directive for marking superscripted text in a label or tooltip '@_'
  if (grepl("@\\^", spec)) {

    spec <- gsub('(label|tooltip)[ ]*=[ ]*\'(.*?)@\\^\\{(.*?)\\}(.*?)\'',
                 '\\1 = <\\2<FONT POINT-SIZE=\'8\'><SUP>\\3</SUP></FONT>\\4>',
                 spec, perl = TRUE)

  # Make a second pass to add subscripts as inline HTML
  while (grepl('(label|tooltip)[ ]*=[ ]*<(.*?)@_\\{(.+?)\\}(.*?)>', spec)) {

    spec <- gsub('(label|tooltip)[ ]*=[ ]*<(.*?)@_\\{(.*?)\\}(.*?)>',
                 '\\1 = <\\2<FONT POINT-SIZE=\'8\'><SUB>\\3</SUB></FONT>\\4>',
                 spec, perl = TRUE)

  # Make a second pass to add superscripts as inline HTML
  while (grepl('(label|tooltip)[ ]*=[ ]*<(.*?)@\\^\\{(.+?)\\}(.*?)>', spec)) {

    spec <- gsub('(label|tooltip)[ ]*=[ ]*<(.*?)@\\^\\{(.*?)\\}(.*?)>',
                 '\\1 = <\\2<FONT POINT-SIZE=\'8\'><SUP>\\3</SUP></FONT>\\4>',
                 spec, perl = TRUE)

  # Directive for substitution of arbitrary specification text '@@'
  if (grepl("@@", spec)) {

    # Extract the spec into several pieces: first being the body,
    # subsequent pieces belonging the replacement references
    spec_body <- unlist(strsplit(x = spec, "\\n\\s*\\[1\\]:"))[1]

    spec_references <-
      paste0("[1]:", unlist(strsplit(x = spec, "\\n\\s*\\[1\\]:"))[2])

    # Split the references into a vector of R statements
    split_references <-
      gsub("\\[[0-9]+\\]:[ ]?", "", unlist(strsplit(x = spec_references, "\\n")))

    # Evaluate the expressions and save into a list object
    for (i in seq_along(split_references)) {

      if (i == 1) {
        eval_expressions <- list()

      eval_expressions <-
          list(eval(parse(text = split_references[i]), envir = envir))

    # Make replacements to the spec body for each replacement that has no hyphen
    for (i in seq_along(split_references)) {
      while (grepl(paste0("@@", i, "([^-0-9])"), spec_body)) {
        spec_body <-
          gsub(paste0("@@", i, "(?=[^-0-9])"), eval_expressions[[i]][1], spec_body, perl = TRUE)

    # If the replacement has a hyphen, then obtain the digit(s) immediately
    # following and return the value from that index
    for (i in seq_along(split_references)) {
      while (grepl(paste0("@@", i, "-", "[0-9]+"), spec_body)) {

        the_index <-
            "^([0-9]+)(.*)", "\\1",
            strsplit(spec_body, paste0("@@", i, "-"))[[1]][2]
          ) %>%

        if (the_index > length(eval_expressions[[i]])) {

          spec_body <-
              paste0("@@", i, "-", the_index, "([^0-9])"),
              paste0(eval_expressions[[i]][length(eval_expressions[[i]])], "\\1"),

        } else {

          spec_body <-
              paste0("@@", i, "-", the_index, "([^0-9])"),
              paste0(eval_expressions[[i]][the_index], "\\1"),

    # Return the updated spec with replacements evaluated

  if (!grepl("@@", spec)) {

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DiagrammeR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:21 a.m.