#### BIC to choose the number of components in a
#### model based clustering using mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions
#### Tsagris Michail 4/2015
#### References: Kurt Hornik and Bettina Grun (2014)
#### movMF: An R Package for Fitting Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions
bic.mixvmf <- function(x, G = 5, n.start = 5, tol = 1e-6, maxiters = 500) {
## x contains the data
## A is the maximum number of clusters, set to 3 by default
runtime <- proc.time()
logn <- log( dim(x)[1] ) ## sample size of the data
p <- dim(x)[2] ## dimensionality of the data
bic <- icl <- 1:G
mod <- Directional::vmf.mle(x)
bic[1] <- icl[1] <- - 2 * mod$loglik+ p * logn ## BIC assuming one cluster
for (vim in 2:G) {
a <- Directional::mixvmf.mle(x, vim, n.start = n.start, tol = tol, maxiters = maxiters) ## model based clustering for some possible clusters
bic[vim] <- -2 * a$loglik + ( (vim - 1) + vim * p ) * logn
icl[vim] <- bic[vim] - sum( a$w * log(a$w), na.rm = TRUE )
} ## BIC for a range of different clusters
runtime <- proc.time() - runtime
names(bic) <- 1:G
ina <- rep(1, G)
ina[ which.min(bic) ] <- 3 ## chosen number of clusters will appear with red on the plot
plot(1:G, bic, col = ina, xlab = "Number of components", ylab = "BIC values", cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3)
abline(v = 1:G, lty = 2, col = "lightgrey")
abline(h = seq(min(bic, na.rm = FALSE), max(bic, na.rm = FALSE), length = 10), lty = 2, col = "lightgrey" )
lines(1:G, bic, lwd = 2)
points(1:G, bic, pch = 9, col = ina)
list(bic = bic, icl = icl, runtime = runtime)
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