
Defines functions Chi2Dist

Documented in Chi2Dist

# functions in this file
# Chi2Dist

#' Computes the \eqn{\chi^2}{chi2} distance between 
#' the rows of a rectangular matrix (with positive elements).
#' \code{Chi2Dist}: 
#' Computes 
#' the \eqn{I\times I}{I*I} matrix \bold{D} which is the
#' \eqn{\chi^2}{chi2} distance matrix between 
#' the rows of an \eqn{I\times J}{I*J} rectangular matrix \bold{X} 
#' (with non-negative elements), and
#' provides the \eqn{I\times 1}{I*1} \bold{m} 
#' vector of mass (where the mass of
#' a row is the sum of the entries of
#'  this row divided by the grand total of
#' the matrix). 
#' When the distance matrix and the associated vector of masses
#' are used as input to the function \code{\link{mmds}} 
#' the results will give
#' the factor scores of the correspondence analysis 
#' of the matrix \bold{X}. The
#' \code{function} is used by the function 
#' \code{Chi2DistanceFromSort} that
#' computes the \eqn{\chi^2}{chi2} 
#' distance for the results of a sorting task.
#' @param X A rectangle matrix with non-negative elements
#' @return Sends back a list: 
#' \item{$Distance}{the squared \eqn{\chi^2}{chi2}
#' distance matrix computed the rows of matrix \bold{X}.} 
#' \item{masses}{the
#' vector of masses of the rows of of matrix \bold{X}.}
#' @author Herve Abdi
#' @seealso \code{\link{Chi2DistanceFromSort}} \code{\link{distatis}}
#' \code{\link{mmds}}
#' @references The procedure and references 
#' are detailled in (Paper available
#' from  
#' \url{https://personal.utdallas.edu/~herve/}): 
#' Abdi, H. (2007). Distance.  In N.J.
#' Salkind (Ed.): \emph{Encyclopedia 
#' of Measurement and Statistics}. Thousand
#' Oaks (CA): Sage. pp. 304--308.
#' And in:\cr Abdi, H., & Valentin, D. (2006). 
#' \emph{Mathematiques pour les
#' Sciences Cognitives (Mathematics for Cognitive Sciences).}
#'  Grenoble: PUG.
#' See also (for the example):
#' Abdi, H., & Williams, L.J. (2010). Principal component analysis.
#' \emph{Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics},
#' \bold{2}, 433--459.
#' @keywords DistatisR
#' @examples
#' # Here is a data matrix from Abdi & Williams (2012)
#' # page 449, Table 15. Punctuation of 6 French authors
#' Punctuation = matrix(c(
#'   7836,   13112,   6026,
#'  53655,   102383, 42413, 
#' 115615,   184541, 59226, 
#' 161926,   340479, 62754, 
#'  38177,   105101, 12670, 
#'  46371,    58367, 14299),
#'      ncol =3,byrow = TRUE)
#' colnames(Punctuation) <-c('Period','Comma','Other')
#' rownames(Punctuation) <-c('Rousseau','Chateaubriand',
#'                    'Hugo','Zola','Proust','Giroudoux') 
#' # 1. Get the Chi2 distance matrix
#' #     between the rows of Punctuation 
#' Dres <- Chi2Dist(Punctuation)
#' # check that the mds of the Chi2 distance matrix
#' # with CA-masses gives the CA factor scores for I 
#' # 2. Use function mmds from DistatisR 
#' #
#' testmds <- mmds(Dres$Distance,masses=Dres$masses)
#' # Print the MDS factor scores from mmds
#' print('Factor Scores from mds')
#' print(testmds$FactorScores)
#' print('It matches CA on X (see Abdi & Williams, 2010. Table 16, p. 449)')
#' # Et voila!
#' @export Chi2Dist
Chi2Dist <-
function(X){#compute the chi2 distance 
	# between the rows of a matrix
    # send back the distance and the vector of mass	
    # 1. transform X into Row profiles
    xip = rowSums(X)
    R <- X / xip
    # 2. Masses, weights
    xpp = sum(xip)             # grand total
    m <- xip / xpp             # masses 
    c <- colSums(X) / xpp      # row barycenter
    w = 1/c                    # columns weights
    # Preprocess R
    Rc = t(t(R) - c)           # deviations to barycenter
    Rtilde = t(t(Rc)*sqrt(w))  # weighted R
    S = Rtilde %*% t(Rtilde)     # covariance
    s = diag(S) # diag of
    D = (s - S) + t(s - S)       # Chi2 distance matrix
    return(list(Distance =  D, masses = m))

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DistatisR documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 9:05 a.m.