
Defines functions DistributionOptimization

Documented in DistributionOptimization

#' Distribution Fitting
#' Fits a Gaussian Mixture Model onto a Dataset by minimizing a fitting error through evolutionary optimization. Every individual encodes one GMM.
#' Details over the evolutionary process itself can be taken from the 'GA' package. \link[GA]{ga}
#' @param Data           Data to be modelled
#' @param Modes               Number of expected Modes
#' @param Monitor     0:no monitoring, 1: status messages, 2: status messages and plots, 3: status messages, plots and calculated error-measures
#' @param SelectionMethod
#'   1: LinearRank selection
#'   4: UnbiasedTournament
#'   5: FitnessProportional selection
#' @param MutationMethod
  #'   1: UniformRandom mutation
  #'   2: NonuniformRandom mutation
  #'   4: Focused mutation,  alternative random mutation around solution
  #'   5: GaussMutationCust
  #'   6: TwoPhaseMutation - mutation is uniform random during the first half of iterations, and than focuses around current solution
#' @param CrossoverMethod
  #'   1: single point crossover
  #'   2: whole arithmetic crossover
  #'   3: local arithmetic crossover
  #'   4: blend crossover
  #'   5: GaussCrossover - exchange complete gaussian components
  #'   6: MultiPointCrossover  - Random amount of information between mixtures get exchanged
#' @param PopulationSize Size of the population
#' @param MutationRate  amount (0..1) of population that gets mutated
#' @param Elitism amount of best individuals that will survive generation unchanged
#' @param CrossoverRate amount of individuals that will be used for crossover
#' @param Iter number of iterations of this algorithm
#' @param OverlapTolerance ratio between Chi-Square and OverlapError (only if FitnessMethod = 4 (Chi2ValueWithOverlap))
#' @param IsLogDistribution  which gauss components should be considered as log gaussian
#' @param ErrorMethod "pde": fitting is measured by pareto density estimation. "chisquare": fitting is measured by Chi-Square test
#' @param NoBins Number of Bins that will be used for evaluating fitting
#' @param Seed   Random Seed for reproducible results
#' @param ConcurrentInit  If true, before initialization a number of short optimizations are done to find a good starting point for evolution
#' @param ParetoRad   Pareto Radius for Pareto Density Estimation and its plots
#' @return The GA object containing the evolutionary training and a description of the final GMM consisting of means, sdevs and weights.
#' @author Florian Lerch
#' @author Jorn Lotsch
#' @author Alfred Ultsch
#' @import GA
#' @import AdaptGauss
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom graphics "hist" "lines" "par" "plot.new" "text"
#' @importFrom stats "dnorm" "ecdf" "rnorm" "runif" "quantile" "sd"
#' @importFrom utils "head" "tail"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' DistributionOptimization(c(rnorm(200),rnorm(200,3), 2))
#' }
DistributionOptimization <- function(Data, Modes, Monitor = 1, SelectionMethod="UnbiasedTournament",
                                    PopulationSize=Modes*3*25, MutationRate=0.7,
                                    Elitism=0.05, CrossoverRate=0.2,
                                    Iter=Modes*3*200, OverlapTolerance = NULL,
                                    IsLogDistribution = rep(F,Modes),
                                    ErrorMethod = "chisquare", NoBins = NULL,
									Seed = NULL, ConcurrentInit = F, ParetoRad = NULL){

  # V = DistributionOptimization(Data, Modes, Monitor = F)

  # list of:
  # GA      GA object of the training
  # Weights
  # SDs
  # Means
  # author: FL

  if(!is.null(Seed)) set.seed(Seed)

  if(Monitor > 1) plot.new()

  SortedGauss = T
  Optim = F
  OverlapMethod = "Area"
  Means = NULL; SDs = NULL; Weights = NULL

  ## Werte die vorberechnet werden
  # Vorberechnungen (notwendig fuer die Berechnung der Fehler (=> Fitness))

    distvec = (stats::dist(as.matrix(Data)))
    ParetoRad = quantile(distvec, 18/100, na.rm = TRUE)
    ParetoRad = ParetoRad * 4 / length(Data)^0.2

  # no of bins
  iqr = quantile(Data, 0.75) - quantile(Data, 0.25)
  obw = 3.49 * (min(sd(Data), iqr/1.349) / nrow(Data)^(1/3))
  if(is.null(NoBins)) NoBins = max((max(Data) - min(Data)) / obw, 10)

  # density
  kernels = as.vector(seq(min(Data), max(Data), length.out = NoBins))
  inRad = sapply(kernels, function(k)   (Data >= (k - ParetoRad)) & (Data <= (k + ParetoRad)))
  nrInRad = as.vector(colSums(inRad))
  normv = pracma::trapz(kernels, nrInRad)
  paretoDensity = nrInRad / normv

  breaks = seq(min(Data), max(Data), length.out = NoBins+1)
  empiricalCdf = ecdf(Data)(kernels)
  observedBins = hist(Data, breaks=breaks, plot = F)$counts
  if(length(observedBins) != NoBins) stop("R Base Function hist failed and produced a different number of bins")

  # globale Variablen
  bestChi2Value = -Inf
  bestChi2P = Inf
  bestKS = Inf

  Kernels = seq(min(Data), max(Data), length.out = 40)

    if(ErrorMethod == "chisquare") OverlapTolerance = 0.5
    else if(ErrorMethod == "pde") OverlapTolerance = 0.2

  #### Fitness Funktion ############
  GaussmixtureFitness <- function(x){
    # Fitnessfunktion zur Benutzung mit dem GA Paket
    # x ist ein Vektor mit allen Parametern
    # Rueckgabewert ist ein Fitnesswert

    # werte aus x auslesen
    Weights = x[1:Modes]
    SDs = x[(Modes+1):(Modes*2)]
    Means = x[(Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]

    N = length(Data)

    # gewichte jeweils von 0 bis 1 muessen so umgeformt werden, dass sie in Summe eins ergeben
    Weights = Weights / sum(Weights)

    # calculation of similarity distribution error
    if(ErrorMethod == "chisquare"){
      estimatedBins = BinProb4Mixtures(Means, SDs, Weights, breaks)*N
      norm = estimatedBins
      diffssq = (observedBins - estimatedBins)^2
      diffssq[diffssq<4] = 0 # siehe Chi2testMixtures. Weniger als 2^2 diff, ist identisch
      SimilarityError = sum(diffssq/norm)
      # normierungskram
      #SimilarityError = SimilarityError * (1 / (4*(N^2))) # theoretisches maximum
      #SimilarityError = SimilarityError^(1/6) # gleichmaessigere Verteilung zwischen 0 und 1

      #SimilarityError = (SimilarityError * (1 / N))
      SimilarityError = SimilarityError / N
    else if(ErrorMethod == "pde"){
      V = Pdf4Mixtures(kernels, Means, SDs, Weights)
      SimilarityError = sum(abs(V$PDFmixture - paretoDensity))
      stop(paste0("Errormethod '",ErrorMethod,"' is not recognized."))

    #res <- Chi2testMixtures(Data, Means, SDs, Weights)
    #res <- Chi2Value(Data, Means, SDs, Weights)

    a <- OverlapTolerance  # gewichtung chi2

    #  res <- Chi2ValueWithOverlap(Means, SDs, Weights, precalc, IsLogDistribution = IsLogDistribution, preciseOverlap = F,
    #                              customOverlapFunction = customOverlapFunction)
    #  res <- a*res$normedChi2Value + (1-a)*res$overlappingValue

    if(OverlapTolerance < 1){
      #if(OverlapMethod == "Datapoints")
        #OError = verlapErrorC(
      #else if(OverlapMethod == "Area")
        #OError = OverlapErrorByDensity(Means, SDs, Weights, Data, Kernels)
        OError = OverlapErrorByDensity(Means, SDs, Weights, Data, Kernels)$OverlapError
        #OError = OverlapErrorByE(Means, SDs, Weights, Data)$errorAvg
      #  OError = customOverlapFunction(Means, SDs, Weights, Data, paretoDensity, kernels)
      OError = 0

    if(OError > OverlapTolerance) res = 10
    else res <- SimilarityError


  ### Mutation #######
  GaussMutationWithIntensity <- function(obj, parent){

    mutate <- parent <- as.vector(obj@population[parent, ])
    dempeningFactor <- 1 - obj@iter/obj@maxiter

    mutateParameter <- sample(length(parent),1)

    min <- obj@lower[mutateParameter]
    max <- obj@upper[mutateParameter]

    range <- (max-min)*dempeningFactor

  #  min = max(mutate[mutateParameter]-range, obj@min[mutateParameter] )
  #  max = min(mutate[mutateParameter]+range, obj@max[mutateParameter] )

    min = mutate[mutateParameter]-range
    max = mutate[mutateParameter]+range

    if(min < obj@lower[mutateParameter]) min = obj@lower[mutateParameter]
    if(max < min) max = min

    mutate[mutateParameter] <- runif(1, min, max)


  UniformMutation <- function(object, parent, ...){
    mutate <- parent <- as.vector(object@population[parent, ])
    n <- length(parent)

    for(i in 1:sample(1:3,1)){
    j <- sample(1:n, size = 1)

    min = object@lower[j]
    max = object@upper[j]

    if(restrictEMutation && (j >= (Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)) && (j <= (Modes*3))){ # es handelt sich um einen Erwartungswert
      if(j != (Modes*3)) # nicht die letzte Mode
        max = mutate[j+1]
      if(j != ((Modes*2)+1)) # nicht die erste Mode
        min = mutate[j-1]

    mutate[j] <- runif(1, min, max)

  GaussMutationCust <- function(obj, parent){
    mutate <- parent <- as.vector(obj@population[parent, ])
    n <- length(parent)

    #### replace random points
   # mutation_amount = sample(1:n,1)

   # par <- sample(1:n, mutation_amount

    #### replace component
   # com = sample(1:Modes, 1)
   # par <- c(com, Modes+com, Modes*2+com)

   ### start with type
   # type = sample(1:3,1)
   # if(type==1) par = c(1:Modes)
   # if(type==2) par = sample((Modes+1):(Modes*2),1 )
   # if(type==3) par = sample((Modes*2+1):(Modes*3),1 )

    ### always resample complete type
    #type = sample(1:3,1)
    #if(type==1) par = c(1:Modes)
    #if(type==2) par = c((Modes+1):(Modes*2))
    #if(type==3) par = c((Modes*2+1):(Modes*3))

    ### focus sampling on ew and sd
    type = sample(1:9,1)
    if(type<=3) par = sample((Modes+1):(Modes*2),1 )
    else if(type<=8) par = sample((Modes*2+1):(Modes*3),1 )
    else par = c(1:Modes)

    for(i in par){
      mutate[i] <- runif(1, obj@lower[i], obj@upper[i])


  TwoPhaseMutation <- function(obj, parent){
    if(obj@iter <= (obj@maxiter*0.8)){
      res <- gareal_raMutation(obj,parent)
      res <- GaussMutationWithIntensity(obj,parent)

      print("error in result after two phase mutation")


  ###### Crossoverfunktionen  ########
  GaussCrossover <- function(object, parents){
    parents <- object@population[parents, , drop = FALSE]
    n <- ncol(parents)
    children <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = n)

    # entscheide wie viele moden vom ersten elter stammen
    nrOfModes = round(runif(runif(1,min=1,max=Modes-1)))
    modesOfParent1 = sample(1:Modes,nrOfModes)
    r <- rep(FALSE, Modes)
    r[modesOfParent1] = TRUE

    for(i in 1:Modes){
      x = c(i,i+Modes,i+(Modes*2))
        children[1, x] = parents[1, x]
        children[2, x] = parents[2, x]
        children[1 ,x] = parents[2, x]
        children[2 ,x] = parents[1, x]

    out <- list(children = children, fitness = rep(NA, 2))

  MultiPointCrossover <- function(object, parents, ...){
    fitness <- object@fitness[parents]
    parents <- object@population[parents, , drop = FALSE]
    n <- ncol(parents)
    children <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = 2, ncol = n)

    crossoverPoints = sample(1:n,4)
    cP2 <- setdiff(1:n, crossoverPoints)

    fitnessChildren <- rep(NA, 2)

    children[1,crossoverPoints] <- parents[1,crossoverPoints]
    children[2,crossoverPoints] <- parents[2,crossoverPoints]
    children[1,cP2] <- parents[2, cP2]
    children[2,cP2] <- parents[1, cP2]

    out <- list(children = children, fitness = fitnessChildren)

  ##### Monitoring ####################
  MonitorFun <- function(x){
    if(Monitor==0) return("")
    else if(Monitor==1) gaMonitor(x)
      best <- which.max(x@fitness)
      bestSol <- x@population[best,]

      res = bestSol

      Weights = res[1:Modes]
      SDs = res[(Modes+1):(Modes*2)]
      Means = res[(Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]
      Weights = Weights / sum(Weights)

      if(!(x@iter %% 20)){  # nur bei jeder 20. iteration plotten
        if((!(x@iter %% 100)) && (Monitor >= 3)){  # nur bei jeder 100. iteration Fehler berechnen

          V = Chi2testMixtures(Data, Means, SDs, Weights, PlotIt = F)
          bestChi2Value <<- V$Chi2Value
          bestChi2P <<- V$Pvalue

          V = KStestMixtures(Data, Means, SDs, Weights)
          bestKS <<- V$PvalueKS

        xl = max(Data, na.rm = T)
        xa = min(Data, na.rm = T)
        xlim = c(xa, xl)

#        if(!is.null(ImagePath)){
#          jpeg(paste0(ImagePath, "gmm-", x@iter, ".jpg"), width = 600, height = 600)
#          PlotMixtures(Data, Means, SDs=SDs,Weights = Weights, SingleGausses = T, IsLogDistribution = IsLogDistribution,
#                       ParetoRad=ParetoRad, lwd=2, xlim=xlim)
#          dev.off()
#        }

        # PDE Plot
        PlotMixtures(Data, Means, SDs=SDs,Weights = Weights, SingleGausses = T, IsLogDistribution = IsLogDistribution,
                     ParetoRad=ParetoRad, lwd=2, xlim=xlim)

        # Histogram Plot
        V1 <- hist(Data, breaks = breaks)
        X = sort(Data)
        pdfV=Pdf4Mixtures(X, Means, SDs, Weights)
        yfit <- pdfV$PDFmixture*diff(V1$mids[1:2])*length(Data)
        lines(X, yfit, col="red", lwd=2)

        # CDF Plot
        plot(ecdf(Data), xlab = "", ylab = "", main="CDF", verticals=TRUE, pch=20, cex=0.8, col="red")

        V = CDFMixtures(X, Means, SDs, Weights)
        lines(X, V$CDFGaussMixture, col="blue", lwd=2)

        if(Monitor >= 3){
          # erstelle einen leeren Plot zum Schreiben

          text(paste("Chi2 Value: ", bestChi2Value), y=0.9, x=1)
          text(paste("Chi2 P-Value: ", bestChi2P), y=0.5, x=1)
          text(paste("KS P-Value: ", bestKS), y=0.2, x=1)



      # print(paste0(c("SDs:", SDs), collapse=" "))
      # print(paste0(c("Means:", Means), collapse=" "))
      # print(paste0(c("Weights:", Weights), collapse=" "))
      # print(paste("Elitism:", Elitism))
      # print(paste("Population:", PopulationSize))

      #print(Chi2ParetoValue(Data, Means, SDs, Weights))


  biasedTournamentSelection <- function(object, tournamentSize=4, p = 0.5, winners = 1, ...){
    sel <- rep(NA, object@popSize)

    i = 1
    while(i < object@popSize){
      s <- sample(1:object@popSize, size = tournamentSize)
      #prob <- abs(object@fitness[s])/sum(abs(object@fitness[s]))

      r <- rank(abs(object@fitness[s]), ties.method="random")
      prob = p * (1-p)^(r-1)

      tSel <- sample(s, size = 1, prob = pmin(pmax(0,
                   prob), 1, na.rm = TRUE), replace = TRUE)

      i = i + winners
    sel = sel[1:object@popSize]

    out <- list(population = object@population[sel, , drop = FALSE],
                fitness = object@fitness[sel])

  ##### Parameter Suite ###############
  SelectionMethodByNr <- function(x, ...){
    if(x == "LinearRank") r <- gareal_lrSelection(...)  # linear rank selection
    else if(x == "UnbiasedTournament") r <- gareal_tourSelection(k=4,...) # unbiased tournament
    else if(x == "FitnessProportional") r <- gareal_lsSelection(...) # fitness proportional selection
    else stop(paste("Selectionmethod",x,"was not recognized"))

  CrossoverMethodByNr <- function(x, object, parents,...){
    if(x == "SinglePoint") r <- gareal_spCrossover(object,parents,...) # single point crossover
    else if(x == "WholeArithmetic") r <- gareal_waCrossover(object,parents,...) # whole arithmetic crossover
    else if(x == "LocalArithmetic") r <- gareal_laCrossover(object,parents,...) # local arithmetic crossover
    else if(x == "Blend") r <- gareal_blxCrossover(object,parents,...) # blend crossover
    else if(x == "Component") r <- GaussCrossover(object,parents,...)
    else if(x == "MultiPoint") r <- MultiPointCrossover(object,parents,...)
    else stop(paste("Crossovermethod",x,"was not recognized"))

      # werte auslesen

      n = nrow(r$children)

      for(i in 1:n){
        Means = r$children[1, (Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]
        sorted = order(Means)

        Weights = r$children[i, 1:Modes]
        SDs = r$children[i, (Modes+1):(Modes*2)]
        Means = r$children[i, (Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]
        sorted = order(Means)

          print("sd error before sorting in crossover")

        r$children[i, ] = c(Weights[sorted],SDs[sorted],Means[sorted])

  MutationMethodByNr <- function(x, o, p){
    if(x == "Uniform") r <- UniformMutation(o,p) # uniform random mutation
    else if(x == "NonUniform") r <- gareal_nraMutation(o,p)# nonuniform random mutation
    else if(x == "Focused") r <- GaussMutationWithIntensity(o,p) # auch random mutation around solution?
    else if(x == "E+SD_Focused") r <- GaussMutationCust(o,p)
    else if(x == "Uniform+Focused") r <- TwoPhaseMutation(o,p)
    else stop(paste("Mutationmethod",x,"was not recognized"))

      # werte auslesen
      Weights = r[1:Modes]
      SDs = r[(Modes+1):(Modes*2)]
      Means = r[(Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]
      sorted = order(Means)

        print("sd error before sorting in mutation")



  sortedCustomPopulation <- function(object, ...){
    #r <- matrix(rep(c(Weights, SDs, Means), object@popSize ), byrow=T, ncol=Modes * 3)
    r <- gareal_Population(object,...)

    breaks = tail(head(seq(min(Data),max(Data), length.out=Modes + 2),-1),-1)

    for(i in 1:nrow(r)){
      # erwartungswerte
      k = 1
      for(br in breaks){
        r[i,(Modes*2+k)] = rnorm(1,br,(max(Data)-min(Data))/(Modes*5))

        # standardabweichungen
        r[i,(Modes+k)] = runif(1, 0,(max(Data)-min(Data))/(Modes*3))

        k = k + 1

      # überschreiben falls Werte gegeben
        r[i,1:Modes] = Weights
        r[i,(Modes+1):(Modes*2)] = SDs
        r[i,(Modes*2 + 1):(Modes*3)] = Means


    for(i in 1:nrow(r)){
      Weights = r[i,1:Modes]
      SDs = r[i,(Modes+1):(Modes*2)]
      Means = r[i,(Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]
      sorted = order(Means)

      r[i,] = c(Weights[sorted],SDs[sorted],Means[sorted])


  concurrentStartPopulation <- function(object, ...){
    populations = list()
    for(i in 1:5){
      V <- DistributionOptimization(Data, Modes, Monitor, )


  concurrentPopulation <- function(object, ...){
    populations = list()
    fitness = c()

    print("Generating Startpopulation...")

    for(i in 1:5){
      # MutationMethod anpassen
      V <- DistributionOptimization(Data,
            Monitor = 0,
            OverlapTolerance = OverlapTolerance,
            IsLogDistribution = IsLogDistribution,
            ErrorMethod = ErrorMethod,
            NoBins = NoBins,
            ConcurrentInit = F,
            ParetoRad = ParetoRad)

      populations[[i]] = V$GA@population
      fitness[i] = V$GA@fitnessValue

      print(paste0( round((i/5) * 100, 2), "% done"))
    bestPopulationIndex = which.max(fitness)

  ##### Bestimmung der Grundkonfiguration

  # spannweite der daten
  dataRange = abs(max(Data) - min(Data))
  # Bestimmung der Min und Max Werte
  minSD = dataRange * 0.001 # 0.1 prozent der datarange
  #maxSD = dataRange*3 # 99,7 prozent der Daten liegen innerhalb dieser standardabweichung
  maxSD = dataRange * 0.1
  #maxSD =

  minMean = min(Data) # nicht sicher ob das wirklich immer gelten sollte
  maxMean = max(Data)
  #maxMean = maxMean * 1.3
  minWeight = 0.03
  maxWeight = 1
  minimums = c(rep(minWeight, Modes), rep(minSD, Modes), rep(minMean, Modes))
  maximums = c(rep(maxWeight, Modes), rep(maxSD, Modes), rep(maxMean, Modes))

  #  precalc <- Chi2Value_precalc(Data)
  #  precalc <- PDEError_precalc(Data)

  if(Monitor==0) ActiveMonitor = NULL
  else ActiveMonitor = MonitorFun

  ##### Start des Trainings
  sol <- ga(type = "real-valued",
           fitness = function(x){GaussmixtureFitness(x)},
           lower = minimums, upper = maximums, popSize = PopulationSize, maxiter = Iter,
           monitor = ActiveMonitor,
           #pmutation = MutationRate, #startMutation, #
           pmutation = function(...){ga_pmutation(..., p0 = MutationRate,p=MutationRate)},
           mutation= function(...) MutationMethodByNr(MutationMethod,...),
           crossover = function(object,parents,...) CrossoverMethodByNr(CrossoverMethod,object,parents,...),
           selection = function(...) SelectionMethodByNr(SelectionMethod,...),
           population = function(...){
             if(ConcurrentInit) concurrentPopulation(...)
             else sortedCustomPopulation(...)},
           elitism = base::max(1, round(PopulationSize*Elitism)),
           pcrossover = CrossoverRate,
  interrupt = function(x) print("interrupted"),
  finally = {})

  # extract results
  x = sol@solution[1,]

  Weights = x[1:Modes]
  SDs = x[(Modes+1):(Modes*2)]
  Means = x[(Modes*2+1):(Modes*3)]
  Weights = Weights / sum(Weights)

  return(list(GA=sol, Weights=Weights, SDs = SDs, Means = Means))

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DistributionOptimization documentation built on Feb. 12, 2020, 5:57 p.m.