
Defines functions gAIC.DRMod AIC.DRMod logLik.DRMod plotFunc plot.DRMod predict.DRMod gradCalc vcov.DRMod coef.DRMod print.summary.DRMod summary.DRMod print.DRMod sepCoef optLoc getStandDR getZmat.weighted getZmat optGrid fitModel.bndnls fitModel.lin fitMod.raw fitMod getGrid fit.control defBnds

Documented in AIC.DRMod coef.DRMod defBnds fitMod gAIC.DRMod logLik.DRMod plot.DRMod predict.DRMod vcov.DRMod

## functions related to fitting dose-response models using ML or generalized approach
defBnds <- function(mD, emax = c(0.001, 1.5)*mD,
                    exponential = c(0.1, 2)*mD, 
                    logistic = matrix(c(0.001, 0.01, 1.5, 1/2)*mD, 2),
                    sigEmax = matrix(c(0.001*mD, 0.5, 1.5*mD, 10), 2),
                    betaMod = matrix(c(0.05,0.05,4,4), 2)){
  list(emax = emax, logistic = logistic, sigEmax = sigEmax,
       exponential = exponential, betaMod = betaMod)

fit.control <- function(control){
  ## get control parameters for nonlinear fitting
  ## default parameters
  res <- list(nlminbcontrol = list(),
              optimizetol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
              gridSize = list(dim1 = 30, dim2 = 144))
    ## check arguments first
        stop("nlminbcontrol element of fitControl must be a list")
        stop("gridSize element of fitControl must be a list")
      nams <- names(control$gridSize)
      ind <- any(is.na(match(nams,c("dim1", "dim2"))))
        stop("gridSize list needs to have names dim1 and dim2")
      } else {
        if(!is.numeric(control$gridSize$dim1) | !is.numeric(control$gridSize$dim1))
          stop("gridSize$dim1 and gridSize$dim2 need to be numeric")
    nams <- names(control)
    res[nams] <- control
    if(!all(nams %in% c("nlminbcontrol","optimizetol","gridSize")))
      warning("control needs to have entries called \"nlminbcontrol\",\"optimizetol\",\"gridSize\"")
    res[nams] <- control

getGrid <- function(Ngrd, bnds, dim){
  if(dim == 1){
    grdnods <- (2*(1:Ngrd)-1)/(2*Ngrd)
    mat <- matrix(grdnods*(bnds[2]-bnds[1])+bnds[1], ncol = 1)
  } else { # use generalized lattice point set (glp) set (maximum size 75025)
    glp <- c(3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 
             610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 
             17711, 28657, 46368, 75025)
    if(Ngrd > 75025)
      Ngrd <- 75025
    if(Ngrd < 5)
      Ngrd <- 5
    ind <- min((1:22)[glp >= Ngrd])
    N <- glp[ind]
    k <- 1:N
    mat <- cbind((k-0.5)/N, ((glp[ind-1]*k-0.5)/N)%%1)
    mat[,1] <- mat[,1]*(bnds[1,2]-bnds[1,1])+bnds[1,1]
    mat[,2] <- mat[,2]*(bnds[2,2]-bnds[2,1])+bnds[2,1]

fitMod <- function(dose, resp, data = NULL, model = NULL, S = NULL,
                   type = c("normal", "general"),
                   addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, bnds, df = NULL,
                   start = NULL, na.action = na.fail, control = NULL,
                   addArgs = NULL){
  ## check for valid dose, resp and data
  cal <- as.character(match.call())
  type <- match.arg(type)
  lst <- checkAnalyArgs(dose, resp, data, S, type,
                        addCovars, placAdj, na.action, cal)
  doseNam <- lst$doseNam;respNam <- lst$respNam
  dose <- lst$dd[[doseNam]];type <- lst$type
  resp <- lst$dd[[respNam]];data <- lst$dd;S <- lst$S
  covarsUsed <- addCovars != ~1
  ## check type related arguments
  if(type == "general"){
    if(placAdj & model %in% c("linlog", "logistic")) # stop as fitting algorithm assumes f^0(0) = 0
      stop("logistic and linlog models cannot be fitted to placebo adjusted data") 
      stop("addCovars argument ignored for type == \"general\"")
      df <- Inf
  ## check whether model has been specified correctly
  builtIn <- c("linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "linInt", "emax",
               "exponential", "logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax")
    stop("Need to specify the model that should be fitted")
  modelNum <- match(model, builtIn)
    stop("Invalid dose-response model specified")
  ## check for start argument
  if(modelNum < 5 & !is.null(start))
    message("Message: Starting values in \"start\" ignored for linear models")
  ## check for valid bnds
  if(modelNum > 4){
      message("Message: Need bounds in \"bnds\" for nonlinear models, using default bounds from \"defBnds\".")
      bnds <- defBnds(max(dose))[[model]]
    } else {
        message("Message: Need bounds in \"bnds\" for nonlinear models, using default bounds from \"defBnds\".")
        bnds <- defBnds(max(dose))[[model]]
  ## addArgs argument
  scal <- off <- nodes <- NULL
  if(model %in% c("linlog", "betaMod")){
    aPar <- getAddArgs(addArgs, sort(unique(dose)))
    if(model == "betaMod")
      scal <- aPar$scal
    if(model == "linlog")
      off <- aPar$off
  if(model == "linInt"){ ## not allowed to use nodes different from used doses
    nodes <- sort(unique(dose))

  ## call fit-model raw!
  out <- fitMod.raw(dose, resp, data, model, S, type,
                    addCovars, placAdj, bnds, df, start,
                    na.action, control, doseNam=doseNam,
                    respNam=respNam, off = off, scal = scal,
                    nodes=nodes, covarsUsed)
  ## attach data to object
  reord <- order(lst$ord)
  if(type == "normal"){
      attr(out, "data") <- data[reord,]
    } else {
      dat <- data.frame(dose=dose, resp=resp)
      colnames(dat) <- c(doseNam, respNam)
      attr(out, "data") <- dat[reord,]
  } else {
    lst <- list(dose=dose[reord], resp=resp[reord], S=S[reord,reord]) 
    names(lst) <- c(doseNam, respNam, "S")
    attr(out, "data") <- lst

fitMod.raw <- function(dose, resp, data, model, S, type,
                       addCovars = ~1, placAdj = FALSE, bnds, df, start = NULL,
                       na.action = na.fail, control, doseNam, respNam,
                       off, scal, nodes, covarsUsed){
  ## fit model but do not check for arguments (for use in MCPMod function)!
  ## differences to fitMod:
  ## - dose, resp need to be vectors containing the data
  ## - additional args: doseNam, respNam, off, scal
  builtIn <- c("linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "linInt", "emax",
               "exponential", "logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax")
  modelNum <- match(model, builtIn)

  weights <- NULL;clinS <- NULL
  ## package data for model-fitting
  if(type == "general"){ # general approach
    dataFit <- data.frame(dose = dose, resp = resp)
    ## pre-calculate some necessary information
    clinS <- chol(solve(S))
  } else { # normal data
      dataFit <- data
      ind1 <- which(names(dataFit) == doseNam)
      ind2 <- which(names(dataFit) == respNam)
      names(dataFit)[c(ind1, ind2)] <- c("dose", "resp")
      ord <- order(dataFit$dose)
      dataFit <- dataFit[ord,] ## sorting by increasing dose is needed for optGrid (specifically getZmat)
    } else { ## for efficiency fit on means in case of no covariates
      dataFit <- data.frame(dose = sort(unique(dose)), 
                            resp = as.numeric(tapply(resp, dose, mean)))
      ## calculate within group variance to recover full RSS later
      n <- as.vector(table(dose))
      vars <- tapply(resp, dose, var)
      vars[n == 1] <- 0
      S2 <- sum((n - 1) * vars)
      weights <- n
  ## call actual fitting algorithms
  if(is.element(modelNum, 1:4)){ # linear model
    fit <- fitModel.lin(dataFit, model, addCovars, off, type,
                        weights, placAdj, clinS)
  } else { # non-linear model
    fit <- fitModel.bndnls(dataFit, model, addCovars, type, bnds, control,
                           start, scal, weights, placAdj, clinS)
  ## now need to post-process
  resid <- fit$resid
  if(type == "normal" & !covarsUsed) # fitted on means, need to recover full RSS
    resid <- fit$resid + S2
  ## extract levels for factor covariates
    usedVars <- all.vars(addCovars) # variables used for fitting
    ind <- sapply(data, function(x) is.factor(x)) # determine factors in data
    ind <- is.element(names(data), usedVars) & ind # has the factor been used in fitting?
    xlev <- lapply(data[ind], levels) # extract levels
  } else {
    xlev <- NULL
  df <- ifelse(is.null(fit$df), df, fit$df)
  res <- list(coefs = fit$coefs, resid, df=df,
              addCovars = addCovars)
  names(res)[2] <- ifelse(type == "normal", "RSS", "gRSS")
  attr(res, "model") <- model
  attr(res, "type") <- type
  attr(res, "placAdj") <- placAdj
  attr(res, "addCovars") <- addCovars
  attr(res, "xlev") <- xlev
  attr(res, "doseRespNam") <- c(doseNam, respNam)
  attr(res, "off") <- off
  attr(res, "scal") <- scal
  attr(res, "nodes") <- nodes
  class(res) <- "DRMod"
fitModel.lin <- function(dataFit, model, addCovars, off, type,
                         weights, placAdj, clinS){
  dose <- dataFit$dose
  resp <- dataFit$resp
  ## build model matrices and fit model using QR decompositions
  X <- switch(model,
              linear = cbind(1, dose),
              linlog = cbind(1, log(dose + off)),
              quadratic = cbind(1, dose, dose^2),
              linInt = model.matrix(~as.factor(dose)-1, data=dataFit))
  if(model == "quadratic"){
    nam <- c("e0", "b1", "b2")
  } else {
    if(model == "linInt"){
      nam <- paste("d", sort(unique(dose)), sep="")
    } else {
      nam <- c("e0", "delta")
  if(placAdj){ # no intercept
    if(model != "linInt"){ # only need to remove intercept for non-linInt mods
      X <- X[,-1, drop = FALSE]
      nam <- nam[-1]
  covarsUsed <- addCovars != ~1
  if(type == "normal" & covarsUsed){ # normal with covariates
    form <- paste("resp ~", addCovars[2], sep="")
    m <- model.matrix(as.formula(form), data = dataFit)
    X <- cbind(X, m[,-1])
    nam <- c(nam, colnames(m)[-1])
    par <- as.numeric(qr.coef(qr(X),resp))
    df <- nrow(X)-ncol(X)
  } else { # general or normal without covariates
    if(type == "normal"){
      clinS <- diag(sqrt(weights))
      df <- sum(weights) - length(nam)
    } else {
      df <- NULL
    par <- as.numeric(qr.coef(qr(clinS%*%X),clinS%*%resp))
  pred <- as.numeric(X%*%par)
  names(par) <- nam
    out <- list(coefs=par, sum((resp-pred)^2), df = df)    
  } else {
    out <- list(coefs=par, as.numeric(crossprod(clinS%*%(resp-pred))), df = df)
  names(out)[2] <- "resid"

fitModel.bndnls <- function(dataFit, model, addCovars, type, bnds, control, 
                            start, scal, weights, placAdj, clinS){

  ctrl <- fit.control(control)
  if(model == "emax"|model == "exponential"){
    dim <- 1
      bnds <- matrix(bnds, nrow = 1)
  } else {
    dim <- 2
  dose <- dataFit$dose
  resp <- dataFit$resp
  ## preliminary calculations (need resXY, clinS and qrX)
  covarsUsed <- addCovars != ~1
  covarNams <- NULL
  if(type == "general"){ # general approach
    if(placAdj){ # no intercept
      resXY <- as.numeric(clinS%*%resp)
    } else {
      X2 <- clinS%*%matrix(1, nrow = length(dose))
      resp2 <- clinS%*%resp
      qrX <- qr(X2)
      resXY <- as.numeric(qr.resid(qrX, resp2))
  } else { # normal data
    form <- paste("resp ~", addCovars[2], sep="")
    m <- model.matrix(as.formula(form), dataFit)
    if(covarsUsed){ # covariates present
      covarNams <- colnames(m)[2:ncol(m)]
      qrX <- qr(m)
      resXY <- as.numeric(qr.resid(qrX, resp))
    } else { # no covariates: fit on means
      clinS <- diag(sqrt(weights))
      qrX <- qr(clinS%*%m)
      resXY <- as.numeric(qr.resid(qrX, sqrt(weights)*resp))

  ## if no starting values provided use grid-search
    opt <- optGrid(model, dim, bnds, ctrl$gridSize, dose, type,
                   qrX, resXY, clinS, placAdj, scal)
    strt <- opt$coefs;resid <- opt$resid
    if(dim == 1){ ## refine bounds
      N <- ctrl$gridSize$dim1
      dif <- (bnds[2]-bnds[1])/N # distance between grid points
      bnds[1] <- max(c(strt-1.1*dif), bnds[1])
      bnds[2] <- min(c(strt+1.1*dif), bnds[2])
  } else {
    strt <- start;resid <- Inf
  ## start local optimizer at starting value
  opt2 <- optLoc(model, dim, bnds, dose, qrX, resXY, strt, scal,
                 placAdj, type, ctrl$optimizetol, ctrl$nlminbcontrol,
  ## recover names
  nam1 <- switch(model, emax = c("eMax", "ed50"),
                 sigEmax = c("eMax", "ed50", "h"),
                 logistic = c("eMax", "ed50", "delta"),
                 exponential = c("e1", "delta"),
                 betaMod = c("eMax", "delta1", "delta2"))
  ## recover all parameters from nonlin parameter and return results
  f0 <- getStandDR(model, dose, opt2$coefs, scal)
  if(type == "general"){ # return "generalized" sum of squares
    if(placAdj){ # no intercept
      par0 <- sum((clinS %*% f0) * (clinS%*%resp))/sum((clinS %*% f0)^2)
      pred <- f0*par0
      par <- c(par0, opt2$coefs)
      names(par) <- nam1      
    } else { # with intercept
      F <- cbind(1, f0)
      par0 <- qr.coef(qr(clinS %*% F), clinS %*% resp)
      pred <- F%*%par0
      par <- c(par0, opt2$coefs)
      names(par) <- c("e0", nam1)
    return(list(coefs=par, resid = opt2$resid))
  } else { ## type == normal
    X <- cbind(1,f0,m[,-1])
      par0 <- as.numeric(qr.coef(qr(X),resp))
      pred <- as.numeric(X%*%par0)
      par <- c(par0[1:2], opt2$coefs, par0[3:length(par0)])
      df <- nrow(X) - length(par)
    } else { # no covariates; was fitted on means
      par0 <- qr.coef(qr(clinS %*% X), clinS %*% resp)
      pred <- X%*%par0
      par <- c(par0, opt2$coefs)
      df <- sum(weights) - length(par)
    names(par) <- c("e0", nam1, covarNams)
    return(list(coefs=par, resid = opt2$resid, df = df))

optGrid <- function(model, dim, bnds, gridSize, dose, type,
                    qrX, resXY, wMat, placAdj, scal){
  ## grid optimizer for non-linear case
  N <- ifelse(dim==1, gridSize$dim1, gridSize$dim2)
  if(N < 1)
    stop("need N >= 1")
  nodes <- getGrid(N, bnds, dim)
  ## calculate residuals
  if(type == "normal" & is.null(wMat)){ # normal with covariates
    Zmat <- getZmat(dose, nodes, model, dim, scal)
    resZmat <- qr.resid(qrX, Zmat)
  } else { # normal without covariates or general
    Zmat <- getZmat.weighted(dose, nodes, model, dim, scal)
    Zmat <- wMat%*%Zmat
    if(placAdj & type == "general") # general without intercept
      resZmat <- Zmat
      resZmat <- qr.resid(qrX, Zmat)

  colsms1 <- colSums(resZmat * resXY)
  colsms2 <- colSums(resZmat * resZmat)
  RSSvec <- sum(resXY*resXY) - (colsms1*colsms1)/colsms2
  indMin <- which.min(RSSvec)
  coefs <- nodes[indMin,]
  list(coefs=coefs, resid = RSSvec[indMin])  

getZmat <- function(x, nodes, model, dim, scal=NULL){
  getPred <- function(vec, x, model, scal)
    getStandDR(model, x, vec, scal)
  xU <- sort(unique(x))
  n <- as.numeric(table(x))
  args <- nodes
  res0 <- apply(args, 1, getPred, x=xU, model=model, scal=scal)
  Zmat <- apply(res0, 2, function(x,n) rep(x,n), n=n)

getZmat.weighted <- function(x, nodes, model, dim, scal){
  # does not exploit repeated observations
  getPred <- function(vec, x, model, scal)
    getStandDR(model, x, vec, scal)
  args <- nodes
  Zmat <- apply(args, 1, getPred, x=x, model=model, scal=scal)

getStandDR <- function(model, x, nl, scal){
  ## calculate standardized response for nonlinear models
         emax = emax(x, 0, 1, nl),
         sigEmax = sigEmax(x, 0, 1, nl[1], nl[2]),
         exponential = exponential(x, 0, 1, nl),
         logistic = logistic(x, 0, 1, nl[1], nl[2]),
         betaMod = betaMod(x, 0, 1, nl[1], nl[2], scal))

optLoc <- function(model, dim, bnds, dose, qrX, resXY, start, scal,
                   placAdj, type, tol, nlminbcontrol, clinS){
  ## function to calculate ls residuals (to be optimized)
  optFunc <- function(nl, x, qrX, resXY, model, scal, clinS){
    Z <- getStandDR(model, x, nl, scal)
      Z <- clinS%*%Z
    if(placAdj & type == "general"){
      resXZ <- Z
    } else {
      resXZ <- try(qr.resid(qrX, Z)) # might be NaN if function is called on strange parameters
      if(inherits(resXZ, "try-error"))
    sumrsXYrsXZ <- sum(resXY*resXZ)
    sum(resXY*resXY) - sumrsXYrsXZ*sumrsXYrsXZ/sum(resXZ*resXZ)

  if(dim == 1){ # one-dimensional models
    optobj <- optimize(optFunc, c(bnds[1], bnds[2]), x=dose, qrX=qrX, resXY=resXY,
                       model = model, tol=tol, clinS=clinS, scal = scal)
    coefs <- optobj$minimum
    RSS <- optobj$objective
  } else {
    optobj <- try(nlminb(start, optFunc, x=dose, qrX=qrX, resXY=resXY,
                         model = model, scal = scal,
                         lower = bnds[,1], upper = bnds[,2],
                         control = nlminbcontrol, clinS=clinS))
    if(inherits(optobj, "try-error")){
      coefs <- RSS <- NA
    } else {
      coefs <- optobj$par
      RSS <- optobj$objective
  list(coefs=coefs, resid=RSS)

sepCoef <- function(object){
  model <- attr(object, "model")
  if(attr(object, "type") == "general")
    return(list(DRpars=object$coefs, covarPars = numeric(0)))
  if(attr(object, "type") == "normal" & object$addCovars == ~1)
    return(list(DRpars=object$coefs, covarPars = numeric(0)))
  ## determine the number of parameters (not counting e0 and eMax)
  if(model %in% c("linear","linlog"))
    dim <- 2
  if(model %in% c("quadratic", "exponential", "emax"))
    dim <- 3
  if(model %in% c("sigEmax", "logistic", "betaMod"))
    dim <- 4
  if(model == "linInt")
    dim <- length(attr(object, "nodes"))
  cf <- object$coefs
  p <- length(cf)
  ## extract coefficients
  DRpars <- cf[1:dim] # coefs of DR model
  covarPars <- cf[(dim+1):p]
  return(list(DRpars=DRpars, covarPars=covarPars))

print.DRMod <- function(x, digits = 4, ...){
  if (length(x) == 1) {
  cat("Dose Response Model\n\n")
  cat(paste("Model:", attr(x, "model")), "\n")
  cat(paste("Fit-type:", attr(x, "type")), "\n\n")
  Coefs <- sepCoef(x)
  cat("Coefficients dose-response model\n")
  print(signif(Coefs$DRpars, digits))
  if(attr(x, "type") == "normal"){
    if(x$addCovars != ~1){
      cat("Coefficients additional covariates\n")
      print(signif(Coefs$covarPars, digits))
    cat("\nDegrees of freedom:", x$df, "\n")
    cat("Residual standard error:",
        signif(sqrt(x$RSS/x$df), digits),"\n")
  if(attr(x, "type") == "general"){
    cat("\nFitted to:\n")
    doseRespNam <- attr(x, "doseRespNam")
    resp <- attr(x, "data")[[doseRespNam[2]]]
    names(resp) <- attr(x, "data")[[doseRespNam[1]]]
    print(signif(resp, digits))
    cat("\nGeneralized residual sum of squares:",
        signif(x$gRSS, digits),"\n")

summary.DRMod <- function(object, digits = 3, ...){
  class(object) <- "summary.DRMod"
  print(object, digits = digits)

print.summary.DRMod <- function(x, digits = 3, data, ...){
  if(length(x) == 1){
  data <- attr(x, "data")
  cat("Dose Response Model\n\n")
  cat(paste("Model:", attr(x, "model")), "\n")
  type <- attr(x, "type")
  cat(paste("Fit-type:", type), "\n")
  if(type == "normal"){
    ## residual information
    nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
    respNam <- attr(x, "doseRespNam")[2]
    resid <- predict.DRMod(x, predType = "full-model")-data[[respNam]]
    rq <- structure(quantile(resid), names = nam)
    print(rq, digits = digits, ...)
  cat("\nCoefficients with approx. stand. error:\n")
  coefs <- x$coef
  sdv <- sqrt(diag(vcov.DRMod(x)))
  datf <- matrix(nrow = length(coefs), ncol = 2)
  datf[,1] <- coefs
  datf[,2] <- sdv
  colnam <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
  dimnames(datf) <- list(names(coefs), colnam)
  print(datf, digits = digits)
  if(type == "normal"){
    cat("\nResidual standard error:",
        signif(sqrt(x$RSS/x$df), digits), "\n")
    cat("Degrees of freedom:", x$df, "\n")
  if(type == "general"){
    doseRespNam <- attr(x, "doseRespNam")
    dose <- attr(x, "data")[[doseRespNam[1]]]
    drEst <- attr(x, "data")[[doseRespNam[2]]]
    names(drEst) <- dose
    S <- attr(x, "data")$S
    dimnames(S) <- list(dose, dose)
    cat("\nFitted to:\n")
    print(signif(drEst, digits))
    cat("\nwith Covariance Matrix:\n")
    print(signif(S, digits))

## extract coefficients
coef.DRMod <- function(object, sep = FALSE, ...){
  if(length(object) == 1){ # object does not contain a converged fit
    warning("DRMod object does not contain a converged fit")

vcov.DRMod <- function(object, ...){
  ## object - DRMod object
  ## uGrad - function returning gradient for userModel
  if(length(object) == 1){ # object does not contain a converged fit
    warning("DRMod object does not contain a converged fit")
  type <- attr(object, "type")
  model <- attr(object, "model")
  cf <- sepCoef(object)$DRpars
  nams <- names(coef(object))
  scal <- attr(object, "scal")
  off <- attr(object, "off")
  nodes <- attr(object, "nodes")  
  doseNam <- attr(object, "doseRespNam")[1]
  if(type == "normal"){
    addCovars <- object$addCovars
    xlev <- attr(object, "xlev")
    RSS <- object$RSS
    df <- object$df
    data <- attr(object, "data")
    dose <- attr(object, "data")[[doseNam]]
    m <- model.matrix(addCovars, data, xlev = xlev)
  if(type == "general"){
    placAdj <- attr(object, "placAdj")
    if(placAdj) # no intercept
      cf <- c(0, cf)
    dose <- attr(object, "data")[[doseNam]]
    inS <- solve(attr(object, "data")$S)
  grd <- gradCalc(model, cf, dose, off, scal, nodes)
  if(type == "normal"){
    J <- cbind(grd, m[,-1])
    JtJ <- crossprod(J)
    covMat <- try(solve(JtJ)*RSS/df, silent=TRUE)
    if(!inherits(covMat, "matrix")){
      covMat <- try(chol2inv(qr.R(qr(J)))*RSS/df, silent=TRUE) # more stable (a little slower)
      if(!inherits(covMat, "matrix")){
        warning("cannot calculate covariance matrix. singular matrix in calculation of covariance matrix.")
        nrw <- length(grd[1,])
        covMat <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrw, ncol=nrw)
      dimnames(covMat) <- dimnames(JtJ)
  if(type == "general"){
      if(model != "linInt")
        grd <- grd[,-1]
    covMat <- try(solve(t(grd)%*%inS%*%grd), silent = TRUE)
    if(!inherits(covMat, "matrix")) {
      warning("cannot calculate covariance matrix. singular matrix in calculation of covariance matrix.")
      nrw <- length(grd[1,])
      covMat <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrw, ncol=nrw)
  dimnames(covMat) <- list(nams, nams)

gradCalc <- function(model, cf, dose, off, scal, nodes){
  ## wrapper function to calculate gradient
         linear = {
         }, linlog = {
           linlogGrad(dose, off=off)
         }, quadratic = {
         }, emax = {
           emaxGrad(dose, eMax = cf[2], ed50 = cf[3])
         }, logistic = {
           logisticGrad(dose, eMax = cf[2], ed50 = cf[3], delta = cf[4])
         }, sigEmax = {
           sigEmaxGrad(dose, eMax = cf[2], ed50 = cf[3], h = cf[4])
         }, betaMod = {
           betaModGrad(dose, eMax = cf[2], delta1 = cf[3], delta2 = cf[4], scal = scal)
         }, exponential = {
           exponentialGrad(dose, e1 = cf[2], delta = cf[3])
         }, linInt = {
           linIntGrad(dose, resp=cf, nodes=nodes)

predict.DRMod <- function(object, predType = c("full-model", "ls-means", "effect-curve"),
                          newdata = NULL, doseSeq = NULL, se.fit = FALSE, ...){
  ## Extract relevant information from object
  scal <- attr(object, "scal")
  off <- attr(object, "off")
  nodes <- attr(object, "nodes")
  model <- attr(object, "model")
  addCovars <- attr(object, "addCovars")
  xlev <- attr(object, "xlev")
  doseNam <- attr(object, "doseRespNam")[1]
  data <- attr(object, "data")
  type <- attr(object, "type")

    stop("need to specify the type of prediction in \"predType\"")
  predType <- match.arg(predType)
  ## if model fitted on plac-adj. data can only produce predictions for effect-curve
  if(attr(object, "placAdj") & predType != "effect-curve"){ 
    message("Message: Setting predType to \"effect-curve\" for placebo-adjusted data")
    predType <- "effect-curve"
  if(type == "general" & predType == "full-model"){ ## there are no covariates
    message("Message: Setting predType to \"ls-means\" for \"type = general\"")
    predType <- "ls-means"
  if(predType %in% c("ls-means", "full-model")){
    ## create design-matrix according to the SAS predType ls-means
    if(predType == "ls-means"){
        stop("newdata is ignored for \"predType = \"ls-means\"")
      if(is.null(doseSeq)){ ## use doses used for fitting
        if(type == "normal")
          doseSeq <- data[, doseNam]
        if(type == "general")
          doseSeq <- data[[doseNam]]
      covarsUsed <- addCovars != ~1
        nams <- all.vars(addCovars)
        out <- list()
        z <- 1
        for(covar in nams){
          varb <- data[,covar]
            out[[z]] <- mean(varb)
          } else if(is.factor(varb)){
            k <- nlevels(varb)
            out[[z]] <- rep(1/k, k-1)
          z <- z+1
        out <- do.call("c", out)
        m <- matrix(rep(out, length(doseSeq)), byrow=TRUE, nrow = length(doseSeq))
    ## create design-matrix either from newdata or data used for fitting
    if(predType == "full-model"){
      if(!is.null(doseSeq) & predType == "full-model")
        stop("doseSeq should only be used when predType = \"effect-curve\" or \"ls-means\"")
        ## if not provided use covariates in observed data
        if(type == "normal"){
          m <- model.matrix(addCovars, data)
          doseSeq <- data[, doseNam]
        } else {
          doseSeq <- data[[doseNam]]
      } else {
        tms <- c(doseNam, attr(terms(addCovars), "term.labels"))
        missind <- !is.element(tms, names(newdata))
          chct <- paste("No values specified in newdata for", paste(tms[missind], collapse=", "))
        } else {
          m <- model.matrix(addCovars, newdata, xlev = xlev)
          doseSeq <- newdata[, doseNam]
          if(nrow(m) != length(doseSeq))
            stop("incompatible model matrix and doseSeq created from newdata")
      m <- m[,-1, drop=FALSE] # remove intercept column (is necessary)
    coeflist <- sepCoef(object) # separate coefs of DR model and additional covars
    DRpars <- coeflist$DRpars   
    covarPars <- coeflist$covarPars
    ## predictions
    if(model != "linInt"){
      call <- c(list(doseSeq), as.list(c(DRpars, scal, off)))
    } else {
      call <- c(list(doseSeq), as.list(list(DRpars, nodes)))
    mn <- do.call(model, call)
    if(addCovars != ~1)
      mn <- mn + as.numeric(m%*%covarPars)
    } else { ## calculate standard error of predictions
      covMat <- vcov(object)
        seFit <- (rep(NA, length(doseSeq)))
      } else {
        grd <- gradCalc(model, DRpars, doseSeq, off, scal, nodes)
        if(addCovars != ~1)
          grd <- cbind(grd, m)
        cholcovMat <- try(chol(covMat), silent = TRUE)
        if (!inherits(cholcovMat, "matrix")) {
          warning("Cannot cannot calculate standard deviation for ", 
                  model, " model.\n")
          seFit <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
        } else {
          seFit <- sqrt(rowSums((grd%*%t(cholcovMat))^2)) # t(grd)%*%covMat%*%grd
      return(list(fit = mn, se.fit = as.vector(seFit)))
  if(predType == "effect-curve") {  ## predict effect curve
      stop("newdata is ignored for \"predType = \"effect-curve\"")
      if(type == "normal")
        doseSeq <- data[, doseNam]
      if(type == "general")
        doseSeq <- data[[doseNam]]
    coeflist <- sepCoef(object) 
    DRpars <- coeflist$DRpars   
    if(attr(object, "placAdj")){
      DRpars <- c(0, DRpars)
      if(model == "linInt")
        nodes <- c(0, nodes)
    } else {
      if(model != "linInt"){
        DRpars[1] <- 0
      } else {
        DRpars <- DRpars - DRpars[1]
    ## predictions
    if(model != "linInt"){
      call <- c(list(doseSeq), as.list(c(DRpars, scal, off)))
    } else {
      call <- c(list(doseSeq), as.list(list(DRpars, nodes)))
    mn <- do.call(model, call)
    if(is.element(model,c("logistic", "linlog"))){ # if standardized model not 0 at placebo
      call <- c(0, as.list(c(DRpars, scal, off)))      
      predbase <- do.call(model, call)
      mn <- mn-predbase
    } else { ## calculate st. error (no need to calculate full covMat here)
      covMat <- vcov(object)
      if(addCovars != ~1) ## remove columns corresponding to covariates
        covMat <- covMat[1:length(DRpars), 1:length(DRpars)]
      if(!attr(object, "placAdj")){ ## remove intercept from cov-matrix
        if(model != "linInt"){
          covMat <- covMat[-1,-1]
        } else {
          diffMat <- cbind(-1,diag(length(DRpars)-1))
          covMat <- diffMat%*%covMat%*%t(diffMat)
        seFit <- (rep(NA, length(doseSeq)))
      } else {
        grd <- gradCalc(model, DRpars, doseSeq, off, scal, nodes)
        if(!is.matrix(grd)){ # can happen if length(doseSeq) == 1
          grd <- matrix(grd, nrow = 1)
        if(model == "linInt"){
          grd <- grd[,-1, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
          grd0 <- gradCalc(model, DRpars, 0, off, scal, nodes)
          grd <- grd[, -1, drop=FALSE]
          grd0 <- grd0[,-1]
          grd <- sweep(grd, 2, grd0, "-")
        cholcovMat <- try(chol(covMat), silent = TRUE)
        if (!inherits(cholcovMat, "matrix")) {
          warning("Cannot cannot calculate standard deviation for ", 
                  model, " model.\n")
          seFit <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
        } else {
          seFit <- sqrt(rowSums((grd%*%t(cholcovMat))^2)) # t(grd)%*%covMat%*%grd
      res <- list(fit = mn, se.fit = as.vector(seFit))

## plot.DRMod <- function(x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95,
##                        plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "none"),
##                        lenDose = 201, ...){
##   ## arguments passed to plot
##   pArgs <- list(...)
##   ## Extract relevant information from object
##   scal <- attr(x, "addArgs")$scal
##   off <- attr(x, "addArgs")$off
##   model <- attr(x, "model")
##   addCovars <- attr(x, "addCovars")
##   covarsUsed <- addCovars != ~1
##   xlev <- attr(x, "xlev")
##   doseNam <- attr(x, "doseRespNam")[1]
##   respNam <- attr(x, "doseRespNam")[2]
##   data <- attr(x, "data")
##   type <- attr(x, "type")
##   placAdj <- attr(x, "placAdj")
##   doseSeq <- seq(0, max(data[[doseNam]]), length=lenDose)

##   plotData <- match.arg(plotData)
##   if(type == "normal"){
##     ## first produce estimates for ANOVA type model
##     if(plotData %in% c("means", "meansCI")){
##       data$doseFac <- as.factor(data[[doseNam]])
##       form <- as.formula(paste(respNam, "~ doseFac +", addCovars[2]))
##       fit <- lm(form, data=data)
##       ## build design matrix for prediction
##       dose <- sort(unique(data[[doseNam]]))
##       preddat <- data.frame(doseFac=factor(dose))
##       m <- model.matrix(~doseFac, data=preddat)
##       if(covarsUsed){
##         ## get sas type ls-means
##         nams <- all.vars(addCovars)
##         out <- list()
##         z <- 1
##         for(covar in nams){
##           varb <- data[,covar]
##           if(is.numeric(varb)){
##             out[[z]] <- mean(varb)
##           } else if(is.factor(varb)){
##             k <- nlevels(varb)
##             out[[z]] <- rep(1/k, k-1)
##           }
##           z <- z+1
##         }
##         out <- do.call("c", out)
##         m0 <- matrix(rep(out, length(dose)), byrow=TRUE, nrow = length(dose))
##         m <- cbind(m, m0)
##       }
##       mns <- as.numeric(m%*%coef(fit))
##       lbndm <- ubndm <- rep(NA, length(mns))
##       if(plotData == "meansCI"){
##         sdv <- sqrt(diag(m%*%vcov(fit)%*%t(m)))
##         quant <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df=x$df)
##         lbndm <- mns-quant*sdv
##         ubndm <- mns+quant*sdv
##       }
##     }
##   }
##   if(type == "general"){
##     ## extract ANOVA estimates
##     if(plotData %in% c("means", "meansCI")){
##       dose <- data[[doseNam]]
##       mns <- data[[respNam]]
##       sdv <- sqrt(diag(data$S))
##       lbndm <- ubndm <- rep(NA, length(dose))
##       if(plotData == "meansCI"){
##         quant <- qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)
##         lbndm <- mns-quant*sdv
##         ubndm <- mns+quant*sdv
##       }
##     }
##   }
##   ## curve produced (use "ls-means" apart when data are fitted on placAdj scale)
##   predtype <- ifelse(placAdj, "effect-curve", "ls-means")
##   predmn <- predict(x, doseSeq = doseSeq, predType = predtype, se.fit = CI)
##   lbnd <- ubnd <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
##   if(CI){
##     quant <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df=x$df)
##     lbnd <- predmn$fit-quant*predmn$se.fit
##     ubnd <- predmn$fit+quant*predmn$se.fit
##     predmn <- predmn$fit
##   }
##   ## determine plotting range
##   if(plotData %in% c("means", "meansCI")){
##     rng <- range(lbndm, ubndm, mns, predmn, ubnd, lbnd, na.rm=TRUE)
##   } else {
##     rng <- range(predmn, ubnd, lbnd, na.rm=TRUE)    
##   }
##   dff <- diff(rng)
##   ylim <- c(rng[1] - 0.02 * dff, rng[2] + 0.02 * dff)
##   ## default title
##   main <- "Dose-Response Curve"
##   main2 <- ifelse(placAdj, "(placebo-adjusted)", "(ls-means)")
##   main <- paste(main, main2)
##   ## plot
##   callList <- list(doseSeq, predmn, type = "l", col = "white",
##                    xlab = doseNam, ylim = ylim,
##                    ylab = respNam, main = main)
##   callList[names(pArgs)] <- pArgs
##   do.call("plot", callList)
##   grid()
##   if(plotData %in% c("means", "meansCI")){
##     points(dose, mns, pch = 19, cex = 0.75)
##     if(plotData == "meansCI"){
##       for(i in 1:length(dose)){
##         lines(c(dose[i],dose[i]), c(lbndm[i], ubndm[i]), lty=2)
##       }
##     }
##   }
##   lines(doseSeq, predmn, lwd=1.5)
##   lines(doseSeq, ubnd, lwd=1.5)
##   lines(doseSeq, lbnd, lwd=1.5)
## }

plot.DRMod <- function(x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95,
                       plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "raw", "none"),
                       plotGrid = TRUE, colMn = 1, colFit = 1, ...){
  plotFunc(x, CI, level, plotData, plotGrid, colMn, colFit, ...)

plotFunc <- function(x, CI = FALSE, level = 0.95,
                     plotData = c("means", "meansCI", "raw", "none"),
                     plotGrid = TRUE, colMn = 1, colFit = 1, ...){
  ## Extract relevant information from object
  if(inherits(x, "DRMod"))
    obj <- x
  if(inherits(x, "MCPMod"))
    obj <- x$mods[[1]]
  addCovars <- attr(obj, "addCovars")
  covarsUsed <- addCovars != ~1
  xlev <- attr(obj, "xlev")
  doseNam <- attr(obj, "doseRespNam")[1]
  respNam <- attr(obj, "doseRespNam")[2]
  data <- attr(obj, "data")
  type <- attr(obj, "type")
  placAdj <- attr(obj, "placAdj")
  plotData <- match.arg(plotData)
  if(type == "general" & plotData == "raw")
    stop("plotData =\"raw\" only allowed if fitted DRmod object is of type = \"normal\"")

  ## save anova info in pList list
  pList <- as.list(data)
  if(type == "normal"){
    if(plotData %in% c("means", "meansCI")){
      ## produce estimates for ANOVA type model
      data$doseFac <- as.factor(data[[doseNam]])
      form <- as.formula(paste(respNam, "~ doseFac +", addCovars[2]))
      fit <- lm(form, data=data)
      ## build design matrix for prediction
      dose <- sort(unique(data[[doseNam]]))
      preddat <- data.frame(doseFac=factor(dose))
      m <- model.matrix(~doseFac, data=preddat)
        ## get sas type ls-means
        nams <- all.vars(addCovars)
        out <- list()
        z <- 1
        for(covar in nams){
          varb <- data[,covar]
            out[[z]] <- mean(varb)
          } else if(is.factor(varb)){
            k <- nlevels(varb)
            out[[z]] <- rep(1/k, k-1)
          z <- z+1
        out <- do.call("c", out)
        m0 <- matrix(rep(out, length(dose)), byrow=TRUE, nrow = length(dose))
        m <- cbind(m, m0)
      pList$dos <- sort(unique(data[[doseNam]]))
      pList$mns <- as.numeric(m%*%coef(fit))
      if(plotData == "meansCI"){
        sdv <- sqrt(diag(m%*%vcov(fit)%*%t(m)))
        quant <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df=fit$df)
        pList$lbndm <- pList$mns-quant*sdv
        pList$ubndm <- pList$mns+quant*sdv
  if(type == "general"){
    ## extract ANOVA estimates
    if(plotData %in% c("means", "meansCI")){
      pList$dos <- data[[doseNam]]
      pList$mns <- data[[respNam]]
      sdv <- sqrt(diag(data$S))
      if(plotData == "meansCI"){
        quant <- qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)
        pList$lbndm <- pList$mns-quant*sdv
        pList$ubndm <- pList$mns+quant*sdv
  doseSeq <- seq(0, max(data[[doseNam]]), length=201)
  ## create data frame for plotting dr-functions
  predtype <- ifelse(placAdj, "effect-curve", "ls-means")
  if(inherits(x, "MCPMod")){
    nmods <- length(x$mods)
    lst <- vector(mode = "list", nmods)
    for(i in 1:nmods){
      pred <- predict(x$mods[[i]], predType = predtype, doseSeq = doseSeq, se.fit = CI)
      lbnd <- ubnd <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
        quant <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df=x$mods[[i]]$df)
        lbnd <- pred$fit-quant*pred$se.fit
        ubnd <- pred$fit+quant*pred$se.fit
        pred <- pred$fit
      lst[[i]] <- data.frame(rep(doseSeq, 3), c(pred, lbnd, ubnd),
                             rep(c("pred", "LB", "UB"), each=length(doseSeq)),
                             attr(x$mods[[i]], "model"))
    plotdf <- do.call("rbind", lst)
  if(inherits(x, "DRMod")){
    pred <- predict(x, predType = predtype, doseSeq = doseSeq, se.fit = CI)
    lbnd <- ubnd <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
      quant <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df=x$df)
      lbnd <- pred$fit-quant*pred$se.fit
      ubnd <- pred$fit+quant*pred$se.fit
      pred <- pred$fit
    plotdf <- data.frame(rep(doseSeq, 3), c(pred, lbnd, ubnd),
                         rep(c("pred", "LB", "UB"), each=length(doseSeq)),
                         attr(x, "model"))
  names(plotdf) <- c(doseNam, respNam, "group", "model")
  ## calculate plotting range
  rng <- switch(plotData,
                raw = range(data[[respNam]]),
                none = range(plotdf[[respNam]], na.rm=TRUE),
                range(plotdf[[respNam]], pList$mns, pList$lbndm, pList$ubndm,
  dff <- diff(rng)
  ylim <- c(rng[1] - 0.05 * dff, rng[2] + 0.05 * dff)
  ## produce plot
  form <- as.formula(paste(respNam, "~", doseNam, "|model", sep=""))
    xyplot(form, groups = plotdf$group, data = plotdf, pList=pList, ...,
           ylim = ylim, panel = function(x, y, ..., pList){
               panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1, col = "lightgrey", lty = 2)
             if(plotData != "none"){
               if(type == "normal" & plotData == "raw"){
                 lpoints(data[[doseNam]], data[[respNam]], col = "grey45", pch=19)
               } else {
                 lpoints(pList$dos, pList$mns, pch=19, col = colMn)
                 if(plotData == "meansCI"){
                   quant <- qnorm(1 - (1 - level)/2)
                   for(i in 1:length(pList$dos)){
                     llines(rep(pList$dos[i], 2),
                            c(pList$lbndm[i], pList$ubndm[i]),
                            lty=2, col = colMn, ...)
             panel.xyplot(x, y, col=colFit, type="l", ...)

logLik.DRMod <- function(object, ...){

  type <- attr(object, "type")
  data <- attr(object, "data")
  if(type == "normal"){
    RSS <- object$RSS
    n <- nrow(data)
    sig2 <- RSS/n
    val <- -n/2*(log(2*pi) + 1 + log(sig2))
    attr(val, "df") <- length(object$coefs)+1 # +1 because of sigma parameter
    class(val) <- "logLik"
  if(type == "general")
    stop("method glogLik only available for type == \"normal\"")

AIC.DRMod <- function(object, ..., k = 2){
  type <- attr(object, "type")
  if(type == "general")
    stop("use method gAIC for type == \"general\"")
  logL <- logLik(object)
  -2*as.vector(logL) + k*(attr(logL, "df")) 

gAIC <- function (object, ..., k = 2) 

gAIC.DRMod <- function(object, ..., k = 2){
  type <- attr(object, "type")
  if(type == "normal")
    stop("use method AIC for type == \"normal\"")

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