Defines functions EMMLi

Documented in EMMLi

##  EMMLi 
##   Inputs: corr = lower triangle correlation matrix, 
##       N_sample = the number of samples used to calculate the correlation matrix
##  					mod = landmark classification, 
##				 saveAs = specify where to save the results.
##            abs = specify whether to use absolute values of correlations
##          pprob = specify posterior probability cutoff level for reporting of reconstructed model parameters
##  Output: A list containing two elements. The first (results) gives the AIC results 
##          for each model. The second (rho) gives the within and between module correlations.
##          Additionally an optional .csv file, resembling the AIC worksheet. 
##  Prabu (p.siva@ucl.ac.uk), Tim Lucas (timcdlucas@gmail.com), Anjali Goswami (a.goswami@ucl.ac.uk), John Finarelli

##### Title          #####
#' Evaluating modularity with maximum likelihood
####  Description    #####
#' Calculates the AICc values, model likelihoods, and posterior probabilities of different models of modularity, as described in Goswami and Finarelli (2016).
####  Details        #####
#'  The publication describing this analysis is A. Goswami and J. Finarelli
#'    (2016) EMMLi: A maximum likelihood approach to the analysis of modularity.
#'    Evolution \url{http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/evo.12956/abstract}.
#'@param corr Lower triangle or full correlation matrix. n x n square matrix for n landmarks.
#'@param N_sample The number of specimens
#'@param mod A data frame defining the models. The first column should contain the landmark names. Subsequent columns should define which landmarks are contained within each module with integers, factors or characters. If a landmark should be ignored for a specific model (i.e., it is unintegrated in any module), the element should be NA.
#'@param saveAs A character string defining the filename and path for where to save output. If NULL, the output is not saved to file
#'@param abs Logical denoting whether absolute values should be used. Default is TRUE, as in Goswami and Finarelli (2016)
#'@param pprob posterior probability cutoff for reporting of models. Default is 0.05, as suggested in Goswami and Finarelli (2016)
#'@return A list containing two elements. The first (results) gives the AIC results for each model.
#'  The second (rho) gives the within and between module correlations.
#'  Optionally, the output is saved to the file defined by the saveAs argument with only models with a 
#'  posterior probability > 0.01 being saved.
#'  set.seed(1)
#'  # Chose a filename and directory for output
#'  dir <- tempdir()
#'  file <- paste0(dir, 'EMMLiTest.csv')
#'  # Examine a correlation matrix and model dataframe
#'  dim(macacaCorrel)
#'  head(macacaModels)
#'  # run EMMLi
#'  output <- EMMLi(macacaCorrel, 20, macacaModels, file)
#'  unlink(file)
#'  # run EMMLi without writing output
#'  output <- EMMLi(macacaCorrel, 20, macacaModels)
#'  # Raw data example to illustrate pitfalls
#'  corrPath <- system.file("extdata", "M1lmcorrel.csv", package = "EMMLi")
#'  corr <- read.csv(corrPath, header = FALSE)
#'  modelPath <- system.file("extdata", "macaca_landmarklist.csv", package = "EMMLi")
#'  mod <- read.csv(modelPath, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
#'  # First column should be character or factor. Subsequent columns integer
#'  sapply(mod, class)
#'  out <- EMMLi(corr, 42, mod)

EMMLi <- function(corr, N_sample, mod, saveAs = NULL, abs = TRUE, pprob = 0.05 ){
  # Check inputs
  if(!is.numeric(corr) & !is.data.frame(corr)){
    stop('corr should be a (square) matrix or data frame.')

  if(!(is.factor(mod[, 1]) | is.character(mod[, 1]))){
    stop('The first column of mod should be landmark names (factor or character).')


  # Make elements in mod, after the first column, integers or NAs
  modClasses <- sapply(mod[, -1], class)
  modClasses[modClasses == 'integer'] <- 'numeric'
  if(!all(modClasses == 'factor') & !all(modClasses == 'numeric') & !all(modClasses == 'character')){
    stop('mod should contain landmark names in the first column and integers, factors or character vectors in subsequent columns')

  # check that numerics are integers
  if(all(modClasses == 'numeric')){
    if(!all(sapply(mod[, -1], function(x) all(abs(stats::na.omit(x) - round(stats::na.omit(x))) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5)))){
      stop('mod should contain landmark names in the first column and integers, factors or character vectors in subsequent columns')

  if(all(modClasses == 'factor')){
    mod[, -1] <- sapply(mod[, -1], function(x) as.numeric(x))

  if(all(modClasses == 'character')){
    mod[, -1] <- sapply(mod[, -1], function(x) as.numeric(factor(x)))

  # Check corr
  if(!dim(corr)[1] == dim(corr)[2]) stop('corr should be a square matrix')

  # Check other parameters
  stopifnot(is.numeric(N_sample), N_sample > 0, is.logical(abs), pprob > 0, pprob < 1)  

    if(!grepl('\\.csv$', saveAs)){
      warning("Output will be saved as a csv but saveAs does not end in '.csv'")

  # Create null model
  mod$No.modules = 1

  # Create varlist variable
  varlist = paste0('mod$', names(mod)[-1])

  # make the upper triangle of corr NA, we only use the lower triangle.
  corr[upper.tri(corr, diag = T)] = NA

  # array of coefficient matrix, NAs are removed.
  corr_list = (as.array(corr[!is.na(corr)])) 
  symmet = corr

  # a symmetric matrix formed from the coefficient matrix, only used to find intermodular coefficients.  
  symmet[upper.tri(symmet)] = t(symmet)[upper.tri(symmet)] 

  all_modules = list()
  for(colnam in varlist){
    col = array(eval(parse(text = colnam)))
    # na.omit() used to remove unclassified landmarks.
    modNF = stats::na.omit(cbind(1:nrow(mod), col)) 
    w = unique(modNF[, 2])
    modules = list()
    for(i in seq(length(w))){
      # identify landmarks within a class
      fg = modNF[modNF[, 2] == w[i], ] 
      # coefficients between identified landmarks.
      l = corr[fg[, 1], fg[, 1]] 
      modules[[i]] = (as.array(l[!is.na(l)]))
    names(modules) = paste("Module", w)
    between_mod = list()
    betweenModules = list()
    withinModules = list()
    unintegrated = list()
    betweenFloat = list()
    if (length(w) > 1){ #check that the num. of modules is greater than 1

      # all possible combination of modules
      cb = utils::combn(w, 2) 
      for (i in seq(dim(cb)[2])){
        fg1 = modNF[modNF[, 2] == cb[1, i], ]
        fg2 = modNF[modNF[, 2] == cb[2, i], ]
        # setdiff(A,B) - present in A but not in B
        between = symmet[as.integer(setdiff(fg2[, 1], fg1[, 1])), as.integer(setdiff(fg1[, 1], fg2[, 1]))] 
        between_mod[[i]] = between[!is.na(between)]
      names(between_mod) = paste(cb[1, ], "to", cb[2, ])
      betweenModules['betweenModules'] = list(as.vector(rle(unlist(between_mod))$values))
      withinModules['withinModules'] = list(as.vector(rle(unlist(modules))$values))
    unintegrated_list = setdiff(corr_list,unlist(c(modules,between_mod)))
    unintegrated['unintegrated'] = list(as.vector(rle(unlist(unintegrated_list))$values))
    # unintegrated['unintegrated+between'] = list(as.vector(rle(unlist(c(unintegrated_list,betweenModules)))$values))
    if (length(unintegrated_list) != 0){
      betweenFloat['betweenFloat'] = list(as.vector(rle(unlist(c(betweenModules['betweenModules'], unintegrated['unintegrated'])))$values))
      all_modules[[colnam]] = c(modules, between_mod, withinModules, betweenModules, betweenFloat, unintegrated)
    } else {
      all_modules[[colnam]] = c(modules, between_mod, withinModules, betweenModules, unintegrated)
  LogL = function(z_r, z_p) {-0.5 * log(var) - ((z_r - z_p)^2) / (2 * var)}
  output = list()
  maxlogL = list()
  logp = list()
  for (m in seq(length(all_modules))){
    # table of max. likelihood and rho
    maxres = matrix(, nrow = 2, ncol = (length(all_modules[[m]]))) 
    dimnames(maxres) = list(c("MaxL", "MaxL_p"), c(names(all_modules[[m]][seq((length(all_modules[[m]])))])))
    for(g in seq((length(all_modules[[m]])))){
      r = unlist(unname(all_modules[[m]][g]))
      n_value = length(r)

      # Calculate z_r differently depending on abs argument in original call.
        z_r = 0.5 * log((1 + abs(r)) / (1 - abs(r)))
        p = seq(0, 0.99, 0.01) 
      } else if(!abs) {
        z_r = 0.5 * log((1 + r) / (1 - r))
        p = seq(-0.99, 0.99, 0.01) 
      n = N_sample 
      var = 1 / (n - 3)
      z_p = 0.5 * log((1 + p)/(1 - p)) 
      LogL_table = outer(z_r, z_p, LogL)
      Likelihoods = colSums(LogL_table)
      MaxIndex = which.max(Likelihoods)
      MaxL = Likelihoods[MaxIndex]
      MaxL_p = p[MaxIndex]
      maxres[1, g] = MaxL
      maxres[2, g] = MaxL_p
    # list of maximum likelihood for all modules.
    output[[names(all_modules)[m]]] = maxres 
    #calculate sum of modular likelihood and k 
    if (dim(output[[m]])[2] == 2){ 
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['default']] = c(output[[m]][1], 2)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['default']] = output[[m]][, 1, drop = FALSE]
    } else if (dim(output[[m]])[2] == 6){   
      #if(output[[m]][1,'unintegrated'] == 0){output[[m]] = output[[m]][,colnames(output[[m]]) != 'unintegrated']}
      mod_between = output[[m]]['MaxL', grep('Module |betweenModules|unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      mod_between_p = output[[m]][,grep('Module |betweenModules|unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      if (mod_between['unintegrated'] == 0){
        K = length(mod_between) - 1
      } else {
        K = length(mod_between)
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.Mod + same.between']] = c(sum(mod_between), K + 1)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.Mod + same.between']] = mod_between_p
      within_between = output[[m]]['MaxL', c('withinModules','betweenModules','unintegrated')]
      within_between_p = output[[m]][, c('withinModules','betweenModules','unintegrated')]
      if (within_between['unintegrated'] == 0){
        K = length(within_between) - 1
      } else {
        K = length(within_between)
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.Mod + same.between']] = c(sum(within_between), K+1)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.Mod + same.between']] = within_between_p
    } else {      
      #if(output[[m]][1,'unintegrated'] == 0){output[[m]] = output[[m]][,colnames(output[[m]]) != 'unintegrated']}
      mod_to = output[[m]]['MaxL', grep('Module |to |unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      mod_to_p = output[[m]][, grep('Module |to |unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1,]))]
      if (mod_to['unintegrated'] == 0){
        K = length(mod_to)-1
      } else {
        K = length(mod_to)
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.Mod + sep.between']] = c(sum(mod_to), K + 1)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.Mod + sep.between']] = mod_to_p
      within_between = output[[m]]['MaxL', c('withinModules', 'betweenModules', 'unintegrated')]
      within_between_p = output[[m]][, c('withinModules', 'betweenModules', 'unintegrated')]
      if (within_between['unintegrated'] == 0){
        K = length(within_between) - 1
      } else {
        K = length(within_between)
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.Mod + same.between']] = c(sum(within_between), K + 1)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.Mod + same.between']] = within_between_p
      mod_between = output[[m]]['MaxL', grep('Module |betweenModules|unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      mod_between_p = output[[m]][, grep('Module |betweenModules|unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      if (mod_between['unintegrated'] == 0){
        K = length(mod_between) - 1 
      } else {
        K = length(mod_between) 
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.Mod + same.between']] = c(sum(mod_between), K + 1)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.Mod + same.between']] = mod_between_p
      to_within = output[[m]]['MaxL', grep('to |withinModules|unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      to_within_p = output[[m]][, grep('to |withinModules|unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
      if (to_within['unintegrated'] == 0){
        K = length(to_within) - 1
      } else {
        K = length(to_within) 
      maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.Mod + sep.between']] = c(sum(to_within), K + 1)
      logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.Mod + sep.between']] = to_within_p
      if (output[[m]]['MaxL', grep('unintegrated', names(output[[m]][1, ]))] != 0){
        sepmod_samebetweenunintegrated = output[[m]][, grep('Module |betweenFloat',names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
        K = length(sepmod_samebetweenunintegrated['MaxL', ])
        maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.mod + same.between.unintegrated']] = c(sum(sepmod_samebetweenunintegrated['MaxL', ]), K + 1)
        logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['sep.mod + same.between.unintegrated']] = sepmod_samebetweenunintegrated
        samemod_samebetweenunintegrated = output[[m]][, grep('withinModules|betweenFloat', names(output[[m]][1, ]))]
        K = length(samemod_samebetweenunintegrated['MaxL', ])
        maxlogL[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.mod + same.between.unintegrated']] = c(sum(samemod_samebetweenunintegrated['MaxL', ]), K + 1)
        logp[[names(all_modules)[m]]][['same.mod + same.between.unintegrated']] = samemod_samebetweenunintegrated
  results = matrix(unlist(maxlogL), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  a = names(unlist(maxlogL))[seq(1, dim(results)[1] * dim(results)[2], dim(results)[2])]
  dimnames(results) = list(a, c('MaxL', 'K'))
  n = length(which(!is.na(corr) == TRUE))
  AICc = apply(results, 1, function(x) -2 * x['MaxL'] + 2 * x['K'] + (2 * x['K'] * (x['K'] + 1)) / (n - x['K'] - 1))
  dAICc = AICc - min(AICc)
  Model_L = exp(-0.5 * dAICc)
  Post_Pob = Model_L / sum(Model_L)
  results = cbind(results, n, AICc, dAICc, Model_L, Post_Pob)
  n = names(all_modules)
  nm = unlist(strsplit(n, split = 'mod\\$'))[seq(2, 2 * length(n), 2)]
  a = names(unlist(maxlogL))[seq(1, dim(results)[1] * 2, 2)]
  b = unlist(strsplit(a, split = 'mod\\$'))
  b = unlist(strsplit(b, split = '1$'))
  rownames(results) = b

  s = 1
  i = length(nm)
  o = order(results[grep(nm[i], rownames(results)), 2])
  t = results[grep(nm[i], rownames(results)), , drop = FALSE][o, , drop = FALSE]
  s = s + length(o)
  for(i in 1:(length(nm) - 1)){
    o = order(results[grep(paste(nm[i], '.s', sep = ""), rownames(results)), 2])
    t = rbind(t, results[grep(paste(nm[i], '.s', sep = ""), rownames(results)), , drop = FALSE][o, , drop = FALSE])
    s = s + length(o)
  results = t
  rholist = list()
  h = 1

  for (i in 1:(length(logp))){
    for (j in 1:length(logp[[i]])){
      rholist[h] = logp[[i]][j]
      h = h + 1

  # build output for the csv.  
  rho_output = rholist[which(Post_Pob > pprob)]

  rholist_name = names(which(Post_Pob > pprob))
  rholist_name = unlist(strsplit(rholist_name, split = 'mod\\$'))
  rholist_name = unlist(strsplit(rholist_name, split = '1$'))

  return_rho <- rho_output
  names(return_rho) <- rholist_name

    utils::write.table(results, file = saveAs, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA, sep = ",")
    cat("\n\n", file = saveAs, append = TRUE)
    for(q in 1:length(rho_output)){
      cat(rholist_name[q], "\n", file = saveAs, append = TRUE)
      write(paste(c('', colnames(rho_output[[q]])), collapse = ','), saveAs, append = TRUE)
      utils::write.table(rho_output[q], saveAs, row.names = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ",", append = TRUE)
      cat("\n", file = saveAs, append = TRUE)

  return(list(results = results, rho = return_rho))


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EMMLi documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:42 p.m.