# @title EdSurvey Direct Estimation - NAEP scoring
# @description Producing the response-points table for NAEP data for use in \code{mml.sdf}
# @param filename the name of the .fr2 file for the NAEP data
# @param ployItems a vector of IDs of polytomous items to be scored, a subset of IDs in .fr2
# @param dichotItems a vector of IDs of dichotomous items to be scored, a subset of IDs in .fr2
# @param adjustedData a dataframe containing adjusted items, including the item ID,
# a string of points before adjustment, a and string of points after adjustment
# @param scoreDict a data frame described in details
# @return a dataframe containing item ID, response, and points
# @details This function reads in the NAEP data's fr2 file and creates a table of the answer choices and
# corresponding number of points for each item.
# For example, "A *" is assigned 1 point and "C" is assigned 0 points for item m085501 in the NAEPprimer data.
# For multiple choice items, "Illegible", "Non-Rateable", and "Off Task" are assigned 0 (incorrect);
# "Multiple" and "Omitted" are assigned 8 (the omitted code); and
# "Not Reached" and "Missing" are assigned NA (missing).
# For constructed response items, "Omitted", "Illegible", "Non-Rateable", "Off Task" are assigned 0 (incorrect);
# "Multiple" is assigned 8 (the omitted code); and "Not Reached" and "Missing" are assigned NA (missing).
getNAEPScoreCard <- function(filename, polyItems, dichotItems, adjustedData, scoreDict = defaultNAEPScoreCard()) {
# all items
itemColsClean <- tolower(c(polyItems, dichotItems))
# fr2 file structure
t <- try(mrcFile <- readLines(filename), silent = TRUE)
# Split mrcFile by "\n"
mrcFile <- strsplit(mrcFile, "\n", fixed = T)
mrcFile <- unlist(mrcFile)
specs <- getNAEP_FR2Specs(mrcFile) # in readNAEP.R file to get FR2 info
# read in the variables from the file, this is based on the information ETS
# shared with us
variableName <- tolower(specs$variableName) # name of the variable
# indices/lines of question item variables
indices <- match(itemColsClean, variableName)
indices <- indices[!]
itemLines <- mrcFile[indices]
# initialize empty dataframe to build
scoreCard <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
colnames(scoreCard) <- c("key", "answer", "score")
# codes in EdSurvey NAEP data
# items with scores that have been adjusted
adjustedItems <- adjustedData$NAEPid
# get item key, answers, and points per item
for (i in indices) {
line <- mrcFile[i]
# initialize portion of scorecard for item
subScoreCard <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 12))
colnames(subScoreCard) <- c("key", "answer", "score", "scorePoints")
# get key (question id)
itemId <- variableName[i]
# get points awarded by splitting string (like 0010)
points <- specs$scoreKey[i]
# switch to new score points if item scoring has been adjusted
if (itemId %in% adjustedItems) {
pointsNew <- trimws(gsub(",", "", adjustedData[adjustedData$NAEPid == itemId, "to"]))
pointsNew <- gsub(" ", "", pointsNew)
# check that number of points match old numbers
if (nchar(points) != nchar(pointsNew)) {
stop(paste0("Number of adjusted scores for item ", itemId, " is different from original."))
} else {
points <- pointsNew
# split and process points
if (nchar(points) != 0) {
points <- unlist(strsplit(points, ""))
# scorePoints will be the maxium value as defined by the 'scoring key'
scorePoints <- max(as.numeric(points))
points <- replace(NA * c(1:12), c(seq_along(points)), points) # make it length 12 filled with NAs where applicable
} else {
points <- NA * c(1:12)
scorePoints <- NA
# parse the value labels from the .FR2 specification
tokens <- strsplit(specs$labelValues[i], "^", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
vals <- as.numeric(NA * c(1:12)) # create numeric vector of length 12, (not ideal, but to be consistent)
labels <- as.character(NA * c(1:12))
for (ii in seq_along(tokens)) { # use 1:12 here to keep consistent with sizing (yes, a bit strange)
vals[ii] <- as.numeric(strsplit(tokens[ii], "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1])
labels[ii] <- paste0(strsplit(tokens[ii], "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][-1], collapse = "=")
# set points for other types of answers (like omitted, illegible, etc.)
if (itemId %in% dichotItems) {
# this is a multiple choice question
for (l in seq_along(labels)) {
# find the corresponding point score in dict
newScore <- scoreDict$pointMult[match(tolower(labels[l]), tolower(scoreDict$resCat))]
if (! {
points[l] <- newScore
} else {
# this is a constructed answer question
for (l in seq_along(labels)) {
newScore <- scoreDict$pointConst[match(tolower(labels[l]), tolower(scoreDict$resCat))]
if (! {
points[l] <- newScore
# build sub scorecard and bind
subScoreCard$answer <- labels
subScoreCard$score <- points
subScoreCard$key <- itemId
# set the score points, exclude NAs and
subScoreCard$scorePoints <- scorePoints
scoreCard <- rbind(scoreCard, subScoreCard)
# reconfigure
scoreCard$score <- as.numeric(scoreCard$score)
scoreCard <- scoreCard[complete.cases(scoreCard), ] # take out rows with NA ScorePoints
colnames(scoreCard) <- c("key", "answer", "score", "scorePoints")
# extra configuration for partial scores (make labeling uniform)
partialKeys <- scoreCard[scoreCard$answer == "Partial", "key"]
partialNums <- table(partialKeys)
twoPartials <- names(partialNums[partialNums == 2]) # items with 2 partial scores
for (item in twoPartials) {
scoreCard[scoreCard$key == item & scoreCard$answer == "Partial", "answer"] <- c("Partial1", "Partial2")
threePartials <- names(partialNums[partialNums == 3]) # items with 3 partial scores
for (item in threePartials) {
scoreCard[scoreCard$key == item & scoreCard$answer == "Partial", "answer"] <- c("Partial1", "Partial2", "Partial3")
getLabel <- function(line, first, last) {
# get answer labels (A, B *, C, Correct, Omitted, etc.)
part <- trimws(substr(line, first, last)) # get the part of string needed with first and last index
return(trimws(gsub(" \\d+$", "", part))) # grab label (everything before digits) and trim white space
#' @export
defaultNAEPScoreCard <- function() {
scoreDict <- data.frame(
resCat = c("Multiple", "Not Reached", "Missing", "Omitted", "Illegible", "Non-Rateable", "Off Task"),
pointMult = c(8, NA, NA, 8, 0, 0, 0),
pointConst = c(0, NA, NA, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#' @title set NAEP Score Card
#' @description add item response theory data necessary to use \code{mml.sdf} on NAEP data
#' @param data a NAEP \code{}
#' @param dctPath a file location that points to the location of a NAEP \code{.dct} file (usually in the \code{AM} folder). A \code{.dct} file can be
#' used to input custom item response theory (IRT)
#' parameters and subscale/subtest weights for NAEP assessments compared with those provided in the \code{NAEPirtparams} package.
#' @return a NAEP \code{} with updated attributes
#' @example \man\examples\setNAEPScoreCard.R
#' @export
setNAEPScoreCard <- function(data, dctPath = NULL) {
# check if we can continue
if (is.null(dctPath)) {
stop("You must provide dctPath.")
# get IRT params from dct
allTables <- parseNAEPdct(dctPath)
polyParamTab <- allTables$polyParamTab
dichotParamTab <- allTables$dichotParamTab
testDat <- allTables$testDat
adjustments <- data.frame()
# get the scoreCard
scoreCard <- getNAEPScoreCard(
getAttributes(data, "fr2Path"),
# update dichotparamtab: 1/k for missing value
dscoreCard <- scoreCard[scoreCard$score %in% c(0, 1) &
nchar(trimws(gsub("[*]", "", gsub("^[A-G]", "", scoreCard$answer)))) == 0, ]
Ks <- aggregate(answer ~ key, dscoreCard, length)
Ks$answer <- 1 / Ks$answer
dichotParamTab <- merge(dichotParamTab, Ks, by.x = "ItemID", by.y = "key", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# if it is not in this lookup table, it is constructed response and so the missing value should be zero
dichotParamTab$missingValue <- ifelse($answer), 0, dichotParamTab$answer)
dichotParamTab$answer <- NULL
# set attribute
data <- setAttributes(data, "dichotParamTab", dichotParamTab)
data <- setAttributes(data, "polyParamTab", polyParamTab)
data <- setAttributes(data, "testData", testDat)
data <- setAttributes(data, "adjustedData", adjustments)
data <- setAttributes(data, "scoreDict", scoreCard)
data <- setAttributes(data, "scoreFunction", EdSurvey::scoreDefault)
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