#' @title Connect to ECLS--K 1998 Data
#' @description Opens a connection to an ECLS--K 1998 data file and
#' returns an \code{} with
#' information about the file and data.
#' @param path a character value to the full directory path(s) to the
#' ECLS--K-extracted fixed-width-format (.dat) set of data files
#' @param filename a character value of the name of the fixed-width (.dat)
#' data file in the specified \code{path} to be read
#' @param layoutFilename a character value of the filename of either the ASCII
#' (.txt) layout file of the \code{filename} within
#' the specified \code{path}
#' or a character value of the filename of the SPSS syntax (.sps) layout file of the \code{filename} within the specified \code{path}
#' @param forceReread a logical value to force rereading of all processed data.
#' The default value of \code{FALSE} will speed up the read function by using existing read-in data already processed.
#' @param verbose a logical value that will determine if you want verbose output while the \code{readECLS-K1998} function is running to indicate processing progress.
#' The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details Reads in the unzipped files downloaded from the ECLS--K 1998 longitudinal dataset(s) to an \code{}. The ECLS--K 1998--99 study consisted of
#' three distinct separate datasets that cannot be combined: (1) Child Grades K--8 Data, (2) School Base-Year Data, and (3) Teacher Base-Year Data.
#' The \code{filename} and \code{layoutFilename} arguments default to the corresponding Child K--8 default filenames.
#' @return
#' an \code{} for the ECLS--K 1998 longitudinal dataset
#' @seealso \code{\link{readECLS_K2011}}, \code{\link{readNAEP}}, \code{\link{getData}}, \code{\link{downloadECLS_K}}
#' @author Tom Fink
#' @example \man\examples\readECLS_K1998.R
#' @export
readECLS_K1998 <- function(path = getwd(),
filename = "eclsk_98_99_k8_child_v1_0.dat",
layoutFilename = "Layout_k8_child.txt",
forceReread = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
# temporarily adjust any necessary option settings; revert back when done
userOp <- options(OutDec = ".")
on.exit(options(userOp), add = TRUE)
path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(path), winslash = "/"))
path <- ifelse(grepl("[.][a-zA-Z]{1,4}$", path, perl = TRUE, = TRUE), dirname(path), path)
# setup file list to work with
fileList <- list(
dataFile = unlist(file.path(path, filename))[1],
layoutFile = unlist(file.path(path, layoutFilename))[1]
# validate files::get the filecount to see if we have any missing or excess files
validateData <- sapply(fileList$dataFile, function(x) {
layoutData <- sapply(fileList$layoutFile, function(x) {
if (!all(validateData == TRUE)) {
missingVars <- names(validateData == TRUE)
if (length(missingVars) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified data file ", sQuote(missingVars), " in path ", sQuote(path), "."))
if (!all(layoutData == TRUE)) {
missingVars <- names(layoutData == TRUE)
if (length(missingVars) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified layout file ", sQuote(missingVars), " in path ", sQuote(path), "."))
cacheInfo <- list(
cacheFilepath = file.path(path, gsub("\\.dat$", "\\.txt", filename, = TRUE)),
cacheMetaFilepath = file.path(path, gsub("\\.dat$", "\\.meta", filename, = TRUE))
processArgs <- list(
files = fileList,
cacheFileInfo = cacheInfo,
forceReread = forceReread,
verbose = verbose
retryProc <- tryCatch(
processedData <-"processECLS_K1998", processArgs, quote = TRUE)
error = function(e) {
TRUE # flag to retry
warning = function(w) {
TRUE # flag to retry
if (retryProc) {
processArgs[["forceReread"]] <- TRUE # try it again reprocessing the data
processedData <- tryCatch("processECLS_K1998", processArgs, quote = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
"Unable to process ECLS_K data. Possible file corruption with source data. ",
"Error message: ", e
weights <- buildECLSKWeightList(processedData$fileFormat)
attr(weights, "default") <- "" # no default weight
dataList <- buildECLSK_dataList(processedData$data, processedData$fileFormat)
pvs <- list() # no plausible values or achievement levels?
omittedLevels <- c(
userConditions = list(),
defaultConditions = NULL,
dataList = dataList,
weights = weights,
pvvars = pvs,
subject = "Children's Early School Experience",
year = "1998-1999",
assessmentCode = "Longitudinal",
dataType = "Longitudinal Data",
gradeLevel = "K-8 Grade(s)",
achievementLevels = NULL,
omittedLevels = omittedLevels,
survey = "ECLS_K",
country = "USA",
psuVar = NULL, # psu is specific to each weight variable
stratumVar = NULL, # stratum is specific to each weight variable
jkSumMultiplier = 1,
validateFactorLabels = TRUE
) # the validateFactorLabels will check in `getData` if all values have a defined label, any missing labels will be automatically added.
processECLS_K1998 <- function(files,
verbose) {
runProcessing <- TRUE # set default value
# check and validate any cached files to see if they should be used
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath)) {
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)) {
cacheRDS <- readRDS(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)
if (!cacheMetaReqUpdate(cacheRDS$cacheFileVer, "ECLS_K")) {
runProcessing <- FALSE
fileFormat <- cacheRDS$fileFormat
# force reprocess if called for
if (forceReread == TRUE) {
runProcessing <- TRUE
if (runProcessing == TRUE) {
# first delete the existing cache file if it exists in case the processing errors then it won't pickup the cache file
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)) {
if (grepl("\\.txt$", files$layoutFile, = TRUE)) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Processing text file format file.\n"))
fileFormat <- parseTEXTFileFormat_NCES(files$layoutFile)
} else if (grepl("\\.sps$", files$layoutFile, = TRUE)) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Processing SPSS syntax file.\n"))
fileFormat <- parseSPSSFileFormat(files$layoutFile)
} else {
stop(paste0("File layout file must be either an ASCII (.txt) layout file or an SPSS (.sps) syntax file."))
# must open with all columns as character fields first:: For numeric values they use a '.' marker in the FWF datafile so we will need to convert those before converting to numeric
dataLAF <- laf_open_fwf(files$dataFile, column_types = rep("character", length(fileFormat$variableName)), column_widths = fileFormat$Width, column_names = fileFormat$variableName)
# define chunk size to read the values in:: chunk size should be large enough to accurately detect correct column data types, but small enough to not take up all the memory
rowChunkSize <- 5000
maxRows <- nrow(dataLAF)
rowChunks <- split(1:maxRows, ceiling(seq_along(1:maxRows) / rowChunkSize)) # break up the number of rows into our chunk size
for (rci in seq_along(rowChunks)) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat(paste0("Processing Data, n columns ", nrow(fileFormat), ", rows ", min(rowChunks[[rci]]), " to ", max(rowChunks[[rci]]), " of ", maxRows, ".\n"))
dataChunk <- dataLAF[rowChunks[[rci]], ] # get the rows of our specific row chunk
formattedTxt <- matrix(nrow = nrow(dataChunk), ncol = ncol(dataChunk))
for (coli in 1:ncol(dataChunk)) {
xCol <- dataChunk[ , coli]
xCol[xCol == "."] <- NA # remove any null indicators, will be strictly '.' value
xCol[trimws(xCol, which = "both") == ""] <- NA
# determine data types as the types are not defined in the ascii file layout on first group
# no need to change FWF widths based on this since the original .dat file widths as adequate size
if (rci == 1) {
if (suppressWarnings(all(![!]))))) { # determine if all the NA values are numeric or character
zCol <- xCol[!]
hasDec <- grepl(".", zCol, fixed = TRUE)
if (!any(hasDec)) {
precision <- 0
} else {
decPos <- regexpr(".", zCol[hasDec], fixed = TRUE)
precision <- nchar(substring(zCol, decPos + 1))
scale <- nchar(sub(".", "", zCol, fixed = TRUE))
if (max(scale) < 8 && max(precision) == 0) {
fileFormat$dataType[coli] <- "integer"
fileFormat$Decimal[coli] <- 0
} else {
fileFormat$dataType[coli] <- "numeric"
fileFormat$Decimal[coli] <- max(as.numeric(precision))
} else {
fileFormat$dataType[coli] <- "character"
fileFormat$Decimal[coli] <- NA
if (fileFormat$dataType[coli] %in% c("numeric") && fileFormat$Decimal[coli] > 0) {
multiplier <- 10^as.numeric(fileFormat$Decimal[coli])
xCol <- as.numeric(xCol) * multiplier
xColChar <- format(xCol, scientific = FALSE)
xColChar[] <- " "
# test if the multiplier expanded the width beyond the intial set width otherwise FWF spacing issues will pop up
if (any(nchar(xColChar) > fileFormat$Width[coli])) {
fileFormat$Width[coli] <- max(nchar(xColChar))
# recalibrate the start/end positions for user
fileFormat$Start <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(fileFormat$Width))[seq_along(fileFormat$Width)]
fileFormat$End <- cumsum(fileFormat$Width)
xCol <- xColChar # swap back names
xColChar <- NULL
xCol[] <- " "
formattedTxt[ , coli] <- format(xCol, scientific = FALSE, width = fileFormat$Width[coli], justify = "right") # store formatted column into matrix for writing
# remove the file if it exists and we are reprocessing
if (rci == 1 && file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath)) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat(paste0("Processing data, writing data chunk to disk.\n"))
# write the fwf formatted matrix
a <- sapply(1:nrow(formattedTxt), function(rowi) {
cat(paste(formattedTxt[rowi, ], collapse = ""), file = cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath, append = TRUE)
cat(paste("\n"), file = cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath, append = TRUE)
# minimize memory footprint
a <- NULL
dataChunk <- NULL
formattedTxt <- NULL
# close the existing LAF connection to the .dat file and pickup new LaF handle for the FWF .txt file we just wrote
# parse weight variables for the fileFormat
fileFormat <- identifyECLSKWeights(fileFormat)
# write cache file and .meta
cacheFile <- list(
ver = ifelse(any(search() %in% "EdSurvey"), packageVersion("EdSurvey"), "Invalid"),
cacheFileVer = 1,
ts = Sys.time(),
fileFormat = fileFormat
saveRDS(cacheFile, cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)
} else { # if(runProcessing==TRUE)
if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat(paste0("Found cached data for file ", dQuote(files$dataFile), ".\n"))
} # end if(runProcessing==TRUE)
dataLAF <- laf_open_fwf(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath, column_types = fileFormat$dataType, column_widths = fileFormat$Width, column_names = fileFormat$variableName)
# do caching and testing
data = dataLAF,
fileFormat = fileFormat
# identified the ECLS weights based on the file format data.frame and marks them as weights TRUE/FALSE in the fileFormat
identifyECLSKWeights <- function(fileFormat) {
varNames <- fileFormat$variableName
# BY= BaseYear; S=School; B=Teacher; C=Child
wgtVars <- grep("^(S|B|C).*(W|C|P|S|M|E|R)0$", varNames, value = TRUE, = TRUE)
wgtVarsSpecial <- grep("Y2COMW0", varNames, value = TRUE, = TRUE)
wgtVarsSpecial <- grep("BYCOMW0", varNames, value = TRUE, = TRUE)
wgtVars <- c(wgtVars, wgtVarsSpecial)
# TRUE/FALSE on if the variable is a weight at all
fileFormat$weights <- fileFormat$variableName %in% wgtVars
# prepares the weight list for the based on the identified TRUE weights in the fileFormat
buildECLSKWeightList <- function(fileFormat) {
wgtVars <- fileFormat[fileFormat$weights == TRUE, "variableName"]
varNames <- fileFormat$variableName
# no wgts found
if (length(wgtVars) == 0) {
weights <- list()
for (i in seq_along(wgtVars)) {
tempVar <- wgtVars[i]
testJKprefix <- substr(tempVar, 1, nchar(tempVar) - 1) # strip the ending '0' from the variable::all the replicates will have the same name but numbered 1-n
testJKprefix2 <- substr(tempVar, 1, nchar(tempVar) - 2) # strip the ending '[w]0' from the variable
ujkz <- unique(tolower(grep(paste0("^", "(", testJKprefix, ")", "[1-9]"), fileFormat$variableName, value = TRUE, = TRUE)))
ujkz <- gsub(tolower(testJKprefix), "", ujkz, fixed = TRUE) # remove jk to leave the numeric values
# gather PSU an Stratum info, For 1998 there isn't much consistancy for the naming conventions
# between the weight variable name and it's associated PSU and Stratum variable names
if (tolower(tempVar) == "c4_7cw0") {
psuVar <- grep("^c47fcpsu$", varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
strVar <- grep("^c47fcstr$", varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
} else if (tolower(tempVar) == "c4_7pw0") {
psuVar <- grep("^c47fppsu$", varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
strVar <- grep("^c47fpstr$", varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
} else {
# gather the psu variable, rules vary widely between the original weight variable name
psuVar <- c(
grep(paste0(tempVar, "psu$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(testJKprefix, "psu$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(testJKprefix, "ps$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(gsub("_", "", testJKprefix, fixed = TRUE), "psu$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(testJKprefix2, "psu$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(substr(testJKprefix, 1, 2), "t", substr(testJKprefix, 3, nchar(testJKprefix)), "psu$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
# gather the stratum variable, rules vary widely between the original weight variable name
strVar <- c(
grep(paste0(tempVar, "str$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(testJKprefix, "str$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(testJKprefix, "st$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(gsub("_", "", testJKprefix, fixed = TRUE), "str$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(testJKprefix2, "str$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE),
grep(paste0(substr(testJKprefix, 1, 2), "t", substr(testJKprefix, 3, nchar(testJKprefix)), "str$"), varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
psuVar <- unique(psuVar)
strVar <- unique(strVar)
if (length(psuVar) != 1) {
stop(paste0("Cannot Find Primary Sampling Unit Variable for Weight: ", tempVar))
if (length(psuVar) != 1) {
stop(paste0("Cannot Find Stratum Variable for Weight: ", tempVar))
if (length(ujkz) > 0) {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = testJKprefix, jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz), psuVar = psuVar, stratumVar = strVar)
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- tempVar
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
# builds the ECLS_K dataList object
buildECLSK_dataList <- function(LaF, FF) {
dataList <- list()
dataList[["Data"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = LaF,
fileFormat = FF,
levelLabel = "Data",
forceMerge = TRUE,
parentMergeLevels = NULL,
parentMergeVars = NULL,
mergeVars = NULL,
ignoreVars = NULL,
isDimLevel = TRUE
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