#' @title Connect to HS&B Study Senior Data
#' @description Opens a connection to a High School & Beyond 1980--1986 Senior cohort data file and
#' returns an \code{} with
#' information about the file and data.
#' @param HSR8086_PRI_FilePath a character value to the main study-derived
#' analytical data file (HSR8086_REV.PRI).
#' Located within the \code{REVISED_ASCII} Folder.
#' @param HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path a character value to the SAS syntax file for
#' parsing the \code{HSR8086_REV.PRI} data file.
#' Located within the \code{SAS_EXTRACT_LOGIC} Folder.
#' @param forceReread a logical value to force rereading of all processed data.
#' The default value of \code{FALSE} will speed up the read
#' function by using existing read-in data already processed.
#' @param verbose a logical value that will determine if you want verbose output
#' while the \code{readHSB_Senior} function is running to
#' indicate processing progress. The default value is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details
#' Reads in the specified \code{HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path} file to parse
#' the \code{HSR8086_PRI_FilePath} file.
#' A cached data file and metadata file will be saved in the same
#' directory and filename as the \code{HSR8086_PRI_FilePath} file,
#' having new file extensions of .txt and .meta, respectively.
#' Please note the original source \code{repcode} variable has been split
#' into two variables named \code{repcode_str} for the stratum value
#' and \code{repcode_psu} for the primary sampling unit (PSU) value in the resulting
#' cache data.
#' @return
#' an \code{} for the HS&B Senior 1980--1986 longitudinal dataset
#' @seealso \code{\link{readECLS_K2011}}, \code{\link{readNAEP}}, and \code{\link{getData}}
#' @author Tom Fink
#' @example /man/examples/readHSB_SR.R
readHSB_Senior <- function(HSR8086_PRI_FilePath,
forceReread = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
# temporarily adjust any necessary option settings; revert back when done
userOp <- options(OutDec = ".")
on.exit(options(userOp), add = TRUE)
HSR8086_PRI_FilePath <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(HSR8086_PRI_FilePath), winslash = "/"))
HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path), winslash = "/"))
if (!file.exists(HSR8086_PRI_FilePath)) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified data file ", sQuote("HSR8086_PRI_FilePath"), " in path ", sQuote(file.path(HSR8086_PRI_FilePath)), "."))
if (!file.exists(HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path)) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified data file ", sQuote("HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path"), " in path ", sQuote(file.path(HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path)), "."))
# prep the data cache items
cacheFilename <- gsub("\\.pri$", ".txt", HSR8086_PRI_FilePath, = TRUE)
metaFilename <- gsub("\\.pri$", ".meta", HSR8086_PRI_FilePath, = TRUE)
runProcessing <- TRUE # set default value
# check and validate any cached files to see if they should be used
if (file.exists(cacheFilename)) {
if (file.exists(metaFilename)) {
cacheRDS <- readRDS(metaFilename) # get the cache info from the .meta file
if (!cacheMetaReqUpdate(cacheRDS$cacheFileVer, "HS&B")) {
runProcessing <- FALSE
fileFormat <- cacheRDS$fileFormat
# define omittedLevels for the clean step below
omittedLevels <- c(
"(Missing)", NA
# force reprocess if called for
if (forceReread == TRUE) {
runProcessing <- TRUE
if (runProcessing == TRUE) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Processing SAS syntax file.\n"))
fileFormat <- parseSAS_FileFormat_HSB(HSR8086_SASSyntax_Path) # get the file format from the master.txt file
# the bypart field is defined in the layout file, but doesn't actually exist in the datafile!
# this causes all sorts of FWF issues when reading in the original .PRI file as well as subsequent output
fileFormat <- subset(fileFormat, fileFormat$variableName != "bypart")
# the REPCODE field contains both the stratum and PSU in one field, redefine the fileformat to split it into two vars for analysis
rowIdx <- which(fileFormat$variableName == "repcode", arr.ind = TRUE)
tempFF <- fileFormat[1:(rowIdx - 1), ]
repcodeFF <- fileFormat[rowIdx, ]
tempFF2 <- fileFormat[(rowIdx + 1):nrow(fileFormat), ]
repcodeFF2 <- repcodeFF # duplicate copy of the repCodeFF
repcodeFF$variableName <- "repcode_str"
repcodeFF$End <- repcodeFF$End - 1
repcodeFF$Width <- repcodeFF$Width - 1
repcodeFF$Labels <- "REPLICATED SAMPLE CODE - stratum"
repcodeFF2$variableName <- "repcode_psu"
repcodeFF2$Start <- repcodeFF2$Start + 2
repcodeFF2$Width <- repcodeFF2$Width - 2
repcodeFF2$Labels <- "REPLICATED SAMPLE CODE - psu"
# rebuild the parts after the repcode variable was dissected into it's parts
fileFormat <-, repcodeFF, repcodeFF2, tempFF2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(fileFormat) <- 1:nrow(fileFormat)
# recalibrate the start/end positions so they are correct
fileFormat$Start <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(fileFormat$Width))[seq_along(fileFormat$Width)]
fileFormat$End <- cumsum(fileFormat$Width)
lafObj <- laf_open_fwf(HSR8086_PRI_FilePath, fileFormat$dataType, fileFormat$Width, fileFormat$variableName)
fileFormat <- identifyHSB_SRWeights(fileFormat)
fileFormat <- valueLabelCleanupFF(fileFormat, omittedLevels, c("{$ ZERO}", "{NON-PARTICIPANT}"))
fileFormat <- writeCacheWithRepWgt_HSB(lafObj, fileFormat, "repcode_str", "repcode_psu", cacheFilename, verbose)
# write cache file and .meta
cacheFile <- list(
ver = ifelse(any(search() %in% "EdSurvey"), packageVersion("EdSurvey"), "Invalid"),
cacheFileVer = 1,
ts = Sys.time(),
fileFormat = fileFormat
saveRDS(cacheFile, metaFilename)
} # end if(runProcessing==TRUE)
lafObj <- laf_open_fwf(cacheFilename, column_types = fileFormat$dataType, column_widths = fileFormat$Width, column_names = fileFormat$variableName)
weights <- buildHSB_SRWeightList(fileFormat)
if (!is.null(weights)) {
attributes(weights)$default <- "" # set default weight
pvs <- list() # no plausible values or achievement levels
userConditions = list(),
defaultConditions = NULL,
dataList = buildHSB_SRDataList(lafObj, fileFormat),
weights = weights,
pvvars = pvs,
subject = "",
year = "1980-1986",
assessmentCode = "Longitudinal",
dataType = "Longitudinal Data",
gradeLevel = "Senior",
achievementLevels = NULL, # no achievement levels
omittedLevels = omittedLevels,
survey = "HS&B",
country = "USA",
psuVar = "repcode_psu",
stratumVar = "repcode_str",
jkSumMultiplier = 1 / 184, # 184 replicate weights
validateFactorLabels = TRUE, # the validateFactorLabels will check in `getData` if all values have a defined label, any missing labels will be automatically added.
reqDecimalConversion = FALSE
) # decimal conversion is not needed
# identified the HS&B Senior weights based on the file format data.frame and marks them as weights TRUE/FALSE in the fileFormat
identifyHSB_SRWeights <- function(fileFormat) {
varNames <- fileFormat$variableName
# identify weight variables
wgtVars <- grep("wt(2|3|4){0,1}$", varNames, = TRUE, value = TRUE)
# TRUE/FALSE on if the variable is a weight at all
fileFormat$weights <- fileFormat$variableName %in% wgtVars
writeCacheWithRepWgt_HSB <- function(dataLaF, fileFormat, stratumVar, psuVar, cachePath, verbose) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Generating JK2 replicate weights.\n"))
wgtVars <- fileFormat$variableName[fileFormat$weights == TRUE]
wgtDFAll <- NULL # overall for all weights
wgtDFtemp <- NULL # temporary for weight loop
newFF <- fileFormat[FALSE, ]
# build the JK2 replicate weights================
for (w in wgtVars) {
weight <- dataLaF[ , w]
jkrep <- dataLaF[ , psuVar]
jkzone <- dataLaF[ , stratumVar]
ujkz <- sort(unique(jkzone[ , 1]))
jkvars <- c()
for (i in ujkz) {
# first group
coli <- paste0(w, "_JK2_", -1 + i * 2) # create replicate variable name
jkvars <- c(jkvars, coli)
jkw <- weight
jkw[jkzone == i & jkrep == 1] <- 0
jkw[jkzone == i & jkrep != 1] <- 2 * jkw[jkzone == i & jkrep != 1]
jkw[[ , 1]), 1] <- 0 # turn any NAs to a zero value
if (!is.null(wgtDFtemp)) {
wgtDFtemp <- cbind(wgtDFtemp, jkw[ , 1])
} else {
wgtDFtemp <- jkw[ , 1]
tempFF <- fileFormat[fileFormat$variableName == w, ]
tempFF$variableName <- coli
tempFF$Labels <- paste0(tempFF$Labels, " Replicate ", -1 + i * 2)
tempFF$labelValues <- ""
tempFF$weights <- FALSE
# ensure we have adequate size for the fileFormat otherwise it will throw off our spacing
testFmt <- format(jkw[ , 1], scientific = FALSE, width = tempFF$Width, nsmall = tempFF$Decimal, justify = "right", drop0trailing = FALSE)
tempFF$Width <- max(nchar(testFmt))
newFF <- rbind(newFF, tempFF)
# second group
coli <- paste0(w, "_JK2_", i * 2)
jkvars <- c(jkvars, coli)
jkw <- weight
jkw[jkzone == i & jkrep == 1] <- 2 * jkw[jkzone == i & jkrep == 1]
jkw[jkzone == i & jkrep != 1] <- 0
jkw[[ , 1]), 1] <- 0 # turn any NAs to a zero value
wgtDFtemp <- cbind(wgtDFtemp, jkw[ , 1])
tempFF <- fileFormat[fileFormat$variableName == w, ]
tempFF$variableName <- coli
tempFF$Labels <- paste0(tempFF$Labels, " Replicate ", i * 2)
tempFF$labelValues <- ""
tempFF$weights <- FALSE
# ensure we have adequate size for the fileFormat otherwise it will throw off our spacing
testFmt <- format(jkw[ , 1], scientific = FALSE, width = tempFF$Width, nsmall = tempFF$Decimal, justify = "right", drop0trailing = FALSE)
tempFF$Width <- max(nchar(testFmt))
newFF <- rbind(newFF, tempFF)
if (!is.null(wgtDFAll)) {
wgtDFAll <- cbind(wgtDFAll, wgtDFtemp)
} else {
wgtDFAll <- wgtDFtemp
wgtDFtemp <- NULL
newFF <- rbind(fileFormat, newFF)
# recalibrate the start/end positions so they are correct
newFF$Start <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(newFF$Width))[seq_along(newFF$Width)]
newFF$End <- cumsum(newFF$Width)
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Writing cache data file.\n"))
# write out the cachefile
cacheFull <- cbind(dataLaF[], wgtDFAll)
newFF <- writeDF_FWF(df = cacheFull, fileFormat = newFF, savePath = cachePath, verbose = verbose)
# prepares the weight list for the based on the identified TRUE weights in the fileFormat
buildHSB_SRWeightList <- function(fileFormat) {
wgtVars <- fileFormat[fileFormat$weights == TRUE, "variableName"]
# no wgts found
if (length(wgtVars) == 0) {
weights <- list()
for (i in seq_along(wgtVars)) {
tempVar <- wgtVars[i] # full variable name of the weight var
baseWgtVar <- paste0(tempVar, "_jk2_")
wgtPattern <- paste0("^", baseWgtVar, "\\d+$")
ujkz <- unique(tolower(grep(wgtPattern, fileFormat$variableName, value = TRUE, = TRUE)))
ujkz <- sub(baseWgtVar, "", ujkz, = TRUE) # strip away and leave just the numeric variable name ending as a string
if (length(ujkz) > 0) {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = baseWgtVar, jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz))
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- tempVar
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
buildHSB_SRDataList <- function(lafObj, fileFormat) {
dataList <- list()
# build the list hierarchical based on the order in which the data levels would be merged in getData
dataList[["Data"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = lafObj,
fileFormat = fileFormat,
levelLabel = "Data",
forceMerge = TRUE,
parentMergeLevels = NULL,
parentMergeVars = NULL,
mergeVars = NULL,
ignoreVars = NULL,
isDimLevel = TRUE
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