#' @title Connect to High School Longitudinal Study 2009 (HSLS:2009) Data
#' @description Opens a connection to an HSLS data file and
#' returns an \code{} with
#' information about the file and data.
#' @param path a character value to the full directory path(s) to the HSLS
#' extracted SPSS (.sav) set of data files
#' @param filename a character value of the name of the SPSS (.sav) datafile to be read
#' @param wgtFilename a character value of the name of the associated BRR
#' weight SPSS (.sav) data file in the specificed \code{path}
#' to be read.
#' This argument is only applicable for the restricted-use
#' student level data, which contains a separate data-file
#' containing the weight replicate information.
#' For data files with no balanced
#' repeated replication (BRR) weight file associated,
#' specify a value of \code{NULL} or \code{NA}.
#' @param forceReread a logic value to force a rereading of all processed data.
#' The default value of \code{FALSE} speeds up the
#' \code{readHSLS} function by using existing read-in data
#' already processed.
#' @param verbose a logical value set to \code{TRUE} for verbose output that
#' indicates progress
#' @details
#' Reads in the unzipped files downloaded from the HSLS longitudinal dataset.
#' @note
#' The SPSS (.sav) format is preferred over the fixed-width-format (.dat)
#' ASCII file format at this time relating to value label issues identified
#' with the ASCII layout specifications.
#' @return an \code{} for the HSLS longitudinal dataset
#' @seealso \code{\link{readECLS_K2011}}, \code{\link{readNAEP}}, and \code{\link{getData}}
#' @author Tom Fink
#' @example man/examples/readHSLS.R
#' @importFrom haven read_sav
#' @export
readHSLS <- function(path = getwd(),
filename = "hsls_16_student_v1_0.sav",
wgtFilename = NA,
forceReread = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
# temporarily adjust any necessary option settings; revert back when done
userOp <- options(OutDec = ".")
on.exit(options(userOp), add = TRUE)
path <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(unique(path), winslash = "/"))
path <- ifelse(grepl("[.][a-zA-Z]{1,4}$", path, perl = TRUE, = TRUE), dirname(path), path)
# setup file list to work with
fileList <- list(dataFile = unlist(file.path(path, filename))[1])
# validate files::get the filecount to see if we have any missing or excess files
validateData <- sapply(fileList$dataFile, file.exists)
if (!all(validateData == TRUE)) {
missingVars <- names(validateData == TRUE)
if (length(missingVars) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified data file ", dQuote(missingVars), " in path ", dQuote(path), "."))
# do checks for the wgtFilename argument
if (is.null(wgtFilename)) {
wgtFilename <- NA
# test and validate weighting files if they are specified
if (! {
fileList$dataFileWgt <- unlist(file.path(path, wgtFilename))[1]
# validate files::get the filecount to see if we have any missing or excess files
validateData <- sapply(fileList$dataFileWgt, file.exists)
layoutData <- sapply(fileList$layoutFileWgt, file.exists)
if (!all(validateData == TRUE)) {
missingVars <- names(validateData == TRUE)
if (length(missingVars) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified weight data file ", dQuote(missingVars), " in path ", dQuote(path), "."))
if (!all(layoutData == TRUE)) {
missingVars <- names(layoutData == TRUE)
if (length(missingVars) > 0) {
stop(paste0("Cannot find specified weight layout file ", dQuote(missingVars), " in path ", dQuote(path), "."))
} # end if(!
cacheInfo <- list(
cacheFilepath = gsub("\\.sav$", "\\.txt", fileList$dataFile, = TRUE),
cacheFilepathWgt = gsub("\\.sav$", "\\.txt", fileList$dataFileWgt, = TRUE),
cacheMetaFilepath = gsub("\\.sav$", "\\.meta", fileList$dataFile, = TRUE)
processArgs <- list(
files = fileList,
cacheFileInfo = cacheInfo,
forceReread = forceReread,
verbose = verbose
retryProc <- tryCatch(
processedData <-"processHSLS_SPSS", processArgs, quote = TRUE)
error = function(e) {
TRUE # flag to retry
warning = function(w) {
TRUE # flag to retry
if (retryProc) {
processArgs[["forceReread"]] <- TRUE # try it again reprocessing the data
eout("Cache corrupt, attempting to reread the data.")
processedData <- tryCatch("processHSLS_SPSS", processArgs, quote = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
"Unable to process HSLS data. Possible file corruption with source data.",
" Error message: ", e
weights <- buildHSLSWeightList(processedData$fileFormat$data, processedData$fileFormat$wgt)
# fix up these specific variables to be categorical
processedData$fileFormat$data <- valueLabel_MakeCategorical(processedData$fileFormat$data, c("x1aqdate", "x1cqdate"), processedData$data$data)
processedData$fileFormat$wgt <- valueLabel_MakeCategorical(processedData$fileFormat$wgt, c("x1aqdate", "x1cqdate"), processedData$data$wgt)
if (!is.null(weights)) {
attr(weights, "default") <- ""
pvs <- list() # no plausible values or achievement levels
omittedLevels <- c(
"Data suppressed", "DATA SUPPRESSED",
"Undeclared/undecided", "UNDECLARED/UNDECIDED",
"Missing", "MISSING",
"Don't know", "DON'T KNOW",
"Unit non-response", "UNIT NON-RESPONSE",
"Unit non-response/component not applicable", "UNIT NON-RESPONSE/COMPONENT NOT APPLICABLE",
"Carry through missing", "CARRY THROUGH MISSING",
"Item legitimate skip/NA", "ITEM LEGITIMATE SKIP/NA",
"Item not administered: abbreviated interview", "ITEM NOT ADMINISTERED: ABBREVIATED INTERVIEW",
"Component not applicable", "COMPONENT NOT APPLICABLE",
"Did not attempt credit", "DID NOT ATTEMPT CREDIT",
"Did not attempt", "DID NOT ATTEMPT",
# cleaup any '0=ZERO' labels as those are a problem for analysis
processedData$fileFormat$data <- valueLabelCleanupFF(processedData$fileFormat$data, omittedLevels, c("Zero", "zero", "ZERO")) # cleanup
if (!is.null(processedData$fileFormat$wgt)) {
processedData$fileFormat$wgt <- valueLabelCleanupFF(processedData$fileFormat$wgt, omittedLevels, c("Zero", "zero", "ZERO")) # cleanup
# return the
userConditions = list(),
defaultConditions = NULL,
dataList = buildHSLSDataList(processedData$data$data, processedData$fileFormat$data, processedData$data$wgt, processedData$fileFormat$wgt),
weights = weights,
pvvars = pvs,
subject = "",
year = "2009",
assessmentCode = "Longitudinal",
dataType = "Longitudinal Data",
gradeLevel = "High School",
achievementLevels = NULL, # no achievement levels
omittedLevels = omittedLevels,
survey = "HSLS",
country = "USA",
psuVar = "psu", # these are suppressed in the public dataset for some reason
stratumVar = "strat_id", # these are suppressed in the public dataset for some reason
jkSumMultiplier = 0.005, # For BRR weight replication: (1/200) Strata
validateFactorLabels = TRUE, # the validateFactorLabels will check in `getData` if all values have a defined label, any missing labels will be automatically added.
reqDecimalConversion = FALSE
) # decimal conversion is not needed
# helper function for processing the SPSS file format version of the HSLS
processHSLS_SPSS <- function(files,
verbose) {
runProcessing <- TRUE # set default value
hasWeightFile <- !is.null(files$dataFileWgt) # create wgt file flag
fileFormatWgt <- NULL
# check and validate any cached files to see if they should be used
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath)) {
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)) {
cacheRDS <- readRDS(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)
if (!cacheMetaReqUpdate(cacheRDS$cacheFileVer, "HSLS")) {
runProcessing <- FALSE
fileFormat <- cacheRDS$fileFormat$data
if (hasWeightFile) {
fileFormatWgt <- cacheRDS$fileFormat$wgt
if ( || is.null(fileFormatWgt)) { # user previously ran the file without specifying weights and we must re-cache with weights
runProcessing <- TRUE
# force reprocess if called for
if (forceReread) {
runProcessing <- TRUE
if (runProcessing) {
# first delete the existing cache file if it exists in case the processing errors then it won't pickup the cache file
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath)) {
if (file.exists(cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)) {
# get fileFormat from the SPSS file here
if (verbose) {
eout(paste0("Reading SPSS file data."))
spssDF <- read_sav(files$dataFile, user_na = TRUE)
spssDF <- UnclassCols(spssDF)
# get the fileFormat from the SPSS attributes
if (verbose) {
eout(paste0("Gathering SPSS data format."))
fileFormat <- getSPSSFileFormat(spssDF)
fileFormat <- writeDF_FWF(spssDF, fileFormat, cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath, verbose)
fileFormat <- identifyHSLSWeights(fileFormat)
spssDF <- NULL # clear memory
# build the file format of the weight file if exists
fileFormatWgt <- NULL
if (hasWeightFile) {
spssDFWgt <- read_sav(files$dataFileWgt, user_na = TRUE)
spssDFWgt <- UnclassCols(spssDFWgt)
fileFormatWgt <- getSPSSFileFormat(spssDFWgt)
fileFormatWgt <- writeDF_FWF(spssDFWgt, fileFormatWgt, cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepathWgt, verbose)
fileFormatWgt <- identifyHSLSWeights(fileFormatWgt)
# write cache file and .meta
cacheFile <- list(
ver = ifelse(any(search() %in% "EdSurvey"), packageVersion("EdSurvey"), "Invalid"),
cacheFileVer = 2,
ts = Sys.time(),
fileFormat = list(data = fileFormat, wgt = fileFormatWgt)
saveRDS(cacheFile, cacheFileInfo$cacheMetaFilepath)
} else { # end if(runProcessing)
if (verbose) {
eout(paste0("Found cached data for file ", dQuote(files$dataFile), "."))
} # end if(runProcessing==TRUE)
# return LAF as open to constructor where it needs it open to first build, then it handles closing within there
dataLAF <- laf_open_fwf(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepath, column_types = fileFormat$dataType, column_widths = fileFormat$Width, column_names = fileFormat$variableName)
# ensure LaF throws no errors by reading first line
tryCatch(dataLAF[1, ],
error = function(e) {
dataLAFWgt <- NULL
if (!is.null(fileFormatWgt)) {
dataLAFWgt <- laf_open_fwf(cacheFileInfo$cacheFilepathWgt, column_types = fileFormatWgt$dataType, column_widths = fileFormatWgt$Width, column_names = fileFormatWgt$variableName)
# ensure LaF throws no errors by reading first line
tryCatch(dataLAFWgt[1, ],
error = function(e) {
# do caching and testing
data = list(data = dataLAF, wgt = dataLAFWgt),
fileFormat = list(data = fileFormat, wgt = fileFormatWgt)
# identified the weights based on the file format data.frame and marks them as weights TRUE/FALSE in the fileFormat
identifyHSLSWeights <- function(fileFormat) {
varNames <- fileFormat$variableName
# unable to grepl as it picked up too many replicate weights
wgtVars <- varNames[grepl("^w(1|2|3|4).*[^0-9]$", varNames, = TRUE)]
wgtVars <- c(wgtVars, varNames[grepl("^w4w1stup1$", varNames, = TRUE)])
wgtVars <- c(wgtVars, varNames[grepl("^w4w1stup1p2$", varNames, = TRUE)])
# TRUE/FALSE on if the variable is a weight at all
fileFormat$weights <- tolower(fileFormat$variableName) %in% tolower(wgtVars)
# prepares the weight list for the based on the identified TRUE weights in the fileFormat
buildHSLSWeightList <- function(fileFormat1, fileFormat2) {
wgtVars <- unique(c(fileFormat1[fileFormat1$weights == TRUE, "variableName"], fileFormat2[fileFormat2$weights == TRUE, "variableName"]))
# no wgts found
if (length(wgtVars) == 0) {
weights <- list()
for (i in seq_along(wgtVars)) {
tempVar <- wgtVars[i]
# testJKprefix <- substr(tempVar, 1, nchar(tempVar)-1) #strip the ending '0' from the variable::all the replicates will have the same name but numbered 1-n
if (!is.null(fileFormat2)) {
ujkz <- unique(c(
tolower(grep(paste0("^", "(", tempVar, ")", "[0-9]"), fileFormat1$variableName, value = TRUE, = TRUE)),
tolower(grep(paste0("^", "(", tempVar, ")", "[0-9]"), fileFormat2$variableName, value = TRUE, = TRUE))
} else {
ujkz <- unique(tolower(grep(paste0("^", "(", tempVar, ")", "[0-9]"), fileFormat1$variableName, value = TRUE, = TRUE)))
ujkz <- gsub(tolower(tempVar), "", ujkz, fixed = TRUE) # remove jk to leave the numeric values
if (length(ujkz) > 0) {
tmpWgt <- list()
tmpWgt[[1]] <- list(jkbase = tolower(tempVar), jksuffixes = as.character(ujkz))
names(tmpWgt)[[1]] <- tolower(tempVar)
weights <- c(weights, tmpWgt)
buildHSLSDataList <- function(dataLaF, fileFormat, wgtLaf, wgtFF) {
dataList <- list()
# build the list hierarchical based on the order in which the data levels would be merged in getData
dataList[["Data"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = dataLaF,
fileFormat = fileFormat,
levelLabel = "Data",
forceMerge = TRUE,
parentMergeLevels = NULL,
parentMergeVars = NULL,
mergeVars = NULL,
ignoreVars = NULL,
isDimLevel = TRUE
if (!is.null(wgtFF)) {
dataList[["Weight"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = wgtLaf,
fileFormat = wgtFF,
levelLabel = "Weight",
forceMerge = FALSE,
parentMergeLevels = c("Data"),
parentMergeVars = c("stu_id"),
mergeVars = c("stu_id"),
ignoreVars = wgtFF$variableName[wgtFF$variableName %in% fileFormat$variableName],
isDimLevel = FALSE
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