#' @title Connect to PIAAC Data
#' @description Opens a connection to a PIAAC data file and
#' returns an \code{} with
#' information about the file and data.
#' @param path a character value to the full directory path to the PIAAC .csv
#' files and Microsoft Excel codebook
#' @param countries a character vector of the country/countries to include
#' using the three-digit ISO country code. A list of country
#' codes can be found in the PIAAC codebook or
#' \url{}.
#' If files are downloaded using \code{\link{downloadPIAAC}},
#' a country dictionary text file can be
#' found in the filepath. You can use \code{*} to indicate
#' all countries available. For the \code{usa}, the year must
#' be specified using: \code{usa12_14} or \code{usa17}.
#' @param forceReread a logical value to force rereading of all processed data.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Setting \code{forceReread} to be \code{TRUE} will cause
#' PIAAC data to be reread and increase the processing time.
#' @param verbose a logical value that will determine if you want verbose
#' output while the function is running to indicate the progress.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param usaOption a character value of \code{12_14} or \code{17} that specifies
#' what year of the USA survey should be used when loading all countries by
#' using \code{*} in the \code{countries} argument. This will only make a difference
#' when loading all countries. Defaults to \code{12_14}.
#' @details
#' Reads in the unzipped .csv files downloaded from the PIAAC dataset using
#' the OECD repository (\url{}). Users can use
#' \code{\link{downloadPIAAC}} to download all required files automatically.
#' @return
#' an \code{} for a single specified country or
#' an \code{} if multiple countries specified
#' @seealso \code{\link{getData}} and \code{\link{downloadPIAAC}}
#' @author Trang Nguyen
#' @example man/examples/readPIAAC.R
#' @references
#' Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2016). \emph{Technical report of the survey of adult skills (PIAAC)} (2nd ed.). Paris, France: Author. Retrieved from \emph{\url{}}
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @export
readPIAAC <- function(path,
forceReread = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
usaOption = "12_14") {
# temporarily adjust any necessary option settings; revert back when done
userOp <- options(OutDec = ".")
userOp2 <- options(scipen = 999)
on.exit(options(userOp), add = TRUE)
on.exit(options(userOp2), add = TRUE)
filepath <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/") # to match IEA read-in function
forceRead <- forceReread # to match IEA read-in function
filepath <- ifelse(grepl("[.][a-zA-Z]{1,4}$", filepath, perl = TRUE, = TRUE), dirname(filepath), filepath)
csvfiles <- list.files(filepath, pattern = "^prg.*\\.csv$", full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
all_countries <- unique(tolower(substr(csvfiles, 4, 6)))
if (unlist(countries)[1] == "*") {
all <- TRUE # keeping track of a "*" for usaOption
countries <- all_countries
} else {
all <- FALSE
countries <- tolower(unlist(countries))
# Process file formats from excel codebook
ffname <- file.path(filepath, "processed-codebook.meta")
if (forceRead || !file.exists(ffname)) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Processing codebook.\n")
ff <- processFileFormatReturnFF(filepath)
} else {
cacheFile <- tryCatch(readRDS(ffname),
error = function(err) {
}, warning = function(w) {
if (is.null(cacheFile) || cacheMetaReqUpdate(cacheFile$cacheFileVer, "PIAAC")) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Processing codebook.\n")
ff <- processFileFormatReturnFF(filepath)
forceRead <- TRUE
} else {
ff <- cacheFile$ff
# Set up PVs
# Set up PVS ======================================================================
# piaacAchievementLevelHelp returns a list of achievement level information for a specific round
achievement <- piaacAchievementLevelHelp(1) # currently only PIAAC round 1 has available data
pvs <- list()
pv_subset <- subset(ff,
select = c("Type", "variableName"),
ff$Type != ""
uniquePvTypes <- tolower(unique(pv_subset$Type))
for (i in uniquePvTypes) {
vars <- tolower(pv_subset$variableName[tolower(pv_subset$Type) == i])
temp_list <- list(varnames = vars)
checkregex <- sapply(achievement$regex, grepl, i, = TRUE)
subject <- achievement$subjects[which(checkregex)]
temp_list$achievementLevel <- sort(achievement$achievementLevels[[subject]])
pvs[[i]] <- temp_list
attr(pvs, "default") <- names(pvs)[1]
# Process data for each country
sdf <- list()
for (cntry in countries) {
# check usaOption
if (cntry == "usa") {
if (usaOption == "17") {
cntry <- paste0(cntry, "17")
} else {
if (usaOption == "12_14") {
cntry <- paste0(cntry, "12_14")
} else {
stop(paste0(dQuote("usaOption"), " must either be ", sQuote("12_14"), ", or ", sQuote("17"), " not: ", sQuote(usaOption)))
# process
processedData <- processCountryPIAAC(filepath, cntry, ff, forceRead, verbose)
processedData$userConditions <- list()
processedData$defaultConditions <- NULL
processedData$data <- processedData$dataList$student
# Set up weights ===================================================================
uklz <- processedData$cacheFile$reps
weights <- list(spfwt0 = list(jkbase = "spfwt", jksuffixes = as.character(1:uklz)))
attr(weights, "default") <- "spfwt0"
processedData$weights <- weights
processedData$pvvars <- pvs
processedData$subject <- achievement$subjects
processedData$year <- "Round 1"
processedData$assessmentCode <- "International"
processedData$dataType <- "Adult Data"
processedData$gradeLevel <- "N/A"
processedData$achievementLevels <- achievement$achievementLevels
processedData$omittedLevels <- c(
processedData$fileFormat <- ff
processedData$survey <- "PIAAC"
processedData$country <- countryDictPIAAC(cntry)
processedData$jkSumMultiplier <- processedData$cacheFile$jkSumMultiplier
sdf[[cntry]] <-
userConditions = processedData$userConditions,
defaultConditions = processedData$defaultConditions,
dataList = buildPIAAC_dataList(
weights = processedData$weights,
pvvars = processedData$pvvars,
subject = processedData$subject,
year = processedData$year,
assessmentCode = processedData$assessmentCode,
dataType = processedData$dataType,
gradeLevel = processedData$gradeLevel,
achievementLevels = processedData$achievementLevels,
omittedLevels = processedData$omittedLevels,
survey = processedData$survey,
country = processedData$country,
psuVar = ifelse(as.numeric(processedData$cacheFile$method) == 1, "JK1", "varunit"),
stratumVar = ifelse(as.numeric(processedData$cacheFile$method) == 1, "JK1", "varstrat"),
jkSumMultiplier = processedData$jkSumMultiplier,
reqDecimalConversion = FALSE,
validateFactorLabels = TRUE
) # toggled to TRUE for issue found with cntryid (#1848)
if (length(sdf) > 1) {
return(, labels = countries))
} else {
# @return:
# 1. dataList
# 2. cacheFile: jkSumMultiplier, reps, and jk method
processCountryPIAAC <- function(filepath, countryCode, ff, forceRead, verbose) {
# If Country code is USA, special processing, else regular
if (grepl("usa", countryCode)) {
origCC <- countryCode
date <- gsub("usa(.*)", "\\1", countryCode)
if (date == "12_14") {
txtCacheFile <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0("prgusap1", ".*\\.txt$"), full.names = FALSE, = FALSE)
metaCacheFile <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(origCC, "\\.meta$"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
if (date == "17") {
txtCacheFile <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0("Prgusap1_2017", ".*\\.txt$"), full.names = FALSE, = FALSE)
metaCacheFile <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(origCC, "\\.meta$"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
countryCode <- "usa"
} else {
origCC <- "none"
txtCacheFile <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(countryCode, ".*\\.txt$"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
metaCacheFile <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(countryCode, "\\.meta$"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
if (length(txtCacheFile) == 0 || length(metaCacheFile) == 0) {
forceRead <- TRUE
} else {
cacheFile <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(filepath, metaCacheFile[1])),
error = function(err) {
forceRead <<- TRUE
warning = function(w) {
forceRead <<- TRUE
dataList <- list()
dataListFF <- list()
if (!forceRead) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("Found cached data for country code ", dQuote(countryCode), ".\n"))
dataList$student <- getCSVLaFConnection(file.path(filepath, txtCacheFile), ff)
cacheFile <- readRDS(file.path(filepath, metaCacheFile[1]))
dataList = dataList,
cacheFile = cacheFile
if (verbose) {
cat("Processing data for country code ", dQuote(countryCode), ".\n")
# Reading country csv file
# If Country code is USA, special processing, else regular
if (grepl("usa", countryCode)) {
# Is the date for the US 17 or 12_14; note that 'date' and 'origCC' were defined earlier
if (grepl("17", date)) {
# usa 17
fname <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(countryCode, ".*2017\\.csv"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
if (length(fname) > 1) {
stop(paste0(sQuote(countryCode), ": there is more than one csv files."))
fname <- fname[1]
# 17 is "|" delimited
dat <- read.csv(file.path(filepath, fname), header = TRUE, sep = , "|", colClasses = "character", na.strings = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
if (grepl("12_14", date)) {
# usa 12
fname <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(countryCode, ".*1\\.csv"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
if (length(fname) > 1) {
stop(paste0(countryCode, ": there is more than one csv files."))
fname <- fname[1]
dat <- read.csv(file.path(filepath, fname), header = TRUE, colClasses = "character", na.strings = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
stop(paste0(dQuote("usaOption"), " must either be ", sQuote("12_14"), ", or ", sQuote("17"), " not: ", sQuote(origCC)))
} # end US cases
} else {
# non-US cases
fname <- list.files(filepath, pattern = paste0(countryCode, ".*\\.csv"), full.names = FALSE, = TRUE)
if (length(fname) > 1) {
stop(paste0(countryCode, ": there is more than one csv files."))
fname <- fname[1]
dat <- read.csv(file.path(filepath, fname), header = TRUE, colClasses = "character", na.strings = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} # end reading country csv file
colnames(dat) <- toupper(colnames(dat))
# checking whether any missing columns in the data file
# replace with NAs
missingcolumns <- setdiff(ff$variableName, colnames(dat))
if (length(missingcolumns) > 0) {
dat[ , missingcolumns] <- NA
dat <- dat[ , ff$variableName]
# replace SAS missing values with SPSS values
for (ci in 1:nrow(ff)) {
if (!$replacement[ci]) && ff$replacement[ci] != "") {
repl <- strsplit(unlist(strsplit(ff$replacement[ci], "^", fixed = TRUE)), "=")
replv <- sapply(repl, function(x) {
names(replv) <- sapply(repl, function(x) {
for (replvi in seq_along(replv)) {
dat[[ci]] <- gsub(pattern = names(replv)[replvi], replacement = replv[replvi], x = dat[[ci]])
# there are some typos in csv files
if (ff$dataType[ci] != "character") {
temp <- dat[[ci]]
suppressWarnings(temp <- as.numeric(temp))
temp <- ifelse(grepl("NA", temp), NA, temp)
dat[[ci]] <- temp
# write out processed csv files, must use write.table as write.csv ALWAYS includes col.names even if col.names=FALSE is set
write.table(dat, file.path(filepath, gsub("\\.csv$", ".txt", fname)), sep = ",", col.names = FALSE, na = "", row.names = FALSE)
# return output
dataList$student <- getCSVLaFConnection(
file.path(filepath, gsub("\\.csv", ".txt", fname)),
dataListFF$student <- ff
# calculate jkSumMultiplier
# source:
# source:
vemethodn <- unique(dat[ , "VEMETHODN"])
if (length(vemethodn) > 1) {
warning("There is more than one variance method. Using the first one.")
vemethodn <- vemethodn[1]
if (vemethodn == 2) {
jkSumMultiplier <- 1.0
} else if (vemethodn == 1) {
jkSumMultiplier <- 79 / 80 # IDB uses reps = 80 for all countries
cacheFile <- list(
jkSumMultiplier = jkSumMultiplier,
method = vemethodn,
reps = 80
# special process usa12_14 and usa17 cases
if (origCC != "none") {
saveRDS(cacheFile, file.path(filepath, paste0("jk", tolower(origCC), ".meta")))
} else {
saveRDS(cacheFile, file.path(filepath, paste0("jk", tolower(countryCode), ".meta")))
dataList = dataList,
cacheFile = cacheFile
# Reads in excel codebook to return a data.frame fileFormat
processFileFormatReturnFF <- function(filepath) {
ffname <- list.files(filepath, pattern = "codebook.*\\.xls", = TRUE, full.names = FALSE)
ffname <- file.path(filepath, ffname)
if (!file.exists(ffname) || length(ffname) == 0) {
stop(paste0("The codebook Excel file does not exist. It is recommended that users use downloadPIAAC to get all necessary files for the database."))
codebook <- list()
codebook$variable <- read_excel(ffname, sheet = 1)
codebook$value <- read_excel(ffname, sheet = 2)
# retrieve variable information
ff <- data.frame(
variableName = toupper(codebook$variable$Name),
Labels = toupper(codebook$variable$Label),
Width = codebook$variable$Width,
Decimal = codebook$variable$Decimals,
dataType = tolower(codebook$variable$Type), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ff$dataType <- ifelse(grepl("^i", ff$dataType), "integer",
ifelse(grepl("^n", ff$dataType), "numeric",
ifelse(grepl("^s", ff$dataType), "character", NA)
# retrieve value labels
codebook$value$`Variable Name` <- toupper(codebook$value$`Variable Name`)
codebook$value$`Value (SAS)` <- gsub("^\\.", "", codebook$value$`Value (SAS)`)
ff$labelValues <- ""
ff$replacement <- ""
ff$missing <- ""
for (vi in 1:nrow(ff)) {
v <- ff$variableName[vi]
dict <- codebook$value[codebook$value$`Variable Name` == v, ]
if (nrow(dict) != 0) {
ff$labelValues[vi] <- toupper(paste(dict$`Value (SPSS)`, dict$`Value Label`, sep = "=", collapse = "^"))
repl <- dict[dict$`Value (SAS)` != dict$`Value (SPSS)`, c("Value (SAS)", "Value (SPSS)")]
# replacement: CSV data files use SAS missing code
if (nrow(repl) != 0) {
ff$replacement[vi] <- paste(repl$`Value (SAS)`, repl$`Value (SPSS)`, sep = "=", collapse = "^")
# missing values
ff$missing[vi] <- paste(dict$`Value (SPSS)`[dict$`Value Type` == "Missing"], collapse = ";")
# labelled
ff$labelled[vi] <- any(dict$`Value Type` == "Valid")
} else {
ff$labelled[vi] <- FALSE
# plausible value
ff$Type <- sapply(ff$variableName, function(zzz) {
if (grepl("^pv.*[0-9]", zzz, = TRUE)) {
return(gsub("(pv)|[0-9]", "", zzz, = TRUE))
} else {
# suffix for pvs and weights
ff$pvWt <- ""
ff$pvWt <- mapply(function(v, t) {
if (!grepl("^pv", v, = TRUE)) {
} else {
gsub(paste("pv", t, sep = "|"), "", v, = TRUE)
}, ff$variableName, ff$Type)
ff$pvWt[grepl("^SPFWT", ff$variableName, = TRUE)] <- gsub("[^0-9]", "", ff$variableName[grepl("^SPFWT", ff$variableName, = TRUE)])
ff$pvWt[$pvWt)] <- ""
ff$weights <- ff$pvWt == 0
ff$pvWt[ff$pvWt == 0] <- ""
# Process start and end (not used but put here to make it consistent with other read-in functions)
ff$Start <- c(1, 1 + cumsum(ff$Width))[1:nrow(ff)]
ff$End <- cumsum(ff$Width)
# column types
ff$dataType <- ifelse(ff$Width >= 10, gsub("integer", "numeric", ff$dataType), ff$dataType)
# meta file
cacheFile <- list(
ver = packageVersion("EdSurvey"),
cacheFileVer = 3,
ts = Sys.time(),
ff = ff
saveRDS(cacheFile, file.path(filepath, "processed-codebook.meta"))
# return
countryDictPIAAC <- function(countryCode) {
dict <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "PIAACDict.rds", package = "EdSurvey"))
ussr <- c("arm", "aze", "blr", "est", "geo", "kaz", "kgz", "ltu", "lva", "mda", "tjk", "ukr", "uzb")
if (countryCode %in% c("usa12_14", "usa17")) {
date <- ifelse(countryCode == "usa12_14", "'12", "'17")
countryCode <- "usa"
return(paste(dict$Country[dict$CODE == toupper(countryCode)][1], date))
} else {
if (countryCode %in% ussr) {
return(paste(dict$Country[dict$CODE == toupper(paste0("ussr-", countryCode))][1]))
} else {
return(paste(dict$Country[dict$CODE == toupper(countryCode)][1]))
piaacAchievementLevelHelp <- function(round) {
dict <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "PIAACAL.rds", package = "EdSurvey"))
dict$level <- paste0("Proficiency ", dict$level)
ret <- list()
ret$subjects <- unique(dict$domain)
ret$regex <- unique(dict$regex)
ret$default <- ret$subjects[1]
ret$achievementLevels <- list()
for (s in ret$subjects) {
ret$achievementLevels[[s]] <- dict$cutpoints[dict$domain == s]
names(ret$achievementLevels[[s]]) <- ifelse($level[dict$domain == s]), "Not Defined", dict$level[dict$domain == s])
# builds the PIRLS dataList object
buildPIAAC_dataList <- function(studentLaf, studentFF) {
dataList <- list()
# build the list hierarchical based on the order in which the data levels would be merged in getData
dataList[["Student"]] <- dataListItem(
lafObject = studentLaf,
fileFormat = studentFF,
levelLabel = "Student",
forceMerge = TRUE,
parentMergeLevels = NULL,
parentMergeVars = NULL,
mergeVars = NULL,
ignoreVars = NULL,
isDimLevel = TRUE
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