
Defines functions eclsk11CompositeHelper suggestWeights

Documented in suggestWeights

#' @title Weight suggestions for ECLS-K:2011 data
#' @description Suggest Weights for ECLS-K:2011 data based on inputting variables.
#' @param varnames character vector indicating variables to be included in the weight suggestion.
#' @param data an \code{edsurvey.data.frame}, a \code{light.edsurvey.data.frame},
#'             or an \code{edsurvey.data.frame.list}
#' @param showAllWeightSuggestions a logical value. When set to \code{TRUE}, all applicable weights that covers
#'                                 more components, which typically are more conservative with
#'                                 smaller sample size, will be returned. By default (i.e., \code{FALSE}), only the most approperate
#'                                 weight is displayed.
#' @param verbose a logical value to either print or suppress status message output.
#' @details \code{suggestWeights} provides one additional way to assist researchers in deciding which weight to use for analyses.
#'          This function find the intersect of possible weights given variables provided, and rank this intersect
#'          based on the number of components a weight can adjust.
#'          The best weight would adjust for each and every source used and only those sources.
#'          However, for many analyses, there will be no weight that adjusts for nonresponse
#'          to all the sources of data that are included and for only those source.
#'          When no weight corresponds exactly to the combination of components included in the desired analysis,
#'          researchers might prefer to use a weight that includes nonresponse adjustments for more components
#'          than they are using in their analysis if that weight also includes
#'          nonresponse adjustments for the components they are using.
#'          Researchers should always consult their research questions for optimal weight choice.
#' @example man/examples/suggestWeights.R
#' @return A list of weight variables. The first one is the most approperate choice.
#' @author Huade Huo
#' @references
#' Tourangeau, K., Nord, C., Le, T., Sorongon, A.G., Hagedorn, M.C., Daly, P., and Najarian, M. (2015). \emph{Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011), User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Kindergarten Data File and Electronic Codebook, Public Version} (NCES 2015-074). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
#' Tourangeau, K., Nord, C., Le, T., Wallner-Allen, K., Hagedorn, M.C., Leggitt, J., and Najarian, M. (2015). \emph{Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011), User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Kindergarten-First Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook, Public Version} (NCES 2015-078). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
#' Tourangeau, K., Nord, C., Le, T., Wallner-Allen, K., Vaden-Kiernan, N., Blaker, L. and Najarian, M. (2017). \emph{Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Kindergarten-Second Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook, Public Version} (NCES 2017-285). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
#' Tourangeau, K., Nord, C., Le, T., Wallner-Allen, K., Vaden-Kiernan, N., Blaker, L. and Najarian, M. (2018). \emph{Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 ( ECLS -K:2011) User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Kindergarten-Third G rade Data File and Electronic Codebook, Public Version} (NCES 2018-034). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics
#' Tourangeau, K., Nord, C., Le, T., Wallner-Allen, K., Vaden-Kiernan, N., Blaker, L. and Najarian, M. (2018). \emph{Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Kindergarten-Fourth Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook, Public Version} (NCES 2018-032). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
#' Tourangeau, K., Nord, C., Le, T., Wallner-Allen, K., Vaden-Kiernan, N., Blaker, L. and Najarian, M. (2019). \emph{Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011) User's Manual for the ECLS-K:2011 Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook, Public Version} (NCES 2019-051). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.
#' @export

suggestWeights <- function(varnames = NULL,
                           showAllWeightSuggestions = FALSE,
                           verbose = FALSE) {
  # Check incoming varnames and data
  varnames <- tolower(varnames)
  checkDataClass(data, "edsurvey.data.frame")
  checkVars <- lapply(varnames, searchSDF, data = data)
  varnames <- varnames[!unlist(lapply(checkVars, is.null))]

  if (data$survey == "ECLS_K2011") {
    # Load weights information in "inst" folder
    eclsk2011variables <- readRDS(system.file("suggestWeights",
      package = "EdSurvey"
    eclsk2011variables$varnames <- ""
    eclsk2011weights <- readRDS(system.file("suggestWeights",
      package = "EdSurvey"
    # Code for Weight suggestion

    # Merge varname into variable/weight spec
    variableWithPossibleWeightsDF <- NULL # Data file for internal weight suggestion
    variableMatchedOutputDF <- NULL # Data file for printed output
    ignoredVariables <- NULL
    for (var in varnames) {
      positionInEclsk2011variables <- match(
          grepl, var,
          ignore.case = TRUE
      if (is.na(positionInEclsk2011variables)) {
        ignoredVariables <- c(ignoredVariables, var)
      if (eclsk2011variables[positionInEclsk2011variables, "varnames"] == "") {
        eclsk2011variables[positionInEclsk2011variables, "varnames"] <- var
      } else {
        eclsk2011variables[positionInEclsk2011variables, "varnames"] <- paste(
          sep = ", ", collapse = ", "
      # Composite variables
      if (grepl("^x\\d+", var, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        compositeInfo <- eclsk11CompositeHelper(varname = var, data = data, varSpec = eclsk2011variables)
        compositeType <- compositeInfo$compositeType
        compositeRound <- compositeInfo$compositeRound
        compositeMap <- subset(eclsk2011variables, (component %in% compositeType) & (round %in% compositeRound))
        # Crash composite vars with two cohort into one row
        if (nrow(compositeMap) > 1) {
          compositeMapAgg <- aggregate(x = compositeMap, by = list(Agg = rep(1, nrow(compositeMap))), paste, collapse = ",")
          compositeMapAgg$Agg <- NULL
          compositeMap <- compositeMapAgg
        compositeMap$possibleWeights <- paste(unique(gsub(" ", "", unlist(strsplit(compositeMap$possibleWeights[1], ",")))), collapse = ",")
        if (compositeType != "ignore" & nrow(compositeMap) > 0) {
          variableWithPossibleWeightsDF <- rbind(variableWithPossibleWeightsDF, compositeMap)
        } else {
          if (!var %in% ignoredVariables) ignoredVariables <- c(ignoredVariables, var)
      } else {
        variableWithPossibleWeightsDF <- rbind(
          eclsk2011variables[positionInEclsk2011variables, ]
    variableMatchedOutputDF <- eclsk2011variables[which(eclsk2011variables$varnames != ""), c("varnames", "source")]
    variableMaxRound <- max(eclsk2011variables[which(eclsk2011variables$varnames != ""), "maxRound"], na.rm = TRUE)

    possibleWeights <- NA
    if (is.null(variableWithPossibleWeightsDF)) {
        " cannot determine weights for variable(s) ",
        sQuote(paste(varnames, collapse = ", "))

    # Intersect possible weights
    row.names(variableWithPossibleWeightsDF) <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nrow(variableWithPossibleWeightsDF)) {
      # Error if any weight variable is already in the list
      if (variableWithPossibleWeightsDF$possibleWeights[i] == "error") {
          " cannot determine weights for variable ",
      } else if (variableWithPossibleWeightsDF$possibleWeights[i] == "ignore") {
        if (!variableWithPossibleWeightsDF$varnames[i] %in% ignoredVariables) {
          ignoredVariables <- c(ignoredVariables, variableWithPossibleWeightsDF$varnames[i])
      } else {
        possibleWeightsI <- tolower(gsub("\\s+", "", unlist(strsplit(variableWithPossibleWeightsDF$possibleWeights[i], ","))))
        if (all(is.na(possibleWeights))) {
          possibleWeights <- possibleWeightsI
        } else {
          possibleWeights <- intersect(possibleWeights, possibleWeightsI)
          if (length(possibleWeights) == 0) {
              "No weight suggestions for the following variables: ",
              sQuote(paste0(varnames, collapse = ", "))
  } else {
      " does not currently support ",
      sQuote(data$survey), " data."

  possibleWeightsDF <- eclsk2011weights[which(eclsk2011weights$weight %in% possibleWeights), ]
  orderedPossibleWeightsDF <- possibleWeightsDF[order(possibleWeightsDF$adjustablesItems), ]
  if (!is.na(variableMaxRound)) {
    orderedPossibleWeightsDF <- subset(orderedPossibleWeightsDF, maxRound <= variableMaxRound)

  if (showAllWeightSuggestions) {
    orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription <- orderedPossibleWeightsDF[c("weight", "cases", "description")]
  } else {
    orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription <- orderedPossibleWeightsDF[
      orderedPossibleWeightsDF$adjustablesItems == min(orderedPossibleWeightsDF$adjustablesItems),
      c("weight", "cases", "description")

  orderedPossibleWeights <- orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription$weight
  row.names(orderedPossibleWeights) <- NULL

  # Print results
  message("Based on your specification, below is/are the suggested weight(s). But please double
          check the manual to be sure to use the best weight for your analysis.\n")
  if (length(orderedPossibleWeights) == 0) {
      " cannot determine weights for variables provided."
  if (verbose) {
    if (length(orderedPossibleWeights) == 1) {
      cat("The following weight is suggested: \n")
    } else {
      cat("The following weights are suggested: \n")

    for (i in 1:nrow(orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription)) {
      cat(paste0("Weight: ", orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription[i, "weight"], "\n"))
        "Number of cases: ",
        orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription[i, "cases"], "\n"
      weightDescriptionWrap <- gsub(
        "(.{1,80})(\\s|$)", "\\1\n",
        orderedPossibleWeightsWithDescription[i, "description"]
      cat(paste0("Description: ", weightDescriptionWrap, "\n"))
    cat("Weight selection based on the inclusion of the following variables:\n")
    variablesAdjusted <- variableMatchedOutputDF[which(!variableMatchedOutputDF$varnames %in% ignoredVariables), ]
    row.names(variablesAdjusted) <- NULL
    if (length(ignoredVariables) > 0) {
      cat("The following variables were not accounted for in the weight selection because\n")
      cat("(1) they do not correspond to a specific data collection component or round; or\n")
      cat("(2) nonresponse to the component they correspond to is not adjusted by any of the available weights.\n\n")
      variablesNotAdjusted <- variableMatchedOutputDF[which(variableMatchedOutputDF$varnames %in% ignoredVariables), ]
      row.names(variablesNotAdjusted) <- NULL

eclsk11CompositeHelper <- function(varname, data, varSpec) {
  # Get label of composite variable
  compositeVars <- searchSDF(varname, data)
  compositeVarLabel <- compositeVars[which(compositeVars$variableName == varname), ]$Labels

  # Get type from label
  if (grepl("teacher report", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Teacher"
  } else if (grepl("parent report|prnt rpt", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Parent"
  } else if (grepl("household|parent|food security|language|income|poverty", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Parent"
  } else if (grepl("reading|math|science|assess", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Child"
  } else if (grepl("irt |theta|score|accuracy|flanker", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Child"
  } else if (grepl(" ses ", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Parent"
  } else if (grepl("school", compositeVarLabel, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    compositeType <- "Administrator"
  } else {
    # TODO: We need ECLSK team confirms this.
    compositeType <- "ignore"

  # Get round from composite variable
  compositeRound <- as.numeric(regmatches(varname, regexpr("[0-9]+", varname)))
  if (compositeRound > 10) {
    compositeRound <- c(compositeRound %/% 10, compositeRound %% 10)

    compositeType = compositeType,
    compositeRound = compositeRound

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