# This file tests that the works
# the same as the
context("read LESDF")
options(width = 500)
source("REF-1-lesdf.R") # has REF output in it
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
# ideally this wouldn't trip up any of the scope fixes below
dsex <- "should not be used"
test_that("read LESDF", {
sdf <<- readNAEP(system.file("extdata/data", "M36NT2PM.dat", package = "NAEPprimer"))
lsdf <<- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt", "jkunit", "repgrp1"), addAttributes = TRUE)
suppressWarnings(lsdf0 <<- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, colnames(sdf), addAttributes = TRUE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE, defaultConditions = FALSE))
expect_is(lsdf, "")
context("LESDF cbind function")
test_that("LESDF cbind function", {
sm1 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "dsex", "origwt"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, defaultConditions = FALSE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE, addAttributes = TRUE)
sm2 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("b017451"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, defaultConditions = FALSE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE)
sm3 <- cbind(b017451 = sm2$b017451, sm1)
sm4 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "b017451", "dsex", "origwt"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, defaultConditions = FALSE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE, addAttributes = TRUE)
expect_equal(attributes(sm4)$names, attributes(sm3)$names) # test just attribute names
expect_equal(sm4, sm3) # test everything
# cbind a data.frame
sm5 <- cbind(sm1, sm2) # in S3 the first class dominates, so must flop the columns here
expect_equal(attributes(unname(sm5)), attributes(unname(sm3)))
# cbind matrix
expect_is(cbind(c(1, 2), c(1, 2)), "matrix")
# cbind vector with data.frame
expect_equal(cbind(data.frame(V1 = c(1, 2)), c(3, 4)), base::cbind(data.frame(V1 = c(1, 2)), c(3, 4)))
context("LESDF rbind function")
test_that("LESDF cbind function", {
sm1 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "dsex", "origwt"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, defaultConditions = FALSE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE, addAttributes = TRUE)
smF <- subset(sm1, dsex %in% "Female")
dfM <- EdSurvey::getData(subset(sm1, dsex %in% "Male"), c("composite", "dsex", "origwt"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE)
sm2 <- rbind(smF, dfM)
expect_equal(dim(sm2), dim(sm1))
expect_equal(dim(rbind(dfM, smF)), dim(sm1))
# make sure generic rbind does not break anything
expect_is(rbind(c(1, 2), c(1, 2)), "matrix")
expect_equal(rbind(data.frame(V1 = c(1, 2)), 3), base::rbind(data.frame(V1 = c(1, 2)), 3))
context("LESDF merge function")
test_that("LESDF merge function", {
sm1 <- EdSurvey::getData(data = sdf, varnames = c("dsex", "b017451"), addAttributes = TRUE)
attr_sm1 <- attributes(sm1)[!names(attributes(sm1)) %in% c("names", "row.names")]
df <- data.frame(dsex = c("Male", "Female", "extra"), dsex2 = c("Boy", "Girl", "extra"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
merged_lsdf <- merge(sm1, df, by = "dsex")
expect_equal(names(merged_lsdf), c("dsex", "b017451", "dsex2"))
expect_equal(attributes(merged_lsdf)[!names(attributes(merged_lsdf)) %in% c("names", "row.names")], attr_sm1)
expect_equal(, merge(, df, by = "dsex"))
# when expecting new rows
merged_lsdf2 <- merge(sm1, df, by = "dsex", all = TRUE)
expect_equal(unique(as.character(merged_lsdf2$dsex)), c("Female", "Male"))
expect_equal(nrow(merged_lsdf2), nrow(sm1))
context("getData addAttributesTRUE returns a LESDF")
test_that("getData addAttributesTRUE returns a LESDF", {
expect_is(sdf, "")
expect_is(lsdf, "")
context("getData ignores defaultConditions when applied twice")
test_that("getData ignores defaultConditions when applied twice", {
lsdf1 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE, defaultConditions = FALSE)
expect_equal(lsdf1, suppressWarnings(lsdf2 <- EdSurvey::getData(lsdf1, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"))))
expect_equal(lsdf1, suppressWarnings(lsdf3 <- EdSurvey::getData(lsdf1, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), defaultConditions = FALSE)))
expect_equal(lsdf1, suppressWarnings(lsdf4 <- EdSurvey::getData(lsdf1, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), defaultConditions = TRUE)))
lsdf2 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE, defaultConditions = TRUE)
expect_equal(lsdf2, suppressWarnings(lsdf2 <- EdSurvey::getData(lsdf2, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"))))
expect_equal(lsdf2, suppressWarnings(lsdf3 <- EdSurvey::getData(lsdf2, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), defaultConditions = FALSE)))
expect_equal(lsdf2, suppressWarnings(lsdf4 <- EdSurvey::getData(lsdf2, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), defaultConditions = TRUE)))
context("LESDF subset")
test_that("LESDF subset", {
i <- "Male"
dsex <- "should not be used"
s1 <- EdSurvey:::subset(lsdf, dsex == i, verbose = FALSE)
expect_equal(s2 <- base::subset(lsdf, dsex == "Male"), s1)
sdfb12 <- EdSurvey::getData(subset(sdf, b017451 %in% c(1, 2), verbose = FALSE), c("b017451", "dsex"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE)
lsdfb12 <- subset(getData(sdf, c("b017451", "dsex"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE), b017451 %in% c(1, 2))
expect_equal(sdfb12, lsdfb12)
sdfb12 <- EdSurvey::getData(subset(sdf, b017451 %in% c("Never or hardly ever", "Once every few weeks"), verbose = FALSE), c("b017451", "dsex"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE)
lsdfb12 <- subset(getData(sdf, c("b017451", "dsex"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE), b017451 %in% c("Never or hardly ever", "Once every few weeks"))
expect_equal(sdfb12, lsdfb12)
s2 <- EdSurvey:::subset(lsdf, dsex == "Male", verbose = FALSE)
expect_equal(attributes(s2)$names, attributes(lsdf)$names)
# subset after recode
lsdf_recode <- recode.sdf(lsdf, recode = list(dsex = list(from = "Female", to = "Girl")))
s1 <- subset(lsdf_recode, dsex == "Girl", verbose = FALSE)
expect_equal(s2 <- base::subset(lsdf_recode, dsex == "Girl"), s1)
expect_equal(, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt"))),
EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt"), recode = list(dsex = list(from = "Female", to = "Girl")))
norecode <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt"))
expect_equal(nrow(s2), as.numeric(table(norecode$dsex)["Female"]))
context("LESDF recode.sdf")
test_that("LESDF recode.sdf", {
# recode numeric values
lsdf_recode1 <- recode.sdf(lsdf, recode = list(
b017451 = list(
from = c(1, 2, 3),
to = c("Infrequently")
b017451 = list(
from = c(4, 5),
to = c("Frequently")
expect_equal(llevels(lsdf_recode1$b017451), c(6, 7))
lsdf_recode2 <- recode.sdf(lsdf, recode = list(b017451 = list(
from = c(1, 2, 3),
to = 4
expect_equal(llevels(lsdf_recode2$b017451), c(4, 5))
expect_equal(levels(lsdf_recode2$b017451), c("2 or 3 times a week", "Every day"))
expect_equal(sum(table(lsdf$b017451)[1:4]), as.numeric(table(lsdf_recode2$b017451)[1]))
context("LESDF EdSurvey::getData warnings")
test_that("LESDF EdSurvey::getData warnings", {
co <- evaluate_promise(EdSurvey::getData(data=sdf, c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "origwt"), dropUnusedLevels = FALSE, defaultConditions = FALSE, addAttributes = TRUE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE))
expect_equal(unique(co$warnings), character(0))
co <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf,
c("composite", "dsex", "b017451", "m144901", "origwt"),
dropUnusedLevels = FALSE,
defaultConditions = FALSE,
addAttributes = TRUE,
dropOmittedLevels = FALSE
paste("Updating labels on ", sQuote("m144901"), " because there are multiples of the label ", sQuote("Correct"), ".", sep = "")
context("LESDF Simple functions")
test_that("LESDF Simple functions", {
expect_true(hasPlausibleValue("composite", sdf))
expect_true(hasPlausibleValue("composite", lsdf))
expect_false(hasPlausibleValue("dsex", sdf))
expect_false(hasPlausibleValue("dsex", lsdf))
expect_equal(hasPlausibleValue("composite", sdf), hasPlausibleValue("composite", lsdf))
expect_equal(getPlausibleValue("composite", sdf), getPlausibleValue("composite", lsdf))
expect_error(getPlausibleValue("dsex", sdf))
expect_error(getPlausibleValue("dsex", lsdf))
expect_equal(getWeightJkReplicates("origwt", sdf), getWeightJkReplicates("origwt", lsdf))
expect_error(getWeightJkReplicates("composite", sdf))
expect_error(getWeightJkReplicates("composite", lsdf))
expect_true(isWeight("origwt", sdf))
expect_true(isWeight("origwt", lsdf))
expect_false(isWeight("composite", sdf))
expect_false(isWeight("composite", lsdf))
expect_equal(isWeight("origwt", sdf), isWeight("origwt", lsdf))
expect_equal(nrow(sdf), nrow(lsdf0))
# the merge to schools removes one of the two merge columns. this now returns both merge vars if requested::tf
expect_equal(ncol(sdf), ncol(lsdf0))
context("LESDF gap")
test_that("LESDF gap", {
g1 <- gap("composite", sdf, dsex == "Male", dsex == "Female")
mle <- "Male"
g1p <- gap("composite", sdf, dsex == mle, dsex == "Female")
expect_equal(g1$results, g1p$results)
# dropOmittedLevels must be set to FALSE or rows will be deleted because of other columns
# using omitted levels
g1l <- gap("composite", lsdf0, dsex == "Male", dsex == "Female")
# calls not expected to be equal
g1$call <- NULL
g1l$call <- NULL
# compare
expect_equal(g1, g1l)
context("LESDF achievementLevels")
test_that("LESDF achievementLevels", {
lsdf1l <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE)
expect_known_value(test1l <- achievementLevels(returnCumulative = TRUE, data = lsdf1l), file = "aLevels_test1.rds", update = FALSE)
a1 <- achievementLevels(c("composite", "dsex", "b017451"),
aggregateBy = "dsex", sdf,
recode = list(
b017451 = list(
from = c(
"Never or hardly ever",
"Once every few weeks", "About once a week"
to = c("Infrequently")
b017451 = list(
from = c("2 or 3 times a week", "Every day"),
to = c("Frequently")
a2 <- achievementLevels(c("composite", "dsex", "b017451"),
aggregateBy = "dsex", lsdf,
recode = list(
b017451 = list(
from = c(
"Never or hardly ever",
"Once every few weeks", "About once a week"
to = c("Infrequently")
b017451 = list(
from = c("2 or 3 times a week", "Every day"),
to = c("Frequently")
expect_equal(a1, a2)
context("LESDF cor.sdf")
test_that("LESDF cor.sdf", {
b3 <- cor.sdf("m815401", "b017451", method = "Pearson", sdf, weightVar = "origwt")
lsdf2 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("m815401", "m815701", "b017451", "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE)
b4 <- cor.sdf("m815401", "b017451", method = "Pearson", lsdf2, weightVar = "origwt", dropOmittedLevels = TRUE) # dropUnusedLevels nolonger revealed, not set
expect_equal(b3, b4)
# cor passes dropOmittedLevels to EdSurvey::getData
# in some ways this is maybe more of a test of EdSurvey::getData
b1 <- cor.sdf("m815401", "b017451", method = "Pearson", sdf, weightVar = "origwt")
lsdf3 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("m815401", "b017451", "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE, dropOmittedLevels = TRUE)
b2 <- cor.sdf("m815401", "b017451", method = "Pearson", lsdf3, weightVar = "origwt")
expect_equal(b2, b4)
expect_equal(b1, b2)
c1 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdf,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
c2 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", lsdf0,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
expect_equal(c1, c2)
context("LESDF lm.sdf")
test_that("LESDF lm.sdf", {
sdfoutput <- capture.output(print(sm1 <- summary(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, sdf, jrrIMax = Inf))))
gdoutput <- capture.output(print(sm2 <- summary(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, lsdf, jrrIMax = Inf))))
expect_equal(sdfoutput, gdoutput)
# do not expect the calls to be the same
sm1$data <- NULL
sm2$lm0 <- NULL
sm1$call <- NULL
sm2$call <- NULL
expect_equal(sm1, sm2)
context("LESDF print")
test_that("LESDF print", {
sdfoutput <- capture.output(print(sm1 <- lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, sdf, jrrIMax = Inf)))
gdoutput <- capture.output(print(sm2 <- lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, lsdf, jrrIMax = Inf)))
expect_equal(gdoutput, sdfoutput)
# do not expect the calls to be the same
sm1$data <- NULL
sm2$lm0 <- NULL
sm1$call <- NULL
sm2$call <- NULL
expect_equal(sm1, sm2)
context("LESDF edsurveyTable")
test_that("LESDF edsurveyTable", {
es10 <- edsurveyTable(~ dsex + b017451, lsdf, jrrIMax = 1)
est10c <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(es10))
expect_equal(est10c, es10REF)
# two levels, results checked vs Primer
es11 <- edsurveyTable(composite ~ dsex + b017451, lsdf, jrrIMax = 1)
es11c <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(es11))
expect_equal(es11c, es11REF2)
# check for just males (dsex is only occupied at one level)
lsdfm <- subset(lsdf, dsex == "Male")
es2l <- edsurveyTable(composite ~ dsex + b017451, lsdfm, jrrIMax = Inf)
es2lc <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(es2l))
expect_equal(es2lc, es2lREF)
# test dropOmittedLevels, here it should be ignored and es2 is the correct reference
es2lb <- edsurveyTable(composite ~ dsex + b017451, lsdfm, jrrIMax = Inf, dropOmittedLevels = FALSE)
es2lbc <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(es2lb))
expect_equal(es2lbc, es2lbREF)
context("LESDF lm.sdf correctly returns errors")
test_that("LESDF lm.sdf correctly returns errors", {
sm1 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE)
sm1 <- subset(sm1, dsex == "Male")
sm1 <- subset(sm1, dsex == "Female")
expect_error(suppressWarnings(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, sm1, jrrIMax = Inf)))
# LESDF lm.sdf function returns error with contradicting subset and relevel
sm1 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE)
# no error with relevel calls
expect_is(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, relevels = list(dsex = "Male"), sm1, jrrIMax = Inf), "edsurveyLm")
expect_is(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, relevels = list(b017451 = "Once every few weeks"), sm1, jrrIMax = Inf), "edsurveyLm")
sm2 <- subset(sm1, dsex == "Male")
sm2 <- subset(sm2, b017451 != "Once every few weeks")
expect_error(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, relevels = list(dsex = "Male"), sm2, jrrIMax = Inf))
expect_error(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451, relevels = list(b017451 = "Once every few weeks"), sm2, jrrIMax = Inf))
# return error when variable not in EdSurvey::getData call
sm1 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c(all.vars(composite ~ dsex + b017451), "origwt"), addAttributes = TRUE)
expect_error(lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex + b017451 + iep, sm1, jrrIMax = Inf))
context("LESDF updatePlausibleValue")
test_that("updatePlausibleValue", {
lma <- lm.sdf(~dsex, lsdf)
lsdfb <- updatePlausibleValue("composite", "newname", lsdf)
lmb <- lm.sdf(~dsex, lsdfb)
lmb$call <- lma$call <- NULL # the call is different
lmb$formula <- lma$formula <- NULL # the formula has the default value substituted in and so is different
expect_equal(lma, lmb)
context("LESDF percentile")
test_that("LESDF percentile", {
# this is different from the test in main because lsdf has omitted levels of b017451 removed
expect_known_value(pct2 <- percentile("composite", 50, lsdf), "pct2.rds", update = FALSE)
pct1 <- readRDS("pct1.rds")
pct1 <- pct1[pct1$percentile == 50, ]
pct2B <- percentile("composite", 50, lsdf0)
attr(pct1, "call") <- NULL
attr(pct2B, "call") <- NULL
expect_equal(pct1, pct2B)
context("LESDF same survey")
test_that("LESDF same survey", {
expect_true(EdSurvey:::sameSurvey(sdf, lsdf))
expect_true(EdSurvey:::sameSurvey(sdf, lsdf0))
expect_true(EdSurvey:::sameSurvey(lsdf, lsdf0))
context("LESDF use returnNumberOfPSU=TRUE")
test_that("use returnNumberOfPSU", {
# percentile
lsdf2 <- EdSurvey::getData(sdf, c("composite", "dsex", "origwt", getAttributes(sdf, "psuVar"), getAttributes(sdf, "stratumVar")), addAttributes = TRUE)
pctPSU <- percentile("composite", percentiles = c(10, 50), data = lsdf2, returnNumberOfPSU = TRUE)
expect_equal(attr(pctPSU, "nPSU"), 124)
# lm.sdf
lmPSU <- lm.sdf(composite ~ dsex, data = lsdf2, returnNumberOfPSU = TRUE)
expect_equal(lmPSU$nPSU, 124)
# gap
gapPSU <- gap("composite", data = lsdf2, groupA = dsex %in% "Male", groupB = dsex %in% "Female", returnNumberOfPSU = TRUE)
expect_equal(gapPSU$labels$nPSUA, 124)
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