
star.sequential <-
function (formula, data, global = NULL, test.rel = TRUE, test.glob = FALSE,
    globcircle = FALSE, maxit = 100, scale = TRUE, nlines = NULL, select = NULL, 
    dist.x = 1, dist.y = 1, dist.cov = 1, dist.cat = 1, xpd = TRUE, main = "", 
    col.fill = "gray90", col.circle = "black", lwd.circle = 1, 
    lty.circle = "longdash", col.global = "black", lwd.global = 1, 
    lty.global = "dotdash", cex.labels = 1, cex.cat = 0.8, xlim = NULL, 
    ylim = NULL)
      stop("Argument data has to be of class data.frame")
      stop("Argument test.rel has to be of class logical")
      stop("Argument test.glob has to be of class logical")
      stop("Argument globcircle has to be of class logical")
      stop("Argument scale has to be of class logical")
    if(!is.logical(xpd) & !is.na(xpd))
      stop("Argument xpd has to be of class logical or NA")
      stop("Interactions can not be regarded automatically yet. Please create 
           Interactions in the data frame before calling the function!")
      stop("Argument dist.x has to be numeric")
      stop("Argument dist.y has to be numeric") 
      stop("Argument dist.cov has to be numeric")
      stop("Argument dist.cat has to be numeric")

    is.wholenumber <-
    function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)  abs(x - round(x)) < tol
      if(!is.wholenumber(nlines) & length(nlines)==1){
      stop("Argument nlines has to be NULL or a single number of type integer")}}
    par(xpd = xpd)
    response <- all.vars(formula)[1]
    covariates <- all.vars(formula)[-1]
    resp <- data[, colnames(data) == response]

      stop("The response has to be of class ordered!")
    if(!is.null(select) & !is.vector(select, mode = "numeric"))
      stop("Argument select has to be NULL or a numeric vector")
    if(!is.null(global) & !is.vector(global, mode = "numeric"))
      stop("Argument global has to be NULL or a numeric vector")

    if(sum(global %in% select)!=0)
      stop("Arguments global and select have to be disjunct")
    if(1 %in% global)
      stop("Intercept has to be modelled category-specific")
    keylab <- levels(resp)
    z <- length(keylab)
    n <- nrow(data)
    p <- length(covariates)
    isfac <- c()
    labvec <- ""
    covlab <- c()
    dummydat <- resp

#loop: create labels, create dummy-coded data set
    for (j in 1:p) {
      # labels
        actcov <- data[, colnames(data) == covariates[j]]
        if (is.factor(actcov) | is.ordered(actcov)) {
            nlev <- length(levels(actcov))
            isfac <- c(isfac, rep(TRUE, (nlev - 1)))
            covlab <- c(covlab, rep(covariates[j], nlev - 1))
            if (is.ordered(actcov)) {
                parlevs <- paste("(", sort(as.numeric(unique(actcov)))[-nlev], 
                  ": ", levels(actcov)[-nlev], sep = "")
                labvec <- c(labvec, parlevs)
            else {
                if (length(levels(actcov)) == 2) {
                  parlevs <- paste("(", sort(as.numeric(unique(actcov)) - 
                    1)[-1], ": ", levels(actcov)[-1], sep = "")
                else {
                  parlevs <- paste("(", sort(as.numeric(unique(actcov)))[-1], 
                    ": ", levels(actcov)[-1], sep = "")
                labvec <- c(labvec, parlevs)
        else {
            isfac <- c(isfac, FALSE)
            covlab <- c(covlab, covariates[j])
            labvec <- c(labvec, "")

        # create dummy coding
        variab <- actcov
        levlen <- length(levels(variab))
        if (is.factor(variab) & levlen > 2) {
            variab <- as.numeric(variab)
            if (!is.ordered(variab)) {
                help <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = levlen - 
                for (ooo in 2:levlen) {
                  help[variab == ooo, (ooo - 1)] <- 1
            else {
                help <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = levlen - 
                for (ooo in 1:(levlen - 1)) {
                  help[variab == ooo, ooo] <- 1
            dummydat <- cbind(dummydat, help)
        else {
            if (is.factor(variab)){
               if(sum(levels(as.factor(as.numeric(variab))) == 
                c("1", "2")) == 2) {
                variab <- as.numeric(variab) - 1
            dummydat <- cbind(dummydat, variab)
    # end of loop
    dummydat <- as.data.frame(dummydat)
    colnames(dummydat) <- paste("V", 1:ncol(dummydat), sep = "")
    # compute model + likelihood   
    logxy <- c()
    for(cc in 1:ncol(dummydat)){
      if(cc %in% global){constlist[[cc]]<-matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=z-1)}}
    names(constlist) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(dummydat)[-1])
    multobj <- vglm(formdummy, family = sratio(parallel = FALSE), 
        data = dummydat, maxit = maxit,constraints=constlist)
    likefull <- logLik(multobj)
    coefmat <- t(coefficients(multobj, matrix = TRUE))
    l <- ncol(coefmat)
    pp<-l - 1
    nonglobal<-(1:l)[!((1:l) %in% global)]
    indcat<-apply(coefmat, 2,var)==0
    indcat2 <- rep(indcat, each=z-1)
    indout <- rep(((1:length(indcat))[indcat]-1)*(z-1),each=z-2)+(2:(z-1))
    indcat2 <-indcat2[-indout]
    vcov <- vcov(multobj)[!indcat2,!indcat2]
    sdsmat2 <- matrix(sqrt(diag(vcov)), nrow = z-1)
    vcov2 <- sqrt(diag(vcov(multobj)[indcat2,indcat2]))}
      vcov <- vcov(multobj)
      sdsmat <- matrix(sqrt(diag(vcov)), nrow = z-1)}
    # compute likelihoods for relevance test
    if (test.rel) {
        for (coc in 1:(ncol(dummydat) - 1)) {
            formhelp3 <- paste("V", (2:ncol(dummydat))[-coc], 
                sep = "", collapse = "+")
            form3 <- as.formula(paste("V1~", formhelp3, sep = ""))
            if(identical(formhelp3,"V")){form3<-"V1 ~ 1"}
            logxy[coc] <- logLik(vglm(form3, family = sratio(parallel = FALSE), 
                data = dummydat,maxit=maxit,constraints=constlist2))

    # compute likelihoods for global test and compute global coefficients for radii
    if (test.glob | globcircle) {
        likelis <- c()
        formhelp <- paste("V", 2:ncol(dummydat), sep = "", collapse = "+")
        form2 <- as.formula(paste("V1~", formhelp, sep = ""))
        conlist <- vector("list", l)
        conlist[[1]] <- diag(z - 1)
        names(conlist) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(dummydat)[-1])
        for (ii in 2:(pp + 1)) {
            conlist[[ii]] <- diag(z - 1)
            if(ii %in% global){ conlist[[ii]]<-matrix(1,ncol=1,nrow=z-1)
        for (co in 1:pp) {
          if(!(co+1) %in% global){
            conlist2 <- conlist
            notpar <- covariates[co]
            conlist2[[co + 1]] <- matrix(1, z - 1, 1)
            multhelp2 <- vglm(form2, family = sratio(parallel = FALSE), 
                data = dummydat, constraints = conlist2, maxit = maxit)
            globals[co]<-coefficients(multhelp2, TRUE)[co + 1, 1]
            likelis[co] <- logLik(multhelp2)

    # compute p-values for global test
    if (test.glob) {
        globstats <- 2 * (-likelis + likefull)
        globpvals <- 1 - pchisq(globstats, df = z - 2)
        globex <- globpvals
        globpvals[globpvals < 5e-04] <- 0
        globpvals[globpvals >= 5e-04 & globpvals < 0.001] <- 0.001
        globpvals <- format(globpvals, digits = 1, nsmall = 3)
    # compute p-values for relevance test
    if (test.rel) {
        lrstats <- 2 * (-logxy + likefull)
        lrpvals <- 1 - pchisq(lrstats, df = dfs)
        lrexact <- lrpvals
        lrpvals[lrpvals < 5e-04] <- 0
        lrpvals[lrpvals >= 5e-04 & lrpvals < 0.001] <- 0.001
        lrpvals <- format(lrpvals, digits = 1, nsmall = 3)
      plusint <- select==1

    # compute exponentials and scaling factors
    coefs <- exp(coefmat)
    x1 <- t(coefs)
    fac <- max(x1)
    facs <- apply(x1, 1, max)/fac
# compute number of lines
   if (is.null(nlines)){
     if (floor(sqrt(lselect)) == sqrt(lselect)) {
            nlines <- sqrt(lselect)
        else {
            nlines <- (floor(sqrt(lselect)) + 1)
    l2 <- nlines^2
    # scaling
    facmat <- matrix(facs, nrow = nrow(x1), ncol = ncol(x1))
    if (scale) {
        x1 <- x1/facmat
    select<-select[!(select %in% global)]
# compute locations and limits
    loc <- stars(plotmat, nrow = nlines, scale = FALSE, len = 1, cex = 1.2, 
        lwd = 1, flip.labels = FALSE, plot = FALSE) * fac
    loc[, 1] <- loc[, 1] * dist.x * 2
    loc[, 2] <- loc[, 2] * 1.9 * dist.y
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        ylim <- c(min(loc[, 2]) - 1.5 * max(x1), max(loc[, 2]) + 
            2 * max(x1))
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
        xlim <- c(min(loc[, 1]) - 1.6 * max(x1), max(loc[, 1]) + 
            1.6 * max(x1))

# plot
    par(cex = 1, font = 3)
    stars(plotmat, scale = FALSE, draw.segments = FALSE, len = 1, 
        lwd = 1.2, lty = "solid", flip.labels = FALSE, locations = loc, 
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, labels = "", main = main, add = FALSE)
    par(cex = 1, font = 1)
# compute angles in stars, plot category labels
    cosis <- c()
    sinis <- c()
    alts <- 0:(z - 2)
    angle <- alts * ((360/(z - 1)) * pi)/180
    cosis <- cos(angle)
    sinis <- sin(angle)
    xlocs <- ylocs <- matrix(0, ncol = l, nrow = z - 1)
    index <- 1
    dis2<-max(xx * disfac * dist.cat, xx * disfac * dist.cat)
    for (co in select) {
        dir <- x1[co, ]
        locx <- loc[index, 1]
        locy <- loc[index, 2]
        xlocs[, co] <- rep(locx, z-1) + cosis * dir + cosis * dis2
        ylocs[, co] <- rep(locy, z-1) + sinis * dir + sinis * dis2
        index <- index + 1

    if (!scale) {
        facs <- rep(1, l)

    # plot relevance circle
    radii2 <- 1/facs
    par(lty = lty.circle, lwd = lwd.circle, col = col.circle)
    symbols(c(loc[, 1]), c(loc[, 2]), circles = radii2[select], 
        add = TRUE, inches = FALSE, fg = col.circle,  bg = col.fill)
    par(lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = 1)
# plot
    par(cex = 1, font = 3)
    stars(plotmat, scale = FALSE, draw.segments = FALSE, len = 1, 
        lwd = 1.2, lty = "solid", flip.labels = FALSE, locations = loc, 
        xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, labels = "", main = main, add = TRUE)
    par(cex = 1, font = 1)
    text(x = xlocs[,select], y = ylocs[,select], labels = keylab[-z], cex = cex.cat, 
        font = 1)
# plot global circle
    locint <- rep(TRUE,lselect)
    if(sum(plusint)==1){locint[1] <- FALSE}
    if (globcircle) {
        radii <- c(0, exp(globals))/facs
        par(lty = lty.global, lwd = lwd.global, col = col.global)
        symbols(c(loc[locint, 1]), c(loc[locint, 2]), circles = radii[select[!plusint]], 
            add = T, inches = F, fg = col.global)
        par(lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = 1)

    lab1 <- labvec
    # create label vectors
    if (test.rel) {
        if (test.glob) {
            labvec[-1] <- paste(labvec[-1], ", p-rel=", lrpvals, 
                ", p-global=", globpvals, ")", sep = "")
            labvec[-1][!isfac] <- paste("(p-rel=", lrpvals[!isfac], 
                ", p-global=", globpvals[!isfac], ")", sep = "")
        else {
            labvec[-1] <- paste(labvec[-1], ", p-rel=", lrpvals, 
                ")", sep = "")
            labvec[-1][!isfac] <- paste("(p-rel=", lrpvals[!isfac], 
                ")", sep = "")
    else {
        if (test.glob) {
            labvec[-1] <- paste(labvec[-1], ", p-global=", globpvals, 
                ")", sep = "")
            labvec[-1][!isfac] <- paste("(p-global=", globpvals[!isfac], 
                ")", sep = "")
        else {
            labvec[-1][isfac] <- paste(labvec[-1][isfac], ")", 
                sep = "")
    plotlabs <- paste(c("Intercept", covlab), "\n", labvec, sep = "")
    text(y = loc[, 2] + fac * 0.06 * (l2 + 20) * dist.cov, x = loc[, 1], 
        labels = plotlabs[select], font = 1, cex = cex.labels)

    ################### create return lists
    mult2<- vglm(formula, family = sratio(parallel = TRUE), data = data, maxit = maxit)

    if (test.rel) {
        p_rel <- matrix(lrexact, ncol = l - 1)
        colnames(p_rel) <- outputnames[-1]
      # create return lists
          p_glob <- matrix(globex[!is.na(likelis)], ncol = length(likelis[!is.na(likelis)]))
          colnames(p_glob) <- outputnames[nonglobal][-1]
          returns <- list(odds = odds, 
            coefficients = coefmat, se = sdsmat, p_rel = p_rel, p_global = p_glob, 
                          xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        returns <- list(odds = odds, 
            coefficients = coefmat, se = sdsmat, p_rel = p_rel, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
    else {
          p_glob <- matrix(globex[!is.na(likelis)], ncol = length(likelis[!is.na(likelis)]))
          colnames(p_glob) <- outputnames[nonglobal][-1]
          returns <- list(odds = odds, 
            coefficients = coefmat, se = sdsmat, p_global = p_glob, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        returns <- list(odds = odds, 
            coefficients = coefmat, se = sdsmat, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)

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