# File: Script - EPA09, Chapter 15 Examples.R
# Purpose: Reproduce Examples in Chapter 15 of the EPA Guidance Document
# USEPA. (2009). "Statistical Analysis of Ground Water
# Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance."
# EPA 530-R-09-007.
# Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery,
# Program Information and Implementation Division.
# March 2009.
# Author: Steven P. Millard
# Last
# Updated: 2013/08/27
#NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, differences between what is shown in the
# EPA Guidance Document and results shown here are due to the
# EPA Guidance Document rounding intermediate results prior to
# the final result.
# Example 15-1, pp. 15-10 to 15-13
# Results for raw Mn data
# Figure 15-3
# NOTE: Figure 15-3 displays quantiles based on plotting positions
# associated with the observed (detected) Manganese concentrations,
# including the largest observation. In order to display the
# plotting position associated with the largest observation
# when using the Kaplan-Meier method with left-censored data, USEPA (2009)
# modifies the K-M method for the largest value, because for the K-M method,
# the empirical cdf is equal to 1 for the largest value. So in order to
# reproduce Figure 15-3, you have to set prob.method="kaplan-meier with max"
# in the call to qqplotCensored().
# Setting prob.method="kaplan-meier" will produce the exact same plot except
# there won't be any plotting position associated with the largest value.
# Also, Figure 15-3 displays quantiles based on plotting positions
# associated with the censoring levels <2 and <5.
# By default, qqPlotCensored does not display quantiles associated
# with the censoroing levels and this is the recommended method
# (see for example Helsel, 2011, p. 52).
# Here, we will create two plots:
# one without displaying quantiles associated with the censoring levels,
# one with displaying quantiles associated with the censoring levels.
# Omit estimated quantiles associated with the censoring levels
qqplot.list <- with(EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df,
qqPlotCensored(x = Manganese.ppb, censored = Censored,
prob.method = "modified kaplan-meier",
ylim = c(0, max(Manganese.ppb)),
add.line = TRUE, ylab = "manganese (ppb)", main = ""))
mtext(paste("Figure 15-3. Censored Probability Plot of",
"Manganese Concentrations (Censoring Levels Not Shown)",
sep = "\n"), cex = 1.15, font = 2, line = 1.75)
# Correlation between *DETECTED* observations and plotting positions:
cor(qqplot.list$x[!qqplot.list$Censored], qqplot.list$y[!qqplot.list$Censored])
#[1] 0.9132335
# Include estimated quantiles associated with the censoring levels
qqplot.list <- with(EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df,
qqPlotCensored(x = Manganese.ppb, censored = Censored,
prob.method = "modified kaplan-meier",
ylim = c(0, max(Manganese.ppb)),
include.cen = TRUE,
duplicate.points.method = "jitter",
add.line = TRUE, ylab = "manganese (ppb)", main = ""))
mtext(paste("Figure 15-3. Censored Probability Plot of",
"Manganese Concentrations", sep = "\n"), cex = 1.25,
font = 2, line = 1.75)
# Correlation between *UNIQUE* detected observations and censoring levels
# vs. plotting positions:
x <- qqplot.list$x
y <- qqplot.list$y
unique.y <- unique(y)
new.x <- x[match(unique.y, y)]
cor(new.x, unique.y)
#[1] 0.9021066
# Results for log-transformed Mn data
# Figure 15-4
# NOTE: Figure 15-4 displays quantiles based on plotting positions
# associated with the observed (detected) Manganese concentrations,
# including the largest observation. In order to display the
# plotting position associated with the largest observation
# when using the Kaplan-Meier method with left-censored data, USEPA (2009)
# modifies the K-M method for the largest value, because for the K-M method,
# the empirical cdf is equal to 1 for the largest value. So in order to
# reproduce Figure 15-4, you have to set prob.method="kaplan-meier with max"
# in the call to qqplotCensored().
# Setting prob.method="kaplan-meier" will produce the exact same plot except
# there won't be any plotting position associated with the largest value.
# Also, Figure 15-4 displays quantiles based on plotting positions
# associated with the censoring levels <2 and <5.
# By default, qqPlotCensored does not display quantiles associated
# with the censoroing levels and this is the recommended method
# (see for example Helsel, 2011, p. 52).
# Here, we will create two plots:
# one without displaying quantiles associated with the censoring levels,
# one with displaying quantiles associated with the censoring levels.
# Omit estimated quantiles associated with the censoring levels
qqplot.list <- with(EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df,
qqPlotCensored(x = Manganese.ppb, censored = Censored,
prob.method = "modified kaplan-meier",
dist = "lnorm", add.line = T,
ylab = "log(manganese) log(ppb)", main = ""))
mtext(paste("Figure 15-4. Censored Probability Plot of",
"Logged Manganese Sample (Censoring Levels Not Shown)", sep = "\n"),
cex = 1.15, font = 2, line = 1.75)
# Correlation between *DETECTED* observations and plotting positions:
cor(qqplot.list$x[!qqplot.list$Censored], qqplot.list$y[!qqplot.list$Censored])
#[1] 0.9931783
# Include estimated quantiles associated with the censoring levels
qqplot.list <- with(EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df,
qqPlotCensored(x = Manganese.ppb, censored = Censored,
prob.method = "modified kaplan-meier",
dist = "lnorm", add.line = TRUE,
include.cen = TRUE,
duplicate.points.method = "jitter",
ylab = "log(manganese) log(ppb)", main = ""))
mtext(paste("Figure 15-4. Censored Probability Plot of",
"Logged Manganese Sample", sep = "\n"),
cex = 1.25, font = 2, line = 1.75)
# Correlation between *UNIQUE* detected observations and censoring levels
# vs. plotting positions:
x <- qqplot.list$x
y <- qqplot.list$y
unique.y <- unique(y)
new.x <- x[match(unique.y, y)]
cor(new.x, unique.y)
#[1] 0.9887829
# Estimate mean and SD of log-transformed Mn
# based on Kaplan-Meier estimates
enparCensored(log(Manganese.ppb), Censored))
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Based on Type I Censored Data
#Assumed Distribution: None
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Level(s): 0.6931472 1.6094379
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 2.3092890
# sd = 1.1816102
# se.mean = 0.1682862
#Estimation Method: Kaplan-Meier
#Data: log(Manganese.ppb)
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Sample Size: 25
#Percent Censored: 24%
rm(qqplot.list, x, y, unique.y, new.x)
# Example 15-2, p. 15-16 to 15-20
# NOTE: The Robust ROS method as presented in the EPA (2009) guidance
# is eqivalent to using the EnvStats functions enormCensored() or
# elnormCensored() (depending on whether you want to assume
# a normal or lognormal distribution) and setting the arguments
# method="impute.w.qq.reg", prob.method="hirsch-stedinger",
# and plot.pos.con=0. You can also set prob.method and plot.pos.con to
# other values and you would still be using the Robust ROS method.
# NOTE: It is important to distinguish between the method used to compute plotting
# positions for a Q-Q plot versus the method used to estimate distribution
# parameters. For the probability plots displayed in Figures 15-5 and 15-6, the
# method used to compute plotting positions is the Hirsh-Stedinger method with a
# plotting position constant of 0, and the method used to fit the line is
# least-squares. So contrary to the titles that USEPA (2009) is using for these
# plots, these QQ-Plots are not based on the "Robust ROS" method. The term
# "Robust ROS" refers to how the mean and standard deviation are estimated,
# not to how the Q-Q plot is created.
# Raw Observations:
# Figure 15-5
qqplot.list <- with(EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df,
qqPlotCensored(Manganese.ppb, Censored,
prob.method = "hirsch-stedinger", plot.pos.con = 0,
add.line = T,
ylab = "Manganese Concentration (ppb)", main = ""))
mtext(paste("Figure 15-5. Robust ROS Censored Probability Plot",
"of Manganese Concentrations", sep = "\n"), cex = 1.25, font = 2,
line = 1.75)
cbind(Detected.Value = qqplot.list$Ord[!qqplot.list$Censored],
Plotting.Position = round(qqplot.list$Cum[!qqplot.list$Censored], 3),
Z.score = round(qqplot.list$x[!qqplot.list$Censored], 3))
# Detected.Value Plotting.Position Z.score
# [1,] 3.3 0.245 -0.690
# [2,] 5.3 0.318 -0.474
# [3,] 6.3 0.356 -0.370
# [4,] 7.7 0.394 -0.270
# [5,] 8.4 0.432 -0.172
# [6,] 9.5 0.469 -0.077
# [7,] 10.0 0.507 0.018
# [8,] 11.9 0.545 0.114
# [9,] 12.1 0.583 0.210
#[10,] 12.6 0.621 0.308
#[11,] 16.9 0.659 0.410
#[12,] 17.9 0.697 0.515
#[13,] 21.6 0.735 0.627
#[14,] 22.7 0.773 0.748
#[15,] 34.5 0.811 0.880
#[16,] 45.9 0.848 1.030
#[17,] 53.6 0.886 1.207
#[18,] 77.2 0.924 1.434
#[19,] 106.3 0.962 1.776
# Correlation between *DETECTED* observations and plotting positions:
cor(qqplot.list$x[!qqplot.list$Censored], qqplot.list$y[!qqplot.list$Censored])
#[1] 0.9013241
# Log-transformed Observations:
# Figure 15-6
qqplot.list <- with(EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df,
qqPlotCensored(Manganese.ppb, Censored, dist = "lnorm",
prob.method = "hirsch-stedinger", plot.pos.con = 0,
add.line = T,
ylab = "log(Manganese) log(ppb)", main = ""))
mtext(paste("Figure 15-6. Robust ROS Censored Probability Plot",
"of Logged Manganese", sep = "\n"), line = 1.75, cex = 1.25, font = 2)
# Correlation between *DETECTED* observations and plotting positions:
cor(qqplot.list$x[!qqplot.list$Censored], qqplot.list$y[!qqplot.list$Censored])
#[1] 0.9943942
elnormCensored(x = Manganese.ppb, censored = Censored,
method = "impute.w.qq.reg",
prob.method = "hirsch-stedinger", plot.pos.con = 0))
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Based on Type I Censored Data
#Assumed Distribution: Lognormal
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Level(s): 2 5
#Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 2.277175
# sdlog = 1.261431
#Estimation Method: impute.w.qq.reg
#Data: Manganese.ppb
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Sample Size: 25
#Percent Censored: 24%
# Example 15-3, p. 15-24
Mn <- EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df$Manganese.ppb
Censored <- EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df$Censored
#[1] 5 2 5 5 2 2
# This example wants you to use a single censoring value.
# It appears that all observations <= 5 are set to censored.
Censored <- Mn <= 5
Mn[Censored] <- 5
#Cohen's Method
elnormCensored(x = Mn, censored = Censored, method = "mle")
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Based on Type I Censored Data
#Assumed Distribution: Lognormal
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Level(s): 5
#Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 2.323338
# sdlog = 1.201756
#Estimation Method: mle
#Data: Mn
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Sample Size: 25
#Percent Censored: 28%
#Parametric ROS
elnormCensored(x = Mn, censored = Censored,
method = "qq.reg", plot.pos.con = 0.375)
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Based on Type I Censored Data
#Assumed Distribution: Lognormal
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Level(s): 5
#Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 2.325662
# sdlog = 1.250635
#Estimation Method: qq.reg
#Data: Mn
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Sample Size: 25
#Percent Censored: 28%
rm(Mn, Censored)
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