# File: Script - EPA09, Chapter 18 Examples.R
# Purpose: Reproduce Examples in Chapter 18 of the EPA Guidance Document
# USEPA. (2009). "Statistical Analysis of Ground Water
# Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance."
# EPA 530-R-09-007.
# Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery,
# Program Information and Implementation Division.
# March 2009.
# Errata are listed in:
# USEPA. (2010). "Errata Sheet - March 2009 Unified Guidance."
# EPA 530/R-09-007a.
# Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery,
# Program Information and Implementation Division.
# August 9, 2010.
# Author: Steven P. Millard
# Last
# Updated: October 3, 2012
#NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, differences between what is shown in the
# EPA Guidance Document and results shown here are due to the
# EPA Guidance Document rounding intermediate results prior to
# the final result.
# Example 18-1, pp. 18-9 to 18-10
# Year Sampling.Period Arsenic.ppb
#1 1 Background 12.6
#2 1 Background 30.8
#3 1 Background 52.0
#4 1 Background 28.1
#5 2 Background 33.3
#6 2 Background 44.0
#7 2 Background 3.0
#8 2 Background 12.8
#9 3 Background 58.1
#10 3 Background 12.6
#11 3 Background 17.6
#12 3 Background 25.3
#13 4 Compliance 48.0
#14 4 Compliance 30.3
#15 4 Compliance 42.5
#16 4 Compliance 15.0
# Summary statistics
summaryStats(Arsenic.ppb ~ Sampling.Period,
data = EPA.09.Ex.18.1.arsenic.df,
digits = 2, combine.groups = TRUE, = TRUE)
# Background Compliance Combined
#N 12 4 16
#Mean 27.52 33.95 29.12
#SD 17.1 14.64 16.3
#Median 26.7 36.4 29.2
#Min 3 15 3
#Max 58.1 48 58.1
# Step 1: Shapiro-Wilk Test on Background Data
gofTest(Arsenic.ppb ~ 1, data = EPA.09.Ex.18.1.arsenic.df,
subset = Sampling.Period == "Background")
#Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test
#Test Method: Shapiro-Wilk GOF
#Hypothesized Distribution: Normal
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 27.51667
# sd = 17.10119
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: Arsenic.ppb
#Subset With: Sampling.Period == "Background"
#Data Source: EPA.09.Ex.18.1.arsenic.df
#Sample Size: 12
#Test Statistic: W = 0.94695
#Test Statistic Parameter: n = 12
#P-value: 0.5929102
#Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the
# Normal Distribution.
# Step 2 - Predicition Limit for 4 future observations
Sampling.Period <- EPA.09.Ex.18.1.arsenic.df$Sampling.Period
As <- EPA.09.Ex.18.1.arsenic.df$Arsenic.ppb <-
predIntNorm(As[Sampling.Period == "Background"],
k = 4, pi.type = "upper", conf.level = 0.95)
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Assumed Distribution: Normal
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 27.51667
# sd = 17.10119
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: As[Sampling.Period == "Background"]
#Sample Size: 12
#Prediction Interval Method: Bonferroni
#Prediction Interval Type: upper
#Confidence Level: 95%
#Number of Future Observations: 4
#Prediction Interval: LPL = -Inf
# UPL = 73.67237
#[1] "distribution" "sample.size" "parameters"
#[4] "n.param.est" "method" ""
#[7] "bad.obs" "interval"$interval$limits["UPL"]
any(As[Sampling.Period == "Compliance"] >$interval$limits["UPL"])
#[1] FALSE
rm(Sampling.Period, As,
# Figure 18-1, p. 18-12
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1),
mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
# 2 future values (p = 2)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=1, n.mean = 2,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
plot.lty = 1, plot.col = "black",
ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "SD Units Over BG", ylab = "Power",
main = "p = 2")
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=1, m=2,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
add=T, plot.lty = 2, plot.col = "red")
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=2, n.mean = 1,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
add = T, plot.lty = 3, plot.col = "blue")
legend(2.25, 0.35,
c("PL on mean", "PL w/ retests (1-of-2)", "PL on values"),
lty = 1:3, col = c("black", "red", "blue"),
cex = 0.85, lwd = 1.5, bty = "n")
# 3 future values (p = 3)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=1, n.mean = 3,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
plot.lty = 1, plot.col = "black",
ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "SD Units Over BG", ylab = "Power",
main = "p = 3")
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=1, m=3,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
add=T, plot.lty=2, plot.col = "red")
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=3, n.mean = 1,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
add = T, plot.lty = 3, plot.col = "blue")
legend(2.25, 0.35,
c("PL on mean", "PL w/ retests (1-of-3)", "PL on values"),
lty = 1:3, col = c("black", "red", "blue"),
cex = 0.85, lwd = 1.5, bty = "n")
# 4 future values (p = 4)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=1, n.mean = 4,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
plot.lty = 1, plot.col = "black",
ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "SD Units Over BG", ylab = "Power",
main = "p = 4")
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=1, m=4,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
add=T, plot.lty = 2, plot.col = "red")
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=8, k=4, n.mean = 1,, 6),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.99,
add = T, plot.lty = 3, plot.col = "blue")
legend(2.25, 0.35,
c("PL on mean", "PL w/ retests (1-of-4)", "PL on values"),
lty = 1:3, col = c("black", "red", "blue"),
cex = 0.85, lwd = 1.5, bty = "n")
mtext("Figure 18-1. Comparison of Prediction Limits",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.25, line = 2)
mtext(expression(paste("(BG = 8, ", alpha, " = 0.01, 1 test)")),
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.25, line = 0.5)
# Figure 18-2, p. 18-13
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1),
mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))
# 2 future values (p = 2)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=1, n.mean = 2,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
plot.lty = 1, plot.col = "black",
ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "SD Units Over BG", ylab = "Power",
main = "p = 2")
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=1, m=2,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
add=T, plot.col = "red", plot.lty=3)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=2, n.mean = 1,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
add = T, plot.lty = 2, plot.col = "blue")
legend(1.75, 0.35,
c("PL on mean", "PL w/ retests (1-of-2)", "PL on values"),
lty = c(1, 3, 2), col = c("black", "red", "blue"),
cex = 0.85, lwd = 1.5, bty = "n")
# 3 future values (p = 3)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=1, n.mean = 3,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
plot.lty = 1, plot.col = "black",
ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "SD Units Over BG", ylab = "Power",
main = "p = 3")
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=1, m=3,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
add=T, plot.col = "red", plot.lty=3)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=3, n.mean = 1,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
add = T, plot.lty = 2, plot.col = "blue")
legend(1.75, 0.35,
c("PL on mean", "PL w/ retests (1-of-3)", "PL on values"),
lty = c(1, 3, 2), col = c("black", "red", "blue"),
cex = 0.85, lwd = 1.5, bty = "n")
# 4 future values (p = 4)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=1, n.mean = 4,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
plot.lty = 1, plot.col = "black",
ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "SD Units Over BG", ylab = "Power",
main = "p = 4")
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=1, m=4,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
add=T, plot.col = "red", plot.lty=3)
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve(n=20, k=4, n.mean = 1,, 5),
pi.type="upper", conf.level=0.95,
add = T, plot.lty = 2, plot.col = "blue")
legend(1.75, 0.35,
c("PL on mean", "PL w/ retests (1-of-4)", "PL on values"),
lty = c(1, 3, 2), col = c("black", "red", "blue"),
cex = 0.85, lwd = 1.5, bty = "n")
mtext("Figure 18-2. Comparison of Prediction Limits",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.25, line = 2)
mtext(expression(paste("(BG = 20, ", alpha, " = 0.05, 1 test)")),
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.25, line = 0.5)
# Example 18-2, pp. 18-15 to 18-16
# Raw data and summary statistics
# Month Well Well.type Chrysene.ppb
#1 1 Well.1 Background 6.9
#2 2 Well.1 Background 27.3
#3 3 Well.1 Background 10.8
#4 4 Well.1 Background 8.9
#5 1 Well.2 Background 15.1
#6 2 Well.2 Background 7.2
#7 3 Well.2 Background 48.4
#8 4 Well.2 Background 7.8
#9 1 Well.3 Compliance 68.0
#10 2 Well.3 Compliance 48.9
#11 3 Well.3 Compliance 30.1
#12 4 Well.3 Compliance 38.1
"Chrysene.ppb", "Month", "Well", = TRUE)
# Well.1 Well.2 Well.3
#Month.1 6.9 15.1 68.0
#Month.2 27.3 7.2 48.9
#Month.3 10.8 48.4 30.1
#Month.4 8.9 7.8 38.1
summaryStats(Chrysene.ppb ~ Well,
data = EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df,
combine.groups = FALSE,
digits = 2, = TRUE)
# Well.1 Well.2 Well.3
#N 4 4 4
#Mean 13.48 19.62 46.27
#SD 9.35 19.52 16.4
#Median 9.85 11.45 43.5
#Min 6.9 7.2 30.1
#Max 27.3 48.4 68
summaryStats(Chrysene.ppb ~ Well.type,
data = EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df,
combine.groups = FALSE, digits = 2, = TRUE)
# Background Compliance
#N 8 4
#Mean 16.55 46.27
#SD 14.54 16.4
#Median 9.85 43.5
#Min 6.9 30.1
#Max 48.4 68
#Max 48.4 68
# Step 1 - Check Distribution Assumptions for
# Background Observations.
# Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normal Distribution
gofTest(Chrysene.ppb ~ 1, data = EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df,
subset = Well.type == "Background")
#Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test
#Test Method: Shapiro-Wilk GOF
#Hypothesized Distribution: Normal
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 16.55000
# sd = 14.54441
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: Chrysene.ppb
#Subset With: Well.type == "Background"
#Data Source: EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df
#Sample Size: 8
#Test Statistic: W = 0.7289006
#Test Statistic Parameter: n = 8
#P-value: 0.004759859
#Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the
# Normal Distribution.
# Shapiro-Wilk Test for Lognormal distribution
gofTest(Chrysene.ppb ~ 1, data = EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df,
subset = Well.type == "Background", dist = "lnorm")
#Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test
#Test Method: Shapiro-Wilk GOF
#Hypothesized Distribution: Lognormal
#Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 2.5533006
# sdlog = 0.7060038
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: Chrysene.ppb
#Subset With: Well.type == "Background"
#Data Source: EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df
#Sample Size: 8
#Test Statistic: W = 0.8546352
#Test Statistic Parameter: n = 8
#P-value: 0.1061057
#Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the
# Lognormal Distribution.
# Raw data and summary statistics for log-transformed data
summaryStats(log(Chrysene.ppb) ~ Well,
data = EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df,
combine.groups = FALSE,
digits = 3, = TRUE)
# Well.1 Well.2 Well.3
#N 4 4 4
#Mean 2.451 2.656 3.789
#SD 0.599 0.881 0.349
#Median 2.283 2.384 3.765
#Min 1.932 1.974 3.405
#Max 3.307 3.879 4.22
summaryStats(log(Chrysene.ppb) ~ Well.type,
data = EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df,
combine.groups = FALSE,
digits = 3, = TRUE)
# Background Compliance
#N 8 4
#Mean 2.553 3.789
#SD 0.706 0.349
#Median 2.283 3.765
#Min 1.932 3.405
#Max 3.879 4.22
# Compute upper 99% Prediction Interval for mean of 4 future observations
# based on log-transformed Chrysene data for Background Wells
Well.type <- EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df$Well.type
Chrysene <- EPA.09.Ex.18.2.chrysene.df$Chrysene.ppb
predIntNorm(log(Chrysene)[Well.type == "Background"], k = 1, n.mean = 4,
method = "exact", pi.type = "upper", conf.level = 0.99)
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Assumed Distribution: Normal
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 2.5533006
# sd = 0.7060038
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: log(Chrysene)[Well.type == "Background"]
#Sample Size: 8
#Prediction Interval Method: exact
#Prediction Interval Type: upper
#Confidence Level: 99%
#Number of Future Averages: 1
#Sample Size for Averages: 4
#Prediction Interval: LPL = -Inf
# UPL = 3.849427
# Compare 3.85 to the observed mean of the log-transformed Compliance Well
# observations: 3.789 is less than 3.85, so no evidence of contamination.
#NOTE: You can also compute the prediction limit for the *geometric* mean
# of the next 4 observations for the untransformed data:
predIntLnorm(Chrysene[Well.type == "Background"], k = 1, n.geomean = 4,
method = "exact", pi.type = "upper", conf.level = 0.99)
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Assumed Distribution: Lognormal
#Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 2.5533006
# sdlog = 0.7060038
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: Chrysene[Well.type == "Background"]
#Sample Size: 8
#Prediction Interval Method: exact
#Prediction Interval Type: upper
#Confidence Level: 99%
#Number of Future Averages: 1
#Sample Size for Averages: 4
#Prediction Interval: LPL = 0.00000
# UPL = 46.96613
# Compare 46.97 to the observed geometric mean of the Compliance Well
# observations:
geo.mean(Chrysene[Well.type == "Compliance"])
#[1] 44.19034
#44.19 is less than 46.97, so no evidence of contamination.
rm(Well.type, Chrysene)
# Example 18-3, p. 18-19
# Month Well Well.type TCE.ppb.orig TCE.ppb Censored
#1 1 BW-1 Background <5 5 TRUE
#2 2 BW-1 Background <5 5 TRUE
#3 3 BW-1 Background 8 8 FALSE
#4 4 BW-1 Background <5 5 TRUE
#5 5 BW-1 Background 9 9 FALSE
#6 6 BW-1 Background 10 10 FALSE
longToWide(EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df, "TCE.ppb.orig",
"Month", "Well", = TRUE)
# BW-1 BW-2 BW-3 CW-4
#Month.1 <5 7 <5
#Month.2 <5 6.5 <5
#Month.3 8 <5 10.5 7.5
#Month.4 <5 6 <5 <5
#Month.5 9 12 <5 8
#Month.6 10 <5 9 14
# Construct a nonparametric prediction interval for
# the next 4 future observations using the maximum value of the
# background observations as the upper prediction limit.
Well.type <- EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df$Well.type
TCE <- EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df$TCE.ppb
predIntNpar(TCE[Well.type == "Background"], m = 4,
pi.type = "upper", lb = 0)
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Assumed Distribution: None
#Data: TCE[Well.type == "Background"]
#Sample Size: 18
#Prediction Interval Method: Exact
#Prediction Interval Type: upper
#Confidence Level: 82%
#Prediction Limit Rank(s): 18
#Number of Future Observations: 4
#Prediction Interval: LPL = 0
# UPL = 12
# Month 6 TCE measure at compliance well is 14 ppb > 12, so conclude
# there is evidence of contamination at the 100%-82% = 18% Type I Error level.
rm(Well.type, TCE)
# Example 18-4, p. 18-21 to 18-22
# Month Well Well.type Xylene.ppb.orig Xylene.ppb Censored
#1 1 Well.1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
#2 2 Well.1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
#3 3 Well.1 Background 7.5 7.5 FALSE
#4 4 Well.1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
#5 5 Well.1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
#6 6 Well.1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
longToWide(EPA.09.Ex.18.4.xylene.df, "Xylene.ppb.orig",
"Month", "Well", = TRUE)
# Well.1 Well.2 Well.3 Well.4
#Month.1 <5 9.2 <5
#Month.2 <5 <5 5.4
#Month.3 7.5 <5 6.7
#Month.4 <5 6.1 <5
#Month.5 <5 8 <5
#Month.6 <5 5.9 <5 <5
#Month.7 6.4 <5 <5 7.8
#Month.8 6 <5 <5 10.4
# Construct a nonparametric prediction interval for
# the median of the next 3 future observations
# using the maximum value of the background observations
# as the upper prediction limit.
# This is equivalent to constructing a nonparametric
# prediction interval that must hold at least 2 of the next 3
# future observations.
Well.type <- EPA.09.Ex.18.4.xylene.df$Well.type
Xylene <- EPA.09.Ex.18.4.xylene.df$Xylene.ppb
predIntNparSimultaneous(Xylene[Well.type == "Background"],
k = 2, m = 3, pi.type = "upper", lb = 0)
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Assumed Distribution: None
#Data: Xylene[Well.type == "Background"]
#Sample Size: 24
#Prediction Interval Method: exact
#Prediction Interval Type: upper
#Confidence Level: 99%
#Prediction Limit Rank(s): 24
#Minimum Number of
#Future Observations
#Interval Should Contain: 2
#Total Number of
#Future Observations: 3
#Prediction Interval: LPL = 0.0
# UPL = 9.2
EPA.09.Ex.18.4.xylene.df[Well.type == "Compliance",
c("Month", "Well", "Xylene.ppb.orig")]
# Month Well Xylene.ppb.orig
#25 1 Well.4
#26 2 Well.4
#27 3 Well.4
#28 4 Well.4
#29 5 Well.4
#30 6 Well.4 <5
#31 7 Well.4 7.8
#32 8 Well.4 10.4
# The Month 8 observation at the Complance well is 10.4 ppb of Xylene,
# which is greater than the upper prediction limit of 9.2 ppb, so
# conclude there is evidence of contamination at the
# 100% - 99% = 1% Type I Error Level
rm(Well.type, Xylene)
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