
Defines functions addDrug.Lexis ins0

Documented in addDrug.Lexis

# The addDrug method
addDrug <- function (Lx, ...) UseMethod("addDrug")

# First a utility function to dream up 0 purchases starting each
# non-exposed period
ins0 <-
function(pdat,  # data set of purchases with names tnam, amt, lex.id
          amt = "amt", # name of amount variable in pdat
          dpt = "dpt", # name of dose per time variable in pdat
                       # to be used by metod "dos"
       method = "ext", # extrapolation from times and amounts
                       # or "dos" based on dosage, dpt and amt
                       # or "fix" using a fixed interval maxt
         maxt = NULL,  # maximal time covered by a single prescription,
        grace = 0,     # grace period after last purchase used up
         tnam = setdiff(names(pdat), c("lex.id", amt))[1],
      verbose = TRUE)
# pdat must include lex.id as variable
# inserts a 0 purchase record at end of exposure from each purchase
# 3 methods implemented:
# "ext" each prescription lasts as if consumed as the previous.
# "dos" each prescription lasts amt / dpt + grace.
# "fix" exch prescription lasts the same time, maxt

# bind variables
lex.id <- dop <- extime <- tfxxx <- NULL

if(length(intersect(c("lex.id", amt), names(pdat))) < 2)
  stop("lex.id and", amt, "must be columns in the data frame\n")

if(missing(tnam) & verbose)
  cat("NOTE: timescale '", tnam, "' assumed\n", sep = "")

if(method == "ext")
  cat("NOTE: end of exposure based on differences in purchase times (",
      tnam,")\n and amount purchased (", amt, ").\n", sep = "")

if(method == "dos")
    pdat$dpt <-  dpt
         dpt <- "dpt"
  if(!(dpt %in% names(pdat)))
    stop('method = "dos" reqires amount per time, "', dpt, '" in data.\n')
  cat("NOTE: end of exposure based on purchase and dosage (", dpt, ").\n",
      sep = "")

if(method == "fix")
    stop('method="fix" reqires a fixed coverage time in argument maxt.\n')
  cat("NOTE: end of exposure based on fixed coverage time of", maxt, ".\n")

# order by purchase data within each person
pdat <- pdat[order(pdat$lex.id,pdat[, tnam]),]

# put the variable names in pdat for simplicity of code
                         pdat$dop <- pdat[, tnam]
                         pdat$amt <- pdat[, amt]
if(dpt %in% names(pdat)) pdat$dpt <- pdat[, dpt]

# compute the time of expiry of each purchase by method chosen
# note methods 'fix' and 'dos' only use the current purchase
# while 'ext' refers to other purchases for the person

if(method == 'fix')
  pdat$extime <- pdat$dop + maxt

if(method == 'dos')
  pdat$extime <- pdat$dop + pdat$amt / pdat$dpt + grace

if(method == 'ext')
  pdat <-
  ( group_by(pdat, lex.id)
%>% mutate(extime = dop
                  + c(NA,
                      diff(dop) * amt[-1] / amt[-length(amt)])
                  + grace)
%>% ungroup()

# generate 0 purchases in dataframe pzero if coverage expire before
# new purchase
pzero <-
  ( group_by(pdat, lex.id)
%>% filter(extime < c(dop[-1], Inf))
%>% mutate(dop = extime,
           amt = 0)
%>% select(lex.id, dop, amt)

# pzero has potentially become a grouped tibble so make it a data frame
pzero <- as.data.frame(pzero)

# append pzero to original data frame
pdat <- rbind(pdat[, names(pzero)], pzero)

# reinstate the time-scale name
names(pdat)[grep("dop", names(pdat))] <- tnam

# sort by lex.id and time and coerce to data frame

# old code:
oo <- order(pdat$lex.id, pdat[, tnam, drop = TRUE])
pdat <- as.data.frame(pdat[oo, ])
rownames(pdat) <- NULL

## pdat <- as.data.frame( group_by(pdat, lex.id)
##                    %>% arrange(tnam, .by_group = TRUE)
##                    %>% ungroup() )

# addDrug.Lexis

addDrug.default <-
addDrug.Lexis <-
function(Lx, # Lexis object, should be timesplit
       pdat, # (named) list of data frames of drug purchaces
        amt = "amt", # name of amount variable in pdat
        dpt = "dpt", # name of amount per time variable in pdat
                     # to be used if method = "dos"
        apt = NULL,
     method = "ext", # extrapolation from times and amounts
                     # "dos" is based on dosage, dpt and amt
                     # "fix" is using a fixed interval, maxt
       maxt = NULL,  # vector of times covered by a single prescription,
      grace = 0,     # vector of grace periods after final data
       tnam = setdiff(names(pdat[[1]]), c("lex.id", amt))[1],
     prefix = TRUE,  # character vector, if FALSE use suffix
     sepfix = ".",   # separator for pre- and suf-fixes
    verbose = TRUE,
        ... )
# utility functions
  na0 <- function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x)
csum0 <- function(x) c(0, cumsum(na0(x)[-length(x)]))

# handling apt / dpt
  cat("Use the agument 'dpt' instead of 'apt',\n",
      "in future releases 'apt' will be deprecated.")
  if(!missing(dpt)) stop("Using both 'dpt' and 'apt' is meaningless.\n")
  dpt = apt

# binding variables to avoid check troubles in CRAN
qwzrx <- exnam <- tfc <- tfxxx <-
        lex.id <- pur <-
       lex.dur <- xtime <- expos <- dospt <- NULL

# don't bother about the warnings
oldopts <- options(warn = -1)

# Save Lexis attributes to return with the result
lex.attr <- attributes(Lx)

# time scale
if (missing(tnam) & verbose)
   cat("NOTE: timescale taken as '", tnam, "'\n", sep = "")

# construct names for the 0-expanded purchase data frames if not given
if(is.null(names(pdat))) names(pdat) <- paste0('P', 1:length(pdat))

# the renaming vector to be used later
 longnames <- c("expos","tfex","ctime","cdos")
shortnames <- substr(longnames, 1, 2)

# number of purchase files
np <- length(pdat)

# expand maxt and grace by recycling
Lm <- (!missing(maxt ) & length(maxt ) < np)
Lg <- (!missing(grace) & length(grace) < np)
if ((Lm | Lg) & verbose) cat("Values of",
                             if (Lm     ) "maxt",
                             if (Lm & Lg) "and",
                             if (     Lg) "grace",
                             if (Lm & Lg) "have" else "has",
                             "been recycled across", np, "drugs\n")
maxt  <- rep(maxt , np)[1:np]
grace <- rep(grace, np)[1:np]

# Structure to hold the 0-expanded data sets
pdat0 <- list()
pall <- NULL

# Define the 0 amount purchases at exposure end and collect all times in pall
for(i in 1:np)
   pdat0[[i]] <- ins0(pdat[[i]],
                            amt = amt,
                            dpt = dpt,
                         method = method,
                           maxt = maxt[i],
                          grace = grace[i],
                           tnam = tnam,
                        verbose = i == 1 & verbose)
   pall <- rbind(pall, pdat0[[i]][, c("lex.id", tnam)])

# order pall by id and time, remove duplicates and add a bogus
# variable in order to be able to use addCov.Lexis
oo <- order(pall$lex.id, pall[, tnam])
pall <- pall[oo, ]
pall <- pall[!duplicated(pall), ]
pall$qwzrx <- 0

# add the total purchase dates in order to expand to all cut dates when
# appending data from each drug. Make sure that incoming Lx could have
# tfc as time scale
Gx <- addCov.Lexis(Lx, pall, timescale = tnam, tfc = "tfxxx")
Gx <- select(Gx, -qwzrx, -exnam, -tfxxx)

# remove tfxxx as time scale and keep Lexis attributes to resinstate later
wh.tf <- match("tfxxx", attr(Gx, "time.scales"))
 attr(Gx, "time.scales") <- Gsc <- attr(Gx, "time.scales")[-wh.tf]
 attr(Gx, "time.since")  <- Gsi <- attr(Gx, "time.since" )[-wh.tf]
class(Gx)                <- Gcl <- c("Lexis", "data.frame")
# Gx is now a a Lexis object with all the purchases end expiry dates
# added as cuts

# put the expanded drug purchases in the Lexis object one drug at a time
allnam <- NULL
for(i in 1:np)
   # renaming vector the variables with pre- or suffix
              rnam <- shortnames
   if(prefix) rnam <- paste(      names(pdat)[i], rnam, sep = sepfix)
         else rnam <- paste(rnam, names(pdat)[i],       sep = sepfix)
   names(rnam) <- longnames
   allnam <- c(allnam, rnam)

   # add the i'th drug exposure data file
   Gx <- addCov.Lexis(Gx, pdat0[[i]], timescale = tnam, exnam = "pur")

   # compute the exposure variables, drop unneeded variables and rename
   Gx <- ( group_by(Gx, lex.id, pur)
       %>% mutate(xtime = sum(lex.dur) + tfc[1],
                          # total exposure time for this purchase
                          # tfc[1] is the time since purchase at start
                  dospt = amt / xtime ) # dose per time in this interval
       %>% group_by(lex.id)
       %>% mutate(expos = !is.na(amt) & amt > 0,
                  tfex  = csum0(lex.dur * (cumsum(expos) > 0)),
                  ctime = csum0(lex.dur * expos * (amt > 0)) + na0(tfc[1]),
                  cdos  = csum0(lex.dur * expos * dospt)
                                            + na0(dospt[1]) * na0(tfc[1]))
       %>% select(-pur, -xtime, -dospt, -tfc, -amt)
       %>% plyr::rename(rnam)

   # reinstate as Lexis object
    attr(Gx,"time.scales") <- Gsc
    attr(Gx,"time.since")  <- Gsi
   class(Gx)               <- Gcl

return(Gx[,c(setdiff(names(Gx), allnam), allnam)])

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