
Defines functions plot.estimate_R

Documented in plot.estimate_R

#' Plot outputs of estimate_r
#' The plot method of \code{estimate_r} objects can be used to visualise three
#' types of information. The first one shows the epidemic curve. The second one
#' shows the posterior mean and 95\% credible interval of the reproduction
#' number. The estimate for a time window is plotted at the end of the time
#' window. The third plot shows the discrete distribution(s) of the serial
#' interval.
#' @param x The output of function \code{\link{estimate_R}} or function
#'   \code{\link{wallinga_teunis}}. To plot simultaneous outputs on the same 
#'   plot use \code{\link{estimate_R_plots}} function
#' @param what A string specifying what to plot, namely the incidence time
#'   series (\code{what='incid'}), the estimated reproduction number
#'   (\code{what='R'}), the serial interval distribution (\code{what='SI'}, or
#'   all three (\code{what='all'})).
#' @param add_imported_cases A boolean to specify whether, on the incidence time
#'   series plot, to add the incidence of imported cases.
#' @param options_I For what = "incid" or "all". A list of graphical options:
#'   \describe{ \item{col}{A color or vector of colors used for plotting
#'   incid. By default uses the default R colors.}  \item{transp}{A numeric
#'   value between 0 and 1 used to monitor transparency of the bars
#'   plotted. Defaults to 0.7.}  \item{xlim}{A parameter similar to that in
#'   \code{par}, to monitor the limits of the horizontal axis} \item{ylim}{A
#'   parameter similar to that in \code{par}, to monitor the limits of the
#'   vertical axis} \item{interval}{An integer or character indicating the 
#'   (fixed) size of the time interval used for plotting the incidence; 
#'   defaults to 1 day.} \item{xlab, ylab}{Labels for the axes of the 
#'   incidence plot}}
#' @param options_R For what = "R" or "all". A list of graphical options:
#'   \describe{ \item{col}{A color or vector of colors used for plotting R. By
#'   default uses the default R colors.}  \item{transp}{A numeric value between
#'   0 and 1 used to monitor transparency of the 95\%CrI. Defaults to 0.2.}
#'   \item{xlim}{A parameter similar to that in \code{par}, to monitor the
#'   limits of the horizontal axis} \item{ylim}{A parameter similar to that in
#'   \code{par}, to monitor the limits of the vertical axis} 
#'   \item{xlab, ylab}{Labels for the axes of the R plot}}
#' @param options_SI For what = "SI" or "all". A list of graphical options:
#'   \describe{ \item{prob_min}{A numeric value between 0 and 1. The SI
#'   distributions explored are only shown from time 0 up to the time t so that
#'   each distribution explored has probability < \code{prob_min} to be on any
#'   time step after t. Defaults to 0.001.}  \item{col}{A color or vector of
#'   colors used for plotting the SI. Defaults to black.}  \item{transp}{A
#'   numeric value between 0 and 1 used to monitor transparency of the
#'   lines. Defaults to 0.25} \item{xlim}{A parameter similar to that in
#'   \code{par}, to monitor the limits of the horizontal axis} \item{ylim}{A
#'   parameter similar to that in \code{par}, to monitor the limits of the
#'   vertical axis} \item{xlab, ylab}{Labels for the axes of the serial interval
#'    distribution plot}}
#' @param legend A boolean (TRUE by default) governing the presence / absence of
#'   legends on the plots
#' @param ... further arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).
#' @return a plot (if \code{what = "incid"}, \code{"R"}, or \code{"SI"}) or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{grob}} object (if \code{what = "all"}).
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimate_R}}, 
#'   \code{\link{wallinga_teunis}} and 
#'   \code{\link{estimate_R_plots}}
#' @author Rolina van Gaalen \email{rolina.van.gaalen@rivm.nl} and Anne Cori
#'   \email{a.cori@imperial.ac.uk}; S3 method by Thibaut Jombart
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes aes_string theme
#' @importFrom scales alpha
#' @importFrom grDevices palette
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009
#' data("Flu2009")
#' ## estimate the instantaneous reproduction number
#' ## (method "non_parametric_si")
#' R_i <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence,
#'                   method = "non_parametric_si",
#'                   config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26), 
#'                                 t_end = seq(8, 32), 
#'                                 si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr
#'                                )
#'                  )
#' ## visualise results
#' plot(R_i, legend = FALSE)
#' ## estimate the instantaneous reproduction number
#' ## (method "non_parametric_si")
#' R_c <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence, 
#'                        method = "non_parametric_si",
#'                        config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26), 
#'                                      t_end = seq(8, 32), 
#'                                      si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr
#'                                     )
#'                       )
#' ## produce plot of the incidence
#' ## (with, on top of total incidence, the incidence of imported cases),
#' ## estimated instantaneous and case reproduction numbers
#' ## and serial interval distribution used
#' p_I <- plot(R_i, "incid", add_imported_cases=TRUE) # plots the incidence
#' p_SI <- plot(R_i, "SI") # plots the serial interval distribution
#' p_Ri <- plot(R_i, "R",
#'              options_R = list(ylim = c(0, 4)))
#'         # plots the estimated instantaneous reproduction number
#' p_Rc <- plot(R_c, "R",
#'              options_R = list(ylim = c(0, 4)))
#'         # plots the estimated case reproduction number
#' gridExtra::grid.arrange(p_I, p_SI, p_Ri, p_Rc, ncol = 2)
#' @import reshape2 grid gridExtra
#' @importFrom ggplot2 last_plot ggplot aes aes_string geom_step ggtitle
#'   geom_ribbon geom_line xlab ylab xlim geom_hline ylim geom_histogram
#'   scale_colour_manual scale_fill_manual scale_linetype_manual lims
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom incidence as.incidence
#' @importFrom graphics plot
plot.estimate_R <- function(x, what = c("all", "incid", "R", "SI"),
                  add_imported_cases = FALSE,
                  options_I = list(col = palette(), transp = 0.7,
                                   xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                                   interval = 1L,
                                   xlab = "Time",
                                   ylab = "Incidence"),
                  options_R = list(col = palette(), transp = 0.2,
                                   xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                                   xlab = "Time",
                                   ylab = "R"),
                  options_SI = list(prob_min = 0.001,
                                    col = "black", transp = 0.25,
                                    xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                                    xlab = "Time",
                                    ylab = "Frequency"),
                  legend = TRUE, ...) {

  ## dealing with the fact that some options may be left to default but others
  ## may have been specified by user
  if (is.null(options_I$col)) options_I$col <- palette()
  if (is.null(options_I$transp)) options_I$transp <- 0.7
  if (is.null(options_I$xlab)) options_I$xlab <- "Time"
  if (is.null(options_I$ylab)) options_I$ylab <- "Incidence"
  if (is.null(options_I$interval)) options_I$interval <- 1L

  if (is.null(options_R$col)) options_R$col <- palette()
  if (is.null(options_R$transp)) options_R$transp <- 0.2
  if (is.null(options_R$xlab)) options_R$xlab <- "Time"
  if (is.null(options_R$ylab)) options_R$ylab <- "R"

  if (is.null(options_SI$prob_min)) options_SI$prob_min <- 0.001
  if (is.null(options_SI$col)) options_SI$col <- "black"
  if (is.null(options_SI$transp)) options_SI$transp <- 0.25
  if (is.null(options_SI$xlab)) options_SI$xlab <- "Time"
  if (is.null(options_SI$ylab)) options_SI$ylab <- "Frequency"

  # check if x is a single output of EpiEstim or a list of such outputs
  if (is.data.frame(x[[1]])) # x is a single output of EpiEstim
    multiple_input <- FALSE
    options_R$col <- options_R$col[1]
  } else {
    multiple_input <- TRUE
    if (length(unique(vapply(x, function(e) nrow(e$R), integer(1)))) > 1)
      stop("R estimates cannot be plotted simulatneously because 
           they are of different sizes, i.e. they were obtained using 
           t_start or t_end of different lengths")
    x_list <- x
    x <- x_list[[1]]
    if (length(x_list) > length(col)) {
      warnings("color vector too short, recycling colors.")
      options_R$col <- rep(options_R$col,
                           ceiling(length(x_list) / length(options_R$col)))
      options_R$col <- options_R$col[seq_len(length(x_list))]
    } else {
      options_R$col <- options_R$col[seq_len(length(x_list))]

  t_start <- x$R$t_start
  t_end <- x$R$t_end
  mean_posterior <- x$R[, "Mean(R)"]
  quantile_0.025_posterior <- x$R[, "Quantile.0.025(R)"]
  quantile_0.975_posterior <- x$R[, "Quantile.0.975(R)"]
  method <- x$method
  si_distr <- x$si_distr
  incid <- data.frame(local = x$I_local, imported = x$I_imported)
  T <- nrow(incid)
  if (!is.null(x$dates)) {
    dates <- x$dates
  } else {
    dates <- seq_len(T)

  ### these few lines are to make CRAN checks happy with ggplot2... ###
  Time <- NULL
  incidence <- NULL
  incidence_imported <- NULL
  value <- NULL
  meanR <- NULL
  meanR2 <- NULL
  group <- NULL
  lower2 <- NULL
  lower <- NULL
  upper <- NULL
  upper2 <- NULL
  Times <- NULL
  ..density.. <- NULL
  start <- NULL
  end <- NULL
  si_distr.1 <- NULL

  if (method == "uncertain_si" | method == "si_from_data" |
      method == "si_from_sample") {
    mean_si.sample <- x$SI.Moments["Mean"]
    std_si.sample <- x$SI.Moments["Std"]
  what <- match.arg(what)
  if (what == "incid" | what == "all") {
    if (add_imported_cases) {
      p1 <- plot(as.incidence(incid, dates = x$dates, 
                              interval = options_I$interval),
                 ylab = options_I$ylab, xlab = options_I$xlab,
                 color = options_I$col, alpha = options_I$transp) +
        ggtitle("Epidemic curve")
    } else {
      p1 <- plot(as.incidence(rowSums(incid), dates = x$dates, 
                              interval = options_I$interval),
                 ylab = options_I$ylab, xlab = options_I$xlab,
                 color = options_I$col, alpha = options_I$transp) +
        ggtitle("Epidemic curve")

    if (!is.null(options_I$xlim)) {
      p1 <- p1 + lims(x = options_I$xlim)

    if (!is.null(options_I$ylim)) {
      p1 <- p1 + lims(y = options_I$ylim)
  if (what == "R" | what == "all") {
    time.points <- apply(x$R[, c("t_start", "t_end") ], 1, function(x) 
      seq(x[1], x[2] - 1))
    if (length(time.points) == length(unique(matrix(time.points, ncol = 1)))) {
      # non sliding windows
      if (!multiple_input) {
        if (is.null(options_R$ylim)) {
          options_R$ylim <- c(0, max(quantile_0.975_posterior, na.rm = TRUE))

        if (is.null(options_R$xlim)) {
          options_R$xlim <- c(min(dates), max(dates) + 1)

        df <- melt(data.frame(
          start = dates[t_start]-0.5, end = dates[t_end]+0.5, meanR = mean_posterior,
          lower = quantile_0.025_posterior,
          upper = quantile_0.975_posterior
        ), id = c("meanR", "lower", "upper"))
        df$group <- as.factor(rep(seq_len(length(t_start)), 
                                  dim(df)[1] / length(t_start)))

        p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = value, y = as.numeric(meanR),
                             group = as.factor(group))) +
          geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, fill = "95%CrI")) +
          geom_line(aes(y = meanR, colour = "Mean")) +
          xlab(options_R$xlab) +
          ylab(options_R$ylab) +
          xlim(options_R$xlim) +
          ylim(options_R$ylim) +
          scale_colour_manual("", values = options_R$col) +
          scale_fill_manual("", values = alpha(options_R$col,
                                               options_R$transp)) +
          ggtitle("Estimated R")
      } else {
        df_tmp <- data.frame(
          start = dates[t_start], end = dates[t_end], meanR = mean_posterior,
          lower = quantile_0.025_posterior,
          upper = quantile_0.975_posterior
        df <- df_tmp
        id_tmp <- c("meanR", "lower", "upper")
        id <- id_tmp

        for (i in seq(2, length(x_list)))
          x2 <- x_list[[i]]
          t_start2 <- x2$R$t_start
          if (!is.null(x2$dates)) {
            dates2 <- x2$dates
          } else {
            dates2 <- seq_len(T)
          mean_posterior2 <- x2$R[, "Mean(R)"]
          quantile_0.025_posterior2 <- x2$R[, "Quantile.0.025(R)"]
          quantile_0.975_posterior2 <- x2$R[, "Quantile.0.975(R)"]
          df_tmp2 <- data.frame(
            start2 = dates2[t_start2], end2 = dates2[t_end],
            meanR2 = mean_posterior2, lower2 = quantile_0.025_posterior2,
            upper2 = quantile_0.975_posterior2
          names(df_tmp2) <- paste0(names(df_tmp), i)
          df <- cbind(df, df_tmp2)
          id_tmp2 <- paste0(id, i)
          id <- c(id, id_tmp2)

        if (is.null(options_R$ylim)) {
          options_R$ylim <- c(0, max(df[, grep("upper", names(df))],
                                     na.rm = TRUE))

        if (is.null(options_R$xlim)) {
          options_R$xlim <- c(min(dates), max(dates) + 1)

        df <- melt(df, id = id)
        df$group <- as.factor(rep(seq_len(length(t_start)), 
                                  dim(df)[1] / length(t_start)))

        p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = value, y = as.numeric(meanR),
                             group = as.factor(group))) +
          geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, fill = "95%CrI")) +
          geom_line(aes(y = meanR, colour = "Mean"))

        for (i in seq(2, length(x_list)))
          p2 <- p2 +
            geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin = paste0("lower", i),
                                   ymax = paste0("upper", i),
                                   fill = shQuote(paste0("95%CrI", i)))) +
            geom_line(aes_string(y = paste0("meanR", i),
                                 colour = shQuote(paste0("Mean", i))))

        p2 <- p2 +
          xlab(options_R$xlab) +
          ylab(options_R$ylab) +
          xlim(options_R$xlim) +
          ylim(options_R$ylim) +
          scale_colour_manual("", values = options_R$col) +
                            values = alpha(options_R$col, options_R$transp)) +
          ggtitle("Estimated R")
    } else {
      if (!multiple_input) {
        if (is.null(options_R$ylim)) {
          options_R$ylim <- c(0, max(quantile_0.975_posterior, na.rm = TRUE))

        if (is.null(options_R$xlim)) {
          options_R$xlim <- c(min(dates), max(dates) + 1)

        p2 <- ggplot(data.frame(
          start = dates[t_start], end = dates[t_end], meanR = mean_posterior,
          lower = quantile_0.025_posterior,
          upper = quantile_0.975_posterior
        ), aes(end, meanR)) +
          geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, fill = "95%CrI")) +
          geom_line(aes(colour = "Mean")) +
          geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dotted") +
          xlab(options_R$xlab) +
          ylab(options_R$ylab) +
          xlim(options_R$xlim) +
          ylim(options_R$ylim) +
          ggtitle("Estimated R") +
          scale_colour_manual("", values = options_R$col) +
          scale_fill_manual("", values = alpha(options_R$col, options_R$transp))
      } else {

        df_tmp <- data.frame(
          start = dates[t_start], end = dates[t_end],
          meanR = mean_posterior, lower = quantile_0.025_posterior,
          upper = quantile_0.975_posterior
        df <- df_tmp

        for (i in seq(2, length(x_list)))
          x2 <- x_list[[i]]
          t_start2 <- x2$R$t_start
          if (!is.null(x2$dates)) {
            dates2 <- x2$dates
          } else {
            dates2 <- seq_len(T)
          mean_posterior2 <- x2$R[, "Mean(R)"]
          quantile_0.025_posterior2 <- x2$R[, "Quantile.0.025(R)"]
          quantile_0.975_posterior2 <- x2$R[, "Quantile.0.975(R)"]
          df_tmp2 <- data.frame(
            start2 = dates2[t_start2], end2 = dates2[t_end],
            meanR2 = mean_posterior2, lower2 = quantile_0.025_posterior2,
            upper2 = quantile_0.975_posterior2
          names(df_tmp2) <- paste0(names(df_tmp), i)
          df <- cbind(df, df_tmp2)

        if (is.null(options_R$ylim)) {
          options_R$ylim <- c(0, max(df[, grep("upper", names(df))],
                                     na.rm = TRUE))

        if (is.null(options_R$xlim)) {
          options_R$xlim <- c(min(dates), max(dates) + 1)

        p2 <- ggplot(df, aes(end, meanR)) +
          geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper, fill = "95%CrI")) +
          geom_line(aes(y = meanR, colour = "Mean"))

        for (i in seq(2, length(x_list)))
          p2 <- p2 +
            geom_ribbon(aes_string(ymin = paste0("lower", i),
                                   ymax = paste0("upper", i),
                                   fill = shQuote(paste0("95%CrI", i)))) +
            geom_line(aes_string(y = paste0("meanR", i),
                                 colour = shQuote(paste0("Mean", i))))

        p2 <- p2 +
          geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linetype = "dotted") +
          xlab(options_R$xlab) +
          ylab(options_R$ylab) +
          xlim(options_R$xlim) +
          ylim(options_R$ylim) +
          ggtitle("Estimated R") +
          scale_colour_manual("", values = options_R$col) +
          scale_fill_manual("", values = alpha(options_R$col, options_R$transp))
  if (what == "SI" | what == "all") {
    if (method == "uncertain_si" | method == "si_from_data" |
        method == "si_from_sample") {
      tmp <- cumsum(apply(si_distr, 2, max) >= options_SI$prob_min)
      stop_at <- min(which(tmp == tmp[length(tmp)]))

      si_distr_for_plot <- si_distr[, seq_len(stop_at)]

      dataL <- melt(t(si_distr_for_plot))
      dataL$Var1 <- seq(0, (ncol(si_distr_for_plot) - 1))
      p3 <- ggplot(dataL, aes_string(x = "Var1", y = "value", 
                                     group = "Var2")) +
        geom_line(col = options_SI$col, alpha = options_SI$transp) +
        ggtitle("Explored SI distributions") +
        xlab(options_SI$xlab) +

      if (!is.null(options_SI$xlim)) {
        p3 <- p3 + lims(x = options_SI$xlim)

      if (!is.null(options_SI$ylim)) {
        p3 <- p3 + lims(y = options_SI$ylim)
    } else {
      tmp <- cumsum(si_distr >= options_SI$prob_min)
      stop_at <- min(which(tmp == tmp[length(tmp)]))

      si_distr_for_plot <- si_distr[seq_len(stop_at)]

      dataL <- data.frame(Times = seq(0, length(si_distr_for_plot) - 1), 
                          SIDistr = si_distr_for_plot)
      p3 <- ggplot(dataL, aes_string(x = "Times", y = "SIDistr")) +
        geom_line(col = options_SI$col, alpha = options_SI$transp) +
        ggtitle("Explored SI distribution") +
        xlab(options_SI$xlab) +

      if (!is.null(options_SI$xlim)) {
        p3 <- p3 + lims(x = options_SI$xlim)

      if (!is.null(options_SI$ylim)) {
        p3 <- p3 + lims(y = options_SI$ylim)

  if (what == "incid") {
    if (!legend) p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position = "none")
  if (what == "R") {
    if (!legend) p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position = "none")
  if (what == "SI") {
    if (!legend) p3 <- p3 + theme(legend.position = "none")
  if (what == "all") {
    if (!legend) {
      p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position = "none")
      p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position = "none")
      p3 <- p3 + theme(legend.position = "none")
    return(grid.arrange(incide = p1, R = p2, SI = p3, ncol = 1))

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EpiEstim documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 5:10 p.m.