
Defines functions create_clean_reported_cases

Documented in create_clean_reported_cases

#' Create Clean Reported Cases
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Cleans a data frame of reported cases by replacing missing dates with 0
#' cases and applies an optional threshold at which point 0 cases are replaced
#' with a moving average of observed cases. See `zero_threshold` for details.
#' @param filter_leading_zeros Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should zeros at the
#' start of the time series be filtered out.
#' @param zero_threshold `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` Numeric defaults
#' to Inf. Indicates if detected zero cases are meaningful by using a threshold
#' number of cases based on the 7 day average. If the average is above this
#' threshold then the zero is replaced with the backwards looking rolling
#' average. If set to infinity then no changes are made.
#' @inheritParams estimate_infections
#' @importFrom data.table copy merge.data.table setorder setDT frollsum
#' @return A cleaned data frame of reported cases
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @author Lloyd Chapman
#' @export
create_clean_reported_cases <- function(reported_cases, horizon,
                                        filter_leading_zeros = TRUE,
                                        zero_threshold = Inf) {
  reported_cases <- data.table::setDT(reported_cases)
  reported_cases_grid <- data.table::copy(reported_cases)[,
   .(date = seq(min(date), max(date) + horizon, by = "days"))

  reported_cases <- data.table::merge.data.table(
    reported_cases, reported_cases_grid,
    by = "date", all.y = TRUE

  if (is.null(reported_cases$breakpoint)) {
    reported_cases$breakpoint <- 0
  reported_cases <- reported_cases[
    is.na(confirm), confirm := 0][, .(date = date, confirm, breakpoint)
  reported_cases <- reported_cases[is.na(breakpoint), breakpoint := 0]
  reported_cases <- data.table::setorder(reported_cases, date)
  ## Filter out 0 reported cases from the beginning of the data
  if (filter_leading_zeros) {
    reported_cases <- reported_cases[order(date)][
      cum_cases := cumsum(confirm)
    ][cum_cases > 0][, cum_cases := NULL]

  # Check case counts preceding zero case counts and set to 7 day average if
  # average over last 7 days is greater than a threshold
  if (!is.infinite(zero_threshold)) {
    reported_cases <-
        `:=`(average_7 = (data.table::frollsum(confirm, n = 8)) / 7)
    reported_cases <- reported_cases[
      confirm == 0 & average_7 > zero_threshold,
      confirm := as.integer(average_7)
      "average_7" := NULL

#' Create Delay Shifted Cases
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This functions creates a data frame of reported cases that has been smoothed
#' using a centred partial rolling average (with a period set by
#' `smoothing_window`) and shifted back in time by some delay. It is used by
#' `estimate_infections` to generate the mean shifted prior on which the back
#' calculation method (see `backcalc_opts()`) is based.
#' @param smoothing_window Numeric, the rolling average smoothing window
#' to apply. Must be odd in order to be defined as a centred average.
#' @param shift Numeric, mean delay shift to apply.
#' @inheritParams estimate_infections
#' @inheritParams create_stan_data
#' @importFrom data.table copy shift frollmean fifelse .N
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom runner mean_run
#' @return A data frame for shifted reported cases
#' @export
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @examples
#' create_shifted_cases(example_confirmed, 7, 14, 7)
create_shifted_cases <- function(reported_cases, shift,
                                 smoothing_window, horizon) {
  shifted_reported_cases <- data.table::copy(reported_cases)[
    confirm := data.table::shift(confirm,
      n = shift,
      type = "lead", fill = NA
    confirm := runner::mean_run(
      confirm, k = smoothing_window, lag = -floor(smoothing_window / 2)
    confirm := data.table::fifelse(confirm == 0, 1, confirm) # nolint

  ## Forecast trend on reported cases using the last week of data
  final_week <- data.table::data.table(
  confirm = shifted_reported_cases[1:(.N - horizon - shift)][
      max(1, .N - 6):.N]$confirm)[,
    t := seq_len(.N)
  lm_model <- stats::lm(log(confirm) ~ t, data = final_week)
  ## Estimate unreported future infections using a log linear model
  shifted_reported_cases <- shifted_reported_cases[
    t := seq_len(.N)
    t := t - (.N - horizon - shift - 6)
    confirm := data.table::fifelse(
      t >= 7,
      exp(lm_model$coefficients[1] + lm_model$coefficients[2] * t),
  ][, t := NULL]

  ## Drop median generation interval initial values
  shifted_reported_cases <- shifted_reported_cases[,
   confirm := ceiling(confirm)
  shifted_reported_cases <- shifted_reported_cases[-(1:smoothing_window)]

#' Construct the Required Future Rt assumption
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Converts the `future` argument from `rt_opts()` into arguments that can be
#' passed to `stan`.
#' @param future A character string or integer. This argument indicates how to
#' set future Rt values. Supported options are to project using the Rt model
#' ("project"), to use the latest estimate based on partial data ("latest"),
#' to use the latest estimate based on data that is over 50% complete
#' ("estimate"). If an integer is supplied then the Rt estimate from this many
#' days into the future (or past if negative) past will be used forwards in
#' time.
#' @param delay Numeric mean delay
#' @return A list containing a logical called fixed and an integer called from
#' @author Sam Abbott
create_future_rt <- function(future = "latest", delay = 0) {
  out <- list(fixed = FALSE, from = 0)
  if (is.character(future)) {
    future <- match.arg(
    if (!(future %in% "project")) {
      out$fixed <- TRUE
      out$from <- ifelse(future %in% "latest", 0, -delay)
  } else if (is.numeric(future)) {
    out$fixed <- TRUE
    out$from <- as.integer(future)

#' Create Time-varying Reproduction Number Data
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Takes the output from `rt_opts()` and converts it into a list understood by
#' `stan`.
#' @param rt A list of options as generated by `rt_opts()` defining Rt
#' estimation. Defaults to `rt_opts()`. Set to `NULL` to switch to using back
#' calculation rather than generating infections using Rt.
#' @param breakpoints An integer vector (binary) indicating the location of
#' breakpoints.
#' @param horizon Numeric, forecast horizon.
#' @seealso rt_settings
#' @return A list of settings defining the time-varying reproduction number
#' @inheritParams create_future_rt
#' @export
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @examples
#' # default Rt data
#' create_rt_data()
#' # settings when no Rt is desired
#' create_rt_data(rt = NULL)
#' # using breakpoints
#' create_rt_data(rt_opts(use_breakpoints = TRUE), breakpoints = rep(1, 10))
create_rt_data <- function(rt = rt_opts(), breakpoints = NULL,
                           delay = 0, horizon = 0) {
  # Define if GP is on or off
  if (is.null(rt)) {
    rt <- rt_opts(
      use_rt = FALSE,
      future = "project",
      gp_on = "R0"
  # define future Rt arguments
  future_rt <- create_future_rt(
    future = rt$future,
    delay = delay
  # apply random walk
  if (rt$rw != 0) {
    breakpoints <- as.integer(seq_along(breakpoints) %% rt$rw == 0)
    if (!(rt$future %in% "project")) {
      max_bps <- length(breakpoints) - horizon + future_rt$from
      if (max_bps < length(breakpoints)) {
        breakpoints[(max_bps + 1):length(breakpoints)] <- 0
  # check breakpoints
  if (is.null(breakpoints) || sum(breakpoints) == 0) {
    rt$use_breakpoints <- FALSE
  # map settings to underlying gp stan requirements
  rt_data <- list(
    r_mean = rt$prior$mean,
    r_sd = rt$prior$sd,
    estimate_r = as.numeric(rt$use_rt),
    bp_n = ifelse(rt$use_breakpoints, sum(breakpoints, na.rm = TRUE), 0),
    breakpoints = breakpoints,
    future_fixed =  as.numeric(future_rt$fixed),
    fixed_from = future_rt$from,
    pop = rt$pop,
    stationary =  as.numeric(rt$gp_on %in% "R0"),
    future_time = horizon - future_rt$from
#' Create Back Calculation Data
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Takes the output of `backcalc_opts()` and converts it into a list understood
#' by `stan`.
#' @param backcalc A list of options as generated by `backcalc_opts()` to
#' define the back calculation. Defaults to `backcalc_opts()`.
#' @seealso backcalc_opts
#' @importFrom data.table fcase
#' @return A list of settings defining the Gaussian process
#' @export
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @examples
#' create_backcalc_data(backcalc = backcalc_opts())
create_backcalc_data <- function(backcalc = backcalc_opts()) {
  data <- list(
   rt_half_window = as.integer((backcalc$rt_window - 1) / 2),
   backcalc_prior = data.table::fcase(
     backcalc$prior == "none", 0,
     backcalc$prior == "reports", 1,
     backcalc$prior == "infections", 2,
     default = 0
#' Create Gaussian Process Data
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Takes the output of `gp_opts()` and converts it into a list understood by
#' `stan`.
#' @param gp A list of options as generated by `gp_opts()` to define the
#' Gaussian process. Defaults to `gp_opts()`.Set to NULL to disable the
#' Gaussian process.
#' @param data A list containing the following numeric values:
#' `t`, `seeding_time`, `horizon`.
#' @importFrom data.table fcase
#' @seealso gp_opts
#' @return A list of settings defining the Gaussian process
#' @export
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @examples
#' # define input data required
#' data <- list(
#'   t = 30,
#'   seeding_time = 7,
#'   horizon = 7
#' )
#' # default gaussian process data
#' create_gp_data(data = data)
#' # settings when no gaussian process is desired
#' create_gp_data(NULL, data)
#' # custom lengthscale
#' create_gp_data(gp_opts(ls_mean = 14), data)
create_gp_data <- function(gp = gp_opts(), data) {
  # Define if GP is on or off
  if (is.null(gp)) {
    fixed <- TRUE
    data$stationary <- 1
    gp <- gp_opts()
  } else {
    fixed <- FALSE
  # reset ls_max if larger than observed time
  time <- data$t - data$seeding_time - data$horizon
  if (gp$ls_max > time) {
    gp$ls_max <- time

  # basis functions
  M <- data$t - data$seeding_time
  M <- ifelse(data$future_fixed == 1, M - (data$horizon - data$fixed_from), M)
  M <- ceiling(M * gp$basis_prop)

  # map settings to underlying gp stan requirements
  gp_data <- list(
    fixed = as.numeric(fixed),
    M = M,
    L = gp$boundary_scale,
    ls_meanlog = convert_to_logmean(gp$ls_mean, gp$ls_sd),
    ls_sdlog = convert_to_logsd(gp$ls_mean, gp$ls_sd),
    ls_min = gp$ls_min,
    ls_max = data$t - data$seeding_time - data$horizon,
    alpha_sd = gp$alpha_sd,
    gp_type = data.table::fcase(
    gp$kernel == "se", 0,
    gp$kernel == "matern", 1,
    default = 0

  gp_data <- c(data, gp_data)

#' Create Observation Model Settings
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Takes the output of `obs_opts()` and converts it into a list understood
#' by `stan`.
#' @param obs A list of options as generated by `obs_opts()` defining the
#' observation model. Defaults to `obs_opts()`.
#' @param dates A vector of dates used to calculate the day of the week.
#' @seealso obs_opts
#' @return A list of settings ready to be passed to stan defining
#' the Observation Model
#' @export
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @examples
#' dates <- seq(as.Date("2020-03-15"), by = "days", length.out = 15)
#' # default observation model data
#' create_obs_model(dates = dates)
#' # Poisson observation model
#' create_obs_model(obs_opts(family = "poisson"), dates = dates)
#' # Applying a observation scaling to the data
#' create_obs_model(
#'  obs_opts(scale = list(mean = 0.4, sd = 0.01)), dates = dates
#' )
#' # Apply a custom week week length
#' create_obs_model(obs_opts(week_length = 3), dates = dates)
create_obs_model <- function(obs = obs_opts(), dates) {
  data <- list(
    model_type = as.numeric(obs$family %in% "negbin"),
    phi_mean = obs$phi[1],
    phi_sd = obs$phi[2],
    week_effect = ifelse(obs$week_effect, obs$week_length, 1),
    obs_weight = obs$weight,
    obs_scale = as.numeric(length(obs$scale) != 0),
    likelihood = as.numeric(obs$likelihood),
    return_likelihood = as.numeric(obs$return_likelihood)

  data$day_of_week <- add_day_of_week(dates, data$week_effect)

  data <- c(data, list(
    obs_scale_mean = ifelse(data$obs_scale,
      obs$scale$mean, 0
    obs_scale_sd = ifelse(data$obs_scale,
      obs$scale$sd, 0
#' Create Stan Data Required for estimate_infections
#' @description`r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Takes the output of `stan_opts()` and converts it into a list understood by
#' `stan`. Internally calls the other `create_` family of functions to
#' construct a single list for input into stan with all data required present.
#' @param shifted_cases A dataframe of delay shifted cases
#' @param seeding_time Integer; seeding time, usually obtained using
#' `get_seeding_time()`
#' @inheritParams create_gp_data
#' @inheritParams create_obs_model
#' @inheritParams create_rt_data
#' @inheritParams create_backcalc_data
#' @inheritParams estimate_infections
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom purrr safely
#' @return A list of stan data
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @author Sebastian Funk
#' @export
create_stan_data <- function(reported_cases, seeding_time,
                             rt, gp, obs, horizon,
                             backcalc, shifted_cases) {

  cases <- reported_cases[(seeding_time + 1):(.N - horizon)]$confirm

  data <- list(
    cases = cases,
    shifted_cases = shifted_cases,
    t = length(reported_cases$date),
    horizon = horizon,
    burn_in = 0,
    seeding_time = seeding_time
  # add Rt data
  data <- c(
      breakpoints = reported_cases[(data$seeding_time + 1):.N]$breakpoint,
      delay = data$seeding_time, horizon = data$horizon
  # initial estimate of growth
  first_week <- data.table::data.table(
    confirm = cases[seq_len(min(7, length(cases)))],
    t = seq_len(min(7, length(cases)))
  data$prior_infections <- log(mean(first_week$confirm, na.rm = TRUE))
  data$prior_infections <- ifelse(
    is.na(data$prior_infections) || is.null(data$prior_infections),
    0, data$prior_infections
  if (data$seeding_time > 1) {
    safe_lm <- purrr::safely(stats::lm)
    data$prior_growth <- safe_lm(log(confirm) ~ t, data = first_week)[[1]]
    data$prior_growth <- ifelse(is.null(data$prior_growth), 0,
  } else {
    data$prior_growth <- 0

  # backcalculation settings
  data <- c(data, create_backcalc_data(backcalc))
  # gaussian process data
  data <- create_gp_data(gp, data)

  # observation model data
  data <- c(
      dates = reported_cases[(data$seeding_time + 1):.N]$date

  # rescale mean shifted prior for back calculation if observation scaling is
  # used
  if (data$obs_scale == 1) {
    data$shifted_cases <- data$shifted_cases / data$obs_scale_mean
    data$prior_infections <- log(
      exp(data$prior_infections) / data$obs_scale_mean

#' Create Initial Conditions Generating Function
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Uses the output of `create_stan_data` to create a function which can be used
#' to sample from the prior distributions (or as close as possible) for
#' parameters. Used in order to initialise each `stan` chain within a range of
#' plausible values.
#' @param data A list of data as produced by `create_stan_data.`
#' @return An initial condition generating function
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
#' @importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
#' @importFrom data.table fcase
#' @export
#  @author Sam Abbott
#  @author Sebastian Funk
create_initial_conditions <- function(data) {
  init_fun <- function() {
    out <- list()
    if (data$delay_n_p > 0) {
      out$delay_mean <- array(truncnorm::rtruncnorm(
        n = data$delay_n_p, a = 0,
        mean = data$delay_mean_mean, sd = data$delay_mean_sd * 0.1
      out$delay_sd <- array(truncnorm::rtruncnorm(
        n = data$delay_n_p, a = 0,
        mean = data$delay_sd_mean, sd = data$delay_sd_sd * 0.1
    } else {
      out$delay_mean <- array(numeric(0))
      out$delay_sd <- array(numeric(0))

    if (data$fixed == 0) {
      out$eta <- array(rnorm(data$M, mean = 0, sd = 0.1))
      out$rho <- array(rlnorm(1,
        meanlog = data$ls_meanlog,
        sdlog = ifelse(data$ls_sdlog > 0, data$ls_sdlog * 0.1, 0.01)

      out$rho <- array(data.table::fcase(
        out$rho > data$ls_max, data$ls_max - 0.001,
        out$rho < data$ls_min, data$ls_min + 0.001,
        default = out$rho

      out$alpha <- array(
        truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, a = 0, mean = 0, sd = data$alpha_sd)
    } else {
      out$eta <- array(numeric(0))
      out$rho <- array(numeric(0))
      out$alpha <- array(numeric(0))
    if (data$model_type == 1) {
      out$rep_phi <- array(
          a = 0, mean = data$phi_mean, sd = data$phi_sd / 10
    if (data$estimate_r == 1) {
      out$initial_infections <- array(rnorm(1, data$prior_infections, 0.02))
      if (data$seeding_time > 1) {
        out$initial_growth <- array(rnorm(1, data$prior_growth, 0.01))
      out$log_R <- array(rnorm(
        n = 1, mean = convert_to_logmean(data$r_mean, data$r_sd),
        sd = convert_to_logsd(data$r_mean, data$r_sd) * 0.1

    if (data$bp_n > 0) {
      out$bp_sd <- array(truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, a = 0, mean = 0, sd = 0.1))
      out$bp_effects <- array(rnorm(data$bp_n, 0, 0.1))
    } else {
      out$bp_sd <- array(numeric(0))
      out$bp_effects <- array(numeric(0))
    if (data$obs_scale == 1) {
      out$frac_obs <- array(truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1,
        a = 0, b = 1,
        mean = data$obs_scale_mean,
        sd = data$obs_scale_sd * 0.1
    } else {
      out$frac_obs <- array(numeric(0))
    if (data$week_effect > 0) {
      out$day_of_week_simplex <- array(
        rep(1 / data$week_effect, data$week_effect)

#' Create a List of Stan Arguments
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Generates a list of arguments as required by `rstan::sampling` or
#' `rstan::vb` by combining the required options, with data, and type of
#' initialisation. Initialisation defaults to random but it is expected that
#' `create_initial_conditions` will be used.
#' @param stan A list of stan options as generated by `stan_opts()`. Defaults
#' to `stan_opts()`. Can be used to override `data`, `init`, and `verbose`
#' settings if desired.
#' @param data A list of stan data as created by `create_stan_data`
#' @param init Initial conditions passed to `rstan`. Defaults to "random" but
#' can also be a function (as supplied by `create_intitial_conditions`).
#' @param verbose Logical, defaults to `FALSE`. Should verbose progress
#' messages be returned.
#' @return A list of stan arguments
#' @author Sam Abbott
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # default settings
#' create_stan_args()
#' # increasing warmup
#' create_stan_args(stan = stan_opts(warmup = 1000))
create_stan_args <- function(stan = stan_opts(),
                             data = NULL,
                             init = "random",
                             verbose = FALSE) {
  # set up shared default arguments
  args <- list(
    data = data,
    init = init,
    refresh = ifelse(verbose, 50, 0)
  args <- update_list(args, stan)
  args$return_fit <- NULL

##' Create delay variables for stan
##' @param ... Named delay distributions specified using `dist_spec()`.
##' The names are assigned to IDs
##' @param weight Numeric, weight associated with delay priors; default: 1
##' @return A list of variables as expected by the stan model
##' @importFrom purrr transpose map
##' @author Sebastian Funk
create_stan_delays <- function(..., weight = 1) {
  dot_args <- list(...)
  ## combine delays
  combined_delays <- unclass(c(...))
  ## number of different non-empty types
  type_n <- unlist(purrr::transpose(dot_args)$n)
  ## assign ID values to each type
  ids <- rep(0L, length(type_n))
  ids[type_n > 0] <- seq_len(sum(type_n > 0))
  names(ids) <- paste(names(type_n), "id", sep = "_")

  ## start consructing stan object
  ret <- unclass(combined_delays)
  ## construct additional variables
  ret <- c(ret, list(
    types = sum(type_n > 0),
    types_p = array(1L - combined_delays$fixed)
  ## delay identifiers
  ret$types_id <- integer(0)
  ret$types_id[ret$types_p == 1] <- seq_len(ret$n_p)
  ret$types_id[ret$types_p == 0] <- seq_len(ret$n_np)
  ret$types_id <- array(ret$types_id)
  ## map delays to identifiers
  ret$types_groups <- array(c(0, cumsum(unname(type_n[type_n > 0]))) + 1)
  ## map pmfs
  ret$np_pmf_groups <- array(c(0, cumsum(combined_delays$np_pmf_length)) + 1)
  ## assign prior weights
  ret$weight <- array(rep(weight, ret$n_p))
  ## remove auxiliary variables
  ret$fixed <- NULL
  ret$np_pmf_length <- NULL

  names(ret) <- paste("delay", names(ret), sep = "_")
  ret <- c(ret, ids)


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EpiNow2 documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:11 p.m.