workflow_basic_path <- ""
workflow_timer_path <- ""
#TBD. workflow_runner_path <- ""
#TBD. workflow_runner_w_timer_path <- ""
#' @name faasr_register_workflow_github_actions
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_actions
#' @description
#' register the workflow for github actions.
#' parse faasr to get the repository list and actions.
#' create a local/remote repository for the FaaSr actions.
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param cron a string for cron data e.g., */5 * * * *
#' @param runner a logical value; enable runner
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
faasr_register_workflow_github_actions <- function(faasr, cred, cron=NULL, runner=FALSE) {
options(cli.progress_clear = FALSE)
options(cli.spinner = "line")
# get a repo list
repo_list <- faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_lists(faasr)
if (length(repo_list)==0){
for (server in names(repo_list)) {
# get env
token <- cred[[paste0(server,"_TOKEN")]]
ref <- faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$Branch
repo <- paste0(faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$UserName,"/",faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$ActionRepoName)
cli::cli_h1(paste0("Registering workflow github actions for repo: ", server))
format = paste0(
"FaaSr {pb_spin} Registering workflow github actions ",
"{cli::pb_bar} {cli::pb_percent} [{pb_current}/{pb_total}] ETA:{pb_eta}"
format_done = paste0(
"{col_yellow(symbol$checkbox_on)} Successfully registered repo {repo} ",
"in {pb_elapsed}."
total = 4
# check the repository
response <- faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_exists(token,repo)
# check user's request
private <- faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_question(response, repo)
# create directories
cli_alert_success("Create github local directories")
# create .gitignore files
cli_alert_success("Create github env files")
# create the payload file
cli_alert_success("Create github payload file")
# create the README file
cli_alert_success("Create github REAME file")
# create yaml file / default container image is
for (actionname in repo_list[[server]]){
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_yml_file(faasr,actionname,repo, cron, runner)
cli_alert_success("Create github workflow yml file")
# build local repositories
cli_alert_success("Create github local repository")
# build & push remote repositories
result <- faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_repo(token,response,private,repo,ref)
if (result==0){
cli_alert_success("Create github remote repository")
} else{
cli_alert_danger("Error: Failed to update the remote repository")
# set environments(variables, secrets)
faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_env(repo, cred, token)
cli_text(col_cyan("{symbol$menu} {.strong Successfully registered all github actions}"))
#' @title faasr_httr_request
#' @description
#' the help function to send the curl request to the github
#' by using the "httr" library.
#' @param token a string for the github token
#' @param url a string of url
#' @param body a list of body
#' @param type REST API values; GET/PUT/DELETE/PATCH/POST
#' @return response: response status; 200/202/204/400/etc
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# help sending httr requests
faasr_httr_request <- function(token, url, body=list(), type){
# get functions depending on "type"
func <- get(type)
# write headers
headers <- c(
"Accept" = "application/vnd.github+json",
"Authorization" = paste("Bearer", token),
"X-GitHub-Api-Version" = "2022-11-28"
# write body unless it is empty
if (length(body)!=0){
body <- jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox=TRUE)
# send the REST request(POST/GET/PUT/PATCH)
response <- func(
url = paste0("", url),
add_headers(.headers = headers),
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_lists
#' @description
#' Parse the faasr and get the list of function:repository
#' Find actions which is using "Github Actions"
#' return value's key is action and value is server name.
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @return a list of "action:server name" pairs.
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# make a repo list. like a key-value set, key is a server_name and value is a repository name
faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_lists <- function(faasr) {
# empty list
repo_list <- list()
# for each function, iteratively collect servername and repository name
for (fn in names(faasr$FunctionList)) {
server_name <- faasr$FunctionList[[fn]]$FaaSServer
# if FaaStype is Githubactions, add it to the list
if (is.null(faasr$ComputeServers[[server_name]]$FaaSType)){
err_msg <- paste0("\n\n[faasr_msg] invalid server:", server_name," check server type\n\n")
if (faasr$ComputeServers[[server_name]]$FaaSType == "GitHubActions") {
actionname <- fn
repo_list[[server_name]] <- unique(c(repo_list[[server_name]],actionname))
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_exists
#' @description
#' Check the remote repository is existing on the github
#' by sending the GET request.
#' If it exists, return TRUE, doesn't exist, return FALSE
#' @param faasr_token a string for the github token
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @return a logical value; if exists, return TRUE,
#' doesn't exist, return FALSE
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# check github remote repository existence
faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_exists <- function(faasr_token, repo) {
# get env
repo <- paste0("repos/",repo)
# send request to check
response <- faasr_httr_request(faasr_token, repo, type="GET")
if (response$status_code == 200) {
} else if (response$status_code == 404){
} else {
cli_alert_danger(" faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_exists: Error - check configurations")
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_question
#' @description
#' Ask users to update the repository
#' @param check a logical value
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @return a logical value to make repository private or not
#' @keywords internal
faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_question <- function(check, repo){
# get env
private <- TRUE
# if no remote repo, build a new repository
if (check==FALSE) {
# Ask user for the repository to be private or public
cli_text("{symbol$fancy_question_mark}Enter repository visibility[private/public]")
while(TRUE) {
check <- invisible(readline())
if (check == "private") {
private <- TRUE
} else if(check == "public" || check == "") {
private <- FALSE
} else {
cli_alert_warning("Enter \"private\" or \"public\": ")
# if yes, update the repository
} else {
# Ask user for the repository to be updated
cli_alert_info(paste0("Repository: ",repo," already exists"))
cli_text("{symbol$fancy_question_mark} Update the repository?[y/n]")
while(TRUE) {
check1 <- readline()
if (check1=="y" || check1=="") {
} else if(check1 == "n") {
cli_alert_danger("Stop the function")
} else {
cli_alert_warning("Enter \"y\" or \"n\": ")
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_create_dir
#' @description
#' Create the directory for the workflows
#' @param server a string for the server name
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @keywords internal
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_dir <- function(server,repo){
cwd <- getwd()
# create directories
if (dir.exists(repo)) {
unlink(repo, recursive=TRUE)
dir.create(repo, recursive=TRUE)
if (!dir.exists(paste0(repo,"/.github/workflows"))) {
dir.create(paste0(repo,"/.github/workflows"), recursive=TRUE)
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_create_env
#' @description
#' Create the environment file .gitignore
#' @param server a string for the server name
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @keywords internal
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_env <- function(server,repo){
# create a file ".gitignore"
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_create_payload
#' @description
#' Create the payload JSON file named "payload.json"
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @keywords internal
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_payload <- function(faasr, repo){
# create a file named "payload.json"
faasr_gh <- jsonlite::toJSON(faasr, auto_unbox=TRUE)
faasr_gh_pt <- jsonlite::prettify(faasr_gh)
write(faasr_gh_pt, paste0(faasr_gh_local_repo,"/",repo,"/payload.json"))
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_create_readme
#' @description
#' create file for repository description
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @keywords internal
# create file for repository description
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_readme <- function(repo){
# create a repository description
contents <- paste0("# This is an automatically generated FaaSr repository
This repository has been created automatically by the FaaSr register_workflow() function.</br>
It stores the workflow .yml files for your FaaSr workflow, as well as the JSON configuration and secrets.</br>
It is safe to delete this repository if you no longer need this workflow. It can be re-created by running register_workflow()</br>")
# create a README file
path <- paste0(faasr_gh_local_repo,"/",repo,"/")
writeLines(contents, path)
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_github_create_yml_file
#' @description
#' Create a yaml workflow file with the container name
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param actionname a string for the action name
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @param cron a string for cron data e.g., */5 * * * *
#' @param runner a logical value; enable runner
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# Create a yaml workflow file with the container name
# TBD implement a native workflow pattern
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_yml_file <- function(faasr, actionname, repo, cron=NULL, runner=FALSE){
# get env
folder <- faasr$FaaSrLog
if (is.null(folder)){
folder <- ""
id <- faasr$InvocationID
if (is.null(id)){
id <- ""
if (length(faasr$ActionContainers[[actionname]]) == 0 || faasr$ActionContainers[[actionname]] == "") {
container_name <- basic_gh_image
} else {
container_name <- faasr$ActionContainers[[actionname]]
# check "runner" / "cron" and bring templates from github
if (runner){
if (is.null(cron)){
#contents_git <- readLines(workflow_runner_path)
} else {
#contents_git <- readLines(workflow_runner_w_timer_path)
} else {
if (is.null(cron)){
contents_git <- readLines(workflow_basic_path)
} else {
contents_git <- readLines(workflow_timer_path)
# create customized contents by using "glue"
contents_git <- paste(contents_git, collapse = "\n")
contents <- glue::glue(contents_git, .open = "<<", .close = ">>")
if (!endsWith(actionname,".yml")){
actionname <- paste0(actionname,".yml")
# create the workflow file
path <- paste0(faasr_gh_local_repo,"/",repo,"/.github/workflows/",actionname)
writeLines(contents, path)
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_git_local_repo
#' @description
#' Create a local git repository
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @param ref a string for the branch of target repository
#' @keywords internal
# create git local repository
faasr_register_workflow_git_local_repo <- function(repo,ref){
cwd <- getwd()
# create local git repo
system("git init", ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system(paste0("git checkout -B ", ref), ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system("git rm -r git rm -r --cached .", ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system("git add .", ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system("git commit -m \'update repo\'", ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_repo
#' @description
#' create / push git remote repository
#' @param token a string for the github token
#' @param check a logical value whether the remote repository exists
#' @param private a logical value to make repository private or not
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @param ref a string for the branch of target repository
#' @return a integer value for the result
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# create / push git remote repository
faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_repo <- function(token,check,private,repo,ref){
cwd <- getwd()
# get env
repo_a <- strsplit(repo, "/")
repo_p <- repo_a[[1]]
account_id <- repo_p[1]
repo_name <- repo_p[2]
# if github doesn't have repository, then create one.
if (check==FALSE){
url <- "user/repos"
body <- list(name=repo_name, private=private)
response <- faasr_httr_request(body=body, token=token, url=url, type="POST")
if (response$status_code==201){
cli_alert_success("Successfully create the repo")
} else {
cli_alert_danger("Error: Failed to create the repo")
# set the config
system("git config --global 'github-actions[bot]'", ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system("git config --global '41898282+github-actions[bot]'"
, ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
# push files to the repository
system(paste0("git commit -m 'update'"), ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system(paste0("git branch -M ",ref), ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
system(paste0("git remote add origin https://",token,"",repo,".git")
, ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
check2 <- system(paste0("git push -f -u origin ",ref), ignore.stderr=TRUE, ignore.stdout=TRUE)
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_env
#' @description
#' set env(secrets and variables) to the remote repository
#' @param repo a string for the target repository name
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param token a string for the github token
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom "sodium" "simple_encrypt"
#' @importFrom "base64enc" "base64decode" "base64encode"
#' @keywords internal
# set env(secrets and variables)
faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_env <- function(repo, cred, token){
cwd <- getwd()
# get public key
url <- paste0("repos/",repo,"/actions/secrets/public-key")
response <- faasr_httr_request(body=body, token=token, url=url, type="GET")
if (response$status_code ==200){
pub_key <- base64enc::base64decode(content(response)$key)
key_id <- content(response)$key_id
} else {
cli_alert_danger("Error: Failed to get the public key")
# encode key & secrets by using sodium & base64enc: library required
secrets_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(cred, auto_unbox=TRUE)
secrets_binary <- charToRaw(secrets_json)
secrets_enc <- sodium::simple_encrypt(secrets_binary, pub_key)
secrets <- base64enc::base64encode(secrets_enc)
# set the repo secret
url <- paste0("repos/",repo,"/actions/secrets/SECRET_PAYLOAD")
body <- list(encrypted_value = secrets, key_id=key_id)
response <- faasr_httr_request(body=body, token=token, url=url, type="PUT")
if (response$status_code==204 || response$status_code==201){
cli_alert_success("Successfully set secrets")
} else {
cli_alert_danger("Error: Failed to set secrets")
# set the repo variable
url <- paste0("repos/",repo,"/actions/variables")
body <- list(name="PAYLOAD_REPO", value=paste0(repo,'/payload.json'))
response <- faasr_httr_request(body=body, token=token, url=url, type="POST")
if (response$status_code==201){
cli_alert_success("Successfully set variables")
} else if (response$status_code==409){
# if variable already exists, update the variable
url <- paste0("repos/",repo,"/actions/variables/PAYLOAD_REPO")
response <- faasr_httr_request(body=body, token=token, url=url, type="PATCH")
if (response$status_code==204){
cli_alert_success("Successfully set variables")
} else {
cli_alert_danger("Error: Failed to set variables")
} else {
cli_alert_danger("Error: Failed to set variables")
#' @title faasr_workflow_invoke_github
#' @description
#' invoke the github actions workflow on the github repository.
#' Async version; does not wait for the result
#' This will be invoked by faasr_workflow_invoke function
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param faas_name a string for the target server name
#' @param actionname a string for the target action name
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# inovke workflow run
faasr_workflow_invoke_github <- function(faasr, cred, faas_name, actionname){
# define the required variables.
token <- cred[[paste0(faas_name,"_TOKEN")]]
input_id <- faasr$InvocationID
input_faasr_log <- faasr$FaaSrLog
repo <- paste0(faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$UserName,"/",faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$ActionRepoName)
git_ref <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$Branch
if (!endsWith(actionname,".yml") && !endsWith(actionname,".yaml")){
workflow <- paste0(actionname,".yml")
} else {
workflow <- actionname
# send api request
url <- paste0("repos/", repo, "/actions/workflows/", workflow, "/dispatches")
body <- list(
ref = git_ref,
inputs = list(
ID = input_id,
InvokeName = actionname,
FaaSrLog = input_faasr_log
response <- faasr_httr_request(body=body, token=token, url=url, type="POST")
# check result
if (status_code(response) == 204) {
succ_msg <- paste0("faasr_register_workflow_github_invoke: GitHub Action: Successfully invoked:", actionname, "\n")
} else if (status_code(response) == 401) {
err_msg <- paste0("faasr_register_workflow_github_invoke: GitHub Action: Authentication failed, check the credentials\n")
} else if (status_code(response) == 404) {
err_msg <- paste0("faasr_register_workflow_github_invoke: GitHub Action: Cannot find the destination, check the repo name: \"",repo,"\" and workflow name: \"",workflow,"\"\n")
} else if (status_code(response) == 422) {
err_msg <- paste0("faasr_register_workflow_github_invoke: GitHub Action: Cannot find the destination, check the ref: ", actionname, "\n")
} else {
err_msg <- paste0("faasr_register_workflow_github_invoke: GitHub Action: unknown error happens when invoke next function\n")
#' @title faasr_set_workflow_timer_gh
#' @description
#' set/unset cron timer for the github actions.
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param actionname a string for the target action name
#' @param cron a string for cron data e.g., */5 * * * *
#' @param unset a logical value; set timer(FALSE) or unset timer(TRUE)
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal
# set workflow timer
faasr_set_workflow_timer_gh <- function(faasr,cred,actionname,cron=NULL,unset=FALSE){
options(cli.progress_clear = FALSE)
options(cli.spinner = "line")
if (unset){
char <- "Unset"
} else {
char <- "Set"
cli_h1(paste0("{char} github workflow timer"))
format = paste0(
"FaaSr {pb_spin} Set github workflow timer ",
"{cli::pb_bar} {cli::pb_percent} [{pb_current}/{pb_total}] ETA:{pb_eta}"
total = 2
# get env
faas_name <- faasr$FunctionList[[actionname]]$FaaSServer
ref <- faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$Branch
repo <- paste0(faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$UserName,"/",faasr$ComputeServers[[faas_name]]$ActionRepoName)
path <- paste0(faasr_gh_local_repo, "/", repo)
token <- cred[[paste0(faas_name,"_TOKEN")]]
folder <- faasr$FaaSrLog
id <- faasr$InvocationID
if (!endsWith(actionname,".yml") && !endsWith(actionname,".yaml")){
workflow <- paste0(actionname,".yml")
} else {
workflow <- actionname
# check local repo
if (!dir.exists(path)){
err_msg <- paste0("[faasr_msg] faasr_set_workflow_timer_gh: No local repository ",repo," found \n")
# check remote repo
response <- faasr_register_workflow_github_repo_exists(token, repo)
if (!response){
err_msg <- paste0("[faasr_msg] faasr_set_workflow_timer_gh: No remote repository ",repo," found \n")
# update yaml file
# TBD cron timer for runner
if (unset){
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_yml_file(faasr, actionname, repo, cron=NULL, runner=FALSE)
} else {
faasr_register_workflow_github_create_yml_file(faasr, actionname, repo, cron=cron, runner=FALSE)
# build local repositories
cli_alert_success("Update local git repository workflow")
# build & push remote repositories
result <- faasr_register_workflow_git_remote_repo(token,response,private=NULL,repo,ref)
cli_alert_success("Update remote git repository workflow")
if (result==0){
cli_alert_success(paste0("Successfully ",char," the cron ",cron," timer to the repository ",repo))
} else{
cli_alert_warning(paste0("Error: Failed to ",char," the cron ",cron," timer to the repository ",repo))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.