plot.catdes <- function(x,show= "all",output=c("figure","dt"),level=0.01,sort=NULL,col.upper="indianred2",col.lower="royalblue1",numchar=10,barplot=FALSE,cex.names=1,...){
#Check the arguments
if( !attr(x,"class")[1]=="catdes") {stop("'x' must be of type catdes")}
if (show!="all" && show!="quanti" && show!="quali"&& show!="quanti.var"&& show!="test.chi2"){stop("Invalid value of show")}
output <- match.arg(output[1],c("figure","dt"))
output <- tolower(output[1])
if (output=="dt") {
mini <- 1
if (show=="quanti" || show=="all"){
if (is.null(x$quanti) & (show=="quanti")) stop("No quantitative variables")
else {
mini <- min(x$quanti.var[,2])
lvl <- length(x$quanti)
rows <- rownames(x$quanti[[1]])
for (i in 2:lvl) rows <- c(rows,rownames(x$quanti[[i]]))
rows <- unique(rows)
tabvtest <- matrix(0,nrow=length(rows),ncol=lvl)
tabpvalue <- matrix(Inf,nrow=length(rows),ncol=lvl)
rownames(tabvtest) <- rownames(tabpvalue) <- sort(rows)
colnames(tabvtest) <- colnames(tabpvalue) <- names(x$quanti)
for (i in 1:lvl){
tabvtest[rownames(x$quanti[[i]]),i] <- x$quanti[[i]][,"v.test", drop = FALSE]
tabpvalue[rownames(x$quanti[[i]]),i] <- x$quanti[[i]][,"p.value", drop = FALSE]
tableau_vtest <- NULL
if (level >= min(tabpvalue)) tableau_vtest <- signif(t(as.matrix(tabvtest[apply(tabpvalue,1,min) <= level,])),3)
if (show=="quali" || show=="all"){
if (is.null(x$category) & (show=="quali")) stop("No qualitative variables")
else {
lvl <- length(x$category)
rows <- rownames(x$category[[1]])
for (i in 2:lvl) rows <- c(rows,rownames(x$category[[i]]))
rows <- unique(rows)
tabvtest <- matrix(0,nrow=length(rows),ncol=lvl)
tabpvalue <- matrix(Inf,nrow=length(rows),ncol=lvl)
rownames(tabvtest) <- rownames(tabpvalue) <- sort(rows)
colnames(tabvtest) <- colnames(tabpvalue) <- names(x$category)
for (i in 1:lvl){
tabvtest[rownames(x$category[[i]]),i] <- x$category[[i]][,"v.test", drop = FALSE]
tabpvalue[rownames(x$category[[i]]),i] <- x$category[[i]][,"p.value", drop = FALSE]
mini <- min(mini,min(tabpvalue))
colnames(tabpvalue) <- colnames(tabvtest) <- names(x$category)
tableau_quali <- NULL
if (level >= min(tabpvalue)) tableau_quali <- signif(tabvtest[apply(tabpvalue,1,min) <= level,,drop = FALSE],3)
if (show=="quanti"){
if (is.null(tableau_vtest)) stop(paste("The p-value should be greater than",signif(mini,3),"."))
lvl <- length(x$category)
quant <- seq(-max(abs(tableau_vtest), na.rm = T), max(abs(tableau_vtest), na.rm = T),length.out = 100)
color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(col.lower,"white",col.upper))(length(quant)+1)
a <- DT::formatStyle(
extensions = c('Buttons','FixedColumns','FixedHeader'),
options = list( pageLength = ncol(tableau_vtest),
dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('csv'), fixedColumns = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE)
backgroundColor = DT::styleInterval(quant, color)
if (show=="quali"){
if (is.null(tableau_quali)) stop(paste("The p-value should be greater than",signif(mini,3),"."))
quant <- seq(-max(abs(tableau_quali),na.rm = TRUE), max(abs(tableau_quali), na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 100)
# quant <- seq(min(tableau_quali,na.rm = TRUE), max(tableau_quali, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 100)
color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(col.lower,"white",col.upper))(length(quant)+1)
a <- DT::formatStyle(
DT::datatable(tableau_quali, extensions = c('Buttons','FixedColumns','FixedHeader'),
options = list(pageLength = nrow(tableau_quali), dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c('csv'), fixedColumns = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE)
colnames(tableau_quali), backgroundColor = DT::styleInterval(quant, color)
if (show=="all"){
tab <- NULL
if(!is.null(tableau_quali)) tab <- rbind(tab,tableau_quali)
if(!is.null(tableau_vtest)) tab <- rbind(tab,t(tableau_vtest))
if (is.null(tab)) stop(paste("The p-value should be greater than",signif(mini,3),"."))
quant <- seq(-max(abs(tab), na.rm = T), max(abs(tab), na.rm = T), length.out = 100)
color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(col.lower,"white",col.upper))(length(quant)+1)
a <- DT::formatStyle(
DT::datatable(tab,extensions = c('Buttons','FixedColumns','FixedHeader'),
options = list(pageLength = nrow(tab),dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c('csv'),fixedColumns = TRUE,fixedHeader = TRUE)
), colnames(tab),backgroundColor = DT::styleInterval(quant, color)
if (show=="quanti.var"){
if(level <= min(x$quanti.var[,"P-value"])) stop(paste("The p-value should be greater than",signif(min(x$quanti.var[,"P-value"]),3)))
tableau_link_quanti <-$quanti.var[ x$quanti.var[,"P-value"] <= level,c("Eta2","P-value"), drop = FALSE])
quant <- seq(min(tableau_link_quanti[,1]), max(tableau_link_quanti[,1]), length.out = 100)
color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(col.lower,"white",col.upper))(length(quant)+1)
a <- DT::formatStyle(
extensions = c('Buttons','FixedColumns','FixedHeader'),
options = list(pageLength = nrow(tableau_link_quanti),
dom = 'Bfrtip',buttons = c('csv'),fixedColumns = TRUE,fixedHeader = TRUE)
columns = colnames(tableau_link_quanti),
valueColumns = 'P-value',
backgroundColor = DT::styleInterval(quant, color)
if (show=="test.chi2"){
if(is.null(x$test.chi2)) stop("No qualitative variables")
if(level <= min(x$test.chi2[,"p.value"])) stop(paste("The p-value should be greater than",signif(min(x$test.chi2[,"p.value"]),3)))
tableau_link_chisquare <- (x$test.chi2[x$test.chi2[,"p.value"] <= level,"p.value", drop = FALSE])
quant <- seq(min(tableau_link_chisquare[,"p.value"]), max(tableau_link_chisquare[,"p.value"]), length.out = 100)
color <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(col.upper,"white",col.lower))(length(quant)+1)
a <- DT::formatStyle(
extensions = c('Buttons','FixedColumns','FixedHeader'),
options = list(pageLength = nrow(tableau_link_chisquare),
dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = c('csv'), fixedColumns = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE)
columns = colnames(tableau_link_chisquare),
valueColumns = "p.value",
backgroundColor = DT::styleInterval(quant, color)
} else {
if (!barplot){
if(!is.null(x$quanti)) rows <- names(x$quanti)
else rows <- names(x$category)
if(is.null(rows)){stop("Invalid value of x")}
nb_cluster <- length(rows)
#If sort is a string, then we convert it to an integer
if (!is.null(sort)){
sort <- which(rows==sort)
if (length(sort)==0) stop("Invalid value of sort")
} else if (!is.double(sort) || sort!=round(sort) || sort>nb_cluster || sort<1){stop("Invalid value of sort")}
if(!col.upper %in% colours() || !col.lower %in% colours() ) {stop("Invalid colour name. Please use colours() to see the colours available.")}
if(level<0){stop("The level must be positive")}
#Setting the colors
col.upper.rgb <- t(col2rgb(col.upper)/255)
col.lower.rgb <- t(col2rgb(col.lower)/255)
#Names of the clusters
#The table that will contain all the p-values
pval <- c()
##Columns of the table obtained with the union of the results in the catdes
if (show=="quanti" || show=="all"){
quanti <- c()
for (q in x$quanti){
quanti <- union(quanti,rownames(q))
pval <- c(pval,q[,'p.value'])
if (show=="quali" || show=="all"){
quali <- c()
for (q in x$category){
quali <- union(quali,rownames(q))
pval <- c(pval,q[,'p.value'])
#All columns
if (show=="all"){
columns <- c(quanti,quali)
else if (show=="quali"){
columns <- quali
else if (show=="quanti"){
columns <- quanti
} else{
quanti_all <- c()
pval <- c() #all the p-values
for (q in x$quanti){
quanti_all <- union(quanti_all,rownames(q))
pval <- c(pval,q[,'p.value'])
quali_all <- c()
for (q in x$category){
quali_all <- union(quali_all,rownames(q))
pval <- c(pval,q[,'p.value'])
k <- sort
if ((show=="quanti" || show=="all") && !(is.null(x$quanti))){
pvals_k_quanti <-$quanti[[k]][,"p.value"])
names <- rownames(pvals_k_quanti)
rownames(pvals_k_quanti) <- NULL
pvals_k_quanti <- cbind(names,pvals_k_quanti)
quanti_all <-,rep(0,length(quanti_all))))
colnames(quanti_all) <- c("names","pvals")
quanti_all <- merge(x=quanti_all,y=pvals_k_quanti,by="names",all.x=TRUE)[,c("names","pvals.y")]
colnames(quanti_all) <- c("names","pvals")
if ((show=="quali" || show=="all") && !(is.null(x$category))){
pvals_k_quali <-$category[[k]][,"p.value"])
names <- rownames(pvals_k_quali)
rownames(pvals_k_quali) <- NULL
pvals_k_quali <- cbind(names,pvals_k_quali)
quali_all <-,rep(0,length(quali_all))))
colnames(quali_all) <- c("names","pvals")
quali_all <- merge(x=quali_all,y=pvals_k_quali,by="names",all.x=TRUE)[,c("names","pvals.y")]
colnames(quali_all) <- c("names","pvals")
if (show=="all") columns <- rbind(quali_all,quanti_all)
if (show=="quali") columns <- rbind(quali_all)
if (show=="quanti") columns <- rbind(quanti_all)
columns <- columns[order(columns$pvals),]
columns <- columns$names
#Create the grid
dim1 <- length(rows)
dim2 <- length(columns)
for (i in 1:dim1){
ybottom <- 1 - i * (1/(dim1 + 1))
xright <- 1/(dim2 + 1)
ytop <- 1 - (i + 1) * (1/(dim1 + 1))
xleft <- 0
center <- c(mean(c(xleft,xright)),mean(c(ytop,ybottom)))
for(j in 1:(dim2)){
xleft <- j * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ybottom <- 1 - i * (1/(dim1 + 1))
xright <- (j + 1) * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ytop <- 1 - (i + 1) * (1/(dim1 + 1))
rect(xleft, ybottom = ybottom, xright, ytop)
for (j in 1:(dim2)){
xleft <- j * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ybottom <- 1
xright <- (j + 1) * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ytop <- 1 - (1/(dim1 + 1))
center <- c(mean(c(xleft,xright)),mean(c(ytop,ybottom)))
text(center[1],1 - (1/(dim1 + 1)),columns[j],cex=0.4*cex.names,srt=45,adj=c(0,0))
#For the gradients of color
max <- level
min <- min(pval)
range <- max-min
#Completing the grid
#For each cluster
for (i in 1:dim1){
quanti <- x$quanti
quali <- x$category
if (show=="quanti" || show=="all"){
for (name_row in rownames(quanti[[i]])){
j <- which(columns==name_row)
p <- quanti[[i]][name_row,"p.value"]
if (p<level){
col <- pmin(1,pmax(0,0.9*(p-min)/(min-max)+1))
xleft <- j * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ybottom <- 1 - i * (1/(dim1 + 1))
xright <- (j + 1) * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ytop <- 1 - (i + 1) * (1/(dim1 + 1))
rect(xleft, ybottom = ybottom, xright, ytop, col = rgb(col.upper.rgb,alpha=col), border = NULL)
} else {
rect(xleft, ybottom = ybottom, xright, ytop, col = rgb(col.lower.rgb,alpha=col), border = NULL)
if (show=="quali" || show=="all"){
for (name_row in rownames(quali[[i]])){
j <- which(columns==name_row)
p <- quali[[i]][name_row,"p.value"]
if (p<level){
col <- pmin(1,pmax(0,0.9*(p-min)/(min-max)+1))
xleft <- j * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ybottom <- 1 - i * (1/(dim1 + 1))
xright <- (j + 1) * (1/(dim2 + 1))
ytop <- 1 - (i + 1) * (1/(dim1 + 1))
rect(xleft, ybottom = ybottom, xright, ytop, col = rgb(col.upper.rgb,alpha=col), border = NULL)
} else {
rect(xleft, ybottom = ybottom, xright, ytop, col = rgb(col.lower.rgb,alpha=col), border = NULL)
} else { ### begin program for barplot=TRUE
lengthX <- max(length(x$quanti),length(x$category)) # measure the length of x
long <- rep(0,lengthX)
list.catdes <- list(long)
minimum <- 0
maximum <- 0
count <- 0
for (i in 1:lengthX){
if (!is.null(x$quanti[[i]])){
quanti <-$quanti[[i]])
quanti.catdes <- as.vector(quanti[,1])
names(quanti.catdes) <- rownames(quanti)
} else quanti.catdes <- NULL
if (!is.null(x$category[[i]])){
category <-$category[[i]])
category.catdes <- as.vector(category[,5])
names(category.catdes) <- rownames(category)
} else category.catdes <- NULL
if (show=="all") catdes.aux <- c(quanti.catdes,category.catdes)
if (show=="quanti") catdes.aux <- quanti.catdes # different options
if (show=="quali") catdes.aux <- category.catdes
if (!is.null(catdes.aux)) {
count <- count+1 #count is a counter of the catdes clusters which are non null.
long[i] <- length(catdes.aux)
minimum <- min(catdes.aux,minimum) # find the longest catdes clusters and the smallest.
maximum <- max(catdes.aux,maximum)
} else long[i] <- 0
list.catdes[[i]] <- catdes.aux # list the catdes clusters
if (count<=4){
numc <- count # design of the graphic window
numr <- 1
} else{
numc <- 4
numr <- count%/%4+1
par(las = 3)
par(mfrow = c(numr, numc))
for(i in 1:lengthX){
catdes.aux <- list.catdes[[i]]
catdes.aux <- sort(catdes.aux,decreasing=FALSE) #plot the catdes for every cluster in the graphic window
coul <- rep(col.upper,length(catdes.aux))
coul[catdes.aux<0] <- col.lower
if (is.null(x$category)) titre <- names(x$quanti)[i]
else titre <- names(x$category)[i]
barplot(catdes.aux, width =c(1,1), col = coul, border = "black",
ylim = c(minimum-1,maximum+1),xlim=c(0,max(long)+1),
main = titre, cex.names = cex.names, ylab="v.test",
names.arg = substr(names(catdes.aux), 1, numchar))
par(las = 0)
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