DanielPlot <- function(fit, ...){
} <- function(fit, ..., response=NULL){
if (!"design" %in% class(fit))
stop(" works for obj from class design only.")
di <-
if (is.null(di$response.names))
stop("The design fit must have at least one response.")
if (!(is.null(response)))
if (!response %in% di$response.names)
stop("Requested response is not a response variable in fit.")
if (!(length(grep("FrF2",di$type))>0 |
length(grep("pb",di$type))>0)) {
if (!(di$type=="full factorial" & all(di$nlevels==2)))
stop("The design obj must be of a type containing FrF2 or pb.")
if (length(grep("blocked",di$type))>0)
stop("Function DanielPlot does not handle blocked designs. \nUse function halfnormal from package DoE.base instead.")
grad <- 1
if (length(grep("pb",di$type)) > 0 & di$nfactors < di$nruns-1)
warning("Effects plots for Plackett-Burman designs must be done with nruns-1 effects! The error effects are missing!")
## make sure there are as many effects as possible in the plots, redundant ones will not be shown
if (length(grep("FrF2",di$type)) > 0 | (di$type=="full factorial" & all(di$nlevels==2))){
grad <- 2
hilf <- lm(fit, degree=grad)
ncoef <- sum(!
nhilf <- di$nrun
if (!is.null(di$ncenter)) nhilf <- nhilf - di$ncenter
while (ncoef < nhilf){
grad <- grad+1
hilf <- lm(fit, degree=grad)
ncoef <- sum(!
subtext <- ""
if (length(grep("splitplot", di$type)) > 0){
## splitplot situation
## make sure to use different plot symbols for whole plot and split plot effects
## important to distinguish wbreps and bbreps
mm <- model.matrix(hilf)
coefs <- coef(hilf)[-1] ## only non-missing coefficients
nms <- names(coefs)
hilf <- apply(mm[,1+(1:di$nfac.WP),drop=FALSE],1,paste,collapse="")
pchs <- rep("*", length(coefs))
pchs[1:di$nfac.WP] <- "o"
for (j in setdiff(1:(length(coefs)),1:di$nfac.WP)){
if (!length(table(paste(hilf,mm[,nms[j]],sep="")))>di$nWPs) pchs[j] <- "o"
subtext <- "WARNING: whole plot effects (marked by o) may have larger variation than split-plot effects"
DanielPlot(lm(fit, degree=grad, response=response), pch=pchs, subtitle=subtext, ...)
else DanielPlot(lm(fit, degree=grad, response=response), ...)
DanielPlot.default <-
function (fit, code = FALSE, autolab = TRUE, alpha=0.05,
faclab = NULL,
block = FALSE, datax = TRUE,
half = FALSE, pch = "*",
cex.fac = par("cex.lab"), cex.lab = par("cex.lab"),
cex.pch = par("cex"), cex.legend = par("cex.lab"),
main = NULL, subtitle=NULL, ...)
if (! ("lm" %in% class(fit) | "aov" %in% class(fit)))
stop("fit must be a linear model object (lm or aov), or a design of class design")
## transform into -1 and 1 coded model
fit <- remodel(fit)$model
## check whether of appropriate type
if (!check(fit))
stop("This routine is applicable for 2-level factorial designs without partial aliasing only.")
if (any(names(coef(fit)) == "(Intercept)")) {
factor.effects <- 2 * coef(fit)[-1]
else {
factor.effects <- 2 * coef(fit)
respnam <- colnames(fit$model)[attr(attr(fit$model,"terms"),"response")]
names(factor.effects) <- attr(fit$terms, "term.labels")
terms.ord <- attr(fit$terms, "order")[!] ##moved here
factor.effects <- factor.effects[!]
plotmain <- paste("Normal Plot for", respnam)
if (autolab) {
### take simulated critical values from package DoE.base, if available
crit <- ME.Lenth(factor.effects,alpha=alpha)$ME
if (!code)
faclab <- list(idx = which(crit<=abs(factor.effects)),
lab = names(factor.effects)[which(crit<=abs(factor.effects))])
plotmain <- paste(plotmain, ", ", "alpha=", alpha, sep="")
if (half) {
n <- length(factor.effects)
## qnorm(0.5 + ppoints(n, a=1/2)/2) in halfnormal
tn <- list(x = qnorm(0.5 + ppoints(n, a=1/2)/2)[rank(abs(factor.effects))],
y = abs(factor.effects))
xlab <- "half-normal scores"
ylab <- "absolute effects"
plotmain <- paste("Half", plotmain)
else {
tn <- qqnorm(factor.effects, plot = FALSE)
xlab <- "normal scores"
ylab <- "effects"
names(tn$x) <- names(factor.effects) ## moved here
names(tn$y) <- names(factor.effects) ## added
if (datax) {
tmp <- tn$x
tn$x <- tn$y
tn$y <- tmp
tmp <- xlab
xlab <- ylab
ylab <- tmp
labx <- names(factor.effects)
laby <- 1:length(tn$y)
points.labels <- names(factor.effects)
if (is.null(main)) main <- plotmain
plot.default(tn, xlim = c(min(tn$x), max(tn$x) + diff(range(tn$x))/5),
pch = pch, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex=cex.pch, cex.lab = cex.lab,
mgp=c(2,1,0), main = main, ...)
## at the top below main title, mainly for warning in case of split-plot
if (!is.null(subtitle)) mtext(subtitle, cex=cex.lab) ## added cex.lab July 2019
if (is.null(faclab)) {
if (!code) {
effect.code <- labx
else {
max.order <- max(terms.ord)
no.factors <- length(terms.ord[terms.ord == 1])
factor.label <- attr(fit$terms, "term.labels")[terms.ord == 1]
faclet <- c(LETTERS[-9],letters[-9])
factor.code <- faclet[1:no.factors]
if (block)
factor.code <- c("BK", factor.code)
texto <- paste(factor.code[1], "=", factor.label[1])
for (i in 2:no.factors) {
texto <- paste(texto, ", ", factor.code[i], "=",
mtext(side = 1, line = 3.5, texto, cex = cex.legend)
get.sep <- function(string, max.order) {
k <- max.order - 1
get.sep <- rep(0, k)
j <- 1
for (i in 2:(nchar(string)-1)) {
if (substring(string, i, i) == ":") {
get.sep[j] <- i
if (j == k)
j <- j + 1
labeling <- function(string, get.sep, max.order,
factor.code, factor.label) {
labeling <- ""
sep <- get.sep(string, max.order)
sep <- sep[sep > 0]
n <- length(sep) + 1
if (n > 1) {
sep <- c(0, sep, nchar(string) + 1)
for (i in 1:n) {
labeling <- paste(labeling, sep = "", factor.code[factor.label ==
substring(string, sep[i] + 1, sep[i + 1] -
else labeling <- paste(labeling, sep = "", factor.code[factor.label ==
effect.code <- rep("", length(terms.ord))
for (i in 1:length(terms.ord)) {
effect.code[i] <- labeling(names(tn$x)[i], get.sep,
max.order, factor.code, factor.label)
## changed text position to be farther from the points July 2019
if (autolab){
faclab <- list(idx = which(crit<=abs(factor.effects)),
lab = effect.code[which(crit<=abs(factor.effects))])
if (length(faclab$idx) > 0)
text([faclab$idx,], paste(" ", faclab$lab), cex = cex.fac, pos = 4,
xpd = NA)
text(tn, paste(" ", effect.code), cex = cex.fac, pos=4,
xpd = NA)
else {
if (!is.list(faclab))
stop("* Argument 'faclab' has to be NULL or a list with idx and lab objects")
if (length(faclab$lab)>0) text(tn$x[faclab$idx], tn$y[faclab$idx], labels = faclab$lab,
cex = cex.fac, pos=4)
if (!length(pch)==length(factor.effects)) pchs <- rep(pch, length(factor.effects))
if (code) aus <- cbind(, no = 1:length(tn$x), effect=names(factor.effects), coded=effect.code, pchs=pch)
else aus <- cbind(, no = 1:length(tn$x), effect=names(factor.effects), pchs=pch)
aus$effect <- as.character(aus$effect)
#removed August 15 2013
#halfnormal <- function(effects, labs, codes=labs, alpha=0.05, xlab="absolute effects", ...){
# effects <- abs(effects)
# labord <- order(effects)
# effects <- sort(effects)
# if (!identical(codes, labs)){
# haupteff <- setdiff(1:length(labs), grep(":", labs))
# legende <- paste(codes[haupteff], labs[haupteff], sep="=",collapse=", ")
# }
# else legende <- ""
# n <- length(effects)
# ui <- qnorm(0.5 + (0:(n-1)+0.5)/(2*n)) ## "+0.5" in parentheses added Aug 14 2013
# codes <- paste(rep(" ",n), codes, sep="")
# crit <- LenthPlot(effects,alpha=alpha,plt=FALSE)["ME"]
# nlab <- sum(effects>crit)
# plot(effects, ui, ylab = "Half-normal scores", xlab = xlab, sub=legende, ...)
# if (nlab < n)
# points(effects[1:(n - nlab)],ui[1:(n - nlab)])
# text(effects[(n - nlab + 1):n], ui[(n - nlab + 1):n], codes[labord][(n -
# nlab + 1):n], adj=0, xpd=NA)
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