
Defines functions gaussbMF gaussMF trapMF triMF addRule evalMF removeVar removeMF defuzz writeFIS showFIS readFIS plotMF evalFIS meshgrid gensurf mfValidate nameValidate tippertest

Documented in addRule defuzz evalFIS evalMF gaussbMF gaussMF gensurf meshgrid mfValidate nameValidate plotMF readFIS removeMF removeVar showFIS tippertest trapMF triMF writeFIS


# Craig Knott
# Luke Hovell
# Nathan Karimian

# Based on the work started by Jonathan Garibaldi and the IMA group at the 
# University of Nottingham http://www.ima.ac.uk

# Membership functions

gaussbMF <- function(mfName, x, mfParams) {
# Inputs	: mfName(string) representing the name of the membership function, 
#			x (numeric vector) which should be the same as the variable it will be added to (if at all), and 
#			mfParams (numeric vector) representing the left_sigma, left_mean, right_sigma, right_mean, and height.
# Outputs	: Numeric vector holding the values after being applied to a guassion curve with the above inputs.

	# Validate user input.
	mfValidate(mfName, mfParams)
	left_sigma	<- mfParams[1]
	left_mean	<- mfParams[2]
	right_sigma	<- mfParams[3]
	right_mean	<- mfParams[4]
	height		<- mfParams[5]
	vec_boolA = (x <= left_mean)
	vec_boolB = (x >= right_mean)
	# Returns a list of the mfName, mfType, mfX, mfParams and mfVals.	
		mfName= 	mfName,
		mfType=	"gaussbmf",
		mfX=		x,
		mfParams=	mfParams,
		mfVals =	(exp(-(x-left_mean)^2/(2*left_sigma^2))*vec_boolA + (1-vec_boolA))*
				(exp(-(x-right_mean)^2/(2*right_sigma^2))*vec_boolB + (1-vec_boolB))			

gaussMF <- function(mfName, x, mfParams)  { 
# Inputs	: mfName (String) representing the membership function name, 
#			x (numeric vector) such as 1:10 representing bounds/range and 
#			mfParams (numeric vector) of values sigma, mean, and height
# Outputs	: Vector of values after being applied to a gaussian function

	# Validate user input.
	mfValidate(mfName, mfParams)
	sigma 	<- mfParams[1]
	mean 	<- mfParams[2]
	height	<- mfParams[3]
	# Returns a list of the mfName, mfType, mfX, mfParams and mfVals.
		mfName=	mfName,
		mfType=	"gaussmf",
		mfX= 		x,
		mfParams=	mfParams,
		mfVals=	(height * exp(-(((x - mean)^2)/(2*(sigma^2)))))

trapMF <- function(mfName, x, mfParams) {
# Inputs	: mfName (String) representing membership function name, 
#			x (numeric vector) such as 1:10 representing bounds/range and 
#			mfParams (numeric vector) of values left_foot, left_shoulder, right_shoulder, right_foot and height
# Outputs	: Numeric vector of values after being applied to a trapezoidal function
	# Validate user input.
	mfValidate(mfName, mfParams)
	left_foot		<- mfParams[1]
	left_shoulder		<- mfParams[2]
	right_shoulder	<- mfParams[3]
	right_foot		<- mfParams[4]
	height			<- mfParams[5]
	y = pmax(pmin((x-left_foot)/(left_shoulder-left_foot), 
		(right_foot-x)/(right_foot-right_shoulder)),0) * height

	y[is.na(y)]= 1; 
	# Returns a list of the mfName, mfType, mfX, mfParams and mfVals.
		mfName=	mfName,
		mfType= 	"trapmf",
		mfX= 		x,
		mfParams= 	mfParams,
		mfVals= 	y

triMF <- function(mfName, x, mfParams) {
# Inputs	: mfName (String) representing membership function name, 
#			x (numeric vector) such as 1:10 representing the bounds/range,
#			mfParams (numeric vector) representing the left, mean, right and height values. 
# Outputs	: Vector of values after being applied to a triangular function
	# Validate user input.
	mfValidate(mfName, mfParams)
	left		<- mfParams[1]
	mean		<- mfParams[2]
	right		<- mfParams[3]
	height		<- mfParams[4]

	y= pmax(pmin( (x-left)/(mean-left), (right-x)/(right-mean) ), 0) * height
	y[is.na(y)]= 1; 
	# Returns a list of the mfName, mfType, mfX, mfParams and mfVals.
		mfName= 	mfName,
		mfType= 	"trimf",
		mfX= 		x,
		mfParams= 	mfParams,
		mfVals= 	y

# Fuzzy Inference System functions

newFIS <- function (	FISName, 
			FISType= 	"mamdani", 
			version= 	"1.0",
			andMethod= 	"min", 
			orMethod= 	"max", 
			impMethod= 	"min", 
			aggMethod= 	"max", 
			defuzzMethod= "centroid") {
# Inputs	: Strings FISName, FISType, andMethod, orMethod, impMethod, aggMethod and defuzzMethod
# Outputs	: Creation of a FIS

	# Validate FIS name input
	# Returns a FIS
	newFIS <- list(
		name = FISName, 
		type = FISType, 
		version = version,
		andMethod = andMethod, 
		orMethod = orMethod, 
		impMethod = impMethod, 
		aggMethod = aggMethod, 
		defuzzMethod = defuzzMethod, 
		inputList = NULL, 
		outputList = NULL, 
		ruleList = NULL)

addMF <- function (FIS, varType, varIndex, mf) {
# Inputs	: FIS (FIS) representing the FIS to have the membership function added to, 
#			varType (string) which can be either "input" or "output", 
#			varIndex (numeric integer) representing the index of the varType to be added to, and 
#			mf(mf) which is the membership function to be added.
# Outputs	: A FIS with the input membership function added to the appropriate variable.
	# The following block affects input variables.
	if(varType == "input") {
		if(is.null(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[1]) ) {
		} else {
			for(i in 1:length(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList)) {
				if(mf$mfName == FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[[i]]$mfName) {
					stop("Membership functions should have a unique name within their variable\n")
		if(varIndex <= length(FIS$inputList)) {
			# If there is no previous membership function created on the input variable,
			# then store this at index 1.
			if(is.null(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[1])) {
				FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[1] = list(mf)
			# Otherwise, append this membership function to the end of the list 
			# of membership functions for this input variable.
			} else {
				FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList = append(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList, list(mf))
	# The following block affects output variables.
	} else if(varType == "output") {
		if(is.null(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[1]) ) {
		} else {
			for(i in 1:length(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList)) {
				if(mf$mfName == FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[[i]]$mfName) {
					stop("Membership functions should have a unique name within their variable\n")
		if(varIndex <= length(FIS$outputList)) {
			# If there is no previous membership function created on the output variable,
			# then store this at index 1.
			if(is.null(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[1])) {
				FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[1] = list(mf)
			# Otherwise, append this membership function to the end of the list 
			# of membership functions for this input variable.
			} else {
				FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList = append(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList, list(mf))
	# If the user has not specified the varType then output this message.
	} else {
		stop("You can enter only 'input' or 'output'\n")

addVar <- function (FIS, varType, varName, varBounds) {
# Inputs	: FIS (FIS) representing the FIS to have the variable added to, 
#			varType (String) which can be either "input" or "output", 
#			varName (String) representing the name of the variable, and 
#			varBounds (numeric vector) representing the boundaries of the variable (e.g. 1:10).
# Outputs	: A FIS with the variable added to it.
	# Validate FIS name input
	# This block of code affects the variable type 'input'.
	if(varType == "input") {
		# Creates a list of inputs to be added.
		inputsToBeAdded <- list(inputName=varName, inputBounds=varBounds, membershipFunctionList= NULL)
		# If there are no input variables created for this FIS, then place this variable at index 1.
		if(is.null(FIS$inputList[1])) {
			FIS$inputList[1] <- list(inputsToBeAdded)
		# Otherwise append this variable to the end of the input variable list.
		} else {
			FIS$inputList <- append(FIS$inputList, list(inputsToBeAdded))
	# This block of code affects the variable type 'output'.
	} else if (varType=="output") { 
		# Creates a list of outputs to be added.
		outputsToBeAdded <- list(outputName=varName, outputBounds=varBounds, membershipFunctionList = NULL)
		# If there are no output variables created for this FIS, then place this variable at index 1.
		if(is.null(FIS$outputList[1])) {
			FIS$outputList[1] <- list(outputsToBeAdded)
		# Otherwise append this variable to the end of the output variable list.
		} else {
			FIS$outputList <- append(FIS$outputList, list(outputsToBeAdded))	
	# If the user has not specified the varType then output this message.
	} else {
		stop("You can only enter 'input' or 'output'\n")

addRule <- function(FIS, inputRule) {
# Inputs 	: A FIS (FIS), and a numeric vector of length m+n+2 where m represents the amount of inputs,
#			n represents the amount of outputs, and 2 represents the weight and connective.
# Outputs	: A FIS with the rule added
	# Takes a vector (inputRule) and binds this to a matrix (ruleList)
	FIS$ruleList <- rbind(FIS$ruleList, rbind(inputRule))
	rownames(FIS$ruleList) <- NULL


evalMF <- function(x, mfParams, mfType) {
# Inputs	: x(numeric vector) which represents the variable bounds/range, 
#			mfParams (numeric vector) which contains the given parameters of the membership function to be evaluated,
#			mfType (String) which contains the type of membership function (i.e. gaussMF, gaussbMF etc.), 
#			mfName (String) representing the name for the membership function
# Outputs	: Membership function with evaluated values

	# Depending on the type of the Membership Function, create the appropriate Membership Function with the values entered
		"gaussmf" = 	(gaussMF("mfName", x, mfParams))$mfVals,
		"gaussbmf"= 	(gaussbMF("mfName", x, mfParams))$mfVals,
		"trapmf"= 	(trapMF("mfName", x, mfParams))$mfVals,
		"trimf"= 	(triMF("mfName", x, mfParams))$mfVals)	

removeVar <- function(FIS, varType, varIndex) {
# Inputs	: FIS(FIS) representing the FIS structure in question, 
#			varType(String) representing the variable type ('input' or 'output'), 
#			varIndex (Integer) representing the idnex value of the variable to be removed.
# Outputs	: A FIS with the variable removed.
	# This block of code affects the input variables
	if(varType == "input") {
		# Sets the variable at the specified index to NULL which removes all the data from the FIS
		FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]= NULL
		# If the input list is already empty, then keep it that way.
		if(length(FIS$inputList) == 0) {
			FIS$inputList= NULL
	# This block of code affects the output variables
	} else if (varType == "output") {
		# Sets the variable at the specified index to NULL which removes all the data from the FIS	
		FIS$outputList[[varIndex]] <- NULL
		# If the output list is already empty, then keep it that way.
		if(length(FIS$outputList) == 0) {
			FIS$outputList= NULL
	# If the user has not specified the varType then output this message.
	} else {
		stop("Must be 'input' or 'output' only \n")


removeMF <- function(FIS, varType, varIndex, mfIndex) {
# Inputs	: FIS(FIS) representing the FIS structure in question, 
#			varType(String) representing the variable type ('input' or 'output'), 
#			varIndex (Integer) representing the idnex value of the variable, and 
#			mfIndex (Integer) representing the index value of the membership function to be removed.
# Outputs	: A FIS with the membership function removed.
	# This block of code affects the input variables
	if(varType == "input") {
		# Sets the membership function at the specified index to NULL which removes all the data from the FIS
		FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[[mfIndex]]= NULL
		# If the input list is already empty, then keep it that way.
		if(length(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList) == 0) {
			FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList= NULL
	# This block of code affects the input variables
	} else if(varType == "output") {
	# Sets the membership function at the specified index to NULL which removes all the data from the FIS
		FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[[mfIndex]]= NULL
		# If the output list is already empty, then keep it that way.
		if(length(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList) == 0) {
			FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList= NULL
	# If the user has not specified the varType then output this message.
	} else {
		stop("Must be 'input' or 'output' only \n")


# Defuzzification function

defuzz <- function(x, vals, type) {
# Inputs	: x (vector) representing the processed values of the membership function
#			vals (vector) representing the range of values of the membership function
#			type (String) representing the type of defuzzification to be applied
# Outputs	: Defuzzified crisp value for the membership function given

	# Depending on the defuzzification method type, execute appropriately to get the crisp value.
	if(type == "centroid") {
		sum(vals * x) / sum(vals)
	} else if(type == "bisector") {
		tmp = 0
		for(i in 1:length(x)) {
			tmp = tmp + vals[i]
			if(tmp > sum(vals)/2) {
	} else if(type == "mom") {
		mean(x[which(vals == max(vals))])
	} else if(type == "som") {
		x[min(which(vals == max(vals)))]
	} else if(type == "lom") {
	} else {
		# If the user has not specified a valid type then output this message.
		stop("Unsupported defuzzification function type\n")

# File IO functions

writeFIS <- function(FIS, fileName) {
#Inputs	: FIS (FIS) of the FIS to be written to file, 
#			fileName(String) is an absolute path to the file to be written 
#			(or if non-existing, created and written to)
#Outputs	: A file at the specified directory
	# Validate FIS name input
	# If the file name does not end in .fis then append .fis to the end
	if(grepl("^.*?\\.fis", fileName) == FALSE) {
		fileName = paste(fileName, ".fis", sep="")
	inputCount =	length(FIS$inputList)
	outputCount=	length(FIS$outputList)
	ruleCount = 	length(FIS$ruleList[,1])
	# Setting basic FIS information, and setting the buffer -txt- to NULL.
	txt=	  NULL
	txt[1]=  paste("[System]",sep="\n")
	txt[2]=  paste("Name='",FIS$name,"'",sep="")
	txt[3]=  paste("Type='",FIS$type,"'",sep="")
	txt[4]=  paste("Version=",FIS$version,sep="")
	txt[5]=  paste("NumInputs=",inputCount,sep="")
	txt[6]=  paste("NumOutputs=",outputCount,sep="")
	txt[7]=  paste("NumRules=",ruleCount,sep="")
	txt[8]=  paste("AndMethod='",FIS$andMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[9]=  paste("OrMethod='",FIS$orMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[10]= paste("ImpMethod='",FIS$impMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[11]= paste("AggMethod='",FIS$aggMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[12]= paste("DefuzzMethod='",FIS$defuzzMethod,"'",sep="")
	txtc = length(txt)+1
	txt[txtc] = paste("",sep="")
	txtc = length(txt)+1
	# If the input list is not null, paste the input variable's data into the buffer.
		for(i in 1:inputCount) {
			mfCount =	length(FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList)
			txt[txtc]=	paste("[Input",i,"]", sep="")

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Name='",FIS$inputList[[i]]$inputName,"'", sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Range=[",FIS$inputList[[i]]$inputBounds[[1]]," ",

			txt[txtc]=	paste("NumMFs=",mfCount, sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1
			# The following block of code will -assuming that membership functions exist- paste 
			# every membership function of an input variable into the buffer.
				for(j in 1:mfCount) {			
					segment0= paste("MF",j,"=",sep="")
					segment1= paste("'",FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfName,"'", sep="")
					segment2= paste("'",FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfType,"'", sep="")
					segment3= paste(FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfParams, sep="", collapse=" ")
					txt[txtc]= paste(segment0,segment1, ":", segment2, ",[", segment3, "]", sep="", collapse=" ")
	# If the output list is not null, paste the output variable's data into the buffer.
		for(i in 1:outputCount) {
			mfCount =	length(FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList)
			txt[txtc]=	paste("[Output",i,"]", sep="")

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Name='",FIS$outputList[[i]]$outputName,"'", sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Range=[",FIS$outputList[[i]]$outputBounds[[1]]," ",

			txt[txtc]=	paste("NumMFs=",mfCount, sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1
			# The following block of code will -assuming that membership functions exist- paste 
			# every membership function of an output variable into the buffer.
				for(j in 1:mfCount) {			
					segment0= paste("MF",j,"=",sep="")
					segment1= paste("'",FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfName,"'", sep="")
					segment2= paste("'",FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfType,"'", sep="")
					segment3= paste(FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfParams, sep="", collapse=" ")
					txt[txtc]= paste(segment0, segment1, ":", segment2, ",[", segment3, "]", sep="", collapse=" ")
	txt[txtc]=	paste("[Rules]")
	# If rules do exist, then paste every rule into the buffer.
	if(!is.null(FIS$ruleList)) {
		for(i in 1:ruleCount) {
			segment1= paste(FIS$ruleList[i,1:inputCount], collapse=" ")
			segment2= paste(FIS$ruleList[i,(inputCount+1):(inputCount+outputCount)],collapse=" ")
			segment3= paste(" (",FIS$ruleList[i,inputCount+outputCount+1], ") : ",FIS$ruleList[i,inputCount+outputCount+2], sep="")
			txt[txtc]= paste(segment1,", ",segment2,segment3,sep="")
	# If the file does not already exist, output a message saying it will create a new one.
	if(!file.exists(fileName)) {
		cat("The specified file does not exist, creating a new file\n")
	# Write the buffer to file.
	fileConn= file(fileName)
	writeLines(txt, fileConn)

showFIS <- function(FIS) {
# Inputs	: FIS (FIS) which will be shown via console (as in, all of its data)
# Outputs	: Text to the console in an ordered format

	inputCount =	length(FIS$inputList)
	outputCount=	length(FIS$outputList)
	ruleCount = 	length(FIS$ruleList[,1])

	# Setting basic FIS information, and setting the buffer -txt- to NULL.
	txt=	  NULL
	txt[1]=  paste("[System]",sep="\n")
	txt[2]=  paste("Name='",FIS$name,"'",sep="")
	txt[3]=  paste("Type='",FIS$type,"'",sep="")
	txt[4]=  paste("Version=",FIS$version,sep="")
	txt[5]=  paste("NumInputs=",inputCount,sep="")
	txt[6]=  paste("NumOutputs=",outputCount,sep="")
	txt[7]=  paste("NumRules=",ruleCount,sep="")
	txt[8]=  paste("AndMethod='",FIS$andMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[9]=  paste("OrMethod='",FIS$orMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[10]= paste("ImpMethod='",FIS$impMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[11]= paste("AggMethod='",FIS$aggMethod,"'",sep="")
	txt[12]= paste("DefuzzMethod='",FIS$defuzzMethod,"'",sep="")
	txtc = length(txt)+1
	txt[txtc] = paste("",sep="")
	txtc = length(txt)+1
	# If the input list is not null, paste the input variable's data into the buffer.
		for(i in 1:inputCount) {
			mfCount =	length(FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList)
			txt[txtc]=	paste("[Input",i,"]", sep="")

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Name='",FIS$inputList[[i]]$inputName,"'", sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Range=[",FIS$inputList[[i]]$inputBounds[[1]],":",

			txt[txtc]=	paste("NumMFs=",mfCount, sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1
			# The following block of code will -assuming that membership functions exist- paste 
			# every membership function of an input variable into the buffer.
				for(j in 1:mfCount) {			
					segment0= paste("MF",j,"=",sep="")
					segment1= paste("'",FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfName,"'", sep="")
					segment2= paste("'",FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfType,"'", sep="")
					segment3= paste(FIS$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfParams, sep="", collapse=" ")
					txt[txtc]= paste(segment0,segment1, ":", segment2, ",[", segment3, "]", sep="", collapse=" ")
	# If the output list is not null, paste the input variable's data into the buffer.
		for(i in 1:outputCount) {
			mfCount =	length(FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList)
			txt[txtc]=	paste("[Output",i,"]", sep="")

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Name='",FIS$outputList[[i]]$outputName,"'", sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1

			txt[txtc]=	paste("Range=[",FIS$outputList[[i]]$outputBounds[[1]],":",

			txt[txtc]=	paste("NumMFs=",mfCount, sep="")
			txtc= txtc+1
			# The following block of code will -assuming that membership functions exist- paste 
			# every membership function of an output variable into the buffer.
				for(j in 1:mfCount) {			
					segment0= paste("MF",j,"=",sep="")
					segment1= paste("'",FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfName,"'", sep="")
					segment2= paste("'",FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfType,"'", sep="")
					segment3= paste(FIS$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]$mfParams, sep="", collapse=" ")
					txt[txtc]= paste(segment0, segment1, ":", segment2, ",[", segment3, "]", sep="", collapse=" ")
	# If rules do exist, then paste every rule into the buffer.
	if(!is.null(FIS$ruleList)) {
		for(i in 1:ruleCount) {
			segment1= paste(FIS$ruleList[i,1:inputCount], collapse=" ")
			segment2= paste(FIS$ruleList[i,(inputCount+1):(inputCount+outputCount)],collapse=" ")
			segment3= paste(" (",FIS$ruleList[i,inputCount+outputCount+1], ") : ",FIS$ruleList[i,inputCount+outputCount+2], sep="")
			txt[txtc]= paste(segment1,", ",segment2,segment3,sep="")
			txt[txtc]= gsub("\\-","\\!",txt[txtc])

readFIS <- function(fileName) {
#Inputs	: fileName (string) which is an absolute path to the file 
#			(with a .fis extension) to be read into memory
#Outputs	: a FIS structure

	# Validate FIS name input
	# If the file name does not end in .fis then append .fis to the end
	if(grepl("^.*?\\.fis", fileName) == FALSE) {
		fileName = paste(fileName, ".fis", sep="")
	# Read in all the lines from the given file
	txt= readLines(fileName)
	# See if 'lc' matches '[System]', otherwise stop.
	lc= charmatch("[System]", txt)
	if (is.na(lc) || lc == 0){
		stop('No \'[System Variables]\' line in file', fileName)
	# Format the basic FIS information structure.
	for(i in 1:12) {
		txt[i]= gsub("^.*?=('| |)","", txt[i])
		txt[i]= gsub("'","", txt[i])
	# Parse the appropriate variable count into input count, output count, and rule count.
	inputCount = eval(parse(text=txt[5]))
	outputCount= eval(parse(text=txt[6]))
	ruleCount=	eval(parse(text=txt[7]))
	# Creates placeholder FIS for the coming values.
	FIS <- newFIS("temp")	
	# Overwrite the values in the placeholder FIS with the values from the file.
	FIS$name=	 	txt[2]
	FIS$type=	 	txt[3]
	FIS$version=	 	eval(parse(text=txt[4]))
	FIS$andMethod= 	txt[8]
	FIS$orMethod=	 	txt[9]
	FIS$impMethod= 	txt[10]
	FIS$aggMethod= 	txt[11]
	FIS$defuzzMethod=	txt[12]
	# The following line counts how many input variables exist from the file by pattern matching.
	inputLines= grep("\\[Input.\\]", txt)
	# Checks to see if any inputs exist, if not, ignore code block.
	if(length(inputLines > 0)) {
		# The following loop obtains each variable's name and range.
		for(i in 1:length(inputLines)) {
			txtc = inputLines[[i]]
			mfCount = eval(parse(text=txt[txtc+3]))
			txtc= txtc+1
			varHolder= list()
			# The following loop formats the lines appropriately (to meet the set standard for our .fis files).
			for(j in 1:2) {
				txt[txtc]= gsub("\\[|\\]","", gsub("'", "", gsub("^.*?=('|)","",txt[txtc])))
				txt[txtc]= gsub(" ", ":", txt[txtc])
				varHolder= append(varHolder,txt[txtc])
				txtc= txtc+1
			# Adds the variable name and range to the FIS structure currently stored in memory.
			FIS= addVar(FIS, "input", varHolder[[1]], eval(parse(text=varHolder[[2]])))
			# The following block reads all the data from each of the variable's membership function from the file,
			# and stores the data in relevant variables for a later addition to the FIS structure in memory which 
			# occurs on every iteration.
			if(mfCount>0) {
				mfHolder= list(mfName="", mfType="", mfParams=c())
				for(j in 1:mfCount) {
					mfVal = txt[txtc]
					mfVal = gsub("'.*$","", gsub("^.*?'","", mfVal))
					mfHolder$mfName[[j]] = mfVal
					mfVal = txt[txtc]
					mfVal = gsub("'.*$","",gsub("^.*:'","",mfVal))
					mfHolder$mfType[[j]] = mfVal
					mfVal = txt[txtc]
					mfVal = gsub("^.*\\[","",gsub("\\]$","",mfVal))
					mfVal = strsplit(mfVal, " ")
					vectorStore= c()
					for(k in 1:length(mfVal[[1]])) {
						vectorStore = append(vectorStore, mfVal[[1]][k])
					vectorStore= as.numeric(vectorStore)
					mfHolder$mfParams[[j]] = vectorStore
					if(mfHolder$mfType[[j]] == "gaussmf") {
						returnMF = 	gaussMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					} else if(mfHolder$mfType[[j]] == "gaussbmf") {
						returnMF = 	gaussbMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					} else if(mfHolder$mfType[[j]] == "trimf") {
						returnMF = 	triMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					} else {
						returnMF = 	trapMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					# Adds the membership function to the input variable.
					FIS = addMF(FIS, "input", i, returnMF)
	# The following line counts how many output variables exist from the file by pattern matching.
	outputLines= grep("\\[Output.\\]", txt)
	# Checks to see if any outputs exist, if not, ignore code block.
	if(length(outputLines > 0)) {
		# The following loop obtains each variable's name and range.
		for(i in 1:length(outputLines)) {
			txtc = outputLines[[i]]
			mfCount = eval(parse(text=txt[txtc+3]))
			txtc= txtc+1
			# The following loop formats the lines appropriately (to meet the set standard for our .fis files).
			varHolder= list()
			# Adds the variable name and range to the FIS structure currently stored in memory.
			for(j in 1:2) {
				txt[txtc]= gsub("\\[|\\]","", gsub("'", "", gsub("^.*?=('|)","",txt[txtc])))
				txt[txtc]= gsub(" ", ":", txt[txtc])
				varHolder= append(varHolder,txt[txtc])
				txtc= txtc+1
			# Adds the output variable to the FIS structure in memory.
			FIS= addVar(FIS, "output", varHolder[[1]], eval(parse(text=varHolder[[2]])))
			# The following block reads all the data from each of the variable's membership function from the file,
			# and stores the data in relevant variables for a later addition to the FIS structure in memory which 
			# occurs on every iteration.
			if(mfCount>0) {
				mfHolder= list(mfName="", mfType="", mfParams=c())
				for(j in 1:mfCount) {
					mfVal = txt[txtc]
					mfVal = gsub("'.*$","", gsub("^.*?'","", mfVal))
					mfHolder$mfName[[j]] = mfVal
					mfVal = txt[txtc]
					mfVal = gsub("'.*$","",gsub("^.*:'","",mfVal))
					mfHolder$mfType[[j]] = mfVal
					mfVal = txt[txtc]
					mfVal = gsub("^.*\\[","",gsub("\\]$","",mfVal))
					mfVal = strsplit(mfVal, " ")
					#mfVal = as.numeric(mfVal)
					vectorStore= c()
					for(k in 1:length(mfVal[[1]])) {
						vectorStore = append(vectorStore, mfVal[[1]][k])
					vectorStore= as.numeric(vectorStore)
					mfHolder$mfParams[[j]] = vectorStore
					if(mfHolder$mfType[[j]] == "gaussmf") {
						returnMF = 	gaussMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					} else if(mfHolder$mfType[[j]] == "gaussbmf") {
						returnMF = 	gaussbMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					} else if(mfHolder$mfType[[j]] == "trimf") {
						returnMF = 	triMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					} else {
						returnMF = 	trapMF(mfHolder$mfName[[j]], 
					# Adds the membership function to the input variable.
					FIS = addMF(FIS, "output", i, returnMF)
	# Sets the buffer line counter to the rules section.
	txtc= grep("\\[Rules\\]", txt)
	txtc= txtc+1
	# If rules exist, format and add to the FIS structure rule matrix. If no rules exist, ignore
	# the following code block.
	if(ruleCount > 0) {
		for(i in 1:ruleCount) {
			iVals = txt[txtc]
			iVals = gsub(",.*$", "", iVals)
			iVals = strsplit(iVals, " ")
			iValVector = c()
			for(j in 1:length(iVals[[1]])) {
				iValVector = append(iValVector, as.numeric(iVals[[1]][j]))
			oVals = txt[txtc]		
			oVals = gsub(".$","",gsub("\\(.*$","",gsub("^.*,.","",oVals)))
			oVals = strsplit(oVals, " ")
			oValVector = c()
			for(j in 1:length(oVals[[1]])) {
				oValVector = append(oValVector, as.numeric(oVals[[1]][j]))
			wVal = txt[txtc]
			wVal = gsub(".*\\(", "", gsub("\\).*$","", wVal))
			wVal = as.numeric(gsub(" ","",wVal))
			fVal = txt[txtc]
			fVal = gsub("^.*:", "", fVal)
			fVal = as.numeric(gsub(" ","", fVal))
			f = c ()
			f = append(f, iValVector)
			f = append(f, oValVector)
			f = append(f, wVal)
			f = append(f, fVal)
			FIS = addRule(FIS, f)
			txtc= txtc + 1	
	# Return the FIS with all the values from the file.

# Plotting functions

plotMF <- function(FIS, varType, varIndex) {
#Inputs	: FIS (FIS) representing a FIS which will be used, 
#			varType(String) which can be either "input" or "output" and 
#			varIndex (integer) representing the variable in the input/output whose 
#			membership functions will be plotted to a graph.
#Outputs	: A graphic containing the derived input data in graph format
	# Require the library, 'splines' for graphical chart creation.
	# Set the plot character to nothing so it will not show on the graph.
	pchVal= ""
	# Set the y axis height.
	ylimVal= c(0,1.025)
	# Create a new plot.
	# The following block corresponds to whether the variable type is 'input'.
	if(varType == "input") {
		# The following block plots all the membership functions of a specified input variable onto a graph
		plot.window(xlim=c(	FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$inputBounds[1],FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$inputBounds[length(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$inputBounds)]), ylim=ylimVal)
		numMFs= length(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList)
		for(i in 1:numMFs) {
			colorRGB= runif(3,20,160)
			# mfList is a convenience variable in that it saves a lot of extra code to access the same data.
			mfList= FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[[i]]
			if(mfList$mfType == 'gaussmf' || mfList$mfType == 'gaussbmf') {
				curvePredict= predict(interpSpline(mfList$mfX, mfList$mfVals))
				lines(curvePredict, col=colorRGB, type="o", xlim=c(1,length(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$inputBounds)), ylim=c(0,1.1), ann=FALSE, pch=pchVal)
			} else {
				lines(mfList$mfX, mfList$mfVals, type="o", col=colorRGB, xlim=c(0,length(FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$inputBounds)), ylim=c(0,1.1), ann=FALSE, pch=pchVal)
		title(paste("Membership functions from input variable '",FIS$inputList[[varIndex]]$inputName,"'", sep=""))
	} else if(varType == "output") {
		# The following block plots all the membership functions of a specified output variable onto a graph
		plot.window(xlim=c(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$outputBounds[1],FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$outputBounds[length(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$outputBounds)]), ylim=ylimVal)
		numMFs= length(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList)
		for(i in 1:numMFs) {
			colorRGB= runif(3,20,160)
			# mfList is a convenience variable in that it saves a lot of extra code to access the same data.
			mfList= FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$membershipFunctionList[[i]]
			if(mfList$mfType == 'gaussmf' || mfList$mfType == 'gaussbmf') {
				curvePredict= predict(interpSpline(mfList$mfX, mfList$mfVals))
				lines(curvePredict, col=colorRGB, type="o", xlim=c(0,length(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$outputBounds)), ylim=c(0,1.1), ann=FALSE, pch=pchVal)
			} else {
				lines(mfList$mfX, mfList$mfVals, type="o", col=colorRGB, xlim=c(0,length(FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$outputBounds)), ylim=c(0,1.1), ann=FALSE, pch=pchVal)
		title(paste("Membership functions from output variable '",FIS$outputList[[varIndex]]$outputName,"'", sep=""))
	} else {
		stop("Must be either 'input' or 'output'\n")
	# Plot axes, axex title.
	title(ylab="Degree of membership")

# FIS Evaluation Function

evalFIS <- function(inputStack, fis, numPoints=101) {
#Inputs	: Input stack, FIS object, and an integer number of points to plot against
#Outputs	: A evaluated and defuzzified crisp value for a FIS
	#Set number of points, default = 101
	cat("Setting number of points to ", numPoints, "\n", sep="")
	#Initialize FIS variables
	fisType = fis$type 													
	numInputs = length(fis$inputList) 									
	numOutputs = length(fis$outputList) 								
	inputMFCount = NULL 												
	outputMFCount = NULL 												
	numRules = nrow(fis$ruleList) 										
	ruleInputs = fis$ruleList[,1:length(fis$inputList)] 				
	andOr = fis$ruleList[,numInputs+numOutputs+2] 						
	ruleWeight = fis$ruleList[,numInputs+numOutputs+1]					
	ruleConns = fis$ruleList[, (numInputs+1):(numInputs+numOutputs)] 	

	# Collect number of membership functions in each input variable
	for(i in 1:numInputs) {
		inputMFCount[i] = length(fis$inputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList)

	# Collect number of membership functions in each output variable
	for(i in 1:numOutputs) {
		outputMFCount[i] = length(fis$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList)
	outputRange = matrix(0, numOutputs, 2)
	outputMfMatrix = matrix(0, sum(outputMFCount)+1, numPoints)      		
	outputMfMatrix[1,] = 1
	o_index = 1
	for(i in 1:numOutputs) {
		for(j in 1: outputMFCount[i]){
		# Evaluates each output membership function from each output
			p = fis$outputList[[i]]$membershipFunctionList[[j]]
			o = fis$outputList[[i]]$outputBounds
			outputRange[i,] = c(o[1], o[length(o)])
			outputMfMatrix[o_index+1, ] =
 				evalMF(seq(outputRange[i,1], outputRange[i,2], length=numPoints), 

			o_index = o_index + 1
	o_index = abs(ruleConns)+matrix((0:(numOutputs-1))*numRules+1, 
		numRules, numOutputs, byrow=TRUE)
	o_index[ruleConns==0] = 1
	outputMfVals = outputMfMatrix[t(o_index),]					
	outputMfVals[t(ruleConns) < 0,] = 1 - outputMfVals[t(ruleConns<0)]
	outputMfVals = matrix(t(outputMfVals), numRules, numPoints * numOutputs, byrow=TRUE)
	finalOutputValues = matrix(0, numRules, numPoints * numOutputs)			
	totalOutputValues = matrix(0, numPoints * numOutputs)					

	if (is.vector(inputStack)) {
		inputStack= rbind(inputStack)
	data_n= nrow(inputStack)

	#Assign output stack
	outputStack = matrix(0, data_n, numOutputs)
	for(i in 1:data_n) {

		input = inputStack[i,]
		mfVal = rep(0, sum(inputMFCount))
		v_index = 1

		for(j in 1:(numInputs)) {			
			for(k in 1:inputMFCount[[j]]) {
				mfVal[v_index] = evalMF(input[j], 
				v_index = v_index + 1		
		mfVal = c(0, mfVal)

		#Create rule matrix
		m_index= matrix(1,numRules,1) %*% cumsum(c(0, inputMFCount[1:(numInputs-1)]))+abs(ruleInputs)+1
		inputMfValues= matrix(mfVal[m_index], numRules, numInputs)
		#Assign values of connectives
		inputMfValues[which(((andOr == 1) * (ruleInputs == 0)) == 1)] = 1
		inputMfValues[which(((andOr == 2) * (ruleInputs == 0)) == 1)] = 0

	    	# Deal with inverted rules
   		v_index= which(ruleInputs < 0)
   		inputMfValues[v_index]= 1 - inputMfValues[v_index]
		# Assign weight (firing strength) of rules
		weight = matrix(0, numRules, 1)
		if ( numInputs == 1){
			weight = inputMfValues
		} else {
			andex = which(andOr == 1)
			ordex = which(andOr == 2)
			weight[andex] = apply(rbind(inputMfValues[andex,]), 1, fis$andMethod)
			weight[ordex] = apply(rbind(inputMfValues[ordex,]), 1, fis$orMethod)
		} # end if ( numInputs == 1)

		weight = weight * ruleWeight
		if(fisType == "mamdani") {
			#Convert input stack to matrix if not already
			# Create matrix of weights against number of points defined above
			temp = matrix(weight, nrow(weight), numPoints * numOutputs)

			if( fis$impMethod == 'prod' ){	
				finalOutputValues = temp * outputMfVals
			} else if ( fis$impMethod == 'min' ){
			finalOutputValues = pmin(temp, outputMfVals)
			} else {
				stop("Unsupported implication method\n")

			totalOutputValues = apply(finalOutputValues, 2, fis$aggMethod)

  			# Defuzzify each of the outputs
  			for( j in 1:numOutputs){
				outputStack[i, j] = defuzz(
					seq(outputRange[j,1], outputRange[j,2], length = numPoints),
		} else {
			# Room for expansion in future projects
			stop("Unsupported FIS type\n")
		} # end fisType == "mamdani"
	} # end for(i in 1:data_n)
	#Return the output stack

meshgrid <- function(a,b) {
#Inputs		: a and b, both sets of points
#Outputs	: Union of a and b
	list(x=outer(b*0, a, FUN="+"), y=outer(b, a*0, FUN="+"))


gensurf <- function(fis, ix1=1, ix2=2, ox1=1) {
#Inputs		: A FIS structure
#Outputs	: A 3-D graph with two inputs on the x and y axes, and one ouput on the z
	i1 = fis$inputList[[ix1]]
	i2 = fis$inputList[[ix2]]
	o1 = fis$outputList[[ox1]]

	i1b = i1$inputBounds
	i2b = i2$inputBounds

	i1_min = i1b[1]
	i1_max = i1b[length(i1b)]

	i2_min = i2b[1]
	i2_max = i2b[length(i2b)]
	x_values = seq(i1_min, i1_max, length = 15)
	y_values = seq(i2_min, i2_max, length = 15)
	m_values = meshgrid(x_values, y_values)

	o_values = evalFIS(cbind(c(m_values$x), c(m_values$y)), fis)

	z_values = matrix(o_values[,ox1], 15, 15, byrow=TRUE)

  	h_values = (z_values[-15,-15] + z_values[-1,-15] + z_values[-15,-1] + z_values[-1,-1]) / 4
  	h_values= floor((h_values-min(h_values))/(max(h_values)-min(h_values))*14+.5)+1

 	persp(x_values, y_values, z_values, 
    	xlab=i1$inputName, ylab=i2$inputName, zlab=o1$outputName, 
    	theta=-30, phi=30, col=rainbow(15)[16-h_values], ticktype='detailed')

# Input Validation Functions

mfValidate <- function(mfName, mfParams) {
#Inputs	: mfName (String) representing name of membership function, 
#			mfParams (numeric vector) of the input parameters
#Outputs	: None 
	err_mfParamsNumnerNotMatched = "Incorrect amount for mfParams\n"
	# Checks the call stack to see if a membership function is being
	# called manually or within another function. If the former, then
	# validate user input on the name.
	if(is.null(sys.call(-2))) {
		#errt means error text (for storing error messages)
		errt= NULL
		#errc is the line counter for the error text.
		errc= 1
		if(nchar(mfName) == 0) {
			errt[errc]= "Name cannot be empty"
			errc= errc+1
		if(grepl("\\$|\\[|\\]|\\|", mfName)) {
			errt[errc]= "Illegal characters entered"
			errc= errc+1
		if(typeof(mfName) != "character") {
			errt[errc] = "Must enter a string for the name"
			errc= errc+1
		# The following block checks which function was called, and then 
		# ensures that the mfParams are of the correct length.
		if(as.character(sys.call(-1)[[1]]) == "gaussbMF") {
			if(length(mfParams) != 5) {
				errt[errc]= err_mfParamsNumnerNotMatched
				errc= errc+1
		} else if (as.character(sys.call(-1)[[1]]) == "gaussMF") {
			if(length(mfParams) != 3) {
				errt[errc]= err_mfParamsNumnerNotMatched
				errc= errc+1
		} else if (as.character(sys.call(-1)[[1]]) == "trapMF") {
			if(length(mfParams) != 5) {
				errt[errc]= err_mfParamsNumnerNotMatched
				errc= errc+1
		} else if (as.character(sys.call(-1)[[1]]) == "triMF") {
			if(length(mfParams) != 4) {
				errt[errc]= err_mfParamsNumnerNotMatched
				errc= errc+1
		# If any errors are detected, then stop the execution of the functions
		# on the call stack and alert the user of whatever error occured.
		if(!is.null(errt)) {
			errt[errc]= "\n"

nameValidate <- function(name) {
	# errt means error text (for storing error messages)
	errt= NULL
	# errc is the line counter for the error text.
	errc= 1
	# If the given name from the user is of length 0, output appropriate message.
	if(nchar(name) == 0) {
		errt[errc]= "Name cannot be empty"
		errc= errc+1
	# If the user enters illegal characters in the name, output appropriate message.
	if(grepl("\\$|\\[|\\]|\\|", name)) {
		errt[errc]= "Illegal characters entered"
		errc= errc+1
	# If any errors are detected, then stop the execution of the functions
	# on the call stack and alert the user of whatever error occured.
	if(!is.null(errt)) {
		errt[errc]= "\n"

# Misc. functions

tippertest <- function() {
#Inputs	: N/A
#Outputs	: A FIS structure which should be assigned to a variable
	FIS= newFIS('tippertest')
	FIS= addVar(FIS, "input", "service", 0:10)
	FIS= addVar(FIS, "input", "food", 0:10)
	FIS= addVar(FIS, "output", "tip", 0:30)

	#The following block is going to be input 1's membership functions
	mf1= gaussMF("poor", 0:10, c(1.5, 0, 1))
	mf2= gaussMF("good", 0:10, c(1.5, 5, 1))
	mf3= gaussMF("excellent", 0:10, c(1.5, 10, 1))
	#The following block is going to be input 2's membership functions
	mf4= trapMF("rancid", 0:10, c(0, 0, 1, 3, 1))
	mf5= trapMF("delicious", 0:10, c(7, 9, 10, 10, 1))
	#The following block is going to be output 1's membership functions
	mf6= triMF("cheap", 0:30, c(0, 5, 10, 1))
	mf7= triMF("average", 0:30, c(10, 15, 20, 1))
	mf8= triMF("generous", 0:30, c(20, 25, 30, 1))
	#The following three blocks simply add the membership functions to the relevant variables
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "input", 1, mf1)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "input", 1, mf2)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "input", 1, mf3)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "input", 2, mf4)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "input", 2, mf5)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "output", 1, mf6)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "output", 1, mf7)
	FIS= addMF(FIS, "output", 1, mf8)

	#The following block adds the rules to the fis structure
	FIS= addRule(FIS, c(1,1,1,1,2))
	FIS= addRule(FIS, c(2,0,2,1,1))
	FIS= addRule(FIS, c(3,2,3,1,2))
	#Return the FIS structure

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