
Defines functions header.info

Documented in header.info

#' @name header.info
#' @aliases header.info
#' @title Get header info from GENEA output (.bin) file
#' @description Function to extract relevant header fields and values from a file.
#' @usage header.info(binfile, more=TRUE)
#' @param binfile The file from which to extract the header
#' @param more logical. If TRUE, extract additional data from file useful for calibration and data reading.
#' @details The function extracts useful information from a .bin file, such as information about the GENEA device used to produce the output, and characteristics of the subject who wore the device. The function also accepts data that has been compressed in `gzip', `bzip2' or `xz' formats. See \code{file}.
#' With \code{more} set to TRUE, additional data is extracted, mainly for internal use in \code{read.bin}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with extracted header information, each row a particular header field with its value.
#' If \code{more} is TRUE, an attribute "calibration" is attached to the object, consisting of a list with measurement offsets, sampling frequency estimates, start times and time zones, data position offsets, and if mmap is detected, byte locations and increments for mmap reading.
#' @section Warning
#' @details THis function is specific to header structure in GENEActiv output files. By design, it should be compatible with all firmware and software versions to date (as of version of current release). If order or field names are changed in future .bin files, this function may have to be updated appropriately.
#' The function works by looking for appropriate section headings in the .bin files.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.bin}}
#' @examples
#' fileheader <- header.info(system.file("binfile/TESTfile.bin",
#'                                       package = "GENEAread")[1],
#'                                       more = TRUE)
#' print(fileheader)
#' attr(fileheader, "calibration")
#' @export

header.info <- function(binfile,
                        more = TRUE){
  nobs = 300

  info <- vector("list", 15)
  #    index <- c(2, 20:22, 26:29)
  # Turn warnings off
    tmpd = readLines(binfile, 300)

  # try to find index positions - so will accommodate multiple lines in the notes sections
  # change when new version of binfile is produced.
  ind.subinfo = min(which((tmpd == "Subject Info" )& (1:length(tmpd) >= 37)))
  ind.memstatus = max(which(tmpd == "Memory Status"))
  ind.recdata = (which(tmpd == "Recorded Data"))
  ind.recdata = ind.recdata[ind.recdata > ind.memstatus][1:2]
  ind.calibdata = max(which(tmpd == "Calibration Data"))
  ind.devid = min(which(tmpd == "Device Identity"))
  ind.config = min(which(tmpd == "Configuration Info"))
  ind.trial = min(which(tmpd == "Trial Info"))

  index = c(ind.devid + 1, ind.recdata[1] + 8, ind.config + 2:3, ind.trial + 1:4, ind.subinfo + 1:7, ind.memstatus + 1)

  if (is.na(ind.recdata[1])){
    stop("No data records found in binfile, please check binfile.")

  if (max(index) == Inf){
    stop("Corrupt headers or not Geneactiv file!", call = FALSE)

  # read in header info
  nm <- NULL

  for (i in 1:length(index)) {
    line = strsplit(tmpd[index[i]], split = ":")[[1]]
    el = ""
    if (length(line) > 1){
      el <- paste(line[2:length(line)],collapse=":")
    info[[i]] <- el
    nm[i] <- paste(strsplit(line[1], split = " ")[[1]], collapse = "_")

  info <- as.data.frame(matrix(info), row.names = nm)
  colnames(info) <- "Value"

  Decimal_Separator = "."

  if (length( grep(",", paste(tmpd[ind.memstatus + 8:9], collapse = "")) ) > 0){
    Decimal_Separator = ","

  info = rbind(info,
               Decimal_Separator = Decimal_Separator)

  if (more){


      # grab calibration data etc as well
      calibration = list()
      fc = file(binfile, "rt") # Removing the "rt" as this varies the output. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52850323/scan-function-output-varies

      index = sort(c(ind.config + 4,
                     ind.calibdata + 1:8,
                     ind.memstatus + 1,
                     ind.recdata + 3,
                     ind.recdata[1] + c(2,8))

      tmp <- substring(scan(fc,
                            skip = index[1] - 1,
                            what = "",
                            n = 3,
                            sep = " ",
                            quiet = TRUE)[3],
                            c(1, 3, 6))

      calibration$tzone = ifelse(tmp[1] == "-", -1, 1) * (as.numeric(tmp[3]) + 60* as.numeric(tmp[2])) / 60

      index = diff(index) - 1

      for (sk in index[1:10]){
        calibration = c(calibration,
                                        skip = sk,
                                        what = "",
                                        n = 2,
                                        sep = ":",
                                        quiet = TRUE)[2])

      names(calibration) = c("tzone", "xgain", "xoffset", "ygain", "yoffset", "zgain", "zoffset", "volts", "lux", "npages", "firstpage")

      t1 <- substring(scan(fc,
                           skip = index[11],
                           what = "",
                           quiet = TRUE,
                           nlines = 1,
                           sep = "\n"), 11)

      freq = (scan(fc,
                   skip = index[12],
                   what = "",
                   n = 2,
                   sep = ":",
                   quiet = TRUE)[2])

      if (Decimal_Separator == ","){
        freq = sub(",", ".", freq, fixed = TRUE)

      freq <- as.numeric(freq)
      # stop reading freq from file, calculate from page times instead (if possible)
      t1c <- parse.time(t1, format = "POSIX", tzone = calibration$tzone)
      t1midnight = floor(parse.time(t1, format = "day")) * 60*60*24
      t1 <- parse.time(t1, format = "seconds")
      inc = 1/freq

      calibration = c(calibration,
                      list(freq = freq,
                           t1 = t1,
                           t1c = t1c,
                           inc = inc,
                           t1midnight = t1midnight,
                           headlines = ind.recdata[1]-1)

        if (exists("mmap", mode = "function")){
          # mmap: find start offset and shift
          tmpd = mmap(binfile, char(), prot = mmapFlags("PROT_READ"))
          # did we mmap successfully?
          if (is.mmap(tmpd)){
            tmpd2 = tmpd[1:min(length(tmpd), 20000)]
            tmp = grepRaw("Memory Status", tmpd2, all = T)
            if (length(tmp) > 1){
              tmp = max(tmp)
            # find byte offset between two records
            calibration$pos.rec1 = grepRaw("Recorded Data", tmpd2, offset = tmp)
            calibration$pos.inc = grepRaw("Recorded Data", tmpd2, offset = calibration$pos.rec1+1) - calibration$pos.rec1
            munmap(tmpd) # clean up
            } else {
              warning("MMAP failed! (Not enough address space?)")
              calibration$pos.rec1 = NA
              calibration$pos.inc = NA
            if (length(calibration$pos.inc) == 0){
              warning("MMAP failed! Data corrupt or compressed?")
              calibration$pos.rec1 = NA
              calibration$pos.inc = NA
        attr(info, "calibration") = calibration


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GENEAread documentation built on Nov. 26, 2020, 1:08 a.m.