
Defines functions p_value_ties_default estimate_p_value

# Internal generic GET function for estimating p-value.
#estimate_p_value <- function (x, ...) UseMethod('estimate_p_value')

# FIXME: Do we need to consider NA values at some point in life? Our
# methods should not produce them but if we export this function, they
# should be handled.
# FIXME: How about both two-sided and one-sided?
# FIXME: north_note_2002 uses the term anti-conservative for the incorrect p-value.
# Internal GET function for estimating p-value.
# The default method estimates the p-value of the given observation for
# the given set of Monte Carlo samples. User can choose which method is
# used to treat possible tied values.
# @rdname estimate_p_value
# @usage \method{estimate_p_value}{default}(x, sim_vec, ties = 'conservative', ...)
# @param x The first argument. The data sample, a scalar real value. Must not be NULL.
# @param sim_vec The Monte Carlo samples. A vector of real values.
#   Must not be NULL.
# @param ties The method to treat tied values with. If one or more of the
#   elements of sim_vec are equal to obs, how should the rank of obs be
#   determined? For 'conservative' the resulting p-value will be the
#   highest possible. For 'liberal' the p-value will be the lowest
#   possible. For 'random' the rank of the obs within the tied values is
#   uniformly sampled so that the resulting p-value is at most the
#   conservative option and at least the liberal option. For 'midrank'
#   the mid-rank within the tied values is taken. 'conservative' is the default.
# @param ... Additional arguments.
# @return The p-value estimate. A scalar real value between 0 and 1.
# @references Hájek & Šidák & Sen. Theory of Rank Tests. 1999. ff. 130.
estimate_p_value <- function(x, sim_vec, ties = 'conservative', ...) {
    obs <- x
    if (length(obs) != 1L || !is.finite(obs) || !is.numeric(obs)) {
        stop('obs must be a scalar finite real value.')
    n_sim <- length(sim_vec)
    if (n_sim < 1L || !all(is.finite(sim_vec)) ||
        !all(is.numeric(sim_vec))) {
        stop('sim_vec must have at least one element and the ',
             'elements must be finite and real.')
    possible_ties <- c('midrank', 'random', 'conservative', 'liberal')
    if (length(ties) != 1L || !(ties %in% possible_ties)) {
        stop('ties must be exactly one of the following: ',
             paste(possible_ties, collapse=', '))

    u <- c(obs, sim_vec)
           conservative = {
             n_less <- sum(sim_vec < obs) # same as sum(u < obs)
           liberal = {
             n_less <- sum(u <= obs)
           midrank = {
             n_smaller <- sum(sim_vec < obs) # same as sum(u < obs)
             n_equal <- sum(u == obs) # same as 1 + sum(sim_vec == obs)
             n_less <- n_smaller + n_equal / 2L
           random = {
             n_smaller <- sum(sim_vec < obs) # same as sum(u < obs)
             n_equal <- sum(u == obs) # same as 1 + sum(sim_vec == obs)
             n_rand_smaller <- sample(seq(0L, n_equal, by = 1L), size = 1L)
             n_less <- n_smaller + n_rand_smaller
    n_all <- n_sim + 1L
    p_estimate <- 1 - n_less / n_all

# The default ties method for the p-value
# The default ties method for the p-value calculated by estimate_p_value
p_value_ties_default <- function() {

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GET documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:23 a.m.