
Defines functions g.impute

Documented in g.impute

g.impute = function(M, I, params_cleaning = c(), desiredtz = "",
                    dayborder = 0, TimeSegments2Zero = c(), acc.metric = "ENMO", 
                    ID, ...) {
  #get input variables
  input = list(...)
  if (length(input) > 0 || length(params_cleaning) == 0) {
    # Extract and check parameters if user provides more arguments than just the parameter arguments,
    # or if params_[...] aren't specified (so need to be filled with defaults).
    # So, inside GGIR this will not be used, but it is used when g.impute is used on its own
    # as if it was still the old g.impute function
    params = extract_params(params_cleaning = params_cleaning,
                            input = input,
                            params2check = c("cleaning")) # load default parameters
    params_cleaning = params$params_cleaning
  windowsizes = M$windowsizes #default: c(5,900,3600)
  metashort = M$metashort
  metalong = M$metalong
  ws3 = windowsizes[1]
  ws2 = windowsizes[2]
  ws = windowsizes[3]
  # What is the minimum number of accelerometer axis needed to meet the criteria for nonwear in order for the data to be detected as nonwear?
  wearthreshold = 2 #needs to be 0, 1 or 2
  # windows per day
  n_ws_perday = (1440*60) / ws
  n_ws2_perday = (1440*60) / ws2
  n_ws3_perday = (1440*60) / ws3
  # windows per minute
  n_ws3_permin = 60/ws3
  # windows per hour
  n_ws3_perhour = 3600/ws3
  n_ws_perhour = 3600/ws
  #check that matrices match
  if (((nrow(metalong)/(n_ws2_perday)*10) - (nrow(metashort)/n_ws3_perday) * 10) > 1) {
    warning("Matrices 'metalong' and 'metashort' are not compatible", call. = FALSE)
  tmi = which(colnames(metalong) == "timestamp")
  time = as.character(as.matrix(metalong[,tmi]))
  startt = as.matrix(metalong[1, tmi])
  # Deriving file characteristics from 15 min summary files
  LD = nrow(metalong) * (ws2/60) #length data in minutes
  ND = nrow(metalong)/n_ws2_perday #number of days
  # Generating time variable
  timeline = seq(0, ceiling(nrow(metalong)/n_ws2_perday), by = 1/n_ws2_perday)
  timeline = timeline[1:nrow(metalong)]
  # Extracting non-wear and clipping and make decision on which additional time needs to be considered non-wear
  out = g.weardec(M, wearthreshold, ws2, nonWearEdgeCorrection = params_cleaning[["nonWearEdgeCorrection"]])
  r1 = out$r1 #non-wear
  r2 = out$r2 #clipping
  r3 = out$r3 #additional non-wear
  r4 = matrix(0,length(r3),1) #protocol based decisions on data removal
  LC = out$LC
  LC2 = out$LC2
  # Check whether TimeSegments2Zero exist, because this means that the
  # user wants to ignore specific time windows. This feature is used
  # for example if the accelerometer was not worn during the night and the user wants
  # to include the nighttime acceleration in the analyses without imputation,
  # but wants to use imputation for the rest of the day.
  # So, those time windows should not be imputed.
  # and acceleration metrics should have value zero during these windows.
  if (length(TimeSegments2Zero) > 0) {
    r1long = matrix(0,length(r1),(ws2/ws3)) #r5long is the same as r5, but with more values per period of time
    r1long = replace(r1long,1:length(r1long),r1)
    r1long = t(r1long)
    dim(r1long) = c((length(r1)*(ws2/ws3)),1)
    timelinePOSIX = iso8601chartime2POSIX(M$metashort$timestamp,tz = desiredtz)
    # Combine r1Long with TimeSegments2Zero
    for (kli in 1:nrow(TimeSegments2Zero)) {
      startTurnZero = which(timelinePOSIX == TimeSegments2Zero$windowstart[kli])
      endTurnZero = which(timelinePOSIX == TimeSegments2Zero$windowend[kli])
      r1long[startTurnZero:endTurnZero] = 0
      # Force ENMO and other acceleration metrics to be zero for these intervals
      M$metashort[startTurnZero:endTurnZero,which(colnames(M$metahosrt) %in% c("timestamp","anglex","angley","anglez") == FALSE)] = 0
    # collaps r1long (short epochs) back to r1 (long epochs)
    r1longc = cumsum(c(0,r1long))
    select = seq(1,length(r1longc), by = (ws2/ws3))
    r1 = diff(r1longc[round(select)]) / abs(diff(round(select)))
    r1 = round(r1)
  # detect first and last midnight and all midnights
  tooshort = 0
  dmidn = g.detecmidnight(time,desiredtz,dayborder) #,ND
  firstmidnight = dmidn$firstmidnight;  firstmidnighti = dmidn$firstmidnighti
  lastmidnight = dmidn$lastmidnight;    lastmidnighti = dmidn$lastmidnighti
  midnights = dmidn$midnights;          midnightsi = dmidn$midnightsi
  # Trim data based on study_dates_file
  study_dates_log_used = FALSE
  if (!is.null(params_cleaning[["study_dates_file"]])) {
    # Read content of study dates file 
    studyDates = data.table::fread(file = params_cleaning[["study_dates_file"]], data.table = FALSE)
    # Check ID and date formats
    studyDates = check_log(log = studyDates, 
                           dateformat = params_cleaning[["study_dates_dateformat"]], 
                           colid = 1, datecols = 2:3, 
                           logPath = params_cleaning[["study_dates_file"]],
                           logtype = "study dates log")
    # identify first and last study dates
    rowID = which(studyDates[, 1] == ID)
    if (length(rowID) > 0) {
      if (length(rowID) > 1) {
        # this is in the unlikely event that an ID appears twice in the log
        rowID = rowID[1]
        warning(paste0("The ID ", ID, " appears twice in the study dates log"), call. = FALSE)
      # expected first and last midnight
      firstmidnight = as.Date(studyDates[rowID, 2], format = params_cleaning[["study_dates_dateformat"]])
      lastmidnight = as.Date(studyDates[rowID, 3], format = params_cleaning[["study_dates_dateformat"]])
      # find the dates in metalong
      firstmidnighti = midnightsi[grep(firstmidnight, midnights)]
      lastmidnighti = midnightsi[grep(lastmidnight, midnights) + 1] # plus 1 to include the reported date in log
      # trim data at the beginning
      if (length(firstmidnighti) > 0) {
        r4[1:(firstmidnighti - 1)] = 1
        study_dates_log_used = TRUE
      } else {
        # if midnight timestamp for the date is not available, 
        # do not trim the data and recover the firstmidnight value
        firstmidnighti = dmidn$firstmidnighti
        firstmidnight = dmidn$firstmidnight
        # warning(paste0("The start date provided in the study dates file for ID = ", 
        #                ID, "is not within the dates available in the recording. ",
        #                "The data was not trimmed at the beginning of the recording."), call. = FALSE)
      # trim data at the end
      if (length(lastmidnighti) > 0 & !is.na(lastmidnighti)) {
        r4[lastmidnighti:nrow(r4)] = 1
        study_dates_log_used = TRUE
      } else {
        # if midnight timestamp for the date is not available, 
        # do not trim the data and recover the lastmidnight value
        lastmidnighti = dmidn$lastmidnighti
        lastmidnight = dmidn$lastmidnight
        # warning(paste0("The end date provided in the study dates file for ID = ", 
        #                ID, "is not within the dates available in the recording. ",
        #                "The data was not trimmed at the end of the recording."), call. = FALSE)
      # cut out r4 to apply strategies only on the trimmed portion of data
      # after application of strategies, r4 would reset to the original length
      if (study_dates_log_used == TRUE) {
        r4_bu = r4 # backup copy of r4 before cutting it to be imputed later on
        r4 = as.matrix(r4[which(r4[,1] == 0),])
    } else if (length(rowID) == 0) {
      warning(paste0("The ID ", ID, " does not appear  in the study dates log ",
                     "the full recording has been considered within the study ",
                     "protocol selection"), call. = FALSE)
  # Select data based on data_masking_strategy
  if (params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]] == 1) { 	#protocol based data selection
    if (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]] > 0) {
      r4[1:(params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]]*(3600/ws2))] = 1
    if (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]] > 0) {
      if (length(r4) > params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]*(3600/ws2)) {
        r4[((length(r4) + 1) - (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]*(3600/ws2))):length(r4)] = 1
      } else {
        r4[1:length(r4)] = 1
    if (LD < 1440) {
      r4 = r4[1:floor(LD/(ws2/60))]
    starttimei = 1
    endtimei = length(r4)
  } else if (params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]] == 2) { #midnight to midnight data_masking_strategy
    starttime = firstmidnight
    endtime = lastmidnight  
    # only apply data_masking_strategy 2 if study dates log is not used for trimming the data,
    # otherwise the data already start and finishes at midnight
    if (study_dates_log_used == FALSE) {
      starttimei = firstmidnighti
      endtimei = lastmidnighti
      if (firstmidnighti != 1) { #ignore everything before the first midnight
        r4[1:(firstmidnighti - 1)] = 1 #-1 because first midnight 00:00 itself contributes to the first full day
      r4[(lastmidnighti):length(r4)] = 1  #ignore everything after the last midnight
    } else {
      starttimei = 1
      endtimei = length(r4)
  } else if (params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]] %in% c(3, 5)) { #select X most active days
    # Look out for X most active days and use this to define window of interest
    if (acc.metric %in% colnames(M$metashort)) {
      atest = as.numeric(as.matrix(M$metashort[,acc.metric]))
    } else {
      acc.metric = grep("timestamp|angle", colnames(M$metashort),
                        value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)[1]
      atest = as.numeric(as.matrix(M$metashort[,acc.metric]))
    r2tempe = rep(r2, each = (ws2/ws3))
    r1tempe = rep(r1, each = (ws2/ws3))
    atest[which(r2tempe == 1 | r1tempe == 1)] = 0
    if (params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]] == 3) {
      # Select the most active 24-h blocks by a rolling window of windowsizes[3]
      NDAYS = length(atest) / n_ws3_perday
      # rolling window in ws3
      rolling_window = n_ws3_perhour * n_ws_perhour
      pend = round((NDAYS - params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]]) * n_ws_perday)
      if (pend < 1) pend = 1
      atestlist = rep(0, pend)
      for (ati in 1:pend) {
        p0 = (((ati - 1)*rolling_window) + 1)
        p1 = (ati + (params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]]*n_ws_perday)) * rolling_window  #ndayswindow x quarter of a day = 1 week
        if (p0 > length(atest)) p0 = length(atest)
        if (p1 > length(atest)) p1 = length(atest)
        if ((p1 - p0) > 1000) {
          atestlist[ati] = mean(atest[p0:p1], na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
          atestlist[ati] = 0
      # atik is the ws2 index where the most active ndayswindow starts
      atik = which(atestlist == max(atestlist))[1]
      ignore_until_hours = (atik - 1) / (3600/ws2)
      params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]] = ignore_until_hours + params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]]
      ignore_from_hours = (atik - 1) / (3600/ws2)
      params_cleaning[["maxdur"]] = ((ignore_from_hours/24) + params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]]) - (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]/24)
      if (params_cleaning[["maxdur"]] > NDAYS) params_cleaning[["maxdur"]] = NDAYS
      # now calculate r4
      if (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]] > 0) {
        r4[1:(params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]]*(3600/ws2))] = 1
      # if (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]] > 0) {
      #   if (length(r4) > params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]*(3600/ws2)) {
      #     r4[((length(r4) + 1) - (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]*(3600/ws2))):length(r4)] = 1
      #   } else {
      #     r4[1:length(r4)] = 1
      #   }
      # }
      if (params_cleaning[["maxdur"]] > 0 & (length(r4) > ((params_cleaning[["maxdur"]]*n_ws2_perday) + 1))) {
        ignore_from = (params_cleaning[["maxdur"]]*n_ws2_perday) + 1
        r4[ignore_from:length(r4)] = 1
      if (LD < 1440) {
        r4 = r4[1:floor(LD/(ws2/60))]
    } else if (params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]] == 5) {
      # Select the most active calendar days
      atestlist = c()
      # readjust midnightsi if study dates log used for trimming the data
      if (study_dates_log_used == TRUE) {
        midnights2keep = which(midnightsi >= firstmidnighti & midnightsi <= lastmidnighti)
        midnightsi = midnightsi[midnights2keep]
      for (ati in 1:length(midnightsi)) {
        p0 = ((midnightsi[ati] * ws2/ws3) - ws2/ws3) + 1
        p1 = ((midnightsi[ati + params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]]] * ws2/ws3) - ws2/ws3)
        if (is.na(p1)) break
        if (p1 > length(atest)) break
        atestlist[ati] = mean(atest[p0:p1], na.rm = TRUE)
      # atik is the index where the most active ndayswindow starts
      atik = 1 # intitialise atik as 1, which will be used in case ndayswindow is longer than recording days
      if (!is.null(atestlist)) atik = which(atestlist == max(atestlist))[1]
      #ignore everything before the first ndayswindow midnight plus hrs.del.start
      ignore_until = (midnightsi[atik]) + (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]]*(3600/ws2)) - 1 # minus 1 for not ignoring the first epoch in ndayswindow
      if (ignore_until > 0) {
        if (study_dates_log_used == TRUE) {
          ignore_until = ignore_until - firstmidnighti + 1
        r4[1:ignore_until] = 1 
      #ignore everything after the last midnight plus hrs.del.end
      ignore_from = midnightsi[atik + params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]]] - (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]*(3600/ws2))
      if (study_dates_log_used == TRUE) {
        ignore_from = ignore_from - firstmidnighti + 1
        if (ignore_from >= length(r4)) ignore_from = length(r4)
      # if ndayswindow is higher than number of midnights, use last midnight
      if (is.na(ignore_from)) ignore_from = midnightsi[length(midnightsi)] - (params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]]*(3600/ws2))
      # if ignore_from == length(r4) it means that recording ends at midnight 
      # and the code should not ignore anything at the end of the recording
      if (ignore_from < length(r4)) r4[ignore_from:length(r4)] = 1
    starttimei = 1
    endtimei = length(r4)
  } else if (params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]] == 4) { #from first midnight to end of recording
    starttime = firstmidnight
    endtime = lastmidnight  
    # only apply data_masking_strategy 4 if study dates log is not used for trimming the data,
    # otherwise the data already start and finishes at midnight
    if (study_dates_log_used == FALSE) {
      starttimei = firstmidnighti
      endtimei = lastmidnighti
      if (firstmidnighti != 1) { #ignore everything before the first midnight
        r4[1:(firstmidnighti - 1)] = 1 # -1 because first midnight 00:00 itself contributes to the first full day
    } else {
      starttimei = 1
      endtimei = length(r4)
  # Mask data based on maxdur
  if (params_cleaning[["maxdur"]] > 0 & (length(r4) > ((params_cleaning[["maxdur"]]*n_ws2_perday) + 1))) {
    r4[((params_cleaning[["maxdur"]]*n_ws2_perday) + 1):length(r4)] = 1
  # Mask data based on max_calendar_days
  if (params_cleaning[["max_calendar_days"]] > 0) {
    # get dates that are part of the study protocol
    if (study_dates_log_used == TRUE) {
      dates = as.Date(iso8601chartime2POSIX(M$metalong$timestamp[firstmidnighti:(lastmidnighti - 1)], tz = desiredtz))
    } else {
      dates = as.Date(iso8601chartime2POSIX(M$metalong$timestamp, tz = desiredtz))
    if (params_cleaning[["max_calendar_days"]] < length(unique(dates))) {
      lastDateToInclude = sort(unique(dates))[params_cleaning[["max_calendar_days"]]]
      r4[which(dates > lastDateToInclude)] = 1
  # if data selected based on study dates log, recover the original length of r4
  if (study_dates_log_used == TRUE) {
    r4_bu[which(r4_bu == 0),] = r4
    r4 = r4_bu
  # Impute ws3 second data based on ws2 minute estimates of non-wear time
  r5 = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4
  r5[which(r5 > 1) ] = 1
  r5[which(metalong$nonwearscore == -1) ] = -1 # expanded data with expand_tail_max_hours
  r5long = matrix(0,length(r5),(ws2/ws3)) #r5long is the same as r5, but with more values per period of time
  r5long = replace(r5long,1:length(r5long),r5)
  r5long = t(r5long)
  dim(r5long) = c((length(r5)*(ws2/ws3)),1)
  # detect which features have been calculated in part 1 and in what column they have ended up
  ENi = which(colnames(metashort) == "en")
  if (length(ENi) == 0) ENi = -1
  if (nrow(metashort) > length(r5long)) {
    metashort = as.matrix(metashort[1:length(r5long),])
  wpd = 1440*n_ws3_permin #windows per day
  averageday = matrix(0,wpd,(ncol(metashort) - 1))
  for (mi in 2:ncol(metashort)) {# generate 'average' day for each variable
    # The average day is used for imputation and defined relative to the starttime of the measurement
    # irrespective of dayborder as used in other parts of GGIR
    metrimp = metr = as.numeric(as.matrix(metashort[, mi]))
    is.na(metr[which(r5long != 0)]) = T #turn all values of metr to na if r5long is different to 0 (it now leaves the expanded time with expand_tail_max out of the averageday calculation)
    imp = matrix(NA,wpd,ceiling(length(metr)/wpd)) #matrix used for imputation of seconds
    ndays = ncol(imp) #number of days (rounded upwards)
    nvalidsec = matrix(0,wpd,1)
    dcomplscore = length(which(r5 == 0)) / length(r5)
    if (ndays > 1 ) { # only do imputation if there is more than 1 day of data #& length(which(r5 == 1)) > 1
      for (j in 1:(ndays - 1)) {
        imp[,j] = as.numeric(metr[(((j - 1)*wpd) + 1):(j*wpd)])
      lastday = metr[(((ndays - 1)*wpd) + 1):length(metr)]
      imp[1:length(lastday),ndays] = as.numeric(lastday)
      imp3 = rowMeans(imp, na.rm = TRUE)
      dcomplscore = length(which(is.nan(imp3) == F | is.na(imp3) == F)) / length(imp3)
      if (length(imp3) < wpd)  {
        dcomplscore = dcomplscore * (length(imp3)/wpd)
      if (ENi == mi) { #replace missing values for EN by 1
        imp3[which(is.nan(imp3) == T | is.na(imp3) == T)] = 1
      } else { #replace missing values for other metrics by 0
        imp3[which(is.nan(imp3) == T | is.na(imp3) == T)] = 0 # for those part of the data where there is no single data point for a certain part of the day (this is CRITICAL)
      averageday[, (mi - 1)] = imp3
      for (j in 1:ndays) {
        missing = which(is.na(imp[,j]) == T)
        if (length(missing) > 0) {
          imp[missing,j] = imp3[missing]
      dim(imp) = c(length(imp),1)
      #      imp = imp[-c(which(is.na(as.numeric(as.character(imp))) == T))]
      toimpute = which(r5long != -1)       # do not impute the expanded time with expand_tail_max_hours
      metashort[toimpute, mi] = as.numeric(imp[toimpute]) #to cut off the latter part of the last day used as a dummy data
    } else {
      dcomplscore = length(which(r5long == 0))/wpd
  n_decimal_places = 4
  metashort[,2:ncol(metashort)] = round(metashort[,2:ncol(metashort)], digits = n_decimal_places)
  rout = data.frame(r1 = r1, r2 = r2, r3 = r3, r4 = r4, r5 = r5, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  invisible(list(metashort = metashort, rout = rout, r5long = r5long, dcomplscore = dcomplscore,
                 averageday = averageday, windowsizes = windowsizes, data_masking_strategy = params_cleaning[["data_masking_strategy"]],
                 LC = LC, LC2 = LC2, hrs.del.start = params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]], hrs.del.end = params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]],
                 maxdur = params_cleaning[["maxdur"]]))

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GGIR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:59 p.m.