
Defines functions g.report.part2

Documented in g.report.part2

g.report.part2 = function(metadatadir = c(), f0 = c(), f1 = c(), maxdur = 0,
                          store.long = FALSE, params_output, verbose = TRUE) {
  ms2.out = "/meta/ms2.out"
  if (file.exists(paste0(metadatadir,ms2.out))) {
    if (length(dir(paste0(metadatadir,ms2.out))) == 0) {
      try.generate.report = FALSE
    } else {
      try.generate.report = TRUE
  } else {
    try.generate.report = FALSE
  if (try.generate.report == TRUE) {
    if (maxdur != 0) {
      durplot = maxdur
    } else {
      durplot = 7 #how many DAYS to plot? (only used if maxdur is not specified as a number above zero)
    # Specifying directories with meta-data and extracting filenames
    path = paste0(metadatadir, "/meta/basic/")  #values stored per long epoch, e.g. 15 minutes
    fnames = dir(path) # part 1
    # ms2.out = "/meta/ms2.out"
    fnames.ms2 = dir(paste0(metadatadir,ms2.out))  #part 2
    # house keeping variables
    pdfpagecount = 1 # counter to keep track of files being processed (for pdf)
    pdffilenumb = 1 #counter to keep track of number of pdf-s being generated
    SUMMARY = daySUMMARY = c()
    if (length(f0) ==  0) f0 = 1
    if (length(f1) ==  0) f1 = length(fnames)
    if (f0 > length(fnames)) f0 = 1
    if (f1 > length(fnames)) f1 = length(fnames)
    # Loop through all the files
    for (i in f0:f1) {
      if (verbose == TRUE) cat(paste0(" ",i))
      if (pdfpagecount == 301) { # generate new pdf for every 300 plots
        pdfpagecount = 1
        pdffilenumb = pdffilenumb + 1
        if (params_output[["do.part2.pdf"]] == TRUE) dev.off()
      if (pdfpagecount == 1 & params_output[["do.part2.pdf"]] == TRUE) {
        pdf(paste0(metadatadir, "/results/QC/plots_to_check_data_quality_", pdffilenumb, ".pdf"),
            width = 7, height = 7)
      # First load part 1 data
      M = c()
      fname2read = paste0(path, fnames[i])
      try(expr = {load(fname2read)}, silent = TRUE) #reading RData-file
      if (length(M) == 0) {
        warning(paste0("g.report2: Struggling to read: ",fname2read)) #fnames[i]
      fname = as.character(unlist(strsplit(fnames[i],"eta_"))[2])
      selp = which(fnames.ms2 == fname)
      if (length(selp) == 0 ) {
        if (verbose == TRUE) cat(paste0("File ",fname," not available in part 2"))
      if (M$filecorrupt == FALSE & M$filetooshort == FALSE & length(selp) > 0) { #If part 1 milestone data indicates that file was useful
        # Load part 2 data
        IMP = c()
        fname2read = paste0(metadatadir, ms2.out, "/", fnames.ms2[selp])
        try(expr = {load(file = fname2read)}, silent = TRUE)
        if (length(IMP) == 0) {
          warning(paste0("g.report2: Struggling to read: ",fname2read))
        if (params_output[["do.part2.pdf"]] == TRUE & length(IMP) > 0) {
          Ndays = (nrow(M$metalong) * M$windowsizes[2]) / (3600 * 24)
          g.plot(IMP, M, I, durplot = ifelse(test = Ndays > durplot, yes = Ndays, no = durplot))
        if (M$filecorrupt == FALSE & M$filetooshort == FALSE) {
          if (i == 1 | i == f0) {
            SUMMARY = SUM$summary
            SUMMARY$pdffilenumb = pdffilenumb
            SUMMARY$pdfpagecount = pdfpagecount
            SUM$summary = SUMMARY
            daySUMMARY = SUM$daysummary
          } else {
            SUM$summary$pdffilenumb = pdffilenumb
            SUM$summary$pdfpagecount = pdfpagecount
            bind_with_prev_data = function(df1, df2) {
              df1 = data.table::rbindlist(list(df1, df2), fill=TRUE)
              df1 = as.data.frame(df1)
            SUMMARY = bind_with_prev_data(SUMMARY, SUM$summary)
            daySUMMARY = bind_with_prev_data(daySUMMARY, SUM$daysummary)
      if (length(SUMMARY) == 0 | length(daySUMMARY) == 0) {
        warning("No summary data available to be stored in csv-reports", call. = FALSE)
      # create data quality report
      if (length(C$cal.error.end) == 0) C$cal.error.end = " "
      if (M$filetooshort == TRUE | M$filecorrupt == TRUE) {
        C$cal.error.start = 0
        C$npoints = 0
      tm = which(colnames(M$metalong) == "temperaturemean")
      if (length(tm) > 0) {
        tmean = as.character(mean(as.numeric(as.matrix(M$metalong[1:(nrow(M$metalong) - 1), tm]))))
      } else {
        tmean = ""
      if (is.null(I$sf) == FALSE) {
        header = I$header
        hnames = rownames(header)
        hvalues = as.character(as.matrix(header))
        pp = which(hvalues == "")
        hvalues[pp] = c("not stored in header")
      mon = I$monn
      if (mon == "genea") {
        deviceSerialNumber = hvalues[which(hnames == "Serial_Number")] #serial number
      } else if (mon == "geneactive") {
        if ("Device_Unique_Serial_Code" %in% hnames) {
          deviceSerialNumber = hvalues[which(hnames == "Device_Unique_Serial_Code")] #serial number
          if (I$dformn == "csv") { #if it was stored in csv-format then underscores were replaced by spaces (by company)
            deviceSerialNumber = hvalues[which(hnames == "Device Unique Serial Code")] #serial number
        } else {
          deviceSerialNumber = hvalues[which(hnames == "serial_number")] #serial number
      } else if (mon == "actigraph" | mon == "axivity" | mon == "verisense") {
        deviceSerialNumber = "not extracted"
      } else if (I$monc %in% c(5, 98, 99)) { #movisense 5, Actiwatch 98, Sensewear 99
        deviceSerialNumber = "not extracted"
      } else if (I$monc == 0) {
        if (header != "no header") {
          deviceSerialNumber = hvalues[which(hnames == "device_serial_number")]
          if (length(deviceSerialNumber) == 0) {
            deviceSerialNumber = "not extracted"
        } else {
          deviceSerialNumber = "not extracted"
      if (length(C$offset) == 0) {
        C$offset = C$translate
      if (length(C$cal.error.start) == 0) {
        C$cal.error.start = " "
      if (length(C$npoints) == 0) {
        C$npoints = " "
      if (length(C$tempoffset) == 0) {
        C$tempoffset = c(0, 0, 0)
      if (length(M$NFilePagesSkipped) == 0) M$NFilePagesSkipped = 0 # to make the code work for historical part1 output.
      fname2store = unlist(strsplit(fnames[i], "eta_|[.]RDat"))[2]
      QC = data.frame(filename = fname2store,
                      file.corrupt = M$filecorrupt,
                      file.too.short = M$filetooshort,
                      use.temperature = C$use.temp,
                      scale.x = C$scale[1], scale.y = C$scale[2], scale.z = C$scale[3],
                      offset.x = C$offset[1], offset.y = C$offset[2], offset.z = C$offset[3],
                      temperature.offset.x = C$tempoffset[1],  temperature.offset.y = C$tempoffset[2],
                      temperature.offset.z = C$tempoffset[3],
                      cal.error.start = C$cal.error.start,
                      cal.error.end = C$cal.error.end,
                      n.10sec.windows = C$npoints,
                      n.hours.considered = C$nhoursused, QCmessage = C$QCmessage, mean.temp = tmean,
                      device.serial.number = deviceSerialNumber,
                      NFilePagesSkipped = M$NFilePagesSkipped, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if (is.null(I$sf) == TRUE) {
        # When ActiGraph is corrupt
        # Note that QC shape is consistent here
        if (i == 1 | i == f0) {
          QCout = QC
        } else {
          # fill up missing columns with NA
          QC[setdiff(names(QCout), names(QC))] <- NA
          QCout = rbind(QCout, QC)
      filehealth_cols = grep(pattern = "filehealth", x = names(SUMMARY), value = FALSE)
      if (length(filehealth_cols) > 0) {
        # migrate filehealth columns to QC report, only applicable to Axivity data
        QC = merge(x = QC, y = SUMMARY[, c(which(names(SUMMARY) == "filename"), filehealth_cols)], by = "filename")
        SUMMARY = SUMMARY[, -filehealth_cols]
      if (i == 1 | i == f0) {
        QCout = QC
      } else {
        n1 = ncol(QCout)
        n2 = ncol(QC)
        # n1 and n2 are expected to be consistent, but in case of Axivity possibly not
        if (n1 > n2) {
          QC = cbind(QC, matrix(" ", 1, (n1 - n2)))
          colnames(QC) = colnames(QCout)
          QC = QC[, colnames(QCout)] # reorder to match order of QCout
        } else if (n1 < n2) {
          newcolnames = colnames(QC)[which(colnames(QC) %in% colnames(QCout) == FALSE)]
          newcols = (n1 + 1):(n1 +  length(newcolnames))
          QCout = cbind(QCout, matrix(" ", 1, n2 - n1))
          colnames(QCout)[newcols] = newcolnames
          QCout = QCout[, colnames(QC)] # reorder to match order of QC
        QCout = rbind(QCout, QC)
      if (length(SUMMARY) > 0 & length(daySUMMARY) > 0) {
        if (pdfpagecount == 100 | pdfpagecount == 200 | pdfpagecount == 300) {
          SUMMARY_clean = tidyup_df(SUMMARY)
          daySUMMARY_clean = tidyup_df(daySUMMARY)
          #store matrix temporarily to keep track of process
          data.table::fwrite(x = SUMMARY_clean, file = paste0(metadatadir, "/results/part2_summary.csv"),
                             row.names = F, na = "",
                             sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                             dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])
          data.table::fwrite(x = daySUMMARY_clean, file = paste0(metadatadir, "/results/part2_daysummary.csv"),
                             row.names = F, na = "",
                             sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                             dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])
          data.table::fwrite(x = QCout, file = paste0(metadatadir, "/results/QC/data_quality_report.csv"),
                             row.names = F, na = "",
                             sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                             dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])
        pdfpagecount = pdfpagecount + 1
    # tidy up memory
    if (M$filecorrupt == FALSE & M$filetooshort == FALSE & exists("IMP")) rm(IMP)
    rm(M); rm(I)
    if (params_output[["do.part2.pdf"]] == TRUE) dev.off()
    if (length(SUMMARY) > 0 & length(daySUMMARY) > 0) {
      # tidy up data.frames
      SUMMARY_clean = tidyup_df(SUMMARY)
      daySUMMARY_clean = tidyup_df(daySUMMARY)
      # store final matrices again
      data.table::fwrite(x = SUMMARY_clean, file = paste0(metadatadir, "/results/part2_summary.csv"),
                         row.names = F, na = "", sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                         dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])
      data.table::fwrite(x = daySUMMARY_clean, paste0(metadatadir, "/results/part2_daysummary.csv"),
                         row.names = F, na = "", sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                         dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])
      if (store.long == TRUE) { # Convert daySUMMARY to long format if there are multiple segments per day
        df = g.convert.part2.long(daySUMMARY)
        df_clean = tidyup_df(df)
        data.table::fwrite(x = df_clean, file = paste0(metadatadir, "/results/part2_daysummary_longformat.csv"),
                           row.names = F, na = "", sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                           dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])
      data.table::fwrite(x = QCout, file = paste0(metadatadir, "/results/QC/data_quality_report.csv"),
                         row.names = F, na = "",
                         sep = params_output[["sep_reports"]],
                         dec = params_output[["dec_reports"]])

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GGIR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:59 p.m.