oblimin <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), gam=0, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="oblimin", methodArgs=list(gam=gam), randomStarts = randomStarts )
vgQ.oblimin <- function(L, gam=0){
X <- L^2 %*% (!diag(TRUE,ncol(L)))
if (0 != gam) {
p <- nrow(L)
X <- (diag(1,p) - matrix(gam/p,p,p)) %*% X
f=sum(L^2 * X)/4,
Method= if (gam == 0) "Oblimin Quartimin" else
if (gam == .5) "Oblimin Biquartimin" else
paste("Oblimin g=", gam,sep="") )
# original
# vgQ.oblimin <- function(L, gam=0){
# Method <- paste("Oblimin g=",gam,sep="")
# if (gam == 0) Method <- "Oblimin Quartimin"
# if (gam == .5) Method <- "Oblimin Biquartimin"
# if (gam == 1) Method <- "Oblimin Covarimin"
# k <- ncol(L)
# p <- nrow(L)
# N <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k)
# f <- sum(L^2 * (diag(p)-gam*matrix(1/p,p,p)) %*% L^2 %*% N)/4
# Gq <- L * ((diag(p)-gam*matrix(1/p,p,p)) %*% L^2 %*% N)
# return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method))
# }
quartimin <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, method="quartimin", normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.quartimin <- function(L){
X <- L^2 %*% (!diag(TRUE,ncol(L)))
list(Gq= L*X,
f= sum(L^2 * X)/4,
Method= "Quartimin" )
#vgQ.quartimin <- function(L){
# Method="Quartimin"
# L2 <- L^2
# k <- ncol(L)
# M <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k)
# f <- sum(L2 * (L2 %*% M))/4
# Gq <- L * (L2 %*% M)
# return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method))
### required argument is a
### target matrix 'Target'
targetT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), Target=NULL, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0, L=NULL) {
if (missing(A) & !is.null(L)){
message("Use of 'L=' is deprecated. Please use 'A='. ")
A <- L
Tmat <- diag(ncol(L))
if(is.null(Target)) stop("argument Target must be specified.")
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="target", methodArgs=list(Target=Target), randomStarts = randomStarts)
targetQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), Target=NULL, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0, L=NULL) {
if (missing(A) & !is.null(L)){
message("Use of 'L=' is deprecated. Please use 'A='. ")
A <- L
Tmat <- diag(ncol(L))
if(is.null(Target)) stop("argument Target must be specified.")
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="target", methodArgs=list(Target=Target), randomStarts = randomStarts)
} <- function(L, Target=NULL){
if(is.null(Target)) stop("argument Target must be specified.")
# e.g. Target <- matrix(c(rep(NA,4),rep(0,8),rep(NA,4)),8)
# approximates Michael Brown approach
Gq <- 2 * (L - Target)
Gq[] <- 0 #missing elements in target do not affect the first derivative
f=sum((L-Target)^2, na.rm=TRUE),
Method="Target rotation") #The target rotation ? option in Michael Browne's algorithm should be NA
### required arguments are a
### target matrix 'Target' and
### weight matrix 'W'
pstT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), W=NULL, Target=NULL, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0, L=NULL) {
if (missing(A) & !is.null(L)){
message("Use of 'L=' is deprecated. Please use 'A='. ")
A <- L
Tmat <- diag(ncol(L))
if(is.null(W)) stop("argument W must be specified.")
if(is.null(Target)) stop("argument Target must be specified.")
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="pst", methodArgs=list(W=W, Target=Target), randomStarts = randomStarts)
pstQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), W=NULL, Target=NULL, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0, L=NULL) {
if (missing(A) & !is.null(L)){
message("Use of 'L=' is deprecated. Please use 'A='. ")
A <- L
Tmat <- diag(ncol(L))
if(is.null(W)) stop("argument W must be specified.")
if(is.null(Target)) stop("argument Target must be specified.")
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="pst", methodArgs=list(W=W, Target=Target), randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.pst <- function(L, W=NULL, Target=NULL){
if(is.null(W)) stop("argument W must be specified.")
if(is.null(Target)) stop("argument Target must be specified.")
# Needs weight matrix W with 1's at specified values, 0 otherwise
# e.g. W = matrix(c(rep(1,4),rep(0,8),rep(1,4)),8).
# When W has only 1's this is procrustes rotation
# Needs a Target matrix Target with hypothesized factor loadings.
# e.g. Target = matrix(0,8,2)
Btilde <- W * Target
list(Gq= 2*(W*L-Btilde),
f = sum((W*L-Btilde)^2),
Method="Partially specified target")
oblimax <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="oblimax", methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.oblimax <- function(L){
list(Gq= -(4*L^3/(sum(L^4))-4*L/(sum(L^2))),
f= -(log(sum(L^4))-2*log(sum(L^2))),
entropy <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, method="entropy", normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.entropy <- function(L){
list(Gq= -(L*log(L^2 + (L^2==0)) + L),
f= -sum(L^2*log(L^2 + (L^2==0)))/2,
Method="Minimum entropy")
quartimax <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, method="quartimax", normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.quartimax <- function(L){
list(Gq= -L^3,
f= -sum(diag(crossprod(L^2)))/4,
Varimax <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, method="varimax", normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.varimax <- function(L){
QL <- sweep(L^2,2,colMeans(L^2),"-")
list(Gq= -L * QL,
f= -sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(QL))))^2/4,
### argument: # close to zero loadings 'k'
simplimax <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), k=nrow(A), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="simplimax", methodArgs=list(k=k), randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.simplimax <- function(L, k=nrow(L)){
# k: Number of close to zero loadings
Imat <- sign(L^2 <= sort(L^2)[k])
list(Gq= 2*Imat*L,
f= sum(Imat*L^2),
bentlerT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="bentler", methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
bentlerQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="bentler", methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.bentler <- function(L){
L2 <- L^2
M <- crossprod(L2)
D <- diag(diag(M))
list(Gq= -L * (L2 %*% (solve(M)-solve(D))),
f= -(log(det(M))-log(det(D)))/4,
Method="Bentler's criterion")
tandemI <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="tandemI", methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
#vgQ.tandemI <- function(L){ # Tandem Criterion, Comrey, 1967.
# Method <- "Tandem I"
# LL <- (L %*% t(L))
# LL2 <- LL^2
# f <- -sum(diag(crossprod(L^2, LL2 %*% L^2)))
# Gq1 <- 4 * L *(LL2 %*% L^2)
# Gq2 <- 4 * (LL * (L^2 %*% t(L^2))) %*% L
# Gq <- -Gq1 - Gq2
# return(list(Gq=Gq,f=f,Method=Method))
vgQ.tandemI <- function(L){ # Tandem Criterion, Comrey, 1967.
LL <- (L %*% t(L))
LL2 <- LL^2
Gq1 <- 4 * L *(LL2 %*% L^2)
Gq2 <- 4 * (LL * (L^2 %*% t(L^2))) %*% L
Gq <- -Gq1 - Gq2
f= -sum(diag(crossprod(L^2, LL2 %*% L^2))),
Method="Tandem I")
tandemII <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, method="tandemII", normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.tandemII <- function(L){ # Tandem Criterion, Comrey, 1967.
LL <- (L %*% t(L))
LL2 <- LL^2
f <- sum(diag(crossprod(L^2, (1-LL2) %*% L^2)))
Gq1 <- 4 * L *((1-LL2) %*% L^2)
Gq2 <- 4 * (LL * (L^2 %*% t(L^2))) %*% L
Gq <- Gq1 - Gq2
Method="Tandem II")
geominT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), delta=.01, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="geomin", methodArgs=list(delta=delta), randomStarts = randomStarts)
geominQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), delta=.01, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="geomin", methodArgs=list(delta=delta), randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.geomin <- function(L, delta=.01){
k <- ncol(L)
p <- nrow(L)
L2 <- L^2 + delta
pro <- exp(rowSums(log(L2))/k)
f= sum(pro),
bigeominT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), delta=.01, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="bigeomin", methodArgs=list(delta=delta), randomStarts = randomStarts)
bigeominQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), delta=.01, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="bigeomin", methodArgs=list(delta=delta), randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.bigeomin <- function(L, delta = 0.01){
Lg <- L[ , -1, drop = FALSE]
out <- vgQ.geomin(Lg, delta = delta)
list(Gq=cbind(0, out$Gq),
f= out$f,
### needs kappa parameter
cfT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), kappa=0, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="cf", methodArgs=list(kappa=kappa), randomStarts = randomStarts)
cfQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), kappa=0, normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="cf", methodArgs=list(kappa=kappa), randomStarts = randomStarts)
equamax <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), kappa=ncol(A)/(2*nrow(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5,
maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="cf", methodArgs=list(kappa=kappa), randomStarts = randomStarts)
parsimax <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), kappa=(ncol(A) - 1)/(ncol(A) + nrow(A) - 2),
normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="cf", methodArgs=list(kappa=kappa), randomStarts = randomStarts)
} <- function(L, kappa=0){
k <- ncol(L)
p <- nrow(L)
# kappa <- 0 # quartimax
# kappa <- 1/p # varimax
# kappa <- k/(2*p) # equamax
# kappa <- (k-1)/(p+k-2) # parsimax
# kappa <- 1 # factor parsimony
N <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k)
M <- matrix(1,p,p)-diag(p)
L2 <- L^2
f1 <- (1-kappa)*sum(diag(crossprod(L2,L2 %*% N)))/4
f2 <- kappa*sum(diag(crossprod(L2,M %*% L2)))/4
list(Gq= (1-kappa) * L * (L2 %*% N) + kappa * L * (M %*% L2),
f= f1 + f2,
Method= if (kappa == 0) "Crawford-Ferguson Quartimax/Quartimin" else
if (kappa == 1/p) "Crawford-Ferguson Varimax" else
if (kappa == k/(2*p)) "Equamax" else
if (kappa == (k-1)/(p+k-2)) "Parsimax" else
if (kappa == 1) "Factor Parsimony" else
infomaxT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, method="infomax", randomStarts = randomStarts)
infomaxQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="infomax", methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.infomax <- function(L){
k <- ncol(L)
p <- nrow(L)
S <- L^2
s <- sum(S)
s1 <- rowSums(S)
s2 <- colSums(S)
E <- S/s
e1 <- s1/s
e2 <- s2/s
Q0 <- sum(-E * log(E))
Q1 <- sum(-e1 * log(e1))
Q2 <- sum(-e2 * log(e2))
f <- log(k) + Q0 - Q1 - Q2
H <- -(log(E) + 1)
alpha <- sum(S * H)/s^2
G0 <- H/s - alpha * matrix(1, p, k)
h1 <- -(log(e1) + 1)
alpha1 <- s1 %*% h1/s^2
G1 <- matrix(rep(h1,k), p)/s - as.vector(alpha1) * matrix(1, p, k)
h2 <- -(log(e2) + 1)
alpha2 <- h2 %*% s2/s^2
G2 <- matrix(rep(h2,p), ncol=k, byrow=T)/s - as.vector(alpha2) * matrix(1, p, k)
Gq <- 2 * L * (G0 - G1 - G2)
list(f = f,
mccammon <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, method="mccammon", normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit, methodArgs = NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.mccammon <- function(L){
k <- ncol(L)
p <- nrow(L)
S <- L^2
M <- matrix(1,p,p)
s2 <- colSums(S)
P <- S / matrix(rep(s2,p),ncol=k,byrow=T)
Q1 <- -sum(P * log(P))
H <- -(log(P) + 1)
R <- M %*% S
G1 <- H/R - M %*% (S*H/R^2)
s <- sum(S)
p2 <- s2/s
Q2 <- -sum(p2 * log(p2))
h <- -(log(p2) + 1)
alpha <- h %*% p2
G2 <- rep(1,p) %*% t(h)/s - as.vector(alpha)*matrix(1,p,k)
Gq <- 2*L*(G1/Q1 - G2/Q2)
f <- log(Q1) - log(Q2)
list(f = f,
Gq = Gq,
Method = "McCammon entropy")
bifactorT <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
#adapted from Jennrich and Bentler 2011.
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="bifactor", randomStarts = randomStarts)
bifactorQ <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0){
#oblique. Adapted from Jennrich and Bentler 2011.
GPFRSoblq(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="bifactor", randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.bifactor <- function(L){
k <- ncol(L)
Lt <- L[,2:k]
Lt2 <- Lt^2
N <- matrix(1, nrow=k-1, ncol=k-1) - diag(k-1)
f <- sum(Lt2 * (Lt2 %*% N))
Gt <- 4 * Lt * (Lt2 %*% N)
G <- cbind(0, Gt)
list(f = f,
Gq = G,
Method = "Bifactor Biquartimin")
varimin <- function(A, Tmat=diag(ncol(A)), normalize=FALSE, eps=1e-5, maxit=1000, randomStarts = 0) {
GPFRSorth(A, Tmat=Tmat, normalize=normalize, eps=eps, maxit=maxit,
method="varimin", methodArgs=NULL, randomStarts = randomStarts)
vgQ.varimin <- function (L){
QL <- sweep(L^2, 2, colMeans(L^2), "-")
list(Gq = L * QL,
f = sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(QL))))^2/4,
Method = "varimin")
### (not in use)
# promax is already defined in the stats (previously mva) package
#GPromax <- function(A,pow=3){
# method <- "Promax"
# # Initial rotation: Standardized Varimax
# require(statsa)
# xx <- promax(A,pow)
# Lh <- xx$loadings
# Th <- xx$rotmat
# orthogonal <- F
# Table <- NULL
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