
Defines functions plotmgpCovFun plot.mgpr LogLikCGP TransfToNatScaleCGP mgpCovMat mgprPredict mgpr

Documented in mgpCovMat mgpr mgprPredict plotmgpCovFun plot.mgpr

#' Multivariate Gaussian process regression (MGPR) model
#' Multivariate Gaussian process regression where each of the N
#' outputs is unidimensional. The multivariate output is allowed to have
#' multiple independent realisations.
#' @param Data List of two elements: 'input' and 'response'. The element 'input'
#'   is a list of N vectors, where each vector represents the input covariate
#'   values for a particular output. The element 'response' is the corresponding
#'   list of N matrices (if there are multiple realisations) or vectors (for a
#'   single realisation) representing the response variables.
#' @param m If Subset of Data is to be used in the estimation, m denotes the
#'   subset size. It cannot be larger than the total sample size. Default to
#'   NULL (Subsetting is not used).
#' @param meanModel Type of mean function applied to all outputs. It can be
#'   \describe{ \item{0}{Zero mean function for each output.} \item{1}{Constant
#'   mean function to be estimated for each output.} \item{'t'}{Linear model for
#'   the mean function of each output.} \item{'avg'}{The average across
#'   replications is used as the mean function of each output. This can only be
#'   used if there are more than two realisations observed at the same input
#'   values.} } Default to 0. If argument 'mu' is specified, then 'meanModel'
#'   will be set to 'userDefined'.
#' @param mu Vector of concatenated mean function values defined by the user.
#'   Default to NULL.
#' @return A list containing: \describe{ \item{fitted.mean }{Fitted values for
#'   the training data } \item{fitted.sd }{Standard deviation of the fitted
#'   values for training data} \item{N}{Number of response variables}
#'   \item{X}{Original input variables}
#'   \item{Y}{Original response} \item{idx}{Index vector identifying to which 
#'   output the elements of concatenated vectors correspond to.} 
#'   \item{Cov}{Covariance matrix} \item{mean}{Concatenated mean function } 
#'   \item{meanModel}{Mean model used for each output} 
#'   \item{meanLinearModel}{'lm' object for each output if the linear regression 
#'   model is used for the mean functions. NULL otherwise.} }
#' @references Shi, J. Q., and Choi, T. (2011), ``Gaussian Process Regression
#'   Analysis for Functional Data'', CRC Press.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("mgpr", package = "GPFDA")
mgpr <- function(Data, m=NULL, meanModel=0, mu=NULL){
  N <- length(Data$input)
  X <- as.matrix(unlist(Data$input))
  ns <- sapply(Data$input, length)
  idx <- c(unlist(sapply(1:N, function(i) rep(i, ns[i]))))
  response <- Reduce('rbind', Data$response)
  Q <- 1
  nrep <- ncol(response)
  n <- nrow(response)
  Y.original <- response
  X.original <- X
  idx.original <- idx
  n.original <- n
      stop("'mu' defined by the user must have the same length as the response 
    mu <- matrix(rep(mu, nrep), ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
    meanModel <- 'userDefined'
  if(meanModel==0) {
    mu <- 0
    mu <- matrix(mu, nrow=n, ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
  if(meanModel==1) {
    responseNew <- NULL
    mu <- NULL
    for(j in 1:N){
      mean_j <- mean(response[idx==j,])
      nj <- nrow(response[idx==j,,drop=F])
      mean_j <- matrix( rep(mean_j, nj*nrep), nrow=nj, byrow=F)
      response_j <- response[idx==j,,drop=F] - mean_j
      responseNew <- rbind(responseNew, response_j)
      mu <- rbind(mu, mean_j)
    response <- responseNew
  if(meanModel=='t') {
    meanLinearModel <- list()  
    responseNew <- NULL
    mu <- NULL
    for(j in 1:N){
      trend <- data.frame(yyy=c(response[idx==j,]), xxx=rep(c(X[idx==j,]), 
      meanLinearModel_j <- lm(yyy~xxx, data=trend)
      meanLinearModel[[j]] <- meanLinearModel_j
      response_j <- matrix(resid(meanLinearModel_j), 
                           nrow=nrow(response[idx==j,,drop=F]), byrow=F)
      mean_j <- matrix(fitted(meanLinearModel_j), 
                       nrow=nrow(response[idx==j,,drop=F]), byrow=F)
      responseNew <- rbind(responseNew, response_j)
      mu <- rbind(mu, mean_j)
    response <- responseNew
    meanLinearModel <- NULL
  if(meanModel=='avg') {
      stop('Mean function can only be the average across replications when
           there are more than two replications.')
    mu <- apply(response, 1, mean)
    mu <- matrix(rep(mu, nrep), ncol=nrep, byrow=F)
    response <- response - mu
  mean.original <- mu
  responseResid <- response
  idxSubset <- NULL
    if(m>n){stop("m cannot be bigger than n.")}
    idxSubset <- sort(sample(x=1:n, size=m, replace=F))
    response <- response[idxSubset,,drop=F]
    X <- X[idxSubset,,drop=F]
    idx <- idx[idxSubset]
    # if(!is.null(mu)){
    mu <- mu[idxSubset,,drop=F]
    # }
    n <- nrow(response)
  # c(va0s, va1s, Apars, sig)
  lowerlimits <- c(rep(-50, N), rep(log(1e-3), N+2*N*Q), log(1e-8))
  upperlimits <- c(rep(50, N),  rep(log(3000), N+2*N*Q), log(3))
  # Select the starting values
  nCand <- 100
  candidates <- matrix(0, nCand, 2*N + 2*N*Q + 1)
  for(iCand in 1:nCand){
    nu0s <- sample(c(-1,1), size=N, replace=T)*rep(runif(1, min=-2,max=2), N)
    nu1s <- log(abs(nu0s)*5)
    a0s <- runif(N, min=log(1.1), max=log(30))
    a1s <- runif(N, min=log(1.1), max=log(30))
    sigm <- runif(1, min=log(1e-2), max=log(0.1))
    candidates[iCand,] <- c(nu0s, nu1s, rep(c(a0s,a1s), Q), sigm)
  resCand <- apply(candidates, 1, function(x) LogLikCGP(x, response, X, idx))
  hp_init_log <- candidates[which.min(resCand),]
  res <- nlminb(start=hp_init_log, objective=LogLikCGP, gradient=NULL, 
                control=list(eval.max=1000, iter.max=1000,
                             rel.tol=1e-8, x.tol=1e-8, xf.tol=1e-8),
                lower=lowerlimits, upper=upperlimits, response=response, X=X, 
  hp_opt <- res$par
  K <- mgpCovMat(Data=Data, hp=hp_opt)
  invK <- chol2inv(chol(K))
  varEpsilon <- exp(hp_opt[length(hp_opt)])^2
  fitted <- (K-diag(varEpsilon, n.original))%*%invK%*%responseResid + mean.original
  fitted.var <- varEpsilon*rowSums((K-diag(varEpsilon, n.original))*t(invK))
  result <- list('hyper'=hp_opt,
                 'X'=X.original, 'Y'=Y.original, 'idx'=idx.original, 'Cov'=K, 
                 'meanModel'=meanModel, 'meanLinearModel'=meanLinearModel)

#' Prediction of MGPR model
#' @inheritParams mgpr
#' @param train A 'mgpr' object obtained from 'mgpr' function. 
#'   If NULL, predictions are made based on DataObs informed by the user.
#' @param DataObs List of observed data. Default to NULL. If NULL,
#'   predictions are made based on the trained data 
#'   (included in the object of class 'mgpr') used for learning.
#' @param DataNew List of test input data.
#' @param noiseFreePred Logical. If TRUE, predictions will be noise-free.
#' @export
#' @return A list containing  \describe{ \item{pred.mean}{Mean of predictions 
#' for the test set.}
#'   \item{pred.sd}{Standard deviation of predictions for the test set.}
#'   \item{noiseFreePred}{Logical. If TRUE, predictions are noise-free.} }
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("mgpr", package = "GPFDA")
mgprPredict <- function(train, 
                       meanModel=NULL, mu=0){
  if(inherits(train, 'mgpr')){
    hyper <- train$hyper
    X <- train$X
    Y <- train$Y
    N <- train$N
    idx <- train$idx
    Cov <- train$Cov
    mu <- train$mu
    meanModel <- train$meanModel
    meanLinearModel <- train$meanLinearModel
    stop("Argument 'train' must be an object of class 'mgpr'.")
    N <- length(DataObs$input)
    X <- as.matrix(unlist(DataObs$input))
      DataObs$response <- lapply(DataObs$response, as.matrix)

  X.new <- as.matrix(unlist(DataNew$input))
  ns.new <- sapply(DataNew$input, length)
  idx.new <- c(unlist(sapply(1:N, function(i) rep(i, ns.new[i]))))

  ns <- sapply(DataObs$input, length)
  nsTest <- sapply(DataNew$input, length)
  idx <- c(unlist(sapply(1:N, function(i) rep(i, ns[i]))))
  Y <- Reduce('rbind', DataObs$response)
  nrep <- ncol(Y)
    meanList <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      meanList[[j]] <- rep(0, ns[j])
    meanY <- do.call(cbind, replicate(nrep, unlist(meanList), simplify=FALSE))
    meanList <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      newtrend <- data.frame(xxx=DataObs$input[[j]])
      meanList[[j]] <- predict(meanLinearModel[[j]], newdata=newtrend)
    meanY <- do.call(cbind, replicate(nrep, unlist(meanList), simplify=FALSE))
  Y <- Y - meanY

  hp <- TransfToNatScaleCGP(hyper, N)
  Q <- 1
  va0s <- hp[1:N]
  va1s <- hp[(N+1):(2*N)]
  AparsMat <- matrix(hp[seq(2*N+1, by=1, length.out=2*N*Q)], ncol=2*Q, byrow=T)
  A0s <- A1s <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      A0s[[j]] <- as.matrix(AparsMat[j,1:Q])
      A1s[[j]] <- as.matrix(AparsMat[j,(Q+1):(2*Q)])
    for(j in 1:N){
      A0s[[j]] <- diag(AparsMat[j,1:Q])
      A1s[[j]] <- diag(AparsMat[j,(Q+1):(2*Q)])
  sig <- hp[length(hp)]
  Psi <- KCGP(X=X, idx=idx, va0s=va0s, va1s=va1s, A0s=A0s, A1s=A1s, sig=sig)
  Knm <- KCGPnm(X=X, Xp = X.new, idx=idx, idx_new = idx.new, va0s=va0s, 
                va1s=va1s, A0s=A0s, A1s=A1s, sig=0)
  Kstar <- KCGP(X=X.new, idx=idx.new, va0s=va0s, va1s=va1s, A0s=A0s, A1s=A1s, 

  invPsi <- chol2inv(chol(Psi))
  QR <- invPsi%*%Y
    meanList <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      meanList[[j]] <- rep(0, nsTest[j])
    mu <- do.call(cbind, replicate(nrep, unlist(meanList), simplify=FALSE))
    meanList <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      newtrend <- data.frame(xxx=DataNew$input[[j]])
      meanList[[j]] <- predict(meanLinearModel[[j]], newdata=newtrend)
    mu <- do.call(cbind, replicate(nrep, unlist(meanList), simplify=FALSE))
  pred.mu. <- t(Knm)%*%QR + mu
    sigma2 <- diag(Kstar)-diag(t(Knm)%*%invPsi%*%Knm) - sig^2
    sigma2 <- diag(Kstar)-diag(t(Knm)%*%invPsi%*%Knm)
  pred.sd. <- sqrt(sigma2)

  pred.mean <- list()
  pred.sd <- list()
  for(j in 1:N){
    pred.mean[[j]] <- pred.mu.[idx.new==j,,drop=F]
    pred.sd[[j]] <- pred.sd.[idx.new==j]


#' Calculate a multivariate Gaussian processes covariance matrix given a
#' vector of hyperparameters
#' @inheritParams mgpr
#' @param hp Vector of hyperparameters
#' @references Shi, J. Q., and Choi, T. (2011), ``Gaussian Process Regression
#'  Analysis for Functional Data'', CRC Press.
#' @return Covariance matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("mgpr", package = "GPFDA")
mgpCovMat <- function(Data, hp){

  N <- length(Data$input)
  X <- as.matrix(unlist(Data$input))
  ns <- sapply(Data$input, length)
  idx <- c(unlist(sapply(1:N, function(i) rep(i, ns[i]))))
  hp <- TransfToNatScaleCGP(hp, N)
  Q <- 1
  va0s <- hp[1:N]
  va1s <- hp[(N+1):(2*N)]
  AparsMat <- matrix(hp[seq(2*N+1, by=1, length.out=2*N*Q)], ncol=2*Q, byrow=T)
  A0s <- A1s <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      A0s[[j]] <- as.matrix(AparsMat[j,1:Q])
      A1s[[j]] <- as.matrix(AparsMat[j,(Q+1):(2*Q)])
    for(j in 1:N){
      A0s[[j]] <- diag(AparsMat[j,1:Q])
      A1s[[j]] <- diag(AparsMat[j,(Q+1):(2*Q)])

  sig <- hp[length(hp)]
  K <- KCGP(X=X, idx=idx, va0s=va0s, va1s=va1s, A0s=A0s, A1s=A1s, sig=sig)

TransfToNatScaleCGP <- function(hp, N){
  hp[(N+1):length(hp)] <- exp(hp[(N+1):length(hp)])

LogLikCGP <- function(hp, response, X, idx){
  Q <- 1
  N <- length(unique(idx))
  hp <- TransfToNatScaleCGP(hp, N)
  va0s <- hp[1:N]
  va1s <- hp[(N+1):(2*N)]
  AparsMat <- matrix(hp[seq(2*N+1, by=1, length.out=2*N*Q)], ncol=2*Q, byrow=T)
  A0s <- A1s <- list()
    for(j in 1:N){
      A0s[[j]] <- as.matrix(AparsMat[j,1:Q])
      A1s[[j]] <- as.matrix(AparsMat[j,(Q+1):(2*Q)])
    for(j in 1:N){
      A0s[[j]] <- diag(AparsMat[j,1:Q])
      A1s[[j]] <- diag(AparsMat[j,(Q+1):(2*Q)])
  sig <- hp[length(hp)]
  K <- KCGP(X=X, idx=idx, va0s=va0s, va1s=va1s, A0s=A0s, A1s=A1s, sig=sig)

  G <- chol(K)
  logdetK <- 2*sum(log(diag(G)))
  yt.invK.y <- t(response)%*%chol2inv(G)%*%response

  n <- nrow(response)
  nrep <- ncol(response)
    fX <- 0.5*logdetK + 0.5*yt.invK.y + 0.5*n*log(2*pi)
    fX <- nrep*0.5*logdetK + 0.5*sum(diag( yt.invK.y )) + nrep*0.5*n*log(2*pi)
  fX <- as.numeric(fX)

#' Plot predictions of GPR model
#' Plot predictons of each element of the multivariate Gaussian Process for a
#' given an object of class 'mgpr'.
#' @param x An object of class 'mgpr'.
#' @param DataObs List of observed data.
#' @param DataNew List of test data.
#' @param realisation Index identifying which realisation should be plotted.
#' @param alpha Significance level used for MGPR predictions. Default is 0.05.
#' @param ylim Range of y-axis.
#' @param mfrow Graphical parameter.
#' @param cex  Graphical parameter.
#' @param mar Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param oma Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param cex.lab Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param cex.axis Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param ... Graphical parameters passed to plot().
#' @importFrom  graphics polygon
#' @importFrom  graphics lines
#' @importFrom  graphics plot
#' @importFrom  graphics par
#' @importFrom  grDevices rgb
#' @return A plot showing predictions of each element of the multivariate
#'   process.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("mgpr", package = "GPFDA")
plot.mgpr <- function(x, DataObs, DataNew, realisation, alpha=0.05,
                      ylim=NULL, mfrow=NULL, 
                      mar=c(4.5,7.1,0.2,0.8), oma=c(0,0,0,0),
                      cex.lab=2, cex.axis=1.5, ...){
  old <- par(mar=mar, oma=oma, cex.lab=cex.lab, cex.axis=cex.axis)
  z <- stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    DataObs$response <- lapply(DataObs$response, as.matrix)
  predCGP <- mgprPredict(train=x, 
  N <- length(predCGP$pred.mean)
  for(variable in 1:N){
    predMean <- predCGP$pred.mean[[variable]][,realisation]
    upper <- predMean+z*predCGP$pred.sd[[variable]]
    lower <- predMean-z*predCGP$pred.sd[[variable]]
      ylim_i <- range(c(lower, upper))
      ylim_i <- ylim[[variable]]
    xlim_i <- range(DataObs$input[[variable]], DataNew$input[[variable]])
    plot(DataObs$input[[variable]], DataObs$response[[variable]][,realisation], 
         type="p", xlab="t", ylab=bquote(x[.(variable)]), ylim=ylim_i, 
         xlim=xlim_i, pch=19, cex=cex, cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.lab=cex.lab, ...)
    lines(DataNew$input[[variable]], predMean, col="blue", lwd=2)
    polygon(x=c(DataNew$input[[variable]], rev(DataNew$input[[variable]])), 
            y=c(upper, rev(lower)),
            col=rgb(127,127,127,120, maxColorValue=255), border=NA)

#' Plot auto- or cross-covariance function of a multivariate Gaussian process
#' @inheritParams mgpr
#' @param type Logical. It can be either 'Cov' (for covariance function) or
#'   'Cor' (for corresponding correlation function).
#' @param output Integer identifying one element of the multivariate process.
#' @param outputp Integer identifying one element of the multivariate process.
#'   If 'output' and 'outputp' are the same, the auto-covariance function will
#'   be plotted. Otherwise, the cross-covariance function between 'output' and
#'   'outputp' will be plotted.
#' @param hp Vector of hyperparameters
#' @param idx Index vector identifying to which output the elements of
#'   concatenated vectors correspond to.
#' @param ylim Graphical parameter
#' @param xlim Graphical parameter
#' @param mar Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param oma Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param cex.lab Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param cex.axis Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @param cex.main Graphical parameter passed to par().
#' @importFrom  graphics plot
#' @importFrom  graphics par
#' @return A plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## See examples in vignette:
#' # vignette("mgpr", package = "GPFDA")
plotmgpCovFun <- function(type="Cov", output, outputp, Data, hp, idx, ylim=NULL, 
                          xlim=NULL, mar=c(4.5,5.1,2.2,0.8), oma=c(0,0,0,0), 
                          cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1, cex.main=1.5){
  old <- par(mar=mar, oma=oma, cex.lab=cex.lab, cex.axis=cex.axis, cex.main=cex.main)
  Psi <- mgpCovMat(Data=Data, hp=hp)
    Psi <- cov2cor(Psi)
  toPlot <- Psi[idx==output, idx==outputp][,1]
  tp0 <- Data$input[[outputp]][1]
    ylim <- range(toPlot)
  plot(Data$input[[output]] - tp0, toPlot, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, type="l",


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