####Scalable GWR
gwr.scalable <- function(formula, data, bw.adapt=100, kernel = "gaussian", polynomial = 4, p = 2, theta = 0, longlat = F, dMat)
timings <- list()
timings[["start"]] <- Sys.time()
# # Match Variables <-
p4s <- as.character(NA)
# # Check the given data frame and regression points
# ## Data points
if (inherits(data, "Spatial")) {
p4s <- proj4string(data)
data <- as(data, "data.frame")
else if(inherits(data, "sf")) {
if(any((st_geometry_type(data)=="POLYGON")) | any(st_geometry_type(data)=="MULTIPOLYGON"))
dp.locat <- st_coordinates(st_centroid(st_geometry(data)))
dp.locat <- st_coordinates(st_geometry(data))
else {
stop("Given regression data must be Spatial*DataFrame")
# # Extract the data frame
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- model.extract(mf, "response")
x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
var.n <- ncol(x)
#dp.n <- nrow(data)
dp.n <- nrow(x)
rp.n <- dp.n
dmat.p <- p
betas <- matrix(0, rp.n, var.n)
if (hatmatrix) {
betas.SE <- matrix(0, rp.n, var.n)
betas.TV <- matrix(0, rp.n, var.n)
idx1 <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x))
if (! colnames(x)[idx1] <- "Intercept"
colnames(betas) <- colnames(x)
xnames <- colnames(x)
# # Linear regression
lms <- lm(formula = formula, data = data)
lms$x <- x
lms$y <- y
gTss <- c(cov.wt(matrix(y, ncol = 1), wt = rep(as.numeric(1), dp.n), method = "ML")$cov * dp.n)
# # Distance Mat is given or not
neighbours <- numeric(bw.adapt^2)
neighbours.dist <- NULL
DM.given <- F
DM1.given <- F
if (missing(dMat)) {
DM.given <- F
DM1.given <- F
if (dmat.p == 2 & theta == 0 & longlat == F) {
data.knn <- get.knn(dp.locat, k = bw.adapt)
neighbours <- data.knn$nn.index
neighbours.dist <- data.knn$nn.dist
} else {
if (dp.n <= 10000 & dmat.p == 2 & theta == 0) {
neighbours <- knearneigh(dp.locat, k = bw.adapt, longlat = longlat)$nn
dMat <- gw.dist(dp.locat = dp.locat, p = 2, theta = theta, longlat = longlat)
DM.given <- T
} else {
neighbours <- matrix(0, dp.n, bw.adapt)
neighbours.dist <- matrix(0, dp.n, bw.adapt)
time0 <- Sys.time()
for (i in 1:dp.n) { <- gw.dist(dp.locat = dp.locat, focus = i, p = dmat.p, theta = theta, longlat = longlat) <- sort(, index.return = TRUE)
neighbours[i,] <-$ix[2:(bw.adapt + 1)]
neighbours.dist[i,] <-$x[2:(bw.adapt + 1)]
} else {
DM.given <- T
DM1.given <- T
dim.dMat <- dim(dMat)
if (dim.dMat[1] != dp.n || dim.dMat[2] != rp.n) {
stop("Dimensions of dMat are not correct!")
if (DM.given) {
dMat.sort <- apply(dMat, 2, sort, index.return = TRUE)
neighbours <- t(sapply(dMat.sort, function (i) {i$ix}, simplify = "array"))[,2:(bw.adapt + 1)]
neighbours.dist <- t(sapply(dMat.sort, function (i) {i$x}, simplify = "array"))[,2:(bw.adapt + 1)]
timings[["precalibration"]] <- Sys.time()
# # Calibration the model
P <- polynomial
band0 <- 0
G0 <- 1
# ## Base bandwidth and base kernel
if (tolower(kernel) == "gaussian") {
band0 <- median(neighbours.dist[, min(50, bw.adapt)]) / sqrt(3)
G0 <- exp(-(neighbours.dist / band0)^2)
} else if (tolower(kernel) == "exponential") {
band0 <- median(neighbours.dist[, min(50, bw.adapt)]) / 3
G0 <- exp(-(neighbours.dist / band0)^2)
XtX <- crossprod(x)
XtY <- crossprod(x, y)
M0 <- scgwr_pre(x, y, bw.adapt, P, band0, G0, neighbours)
Mx0 <- M0$Mx0
My0 <- M0$My0
timings[["precalculate"]] <- Sys.time()
b.tilde <- 1
alpha <- 0.01
optim.result <- optim(par = c(b.tilde, alpha), fn = scgwr_loocv, gr = NULL, x, y, bw.adapt, P, Mx0, My0, XtX, XtY)
b.tilde <- optim.result$par[1]^2
alpha <- optim.result$par[2]^2
prameters <- c(b.tilde, alpha)
timings[["optimize"]] <- Sys.time()
cv.score <- optim.result$value
result.reg <- scgwr_reg(x, y, bw.adapt, P, G0, Mx0, My0, XtX, XtY, neighbours, prameters)
betas <- result.reg$betas
betas.SE <- result.reg$betas.SE
tr.S <- result.reg$tr.S
tr.StS <- result.reg$tr.StS
timings[["calibration"]] <- Sys.time()
# # Diagnostic statistics
yhat <- rowSums(x * betas)
residual <- y - yhat
RSS <- c(sum(residual^2))
enp <- 2 * tr.S - tr.StS
edf <- dp.n - 2 * tr.S + tr.StS
sig <- c(sqrt(RSS / (dp.n - enp)))
betas.SE <- sig * betas.SE
bt <- betas / betas.SE
bp0 <- data.frame(2 - 2 * pt(abs(bt), df = c(dp.n) - enp))
bp <- data.frame(bp0 * c(abs(enp / var.n)))
bp[bp > 1] <- 1
betas <- data.frame(betas)
betas.SE <- data.frame(betas.SE)
betas.TV <- data.frame(betas / betas.SE)
names(betas) <- names(betas.SE) <- names(betas.TV) <- names(bp0) <- names(bp) <- xnames
spar <- data.frame(c(b.tilde, alpha))
names(spar) <- "Estimate"
rownames(spar) <- c("scale", "penalty")
loglik <- -dp.n * log(sig) - dp.n / 2 * log(2 * pi)
AIC <- -2 * loglik + dp.n + tr.S
AICc <- -2 * loglik + dp.n * (dp.n + tr.S) / (dp.n - 2 - tr.S)
R2 <- cor(yhat, y)^2
adjR2 <- 1 - (1 - R2) * (dp.n - 1)/(dp.n - enp - 1)
CV <- sqrt(cv.score / dp.n)
# # Generate return result
# ## GWR arguments
GW.arguments <- list(
formula = formula,
data = data,
bw = bw.adapt,
kernel = kernel,
polynomial = polynomial,
p = dmat.p,
theta = theta,
longlat = longlat,
DM.given = DM.given,
hatmatrix = TRUE,
F123.test = FALSE
# ## GWR diagnostic
GW.diagnostic <- list(
AICc = AICc,
enp = enp,
edf = edf,
gw.R2 = R2,
gwR2.adj = adjR2, = RSS
# ## GWR result Data Frame
gwres.df <- data.frame(betas, y, yhat, residual, CV, betas.SE, betas.TV)
colnames(gwres.df) <- c(c(c(colnames(betas), c("y", "yhat", "residual", "CV_Score")),
paste(colnames(betas), "SE", sep = "_")),
paste(colnames(betas), "TV", sep = "_"))
# ## SDF
if (inherits(data, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
polygons <- polygons(data)
rownames(gwres.df) <- sapply(slot(polygons, "polygons"), function (i) slot(i, "ID"))
SDF <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = polygons, data = gwres.df, match.ID = F)
else if (inherits(data, "sf")) {
SDF <- st_sf(gwres.df, geometry = st_geometry(data))
else {
SDF <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=dp.locat, data=gwres.df, proj4string = CRS(p4s), match.ID = F)
timings[["stop"]] <- Sys.time()
res <- list(
GW.arguments = GW.arguments,
GW.diagnostic = GW.diagnostic,
lm = lms,
SDF = SDF, =,
timings = timings
class(res) <- "scgwrm"
gwr.scalable.loocv <- function(target, params) {
# # Get parameters
pos.px <- params$pos.px
pos.var1 <- params$pos.var1
pos.var2 <- params$pos.var2 <- params$
pos.vary <- params$pos.vary
Mx0 <- params$Mx0
My0 <- params$My0
P <- params$P
var.n <- params$var.n
dp.n <- params$dp.n
x <- params$x
y <- params$y
XtX <- params$XtX
XtY <- params$XtY
# # optimization
b <- target[1]^2
alpha <- target[2]^2
R <- rep(b, P + 1)
for (p in 2:(P + 1)) {
R[p] <- b^p
Mx <- R[pos.px] * Mx0
My <- R[] * My0
Mx.sum <- matrix(0, var.n * var.n, dp.n)
My.sum <- matrix(0, var.n, dp.n)
for (k1 in 1:var.n) {
for (k2 in 1:var.n) {
Mx.sum[(k1 - 1)*var.n + k2, ] <- colSums(Mx[(pos.var1 == k1) & (pos.var2 == k2), ])
My.sum[k1, ] <- colSums(My[(pos.vary == k1), ])
Mx.list <- list(NULL)
My.list <- list(NULL)
for (i in 1:dp.n) {
Mx.list[[i]] <- matrix(Mx.sum[, i], var.n, var.n) + alpha * XtX
My.list[[i]] <- My.sum[, i] + alpha * XtY
tryres <- try(Mx.inv <- lapply(Mx.list, solve), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(tryres, "try-error")) {
error <- 10^10
} else {
beta <- t(matrix(unlist(mapply("%*%", Mx.inv, My.list, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)), nrow = var.n, ncol = dp.n))
yhat <- rowSums(x * beta)
error <- sum((y - yhat)^2)
print.scgwrm <- function(x, ...)
if(!inherits(x, "scgwrm")) stop("It's not a scalable gwm object")
cat(" ***********************************************************************\n")
cat(" * Package GWmodel *\n")
cat(" ***********************************************************************\n")
cat(" Program starts at:", as.character(x$timings$start), "\n")
cat(" Call:\n")
cat(" ")
vars <- all.vars(x$GW.arguments$formula)
var.n <- length(x$lm$coefficients)
cat("\n Dependent (y) variable: ",vars[1])
cat("\n Independent variables: ",vars[-1])
cat("\n Number of data points:",dp.n)
################################################################ Print Linear
cat("\n ***********************************************************************\n")
cat(" * Results of Global Regression *\n")
cat(" ***********************************************************************\n")
cat(" ***Extra Diagnostic information\n")
cat(" Residual sum of squares:", lm_RSS)
cat("\n Sigma(hat):", lm_sigma)
lm_AIC<-dp.n*log(lm_RSS/dp.n)+dp.n*log(2*pi)+dp.n+2*(var.n + 1)
#AIC = dev + 2.0 * (double)(MGlobal + 1.0);
cat("\n AIC: ", lm_AIC)
##AICc = dev + 2.0 * (double)N * ( (double)MGlobal + 1.0) / ((double)N - (double)MGlobal - 2.0);
lm_AICc= dp.n*log(lm_RSS/dp.n)+dp.n*log(2*pi)+dp.n+2*dp.n*(var.n+1)/(dp.n-var.n-2)
cat("\n AICc: ", lm_AICc)
#lm_rdf <- x$dfsidual
cat("\n ***********************************************************************\n")
cat(" * Results of Geographically Weighted Regression *\n")
cat(" ***********************************************************************\n")
cat("\n *********************Model calibration information*********************\n")
cat(" Kernel function:", x$GW.arguments$kernel, "\n")
if (x$GW.arguments$DM.given)
cat(" Distance metric: A distance matrix is specified for this model calibration.\n")
if (x$GW.arguments$longlat)
cat(" Distance metric: Great Circle distance metric is used.\n")
else if (x$GW.arguments$p==2)
cat(" Distance metric: Euclidean distance metric is used.\n")
else if (x$GW.arguments$p==1)
cat(" Distance metric: Manhattan distance metric is used.\n")
else if (is.infinite(x$GW.arguments$p))
cat(" Distance metric: Chebyshev distance metric is used.\n")
cat(" Distance metric: A generalized Minkowski distance metric is used with p=",x$GW.arguments$p,".\n")
if (x$GW.arguments$theta!=0&&x$GW.arguments$p!=2&&!x$GW.arguments$longlat)
cat(" Coordinate rotation: The coordinate system is rotated by an angle", x$GW.arguments$theta, "in radian.\n")
cat("\n ****************Summary of GWR coefficient estimates:******************\n")
if(inherits(x$SDF, "Spatial"))
df0 <- as(x$SDF, "data.frame")[,1:var.n, drop=FALSE]
df0 <- st_drop_geometry(x$SDF)[,1:var.n, drop=FALSE]
if (any( {
df0 <- na.omit(df0)
warning("NAs in coefficients dropped")
CM <- t(apply(df0, 2, summary))[,c(1:3,5,6)]
CM <- matrix(CM, nrow=1)
colnames(CM) <- c("Min.", "1st Qu.", "Median", "3rd Qu.", "Max.")
rownames(CM) <- names(x$SDF)[1]
for (i in 1:length(rnames))
rnames[i]<-paste(" ",rnames[i],sep="")
rownames(CM) <-rnames
if (x$GW.arguments$hatmatrix)
cat(" ************************Diagnostic information*************************\n")
cat(" Number of data points:", dp.n, "\n")
cat(" Effective number of parameters (2trace(S) - trace(S'S)):", x$GW.diagnostic$enp, "\n")
cat(" Effective degrees of freedom (n-2trace(S) + trace(S'S)):", x$GW.diagnostic$edf, "\n")
cat(" AICc (GWR book, Fotheringham, et al. 2002, p. 61, eq 2.33):",
x$GW.diagnostic$AICc, "\n")
cat(" AIC (GWR book, Fotheringham, et al. 2002,GWR p. 96, eq. 4.22):", x$GW.diagnostic$AIC, "\n")
cat(" Residual sum of squares:", x$GW.diagnostic$, "\n")
cat(" R-square value: ",x$GW.diagnostic$gw.R2,"\n")
cat(" Adjusted R-square value: ",x$GW.diagnostic$gwR2.adj,"\n")
cat("\n ***********************************************************************\n")
cat(" Program stops at:", as.character(x$timings$stop), "\n")
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