
Defines functions As_dgCMatrix highsVal RglpkVal RsymphVal LpVal_sparse LpVal ComputeIntervals1 ComputeIntervals

Documented in ComputeIntervals

#' Function for calculating intervals for suppressed tables.
#' This function solves linear programs to determine interval boundaries
#' for suppressed cells.
#' This function is still experimental.
#' Default in for `bounds` parameter in `Rsymphony_solve_LP` and `Rglpk_solve_LP`: 
#' _The default for each variable is a bound between 0 and `Inf`._
#' Details in `lpSolve`: _Note that every variable is assumed to be `>= 0`!_
#' @param x ModelMatrix, as output from SSBtools::ModelMatrix
#' @param z numerical vector with length ncol(x). Corresponds to table cell values
#' @param primary Vector indicating primary suppressed cells. Can be logical or
#' integer. If integer vector, indicates the columns of x which are considered
#' primary suppressed.
#' @param suppressed Vector indicating all suppressed cells. Can be logical or
#' integer. If integer vector, indicates the columns of x which are considered
#' suppressed.
#' @param minVal a known minimum value for table cells. Default NULL.
#' Note that 'minVal' is interpreted as the limiting value for all suppressed cells. 
#' Specifying 'minVal=0' would be redundant, as a minimum value of 0 is anyway 
#' assumed for inner cells (see details).
#' @param lpPackage The name of the package used to solve linear programs. Currently, 
#' 'lpSolve' (default), 'Rsymphony',  'Rglpk' and 'highs'  are supported.
#' @param gaussI Boolean vector. If TRUE (default), GaussIndependent is used to
#' reduce size of linear program.
#' @param  allInt Integer variables when TRUE. 
#' See `all.int` parameter in `lpSolve` and `types` parameter in `Rsymphony` and `Rglpk`. 
#' @param  sparseConstraints When TRUE, a sparse constraint matrix will be input to the 
#' solver. In the case of `lpSolve`, the sparse matrix is represented in triplet form 
#' as a dense matrix with three columns, and the `dense.const` parameter is utilized.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit runif
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums t crossprod
#' @importFrom SSBtools DummyDuplicated GaussIndependent Reduce0exact As_TsparseMatrix
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
#' @author Øyvind Langsrud and Daniel Lupp
ComputeIntervals <-
           minVal = NULL,
           lpPackage = "lpSolve",
           gaussI = TRUE,
           allInt = FALSE,
           sparseConstraints = TRUE) {
    if (!lpPackage %in% c("lpSolve", "Rsymphony", "Rglpk", "highs"))
      stop("Only 'lpSolve', 'Rsymphony' and 'Rglpk' solvers are supported.")
    if (!require(lpPackage, character.only = TRUE,  quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop(paste0("Package '", lpPackage, "' is not available."))
    if (!sparseConstraints) {
      AsMatrix <- as.matrix
    } else {
      AsMatrix <- function(x) x
    if (is.logical(primary))
      primary <- which(primary)
    if (is.logical(suppressed))
      suppressed <- which(suppressed)
    if (is.null(minVal)) {     # secondary not needed
      secondary <- integer(0)  # removing is more efficient 
    } else {
      secondary <- suppressed[!(suppressed %in% primary)]
    input_ncol_x <- ncol(x)
    published <- seq_len(ncol(x))
    published <- published[!(published %in% suppressed)]
    if (!length(published)) {
      cat("Infinity intervals without using a solver ...\n")
      lo <- rep(NA_integer_, input_ncol_x)
      up <- lo
      lo[primary] <- c(minVal, 0)[1]
      up[primary] <- Inf
      return(cbind(lo = lo, up = up))
    # Reorder since first match important in DummyDuplicated
    x <- x[, c(published, primary, secondary), drop = FALSE]
    z <- z[c(published, primary, secondary)]
    published2 <- seq_len(length(published))
    primary2 <- length(published) + seq_len(length(primary))
    secondary2 <-
      length(published) + length(primary) + seq_len(length(secondary))
    cat("(", dim(x)[1], "*", length(published2), sep = "")
    # Reduce problem by duplicated columns
    idxDD <- DummyDuplicated(x, idx = TRUE, rnd = TRUE)
    idxDDunique <- unique(idxDD)
    if (length(idxDDunique) < length(idxDD)) {
      x <- x[, idxDDunique, drop = FALSE]
      z <- z[idxDDunique]
      published3 <- which(idxDDunique %in% published2)
      primary3 <- which(idxDDunique %in% primary2)
      secondary3 <- which(idxDDunique %in% secondary2)
      cat("-DDcol->", dim(x)[1], "*", length(published3), sep = "")
    } else {
      published3 <- published2
      primary3 <- primary2
      secondary3 <- secondary2
    # Reduce problem by duplicated rows
    ddt <- DummyDuplicated(x, rnd = TRUE, rows = TRUE)
    if (any(ddt)) {
      x <- x[!ddt, , drop = FALSE]
      cat("-DDrow->", dim(x)[1], "*", length(published3), "->", sep = "")
    # Reduce problem by Reduce0exact
    a <-
      Reduce0exact(x[, published3, drop = FALSE], matrix(z[published3]), reduceByColSums = TRUE)
    cat("-0exact->", dim(a$x)[1], "*", dim(a$x)[2], sep = "")
    # Reduce problem by duplicated columns again
    dd <- DummyDuplicated(a$x, rnd = TRUE)
    if (any(dd)) {
      a$x <- a$x[,!dd, drop = FALSE]
      a$z <- a$z[!dd]
      cat("-DDcol2->", dim(a$x)[1], "*", dim(a$x)[2], sep = "")
    if (gaussI) {
      ord <- order(colSums(a$x))   # Positive effect of this ordering?
      a$x <- a$x[, ord, drop = FALSE]
      a$z <- a$z[ord, drop = FALSE]
      gi <- GaussIndependent(a$x)
      a$x <- a$x[, gi$columns, drop = FALSE]
      a$z <- a$z[gi$columns]
      cat("-GaussI->", dim(a$x)[1], "*", dim(a$x)[2], sep = "")
    intervals1 = ComputeIntervals1(a, 
    # Transfer to before  "Reduce problem by duplicated columns"
    ma <- match(idxDD, idxDDunique)
    lo <- intervals1$lo[ma]
    up <- intervals1$up[ma]
    # Make sure lo and up long enough since secondary2
    # was set to integer(0)
    if (is.null(minVal)) {
      lo_output <- rep(NA_integer_, input_ncol_x)
      up_output <- lo_output
    } else {
      lo_output <- lo
      up_output <- up
    # Transfer to before "Reorder since ..."
    lo_output[c(published, primary, secondary)] <-
      lo[c(published2, primary2, secondary2)]
    up_output[c(published, primary, secondary)] <-
      up[c(published2, primary2, secondary2)]
    cbind(lo = lo_output, up = up_output)
# lp wrapper

ComputeIntervals1 <- function(a, 
                             check = rep(TRUE, length(primary3)),
                             verbose = TRUE) {
  # Vectors of limits to be filled inn
  lo <- rep(NA_integer_, ncol(x))
  up <- lo
  # Make lp-input from Reduce0exact solution
  f.con <- AsMatrix(t(a$x))
  if (lpPackage == "lpSolve")
    f.dir <- rep("=", nrow(f.con))
    f.dir <- rep("==", nrow(f.con))
  f.rhs <- as.vector((as.matrix(a$z)))
  if (!is.null(minVal)) {
    f.con <-
      rbind(f.con, AsMatrix(t(x[!a$yKnown, c(primary3, secondary3), drop = FALSE])))
    f.dir <-
      c(f.dir, rep(">=", length(primary3) + length(secondary3)))
    f.rhs <-
      c(f.rhs, rep(minVal, length(primary3) + length(secondary3)))
  if (verbose) cat("\n")
  if (lpPackage == "lpSolve") {
    if (sparseConstraints) {
      f.con <- As_TsparseMatrix(t(f.con)) # With t() result identical to lpSolve example   
      f.con <- cbind(f.con@j + 1, f.con@i + 1, f.con@x)
    if (verbose) cat("Using lpSolve for intervals...\n")
  if (lpPackage == "Rsymphony" | lpPackage == "highs") {
    if (sparseConstraints) {
      f.con <- As_dgCMatrix(f.con) 
    if (verbose) cat("Using", lpPackage ,"for intervals...\n")
  if (lpPackage == "Rglpk") {
    if (sparseConstraints) {
      f.con <- As_TsparseMatrix(f.con)  
      f.con <-  slam::simple_triplet_matrix(   # Rglpk depends on slam
        f.con@i + 1L, f.con@j + 1L, f.con@x, nrow = nrow(f.con), ncol = ncol(f.con))
    if (verbose) cat("Using Rglpk for intervals...\n")
  if (lpPackage == "lpSolve") {
    if (!sparseConstraints) PackageVal = LpVal
    if (sparseConstraints) PackageVal = LpVal_sparse
  if (lpPackage == "Rsymphony") PackageVal = RsymphVal
  if (lpPackage == "Rglpk") PackageVal = RglpkVal
  if (lpPackage == "highs") PackageVal = highsVal
  for (j in which(check)) {  # for (j in seq_along(primary3)) {
    if (verbose) if (j %% max(1, length(primary3) %/% 50) == 0) {
    i <- primary3[j]
    f.obj <- as.vector(x[!a$yKnown, i])
    lo[i] <- PackageVal(
      max = FALSE,
      obj = f.obj,
      mat = f.con,
      dir = f.dir,
      rhs = f.rhs,
      types = c("C", "I")[1 + allInt]
    up[i] <- PackageVal(
      max = TRUE,
      obj = f.obj,
      mat = f.con,
      dir = f.dir,
      rhs = f.rhs,
      types = c("C", "I")[1 + allInt]

# Add values "removed" by Reduce0exact
# a$y: A version of y (freq here) with known values correct and others zero
addKnown <- as.vector(Matrix::crossprod(x, a$y))
lo <- lo + addKnown
up <- up + addKnown

list(lo = lo, up = up)

LpVal <- function(max, obj, mat, dir, rhs, types) {
    lpobj <- lpSolve::lp(direction = c("min", "max")[1 + max],
                         objective.in = obj,
                         const.mat = mat,
                         const.dir = dir,
                         const.rhs = rhs,
                         all.int = types == "I")  
  c(lpobj$objval, NA, NaN,-Inf)[lpobj$status + 1]

LpVal_sparse <- function(max, obj, mat, dir, rhs, types) {
  lpobj <- lpSolve::lp(direction = c("min", "max")[1 + max],
                       objective.in = obj,
                       dense.const = mat,
                       const.dir = dir,
                       const.rhs = rhs,
                       all.int = types == "I")  
  c(lpobj$objval, NA, NaN,-Inf)[lpobj$status + 1]

RsymphVal <- function(...) {
  lpobj <- Rsymphony::Rsymphony_solve_LP(...)
  c(lpobj$objval, NA)[lpobj$status + 1]

RglpkVal <- function(...) {
  lpobj <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(...)
  # This part written by ChatGPT
  if(lpobj$status == 0) {  # Optimal solution found
    output <- lpobj$optimum
  } else if(lpobj$status == 2 || lpobj$status == 3) {  # Infinite solution or no feasible solution
    output <- Inf
  } else {  # Other errors or situations
    output <- NA

highsVal <- function(max, obj, mat, dir, rhs, types) {

  L <- obj
  lower <- rep(0, length(L))  
  upper <- rep(Inf, length(L))  
  A <- mat
  rhs <- rhs            
  lhs <- rhs
  rhs[dir == ">="] = Inf
  lhs[dir == "<="] = -Inf
  maximum <- max
  solution <- highs::highs_solve(
    Q = NULL,  
    L = L,
    lower = lower,
    upper = upper,
    A = A,
    lhs = lhs,
    rhs = rhs,
    types = types,
    maximum = maximum
  if(solution$status_message == "Optimal") {  
    output <- solution$objective_value  
  } else {
    output <- NA  

# As_dgCMatrix(matrix(c(1, 2, 2, 1), nrow = 2))
# As_dgCMatrix(Matrix(c(1, 2, 2, 1), nrow = 2))
As_dgCMatrix = function(x){
  as(drop0(x),  "generalMatrix")

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GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.