
Defines functions chdirAnalysis chdirplots chdirSig multigmtPAEAAnalysis PAEAAnalysis PAEA

Documented in chdirAnalysis multigmtPAEAAnalysis PAEAAnalysis

# A wrapper function for performing characteristic
# direction analysis

gmt <- NULL
AllGMTfiles <- NULL

chdirAnalysis <- function(datain, sampleclass, gammas=list(1.0), nnull=10,CalculateSig=FALSE)
{  # Test that the inputs are in the correct form and are self-consisent
  if(length(sampleclass)!=(length(datain)-1)) stop("number of elements in sampleclass is inconsistent with input data")
  if(!is.data.frame(datain)) stop("Input data is not in the form of a data frame")
  if(FALSE%in%(c("1","2")%in%levels(sampleclass))) stop ("sample class does not include \'1\' and \'2\'")
  if(length(datain[sampleclass==1])<2) stop ("too few controll samples")
  if(length(datain[sampleclass==2])<2) stop ("too few samples")
  # Calculate the characteristic direction
  chdirresults <- chdirSig(datain,sampleclass,gammas,nnull=nnull,CalculateSig=CalculateSig)
  # produce plots
#  print("plotting...")
#  print("generating output...")
  # Generate result dataframe
  outAll <- lapply(chdirresults[[1]], function(x) {x[sort.list(x^2,decreasing=TRUE),]})
    outSig <- mapply( function(x,ns) {
      x[sort.list(x^2,decreasing=TRUE)[1:ns],]}, chdirresults[[1]],chdirresults[[6]],SIMPLIFY=FALSE)

# A function to display he results of the characteristic
# Direction function

chdirplots <- function(chdirresults,sampleclass,gammas=list(1.0),CalculateSig=FALSE)
  # Plot the 2-d projections of the data and the characteristic directions
  # Plot 2D projections
    par(las = 1, mar=c(5,4,4,2)+0.1)
    plot(chdirresults[[2]][,1],chdirresults[[2]][,2], pch=as.numeric(sampleclass),xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2",main=paste("2D projection of CD: gamma = ", as.character(g)))
    arrowstart <- colMeans(chdirresults[[2]][sampleclass==1,])
    arrows(x0=arrowstart[[1]],y0=arrowstart[[2]],x1=arrowstart[[1]]+arrowscale*a[[1]], y1=arrowstart[[2]]+arrowscale*a[[2]])
  # Plot coeffs of top genes
  # Plot significance curve
      plot(a, type="l",xlab="rank",ylab="s", main=paste("Significance curve, gamma = ",g))

  # Bar plot of chdir components
  # Plot 2D projections
    par(las = 2, mar=c(7,5,4,2)+0.1)

    nbars <- min(40,length(a))
    barplot(t(a[sort.list(a^2,decreasing=TRUE)[1:nbars],]),main=paste("Top genes: gamma = ", as.character(g)),ylab="coeficient")


# Characteristic direction function WITH significance test #
# Input:
# 1) expression data with genes down the rows and samplees across the columns
# 2) a factors describing which samples are controll (1) and which are perturbed (2)
# 3) a list of gamma values (default (1.0))
# Output
# 1) The chdir in list form

chdirSig <- function(data,sampleclass,gammas=list(1.0),nnull=10,CalculateSig=FALSE)
  # Calculate the pca
  pca1 <- prcomp(t(as.matrix(data[-1])))
  meanvec <- rowMeans(as.matrix(data[-1][sampleclass==2]))-rowMeans(as.matrix(data[-1][sampleclass==1]))
  n1 <- sum(sampleclass==1)
  n2 <- sum(sampleclass==2)
  #   In order to prevent singularities later we now select the number 
  #of PCs to keep
  cumsum <- pca1$sdev^2/sum(pca1$sdev^2)
  keepPC <- length(cumsum[cumsum>0.001])
  # Now calculte the characteristic direction in pca space
  V <- pca1$rotation[,1:keepPC]
  R <- pca1$x[,1:keepPC]
  Dd <- (t(R[sampleclass==1,])%*%R[sampleclass==1,]+t(R[sampleclass==2,])%*%R[sampleclass==2,])/(n1+n2-2)
  sigma <- mean(diag(Dd))
  ShrunkMats <- lapply(gammas, function(x) solve(x*Dd + sigma*(1-x)*diag(keepPC)))
  # Map back to the full expression space
  b <- lapply(ShrunkMats, function(x) matrix(V%*%x%*%t(V)%*%meanvec,dimnames=list(c(as.list(as.character(data[[1]]))), 1)))
  # Normalize the characteristic directions
  b <- lapply(b, function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x^2)))
  # b<-as.vector(b[[1]])  
  #The projection of the characteristic direction in the first two PCs
  b2dscale <- colMeans(R[sampleclass==2,1:2])- colMeans(R[sampleclass==1,1:2])
  b2dscale <- sqrt(sum(b2dscale^2))
  projchdir2d <-lapply(b, function(x) list( b2dscale*as.numeric(as.vector(x)%*%as.vector(V[,1])), b2dscale*as.numeric(as.vector(x)%*%as.vector(V[,2]))))  
  if (CalculateSig) 
    # Generate a null distribution of chdirs
    y1 <- t(t(mvrnorm(nnull, rep(0, as.numeric(keepPC)), Dd) *sqrt(nu / rchisq(nnull, nu))))
    y2 <- t(t(mvrnorm(nnull, rep(0, as.numeric(keepPC)), Dd) *sqrt(nu / rchisq(nnull, nu))))
    bmeanvec <- colMeans(R[sampleclass==2,])- colMeans(R[sampleclass==1,])
    y <- t(y2-y1)
    #  y <- mvrnorm(nnull, rep(0, as.numeric(keepPC)), Dd)
    #  y2<-sqrt(nu / rchisq(nnull, nu))
    # For each value of gamma and each of the null
#    print("1/2")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nnull,style=3) 
    nullchdirs <- lapply(gammas, function(x)
          mapply( function(mv,count)
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
            sm <- solve(x*Dd + sigma*(1-x)*diag(keepPC))        
            bn <-  matrix(V%*%sm%*%t(V)%*%as.numeric(mv%*%t(V)),dimnames=list(c(as.list(as.character(data[[1]]))), 1))
            bn <- bn/sqrt(sum(bn^2))

#  print(class(nullchdirs))
#  print(length(nullchdirs))
#  print(dim(nullchdirs))

    # The ratio to null
#    print("2/2")
#    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nnull,style=3)
    ratio <- mapply(function(ba,bn,count) {
#      setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
      relerr <- sort(ba^2,decreasing=TRUE)/bn
      relerr <- cumsum(relerr)/sum(relerr)-c(1:length(meanvec))/length(meanvec)
    }, b,nullchdirs, c(1:length(nullchdirs)),SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
#    close(pb)
#    print("This may take several minutes, please wait...")
    nsiggenes <-lapply(ratio,function(x) which.max(x))

# Multi GMT PAEA analysis

multigmtPAEAAnalysis <- function(chdirresults,gmtfiles=AllGMTfiles,gammas=c(1.0),casesensitive=FALSE,showprogress=TRUE)

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(gmtfiles),style=3)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)

    data(list=gmtfile, envir = environment())

    ar <- PAEAAnalysis(chdirresults,gmt,gammas=gammas,casesensitive=casesensitive,showprogress=FALSE)
    write.table(ar$p_values, paste("PAEA_p_values-",gmtfile,".txt",sep=""), sep="\t")
  }, gmtfiles,c(0:(length(gmtfiles)-1)))


# A wrapper function for PAEA

PAEAAnalysis <- function(chdirresults,gmtfile,gammas=c(1.0),casesensitive=FALSE,showprogress=TRUE)
  # Extract the names of the gmt lines and the gmt lines
  gmtlinenames <- lapply(gmtfile, function(x) x[[1]])
  gmtlines <- lapply(gmtfile, function(x) x[-1])
#  print("processed gmt")
  # Calculate the PEAE results for each gmt line
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(gmtlines),style=3)
    PAEAresults <-mapply(function(x,count) 
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, count)
    PAEAresults <-lapply(gmtlines, function(x) PAEA(chdirresults[[1]],x,casesensitive=casesensitive))

  gammalabels <-unlist(lapply(gammas, function(x) paste("gamma=",x)))
  # Sort the lines and output the results
  pvalues<-lapply(PAEAresults, function(x) x[[2]])


  pvalues<-matrix(unlist(pvalues),ncol=length(gmtlines), dimnames=list(gammalabels,gmtlinenames))
  pavalues<-lapply(PAEAresults, function(x) x[[1]])
  pavalues<-matrix(unlist(pvalues),ncol=length(gmtlines), dimnames=list(gammalabels,gmtlinenames))

#  print(class(pvalues))
#  print(length(pvalues))
#  print(dim(pvalues))
  # identify the ordering by the first gamma value
  gmtp <- sort.list(pvalues[1,])
  # Produce a bar-graph plot of the top enriched lists
#  print(pvalues[1,gmtp[1:nbars]])
  pvalues <- pvalues+1e-200

#  print(pvalues[1,gmtp[1:nbars]])

  par(las = 1, mar=c(5,20,1,1))
  barplot(-rev(log(pvalues[1,gmtp[1:nbars]])), horiz = TRUE,xlab="-log(p)")

# PAEA function
# Input:
# 1) A characteristic direction
# 2) a factor of gene names corrsponding to the elements of the characteristic direction
# 3) a line from a gmt file (class character)
# Output
# 1) The principal angle
# 2) The p value
#  print("in PAEA")

  keepgenes <-is.element(toupper(genenames), toupper(gmtline))
  ngenes <-length(genenames)
  # A matrix with a 1 in rows corresponding to genes in the gmt line
  #gvec <- as.matrix(lapply(keepgenes, function(x) if (x==TRUE) 1 else 0))
  gpos <-which(toupper(genenames)%in%toupper(gmtline))
  nset <-length(gmtline)

  n <-ngenes
  m <-length(gpos)

#  print("n genes and set = ")
#  print(n)
#  print(m)

#  print(gpos)
#  print(length(gpos))
#  print("doing gsa")
  gsa <- as.matrix(sparseMatrix(gpos, c(1:length(gpos)), dims=c(ngenes,length(gpos)),x=1))
  #   Calculate the principal angle
  #  prod <- lapply(chdir, function(x) t(x)%*%gsa)
#  print("calculating pa")
  principalangle <- lapply(chdir, function(x) svd((t(x)/sqrt(sum(x^2)))%*%gsa, nu=0, nv=0))
  # Isotropic null distribution
  #2 (Gamma[(n)/2]/(Gamma[(n - m)/2]*Gamma[m/2])) (Sin[theta])^(n - m - 1)*(Cos[theta])^(m - 1);

  pac <- function(theta) {2*(1./sqrt(2*pi))*exp((n/2)*log(n/(n - m))+(m/2)*log((n - m)/m)+(1/2)*log(m/(2*n)*(n - m))+(n-m-1)*log(sin(theta))+(m-1)*log(cos(theta)))}
  #  Ncdfpa <-integrate(pac,0,as.numeric(principalangle[[1]])) 
  #  list(as.numeric(principalangle[[1]]),Ncdfpa)
  Ncdfpa <-lapply(principalangle,function(pa) integrate(pac,0,acos(as.numeric(pa)))$value)
    principalangle <- lapply(chdir, function(x) 0.) 
    Ncdfpa <-lapply(principalangle,function(pa) 1.0)

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