
Defines functions HCDplot break.cl.sp HCD BTSBM gen.A.from.P Binary.Similarity Scaled.FN Standard.FP Scaled.FP Normalized.Scaled.Frob Scaled.Frob count.edge.dend partition_leaves ECV.check NB.check

Documented in BTSBM gen.A.from.P HCD HCDplot


## the spectral check of non-backtracking matrix for stopping rule

NB.check <- function(A){
  d <- colSums(A)
  n <- nrow(A)
  I <- as(diag(rep(1,n)),"dgCMatrix")
  D <- as(diag(d),"dgCMatrix")
  r <- sqrt(sum(d^2)/sum(d)-1)
  B <- as(matrix(0,nrow=2*n,ncol=2*n),"dgCMatrix")
  B[(n+1):(2*n),1:n] <- -1*I
  B[1:n,(n+1):(2*n)] <- D-I
  B[(n+1):(2*n),(n+1):(2*n)] <- A
  ss <- Re(eigs(B,k=2,which="LM")$values)

### nonparametric rank evaluation by cross-validation -- a more generally applicable approach
## without assuming SBM or its variants. Also available for weighted networks.
## Believe to be more robust than NB but less effective if the true model is close to BTSBM.
## Computationally more intensive.
ECV.check <- function(A,B=3,weighted=FALSE){
  ecv <- ECV.Rank(A, max.K=2, B = 3, holdout.p = 0.1, weighted = weighted,mode="undirected")
    if(ecv$auc.rank > 1){

## some functions to handle tree structures

partition_leaves <- function(dend, ...) {
  if (!is.dendrogram(dend)) stop("'dend' is not a dendrogram")

  nodes_labels <- vector("list", length = nnodes(dend))

  i_counter <- 0
  push_node_labels <- function(dend_node) {
    i_counter <<- i_counter + 1

    nodes_labels[[i_counter]] <<- labels(dend_node)
  dendrapply(dend, push_node_labels)


count.edge.dend <- function(dend){
  sort_a_character <- function(dend) dend %>% as.character %>% sort

  bp1 <- partition_leaves(dend)
  bp1 <- lapply(bp1, sort_a_character)


Scaled.Frob <- function(D1,D2){
  scaled.diff <- (D1-D2)*log(1+2*D1)

Normalized.Scaled.Frob <- function(D1,D2){
  d.max <- max(D1)
  scaled.diff <- (D1-D2)*log(1+2*D1)/log(1+d.max)

Scaled.FP <- function(G1,G2,D1){
  upper.index <- which(upper.tri(G1))
  g1 <- G1[upper.index]
  g2 <- G2[upper.index]
  d1 <- D1[upper.index]
  same.clust.index <- which(g2==1)
  scaled.FP <- sum((1-g1[same.clust.index])*log(2*d1[same.clust.index]+1))
  scaled.FP <- scaled.FP/length(same.clust.index)

Standard.FP <- function(G1,G2,D1){
  upper.index <- which(upper.tri(G1))
  g1 <- G1[upper.index]
  g2 <- G2[upper.index]
  d1 <- D1[upper.index]
  same.clust.index <- which(g2==1)
  scaled.FP <- sum((1-g1[same.clust.index]))
  scaled.FP <- scaled.FP/length(same.clust.index)

Scaled.FN <- function(G1,G2,D2){
  upper.index <- which(upper.tri(G1))
  g1 <- G1[upper.index]
  g2 <- G2[upper.index]
  d2 <- D2[upper.index]
  diff.clust.index <- which(g2==0)
  scaled.FN <- sum((g1[diff.clust.index])*exp(2*d2[diff.clust.index]+1))
  scaled.FN <- scaled.FN/length(diff.clust.index)

Binary.Similarity <- function(s1,s2){
  n <- min(length(s1),length(s2))

gen.A.from.P <- function(P,undirected=TRUE){
  n <- nrow(P)
  upper.tri.index <- which(upper.tri(P))
  tmp.rand <- runif(n=length(upper.tri.index))
  #A <- matrix(0,n,n)
  A <- rsparsematrix(n,n,0)
  A[upper.tri.index[tmp.rand<P[upper.tri.index]]] <- 1
  A <- A+t(A)
  diag(A) <- 0
  return(A) }else{
    A <- matrix(0,n,n)
    r.seq <- runif(n=length(P))
    A[r.seq < as.numeric(P)] <- 1
    diag(A) <- 0

## n: dimension of the network
## d: number of layers until leaves (excluding the root)
## a.seq: sequence a_r
## lambda: average node degree, only used when alpha is not provided.
## alpha: the common scaling of the a_r sequence, so at the end, essentially the a_r sequence is a.seq*alpha
## N: number of networks one wants to generate from the same model
BTSBM <- function(n,d,a.seq,lambda,alpha=NULL,N=1){
  K <- 2^d
  #outin <- beta
  #beta <- (2*K*outin/(K-1))^((1/((d-1))))
  ## generate binary strings
  b.list <- list()
  for(k in 1:K){
    b.list[[k]] <- as.character(intToBits(k-1))[d:1]
  ## construct B
  comm.sim.mat <- B <- matrix(0,K,K)
  for(i in 1:(K-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):K){
      s <- Binary.Similarity(b.list[[i]],b.list[[j]])-1
      comm.sim.mat[i,j] <- s+1
  comm.sim.mat <- comm.sim.mat+t(comm.sim.mat)
  diag(comm.sim.mat) <- d+1
  B[1:(K^2)] <- a.seq[d+2-as.numeric(comm.sim.mat)]
  w <- floor(n/K)
  g <- c(rep(seq(1,K),each=w),rep(K,n-w*K))
  Z <- matrix(0,n,K)
  Z[cbind(1:n,g)] <- 1
  P <- Z%*%B%*%t(Z)
    P <- P*lambda/mean(colSums(P))
    P <- P*alpha
  node.sim.mat <- Z%*%comm.sim.mat%*%t(Z)
  diag(node.sim.mat) <- 0
  #print(paste("Within community expected edges: ",P[1,1]*w,sep=""))
  A.list <- list()
  for(I in 1:N){
    A.list[[I]] <- gen.A.from.P(P,undirected=TRUE)

## HCD
## A: adjacency matrix. Can be standard R matrix or dsCMatrix (or other type in package Matrix)
## method: splitting method. "SS" (default) -- sign splitting, "SC" -- spectral clustering
########## stopping: stopping rule. "NB" (default) -- non-backtracking matrix spectrum, "ECV" -- edge cross-validation, "Fix"-- fixed D layers of partitioning
########## ECV is nonparametric rank evaluation by cross-validation -- a more generally applicable approach
########## without assuming SBM or its variants. Also available for weighted networks.
########## It is believed to be more robust than NB but less effective if the true model is close to BTSBM.
########## ECV is computationally much more intensive.
## reg: whether regularization is needed.
########## Set it to be TRUE will add reguarlization, which help the performance on sparse networks, but it will make the computation slower.
## n.min: the algorithm will stop splitting if the current size is <= 2*n.min.
## D: the number of layers to partition, if stopping=="Fix".
## notree: if TRUE, will not produce the data.tree object or the community similarity matrix. Only the cluster label and the tree path strings will be returned. This typically makes the runing faster.
HCD <- function(A,method="SS", stopping="NB",reg=FALSE,n.min=25,D=NULL,notree=TRUE){
  n <- nrow(A)
  ncl <- 0
  xi.loc.labels <- list()
    stop("method can only by one of 'SS' and 'SC'")
    stop("stopping can only by one of 'NB','ECV' and 'Fix'")
  message("Begin clustering....")
  clusters <- break.cl.sp(f=A,method=method, xi.loc.labels=xi.loc.labels, ncl=ncl, cl.labels=1:n,BH=stopping,reg=reg,n.min=n.min,D=D,Laplace=FALSE)
  ncl <- clusters$ncl
  xi.loc.labels <- clusters$xi.loc.labels
  labels = rep(0, n)
  for(i in 1:ncl) {
    labels[xi.loc.labels[[i]]] <- i
  tree.path <- clusters$tree.path
  message("Finished clustering. Summarizing tree structure....")
  node.tree.path <- strsplit(tree.path,"/")
  suppressWarnings(node.index <- which(unlist(lapply(node.tree.path,function(x) sum(!is.na(as.numeric(x)))>0)))) ### find which path string is for individual nodes
  suppressWarnings(node.number <- unlist(lapply(node.tree.path,function(x) as.numeric(x)[which(!is.na(as.numeric(x)))]))) ### find the specific node name. The non-node string will be removed
  node.dt <- data.table(node.number=node.number,node.index=node.index)
  node.dt2 <- unique(node.dt, by = "node.number")
  node.index <- node.dt2$node.index[sort(node.dt2$node.number,index.return=TRUE)$ix]
  representers <- rep(0,ncl)
  for(i in 1:ncl){
    representers[i] <- which(labels==i)[1]
  community.bin.sim.mat <- matrix(0,ncl,ncl)
  for(i in 1:ncl){
    for(j in 1:ncl){
        community.bin.sim.mat[i,i] <- length(node.tree.path[[node.index[representers[i]]]])
        community.bin.sim.mat[i,j] <- Binary.Similarity(node.tree.path[[node.index[representers[i]]]],node.tree.path[[node.index[representers[j]]]])
        community.bin.sim.mat[j,i] <- community.bin.sim.mat[i,j]

  Z.mat <- matrix(0,n,ncl)
  Z.mat[cbind(1:n,labels)] <- 1
  node.bin.sim.mat <- Z.mat%*%community.bin.sim.mat%*%t(Z.mat)
  diag(node.bin.sim.mat) <- 0

  tree.path <- paste("All",tree.path,sep="/")
  tree.df <- data.frame(V1=1:length(tree.path),pathString=tree.path)
  tree.df$pathString <- as.character(tree.df$pathString)
  cluster.tree <- as.Node(tree.df)
      cluster.tree <- NULL
      node.bin.sim.mat <- NULL
      community.bin.sim.mat <- NULL
  P.est <- SBM.estimate(A,labels)
  result <- list(labels=labels,ncl=ncl,cluster.tree=cluster.tree,P=P.est,node.bin.sim.mat=node.bin.sim.mat,comm.bin.sim.mat=community.bin.sim.mat,tree.path=tree.path)


## cl.labels is the current node index involved in the function call - this is by sign splitting
## use D = maximum level of splitting if want to use HCD-Sign by fixed D with BH is other than "NB" or "ECV"
break.cl.sp = function(f, method="SS",xi.loc.labels, ncl, cl.labels,BH="NB",reg=FALSE,n.min=25,D=NULL,Laplace=FALSE) {
  nisol = which(rowSums(f) > 0)
  isol = which(rowSums(f) == 0)
  cl.labels.full <- cl.labels
  ## sanity check -- do not start if there are too many isolated nodes
    ncl = ncl + 1
    xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = cl.labels
    tree.path <- c("",as.character(cl.labels))
    mod.path <- c(0,rep(0,length(cl.labels)))
    if(length(isol)>0) tree.path <- c(tree.path,as.character(cl.labels[isol]))
    message('Too few connected nodes, not even started!')
    return(list(xi.loc.labels = xi.loc.labels, ncl = ncl,tree.path=tree.path,mod.path=mod.path))
  #print(paste(length(isol),"isolated nodes",cl.labels[isol]))
  all.deg = rowSums(f)
  f = f[nisol, nisol] ### only focus on non-isolated nodes - isolated nodes with be attached to the smaller child
  cl.labels.full <- cl.labels
  all.deg = all.deg[nisol]
  cl.labels = cl.labels[nisol]
  n1 = dim(f)[1]

  K = 2
  split.flag <- FALSE
    split.flag <- NB.check(f)
      split.flag <- ECV.check(f)
      split.flag <- (D>0)

  if(split.flag) {
      f.reg <- f + 0.1*mean(all.deg)/nrow(f)
        l.reg <- f.reg - diag(rowSums(f.reg))
        eig.nf = irlba(l.reg, nu = 2, nv = 2)
        eig.nf = irlba(f.reg, nu = 2, nv = 2)
        l.mat <- f - diag(rowSums(f))
        eig.nf = irlba(l.mat, nu = 2, nv = 2)
        eig.nf = irlba(f, nu = 2, nv = 2)
    clustering <- rep(0,length(eig.nf$v[,2]))
    clustering[eig.nf$v[,2]<=0] <- 1
    clustering[eig.nf$v[,2]>0] <- 2
        clustering <- kmeans(eig.nf$v[,1:2],centers=2,iter.max=30,nstart=10)$cluster
    clus = list(clustering=clustering)

    xi.f = clus$clustering
    xi.labels = lapply(1:2, function(x){which(xi.f == x)})

    smaller.cluster <- xi.labels[[which.min(sapply(xi.labels,length))]]
    f1 <- f[smaller.cluster,smaller.cluster]
    a1.labels <- cl.labels[smaller.cluster]
    if(length(dim(f1)) > 0) {
      n1 <- dim(f1)[1]
      } else if(length(f1) > 0) { ### case when only 1 node is in this cluster, make it 2, so the later on rank check code still works
      n1 <- 1
    } else {
      n1 = 0
    if(n1 > 2*n.min) { ## only do further clustering on cluster larger  2*n.min
        res = break.cl.sp(f1, method, xi.loc.labels, ncl, a1.labels,BH,reg=reg,n.min,D=D-1)
        xi.loc.labels = res$xi.loc.labels
        ncl = res$ncl
        L.tree.path <- res$tree.path
          xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = c(xi.loc.labels[[ncl]],cl.labels.full[isol]) ### attached the isolated nodes in this level with the clusters under the smaller split

          path.head <- L.tree.path[length(L.tree.path)]
          path.head <- gsub('[[:digit:]]+', '', path.head)
          iso.path <- paste(path.head,cl.labels.full[isol],sep="")
          L.tree.path <- c(L.tree.path,iso.path)

        L.mod.path <- res$mod.path

    } else {
      ncl = ncl + 1
      xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = a1.labels
      if(length(isol)>0) xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = c(cl.labels.full[isol],xi.loc.labels[[ncl]])
      L.tree.path <- as.character(xi.loc.labels[[ncl]])
      L.mod.path <- rep(0,length(xi.loc.labels[[ncl]]))
      #print('Too small left cluster, Branch End')
    f2 = f[-smaller.cluster, -smaller.cluster]

    a2.labels = cl.labels[-smaller.cluster]
    if(length(dim(f2)) > 0) {
      n1 <- nrow(f2)

    } else if(length(f2) > 0) {
      n1 <- 1
    } else {
      n1 <- 0
    if(n1 > 2*n.min) {
      res = break.cl.sp(f2, method, xi.loc.labels, ncl, a2.labels,BH,reg=reg,n.min,D=D-1)
      xi.loc.labels = res$xi.loc.labels
      R.tree.path <- res$tree.path
      R.mod.path <- res$mod.path
      ncl = res$ncl

    } else {
      ncl = ncl + 1
      xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = a2.labels
      R.tree.path <- as.character(a2.labels)
      R.mod.path <- rep(0,length(a2.labels))
      #print('Too small right cluster, Branch End')
    L.tree.path <- paste("L",L.tree.path,sep="/")
    R.tree.path <- paste("R",R.tree.path,sep="/")
    tree.path <- c("",L.tree.path,R.tree.path)

  } else {
    ncl = ncl + 1
    xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = cl.labels
    if(length(isol)>0) xi.loc.labels[[ncl]] = c(cl.labels.full[isol],cl.labels)
    tree.path <- c("",as.character(cl.labels))
    if(length(isol)>0) tree.path <- c(tree.path,as.character(cl.labels.full[isol]))
    #print('One cluster, Branch End, not even started!')
  return(list(xi.loc.labels = xi.loc.labels, ncl = ncl,tree.path=tree.path))

## plot function for HCD output
## hcd: the output from the HCD function
## mode: plotting community hierarchy or node hierarchy. The default value is "community", 
##       indicating plotting hierarchy between communities
## labels: the labels of the each leaf of the tree. By default, the community/node index is used.
##         The user can also specify another sequence of characters
## main: the title of the plot
## label.cex: the size of the leaf label in the plot. When plotting node hierarchy, typically there are
##            too many nodes so the labels will seriously overlap. Use a smaller size (say, label.cex=0.3)
##            may help.

HCDplot <- function(hcd,mode="community",labels=NULL,main=NULL,label.cex=1){
  # Save the current par settings
  oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  # Ensure that the original par settings are restored on exit
    S <- hcd$comm.bin.sim.mat
      message("Too few clusters to plot!")
      dis <- max(S)+1-S
      hc <- hclust(d=as.dist(dis),method="complete")
    S <- hcd$node.bin.sim.mat
    dis <- max(S)+1-S
    diag(dis) <- 0
    hc <- hclust(d=as.dist(dis),method="complete")

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