
Defines functions UR_test

Documented in UR_test

#' @name UR_test
#' @title Testing for unit roots based on sample autocovariances
#' @description The test proposed in Chang, Cheng and Yao (2021) for the following hypothesis
#' testing problems: \deqn{H_0:Y_t \sim I(0)\ \ \mathrm{versus}\ \ H_1:Y_t \sim
#' I(d)\ \mathrm{for\ some\ integer\ }d \geq 2.}
#' @param Y \eqn{Y = \{y_1, \dots , y_n \}}, the observations of a univariate
#'   time series used for the test.
#' @param lagk.vec Time lag \eqn{K_0} used to calculate the test statistic, see
#'   Section 2.1 in Chang, Cheng and Yao (2021). It can be a vector containing
#'   more than one time lag. If it is a vector, the procedure will output all
#'   the test results based on the different \eqn{K_0} in the vector
#'   \code{lagk.vec}. If \code{lagk.vec} is missing, the default value we choose
#'   lagk.vec=c(0,1,2,3,4).
#' @param con_vec Constant \eqn{c_\kappa}, see (5) in Chang, Cheng and Yao
#'   (2021). It also can be a vector. If missing, the default value we use 0.55.
#' @param alpha The prescribed significance level. Default is 0.05.

#' @return An object of class "urtest" is a list containing the following
#'   components:
#'   \item{statistic}{A vector which represents the value of the test statistic,
#'    the length of this vector is the same as \code{lag.vec}}
#'   \item{reject}{A data matrix containing result with different arguments,
#'    each column represents the results of different \eqn{c_\kappa} calculations, and 
#'    each column is a vector representing the results of different time lag
#'     K0 calculations.\code{'1'} means we reject the null hypothesis and \code{'0'}
#'   means we do not reject the null hypothesis}
#'   \item{lag.vec}{The time lag used in function.}
#'   \item{method}{A character string indicating what method was performed.}
#'   \item{type}{A character string which map used on data matrix \code{X}.}
#' @references Chang, J., Cheng, G. & Yao, Q. (2021).  \emph{Testing for unit
#'   roots based on sample autocovariances}. Available at
#'   \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.07551}
#' @export
#' @importFrom sandwich lrvar
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @useDynLib HDTSA
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @import Rcpp
#' @examples
#' N=100
#' Y=arima.sim(list(ar=c(0.9)), n = 2*N, sd=sqrt(1))
#' con_vec=c(0.45,0.55,0.65)
#' lagk.vec=c(0,1,2)
#' UR_test(Y,lagk.vec=lagk.vec, con_vec=con_vec,alpha=0.05)
#' UR_test(Y,alpha=0.05)

UR_test <- function(Y, lagk.vec = NULL, con_vec = NULL, alpha = 0.05) {
  args <- as.list(match.call())
    lagk.vec <- c(0,1,2,3,4);
  args <- as.list(match.call())
    con_vec <- 0.55;
  Tnvec <- NULL; nm <- NULL; colnm <- NULL; statistic_vec <- NULL
  for (i in con_vec)colnm <- c(colnm, paste("con=", i, sep = ""))
  for(kk in 1:length(lagk.vec)){
    K0 <- lagk.vec[kk]+1                       #eg. K0=1, gamma(0)
    nm <- c(nm, paste("time_lag=", K0-1, sep = ""))
    n <- length(Y)                           ## sample size
    N <- floor(n/2)
    N1 <- 2*N - K0
    sgn_matrix <- matrix(0, N1, K0)            ### sign matrix
    for(t in 1:N1){
      for(k in 1:K0){
        sgn_matrix[t, k] <- sign(k+t-N-1-0.5) ##  eg. K0=1, gamma(0)
    Y <- Y;  DY <- diff(Y) ## diffential Y
    au_Y <- drop(acf(Y, lag.max = K0+1, type = c("covariance"), plot = FALSE)$acf)   ## gamma(Y)
    au_DY <- drop(acf(DY, lag.max = K0+1, type = c("covariance"), plot = FALSE)$acf)   ## gamma(X)
    short_Var <- var(DY)                                         ## shortrun variance
    long_Var <- n * lrvar(DY, type = "andrews", prewhite = FALSE)  ## longrun variance
    ratio_Var <- short_Var / long_Var                              ## variance ratio
    ## esttimate rho
    Z2 <- Y[1:(n-1)];  Z1 <- Y[2:n]
    DZ2 <- diff(Z2);   DZ1 <- diff(Z1)
    rho_hat <- lm(DZ2~DZ1)$coefficients[2]; bb <- 1 + rho_hat         ## rho_hat
    au_Ratio <- (au_Y[1] + au_Y[2]) / (au_DY[1] + au_DY[2])            ## ratio
    Y1 <- Y[1:N]                                   ##data spliting
    Y2 <- Y[(N+1):(2*N)]
    ## auto covariance
    auto_cov <- drop(acf(Y, lag.max = K0+1, type = c("covariance"), plot = FALSE)$acf)
    auto_cov1 <- drop(acf(Y1, lag.max = K0+1, type = c("covariance"), plot = FALSE)$acf)
    auto_cov2 <- drop(acf(Y2, lag.max = K0+1, type = c("covariance"), plot = FALSE)$acf)
    T1 <- sum((auto_cov1[1:(K0)])^2)
    T2 <- sum((auto_cov2[1:(K0)])^2)             ## test statistics
    ## construct Qt
    N1 <- 2 * N - K0; Y <- Y - mean(Y)
    ft <- Y[1:N1] %*% t(rep(1, K0));
    for(t in 1:N1){
      ft[t, ] <- ft[t, ] * Y[(t):(t+K0-1)]                       ## gamma(0), .... gamma(K0-1) data
    gamma_hat <- t(auto_cov[1:(K0)] %*% t(rep(1, N1)))         ## estimate gamma(0),.... gamma(K0-1)
    ytk <- 2 * (ft - gamma_hat) * sgn_matrix                       ## construct ytk
    sgn_Auto <- t(sign(auto_cov1[1:(K0)]) %*% t(rep(1, N1)))    ## sign auto covariance
    xitk <- 2 * ytk * gamma_hat; Qt <- apply(xitk, 1, sum)               ## Qt
    lr_Qt <- lrvar(Qt, type = "andrews", prewhite = FALSE)   ## long-run variance Qt
    ## test procedure
    kappa <- 2 / (ratio_Var*bb);                          ## kappa
    if(lr_Qt > 0){                                     ## variance >0
      #Tnvec=c(Tnvec,T2>cv)                         ## no truncated
      for(tt in 1:length(con_vec)){
        ck <- con_vec[tt]
        if (au_Ratio <= (ck * kappa * N^{3/5})){
          th_d <- 10^5                                  ## truncated belongs to H0
        }  else{th_d <- 0.1 * log(N)}                     ## truncated belongs to H1
        cv <- min(qnorm(1-alpha) * sqrt(lr_Qt) + T1, th_d)
        statistic_vec <- c(statistic_vec, T2)
        Tnvec <- c(Tnvec, T2>cv)
  res.table <- matrix(as.numeric(Tnvec), length(lagk.vec), byrow=T)
  rownames(res.table) <- nm        #rownames ("K0=1", "K0=2")
  colnames(res.table) <- colnm
  # statistic_vec <- matrix(as.numeric(statistic_vec), length(lagk.vec))
  # colnames(statistic_vec) <- "statistic"
  METHOD <- "Testing for unit roots based on sample autocovariances"
  # return(list(result=res.table))
  structure(list(statistic = statistic_vec, reject = res.table,
                 lag.k = lagk.vec, method = METHOD), class = "urtest")

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