function (data, iter.num, init = NULL, sub_rs = NULL, first.run = TRUE, 
    path = getwd(), refresh = 100, prior.SEref = NULL, prior.SPref = NULL, 
    prior_PI = c(0, 1), prior_LAMBDA = c(-3, 3), prior_THETA = c(-1.5, 
        1.5), prior_sd_alpha = list(0, 2, "sd"), prior_sd_theta = list(0, 
        2, "sd"), prior_beta = c(-0.75, 0.75)) 
    if (file.exists("alpha.txt") == TRUE) {
        print("There are results from a previous run of the Gibbs sampler in the current working directory")
        print("Would you like to overwrite the results?")
        switch(menu(c("Yes", "No")), c(files.remove(), print("Please call HSROC() again. \n")), 
    if (missing(data)) 
        stop("You must provide a valid 'data' argument", call. = FALSE)
    N = length(data[, 1])
    Mem.check = N * iter.num * 8
    if (Mem.check > 1.6e+08) {
        print("You might come into trouble regarding memory allocation if you are using 32-bit version")
        print("Please select one of the options below")
        switch(menu(c("Abord and select fewer iterations", "Ignore this warning")), 
            return("Please select fewer iterations"), NULL)
    if (missing(iter.num) | iter.num <= 0) {
        cat("The number of iteration is either missing or less than 1. \n", 
            call. = FALSE)
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    if (is.null(sub_rs) == TRUE) {
        sub_rs = list(1, 1:N)
    if (sub_rs[[1]] != (length(sub_rs) - 1)) {
        cat(paste("The value of the first element of 'sub_rs' (sub_rs[[1]] = ", 
            sub_rs[[1]], " ) does not match the number of remaining elements (length(sub_rs[[2:", 
            length(sub_rs), "]])) = ", length(2:length(sub_rs)), 
            "\n", sep = ""))
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    if (is.logical(first.run) == FALSE) {
        cat("The 'first.run' argument must be a logical object. \n")
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    if (is.null(prior.SEref) == FALSE | is.null(prior.SPref) == 
        FALSE) {
        if ((length(prior.SEref)/2 + length(prior.SEref)/2)/2 != 
            sub_rs[[1]]) {
            cat("The number of reference standards in 'prior.SEref' and(or) 'prior.SPref' is not matching the one defined in the 'sub_rs[[1]]' argument. \n")
            stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    if (is.null(prior.SEref) == TRUE & is.null(prior.SPref) == 
        TRUE) {
        Gold_Std = TRUE
    else {
        Gold_Std = FALSE
    if (is.null(prior.SEref) == TRUE) {
        write(1, file = "S2.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    else {
        write(2, file = "S2.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    if (is.null(prior.SPref) == TRUE) {
        write(1, file = "C2.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    else {
        write(2, file = "C2.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    if (is.null(init) == FALSE) {
        random = FALSE
        if (sum(dim(init[[1]])) != N + 5) {
            cat(paste("Initial values for the within-study parameters were misspecified. Make sure the ordering described in the help file is preserved. \n"))
            stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
        if (length(init[[2]]) != 5) {
            cat(paste("Initial values for the between-study parameters were misspecified. Make sure the ordering described in the help file is preserved. \n"))
            stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
        if (Gold_Std == FALSE) {
            if (sum(dim(init[[3]])) != sub_rs[[1]] + 2) {
                cat(paste("Initial values for the test under evaluation were misspecified. Make sure the ordering described in the help file is preserved. \n"))
                stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    else {
        random = TRUE
    low.pi = prior_PI[1]
    up.pi = prior_PI[2]
    if (all(low.pi < up.pi) == FALSE) {
        cat("The 'prior_PI' argument is a vector with 2 components specifying a range.  Thus, the first component of the vector must be less than the second component. Type '? HSROC' for more help. \n")
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    prior.LAMBDA.lower = prior_LAMBDA[1]
    prior.LAMBDA.upper = prior_LAMBDA[2]
    if (all(prior.LAMBDA.lower < prior.LAMBDA.upper) == FALSE) {
        cat("The 'prior_LAMBDA' argument is a vector with 2 components specifying a range.  Thus, the first component of the vector must be less than the second component. Type '? HSROC' for more help. \n")
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    prior.THETA.lower = prior_THETA[1]
    prior.THETA.upper = prior_THETA[2]
    if (all(prior.THETA.lower < prior.THETA.upper) == FALSE) {
        cat("The 'prior_THETA' argument is a vector with 2 components specifying a range.  Thus, the first component of the vector must be less than the second component. Type '? HSROC' for more help. \n")
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    l.disp.alpha = prior_sd_alpha[[1]]
    u.disp.alpha = prior_sd_alpha[[2]]
    if (all(l.disp.alpha < u.disp.alpha) == FALSE & prior_sd_alpha[[3]] != 
        "p") {
        cat("The 'prior_sd_alpha' argument is a list with the first 2 components specifying a range.  Thus, the first component of the list must be less than the second component. Type '? HSROC' for more help. \n")
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    l.disp.theta = prior_sd_theta[[1]]
    u.disp.theta = prior_sd_theta[[2]]
    if (all(l.disp.theta < u.disp.theta) == FALSE & prior_sd_theta[[3]] != 
        "p") {
        cat("The 'prior_sd_theta' argument is a list with the first 2 components specifying a range.  Thus, the first component of the list must be less than the second component. Type '? HSROC' for more help. \n")
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    if (is.null(prior_beta)) {
        beta.a = -log((prior.LAMBDA.upper/3) + 1)
        beta.b = log((prior.LAMBDA.upper/3) + 1)
    else {
        beta.a = prior_beta[1]
        beta.b = prior_beta[2]
        if (all(beta.a < beta.b) == FALSE) {
            cat("The 'prior_beta' argument is a vector with 2 components specifying a range.  Thus, the first component of the vector must be less than the second component. Type '? HSROC' for more help. \n")
            stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n")
    write(1, file = "model.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    write(iter.num, file = "iter.txt")
    data = list(data)
    file.pi = "PI.txt"
    file.C2 = "Spec2.txt"
    file.S2 = "Sens2.txt"
    file.alpha = "alpha.txt"
    file.theta = "theta.txt"
    file.sig.theta = "sigma.theta.txt"
    file.sig.alpha = "sigma.alpha.txt"
    file.THETA = "capital.THETA.txt"
    file.LAMBDA = "LAMBDA.txt"
    file.beta = "beta.txt"
    file.C1 = "Spec1.txt"
    file.S1 = "Sens1.txt"
    file.C_overall = "C_overall.txt"
    file.S_overall = "S_overall.txt"
    file.choix = "choix.txt"
    file.ll = "log.likelihood.txt"
    file.Yj = "Y_j.txt"
    file.TV = "Start_values.txt"
    file.TV2 = "Start_values2.txt"
    file.TV3 = "Start_REFSTD.txt"
    file.Restart = "Restore.txt"
    file.Restart2 = "Restore2.txt"
    file.Restart_REFSTD = "Restore3.txt"
    file.Restart_index = "Restore_index.txt"
    file.A.alpha = "A.alpha.txt"
    file.B.alpha = "B.alpha.txt"
    file.mean.rij.one = "mean.rij.one.txt"
    file.mean.rij.zero = "mean.rij.zero.txt"
    condInd = TRUE
    prior_dist_PI = "beta"
    range_rij = c(-prior.LAMBDA.upper/2 - 3 * exp(-beta.a/2), 
        prior.LAMBDA.upper/2 + 3 * exp(beta.b/2))
    low.rj = range_rij[1]
    up.rj = range_rij[2]
    write(c(low.rj, up.rj), file = "range of latent variable.txt", 
        ncolumns = 2)
    alpha.PI = beta.parameter(low = low.pi, up = up.pi)[1, ]
    beta.PI = beta.parameter(low = low.pi, up = up.pi)[2, ]
    L.disp.alpha = L.disp.theta = numeric()
    if (l.disp.alpha == 0) {
        L.disp.alpha = 1e-10
    else {
        if (l.disp.alpha > 0) {
            L.disp.alpha = l.disp.alpha
    if (prior_sd_alpha[[3]] == "sd") {
        prior_sig_alpha = 1
        low.disp.alpha = u.disp.alpha^(-2)
        up.disp.alpha = L.disp.alpha^(-2)
        write(1, file = "Prior on sigma_alpha.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    else {
        if (prior_sd_alpha[[3]] == "v") {
            prior_sig_alpha = 2
            low.disp.alpha = u.disp.alpha^(-1)
            up.disp.alpha = L.disp.alpha^(-1)
            write(2, file = "Prior on sigma_alpha.txt", ncolumns = 1)
        else {
            if (prior_sd_alpha[[3]] == "p") {
                prior_sig_alpha = 3
                low.disp.alpha = L.disp.alpha
                up.disp.alpha = u.disp.alpha
                write(3, file = "Prior on sigma_alpha.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    if (l.disp.theta == 0) {
        L.disp.theta = 1e-10
    else {
        if (l.disp.theta > 0) {
            L.disp.theta = l.disp.theta
    if (prior_sd_theta[[3]] == "sd") {
        prior_sig_theta = 1
        low.disp.theta = u.disp.theta^(-2)
        up.disp.theta = L.disp.theta^(-2)
        write(1, file = "Prior on sigma_theta.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    else {
        if (prior_sd_theta[[3]] == "v") {
            prior_sig_theta = 2
            low.disp.theta = u.disp.theta^(-1)
            up.disp.theta = L.disp.theta^(-1)
            write(2, file = "Prior on sigma_theta.txt", ncolumns = 1)
        else {
            if (prior_sd_theta[[3]] == "p") {
                prior_sig_theta = 3
                low.disp.theta = L.disp.theta
                up.disp.theta = u.disp.theta
                write(3, file = "Prior on sigma_theta.txt", ncolumns = 1)
    long.se = length(prior.SEref)
    low.se = prior.SEref[1:sub_rs[[1]]]
    up.se = prior.SEref[(sub_rs[[1]] + 1):long.se]
    long.sp = length(prior.SPref)
    low.sp = prior.SPref[1:sub_rs[[1]]]
    up.sp = prior.SPref[(sub_rs[[1]] + 1):long.sp]
    if (Gold_Std == FALSE) {
        if (is.null(prior.SEref) == TRUE) {
            Sens2.alpha = Sens2.beta = NULL
            Gold_se = TRUE
        else {
            if (is.null(prior.SEref) == FALSE) {
                Sens2.alpha = beta.parameter(low = low.se, up = up.se)[1, 
                Sens2.beta = beta.parameter(low = low.se, up = up.se)[2, 
                Gold_se = FALSE
    else {
        if (Gold_Std == TRUE) {
            Sens2.alpha = Sens2.beta = NULL
            Gold_se = NULL
    if (Gold_Std == FALSE) {
        if (is.null(prior.SPref) == TRUE) {
            Spec2.alpha = Spec2.beta = NULL
            Gold_sp = TRUE
        else {
            if (is.null(prior.SPref) == FALSE) {
                Spec2.alpha = beta.parameter(low = low.sp, up = up.sp)[1, 
                Spec2.beta = beta.parameter(low = low.sp, up = up.sp)[2, 
                Gold_sp = FALSE
    else {
        if (Gold_Std == TRUE) {
            Spec2.alpha = Spec2.beta = NULL
            Gold_sp = NULL
    if (first.run == TRUE) {
        RESTART_i = NA
        RESTART = NA
    else {
        DATA.restart = read.table(file.Restart)
        DATA.restart2 = read.table(file.Restart2)
        DATA.restart_refstd = read.table(file.Restart_REFSTD)
        RESTART_i = t(DATA.restart)
        RESTART = DATA.restart2
        RESTART_REFSTD = DATA.restart_refstd
    PRIOR.Parameters = c(beta.a, beta.b, prior.THETA.lower, prior.THETA.upper, 
        prior.LAMBDA.lower, prior.LAMBDA.upper, low.disp.alpha, 
        up.disp.alpha, low.disp.theta, up.disp.theta, alpha.PI, 
        beta.PI, Sens2.alpha, Sens2.beta, Spec2.alpha, Spec2.beta)
    test.results = data[[1]]
    Start.values = Which_data(RANDOM = random, data = data, init = init, 
        GS = Gold_Std)[[1]]
    Start.values2 = Which_data(RANDOM = random, data = data, 
        init = init, GS = Gold_Std)[[2]]
    Start.REFSTD = Which_data(RANDOM = random, data = data, init = init, 
        GS = Gold_Std)[[3]]
    INITS = Initialization(first.run = first.run, random = random, 
        param = PRIOR.Parameters, cond.Ind = condInd, rs = sub_rs, 
        GS_se = Gold_se, GS_sp = Gold_sp, Data1 = Start.values, 
        Data2 = RESTART_i, Data3 = RESTART, Data4 = Start.values2, 
        Data5 = Start.REFSTD, Data6 = RESTART_REFSTD, path = path, 
        studies = N, sco = FALSE, psa = prior_sd_alpha[[3]], 
        pst = prior_sd_theta[[3]])
    if (INITS[[1]][3] == 0 | INITS[[1]][1] == 0) {
        cat(paste("Unsuitable initial values were provided. "))
        stop("Please respecify and call HSROC() again.\n  If you're using 'init=NULL' you need just to run the 'HSROC' function again.\n")
    init.sigma.alpha = INITS[[1]][3]
    prec.alpha = INITS[[1]][4]
    init.THETA = INITS[[1]][5]
    init.LAMBDA = INITS[[1]][6]
    init.beta = INITS[[1]][7]
    init.alpha = as.vector(INITS[[2]][, 1])
    init.S1 = as.vector(INITS[[2]][, 3])
    init.C1 = as.vector(INITS[[2]][, 4])
    init.PI = as.vector(INITS[[2]][, 5])
    init.sigma.theta = INITS[[1]][1]
    prec.theta = INITS[[1]][2]
    init.theta = as.vector(INITS[[2]][, 2])
    if (Gold_Std == FALSE) {
        if (Gold_se == TRUE) {
            init.C2 = as.vector(INITS[[3]][2, ])
        else {
            if (Gold_sp == TRUE) {
                init.S2 = as.vector(INITS[[3]][1, ])
            else {
                init.S2 = as.vector(INITS[[3]][1, ])
                init.C2 = as.vector(INITS[[3]][2, ])
    D = DATA.organizer(d = test.results, m = N)
    n = D[[1]]
    All.Studies = D[[2]]
    t1 = numeric()
    t2 = numeric()
    T = t(mapply(Test, All.Studies))
    t1 = T[, 1]
    t2 = T[, 2]
    studygroup = rep((1:N), n)
    n_rs = numeric()
    n_REFSTD = REFSTD_3(rs = sub_rs, n.sample = D[[1]])
    studygroup_REFSTD = REFSTD_4(rs = sub_rs, n.sample = D[[1]], 
        n_rs = n_REFSTD)
    Total = sum(n)
    n.refstd = sub_rs[[1]]
    PRIOR.BETWEEN = rbind(c(beta.a, beta.b), c(prior.THETA.lower, 
        prior.THETA.upper), c(prior.LAMBDA.lower, prior.LAMBDA.upper), 
        c(l.disp.alpha, u.disp.alpha), c(l.disp.theta, u.disp.theta), 
        c(low.pi, up.pi), c(low.rj, up.rj))
    colnames(PRIOR.BETWEEN) = c("Lower bound", "Upper bound")
    rownames(PRIOR.BETWEEN) = c("beta", "THETA", "LAMBDA", "sigma_alpha", 
        "sigma_theta", "prevalence", "Range_rij")
    write.table(PRIOR.BETWEEN, file = "Prior.information.txt")
    if (Gold_Std == FALSE) {
        if (Gold_se == TRUE) {
            C2.p = c()
            for (i in 1:length(n_REFSTD)) {
                C2.p = c(C2.p, paste("C2", i, sep = ""))
            PRIOR.C2 = cbind(low.sp, up.sp)
            rownames(PRIOR.C2) = C2.p
            colnames(PRIOR.C2) = c("lower", "upper")
            write.table(PRIOR.C2, file = "Prior.information.txt", 
                append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)
        else {
            if (Gold_sp == TRUE) {
                S2.p = c()
                for (i in 1:length(n_REFSTD)) {
                  S2.p = c(S2.p, paste("S2", i, sep = ""))
                PRIOR.S2 = cbind(low.se, up.se)
                rownames(PRIOR.S2) = S2.p
                colnames(PRIOR.S2) = c("lower", "upper")
                write.table(PRIOR.S2, file = "Prior.information.txt", 
                  append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)
            else {
                S2.p = C2.p = c()
                for (i in 1:length(n_REFSTD)) {
                  S2.p = c(S2.p, paste("S2", i, sep = ""))
                  C2.p = c(C2.p, paste("C2", i, sep = ""))
                PRIOR.S2 = cbind(low.se, up.se)
                rownames(PRIOR.S2) = S2.p
                colnames(PRIOR.S2) = c("lower", "upper")
                PRIOR.C2 = cbind(low.sp, up.sp)
                rownames(PRIOR.C2) = C2.p
                colnames(PRIOR.C2) = c("lower", "upper")
                write.table(PRIOR.S2, file = "Prior.information.txt", 
                  append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)
                write.table(PRIOR.C2, file = "Prior.information.txt", 
                  append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)
    vec.PI = as.numeric(init.PI)
    vec.S1 = as.numeric(init.S1)
    vec.C1 = as.numeric(init.C1)
    vec.alpha = as.numeric(init.alpha)
    vec.sigma.alpha = as.numeric(init.sigma.alpha)
    vec.THETA = as.numeric(init.THETA)
    vec.LAMBDA = as.numeric(init.LAMBDA)
    vec.beta = as.numeric(init.beta)
    vec.MH = as.numeric(exp(vec.beta))
    vec.sigma.theta = as.numeric(init.sigma.theta)
    vec.theta = as.numeric(init.theta)
    if (Gold_Std == TRUE) {
        vec.S2 = vec.C2 = init.S2 = init.C2 = 1
        Sens2.alpha = Sens2.beta = Spec2.alpha = Spec2.beta = 1
    else {
        if (Gold_se == TRUE) {
            vec.C2 = as.numeric(init.C2)
            vec.S2 = 1
        else {
            if (Gold_sp == TRUE) {
                vec.C2 = 1
                vec.S2 = as.numeric(init.S2)
            else {
                vec.C2 = as.numeric(init.C2)
                vec.S2 = as.numeric(init.S2)
    gibbs = gibbs_sampler_Cpp(iter.num, Gold_Std, Gold_se, Gold_sp, 
        Total, t1, t2, init.PI, init.S1, init.S2, init.C1, init.C2, 
        n, N, alpha.PI, beta.PI, n.refstd, n_REFSTD, Sens2.alpha, 
        Sens2.beta, Spec2.alpha, Spec2.beta, init.alpha, init.theta, 
        init.beta, low.rj, up.rj, init.THETA, init.sigma.theta, 
        init.sigma.alpha, init.LAMBDA, prior.LAMBDA.lower, prior.LAMBDA.upper, 
        beta.a, beta.b, prior.THETA.lower, prior.THETA.upper, 
        low.disp.alpha, up.disp.alpha, low.disp.theta, up.disp.theta, 
        prior_sig_alpha, prior_sig_theta, refresh)
    if (Gold_Std == TRUE) {
    cat(paste("The files created during the Gibbs sampler process are in  \"", 
        getwd(), "\" ", sep = ""))

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HSROC documentation built on Sept. 19, 2019, 9:05 a.m.