# S3 class HypeGeoData (simple data.frame, class added on import with ReadGeoData()), herein:
# - HypeGeoData (constructor function)
# - [.HypeGeoData (indexing method)
# - summary method
# - print method for summary list
# - merge method with class preservation
# -
# Constructor function
#' HypeGeoData data frames
#' Constructor function for data frames which hold HYPE GeoData tables with information on sub-basins.
#' @param x Data frame with at least five mandatory columns, see details.
#' @details
#' S3 constructor function for data frames which hold HYPE GeoData tables. These are normal data frames with at least five mandatory
#' columns, all \code{numeric}: \emph{AREA}, \emph{SUBID}, \emph{MAINDOWN}, \emph{RIVLEN}, and \emph{SLC_n}, where \emph{n} are
#' consecutive SLC class numbers (up to 999).See also the
#' \href{}{HYPE file description}
#' for GeoData.txt files for reference.
#' Usually, this class will be assigned to GeoData tables on import with \code{\link{ReadGeoData}}. A \code{summary} method exists for
#' \code{HypeGeoData} data frames.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame with added \code{\link{class}} attribute \code{HypeGeoData}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ReadGeoData}}
#' @examples
#' te <- data.table::fread(file = system.file("demo_model",
#' "GeoData.txt", package = "HYPEtools"), data.table = FALSE)
#' HypeGeoData(x = te)
#' summary(te)
#' @export
HypeGeoData <- function(x) {
## check for mandatory column names and corresponding column data types
# mandatory columns except SLCs and their positions
pos.m <- match(m, names(x))
# SLC positions and their SLC numbers
pos.s <- which(substr(names(x), 1, 4) == "SLC_")
# extract numbers
if (length(pos.s) > 0) {
suppressWarnings(n.s <- as.numeric(substr(names(x)[pos.s], 5, 99)))
# remove comment columns which happen to look like SLC columns, e.g. "SLC_98old"
pos.s <- pos.s[!]
n.s <- n.s[!]
# sort so that consecutiveness can be tested below
n.s <- sort(n.s)
# SLC number increase, tested below, 0 padded to check SLC_1 existence
dn.s <- diff(c(0, n.s))
if (any( {
# stop if mandatory columns are missing
stop(paste0("Mandatory column(s) '", paste(m[], collapse = "', '"), "' missing."))
} else if (any(!apply(x[, pos.m], 2, is.numeric))) {
# stop if data type is wrong
stop(paste0("Mandatory column(s) '", paste(m[!apply(x[, pos.m], 2, is.numeric)], collapse = "', '"), "' non-numeric."))
} else if (length(pos.s) == 0) {
# stop if there are no SLC columns
stop("Mandatory 'SLC_n' column(s) missing.")
} else if (any(!apply(x[, pos.s], 2, is.numeric))) {
# stop if data type in SLC class columns is wrong
stop(paste0("SLC column(s) '", paste(names(x)[pos.s[!apply(x[, pos.s], 2, is.numeric)]], collapse = "', '"), "' non-numeric."))
} else if (any(duplicated(x$SUBID))) {
# stop if any SUBID is duplicated
stop(paste0("SUBID(s) '", paste(x$SUBID[duplicated(x$SUBID)], collapse = "', '"), "' duplicated."))
} else if (any(dn.s > 1) || any(dn.s == 0)) {
# warn if there are SLC classes missing or duplicated
if (any(dn.s > 1)) {
te1 <- n.s[dn.s > 1]
te2 <- sapply(dn.s[dn.s > 1] - 1, function(x) 1:x)
slc.miss <- sort(unlist(sapply(1:length(te1), function(x, y, z) y[x] - z[[x]], y = te1, z = te2)))
warning(paste0("SLC class column(s) missing in 'x': ", paste0("SLC_", slc.miss, collapse = ", ")))
if (any(dn.s == 0)) {
# warn if there are SLC class duplicates
warning(paste0("SLC class column duplicate(s) in 'x': ",
paste0("SLC_", n.s[dn.s == 0], " (", dn.s[dn.s == 0], ")", collapse = ", ")))
class(x) <- c("HypeGeoData", "data.frame")
} else {
# no problems encountered
class(x) <- c("HypeGeoData", "data.frame")
# Indexing method, drops HypeGeoData class if mandatory columns are removed
#' @export
`[.HypeGeoData` <- function(x, i = 1:dim(x)[1], j = 1:dim(x)[2], drop = TRUE) {
y <- NextMethod("[", drop)
# mandatory columns except SLCs and their positions
pos.m <- match(m, names(y))
# SLC positions and their SLC numbers
pos.s <- which(substr(names(y), 1, 4) == "SLC_")
# extract numbers
if (length(pos.s) > 0) {
suppressWarnings(n.s <- as.numeric(substr(names(y)[pos.s], 5, 99)))
# remove comment columns which happen to look like SLC columns, e.g. "SLC_98old"
pos.s <- pos.s[!]
# n.s <- n.s[!]
# # sort so that consecutiveness can be tested below
# n.s <- sort(n.s)
# # SLC number increase, tested below, 0 padded to check SLC_1 existence
# dn.s <- diff(c(0, n.s))
} # else {
# n.s <- integer(0)
# dn.s <- integer(0)
# }
if (any( {
# drop class if mandatory columns are missing
# warning(paste0("Mandatory column(s) '", paste(m[], collapse = "', '"), "' removed. Class 'HypeGeoData' dropped."))
class(y) <- class(y)[-1]
if (length(pos.s) == 0) {
# drop class if there are no SLC columns
# warning("Mandatory 'SLC_n' column(s) removed.")
if (class(y)[1] == "HypeGeoData") {
class(y) <- class(y)[-1]
## Section deactivated for the moment because warnings were excessive in day-to-day work. Left for reference
# if (any(dn.s > 1) || any(dn.s == 0)) {
# # warn if there are SLC classes missing or duplicated
# if (any(dn.s > 1)) {
# te1 <- n.s[dn.s > 1]
# te2 <- sapply(dn.s[dn.s > 1] - 1, function(x) 1:x)
# slc.miss <- sort(unlist(sapply(1:length(te1), function(x, y, z) y[x] - z[[x]], y = te1, z = te2)))
# warning(paste0("SLC class column(s) missing in 'x': ", paste0("SLC_", slc.miss, collapse = ", ")))
# }
# if (any(dn.s == 0)) {
# # warn if there are SLC class duplicates
# warning(paste0("SLC class column duplicate(s) in 'x': ",
# paste0("SLC_", n.s[dn.s == 0], " (", dn.s[dn.s == 0], ")", collapse = ", ")))
# }
# }
# summaryHypeGeoData constructor (internal access only), used for printing summaries
summaryHypeGeoData <- function(x) {
# expects a list with elements n.subid, pos.slc, n.slc, pos.scr, n.scr, pos.dhslc, n.dhslc, subbasin.area, unit.river.length,
# icatch, outlet.ids, columns
class(x) <- "summaryHypeGeoData"
# Summary method
#' @method summary HypeGeoData
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
summary.HypeGeoData <- function(object, ...) {
# initialise result list
res <- list()
# number of subbasins
res$n.subid <- nrow(object)
## number of SLC, SCR, and DHSLC classes
# SLC positions and their SLC numbers
pos.s <- which(substr(names(object), 1, 4) == "SLC_")
# extract numbers
suppressWarnings(n.s <- as.numeric(substr(names(object)[pos.s], 5, 99)))
# remove comment columns which happen to look like SLC columns, e.g. "SLC_98old"
pos.s <- pos.s[!]
n.s <- n.s[!]
# number of SLC classes and column positions into result list
res$pos.slc <- pos.s
res$n.slc <- length(n.s)
# SCR positions and their SCR numbers
pos.r <- which(substr(names(object), 1, 4) == "SCR_")
# extract numbers
suppressWarnings(n.r <- as.numeric(substr(names(object)[pos.r], 5, 99)))
# remove comment columns which happen to look like SCR columns, e.g. "SCR_98old"
pos.r <- pos.r[!]
n.r <- n.r[!]
# number of SCR columns and column positions into result list
res$pos.scr <- pos.r
res$n.scr <- length(n.r)
# DHSLC positions and their DHSLC numbers
pos.d <- which(substr(names(object), 1, 6) == "DHSLC_")
# extract numbers
suppressWarnings(n.d <- as.numeric(substr(names(object)[pos.d], 7, 99)))
# remove comment columns which happen to look like SCR columns, e.g. "SCR_98old"
pos.d <- pos.d[!]
n.d <- n.d[!]
# numberof DHSLC columns and column positions into result list
res$pos.dhslc <- pos.d
res$n.dhslc <- length(n.d)
# subbasin area range in km2
res$subbasin.area <- signif(c(mean(object$AREA), median(object$AREA), min(object$AREA), max(object$AREA)) * 10^-6, digits = 3)
# unit river length range in km/km2
rlu <- tryCatch(object$RIVLEN / object$AREA * 10^3, error = function(e) numeric(0))
res$unit.river.length <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(signif(c(mean(rlu), median(rlu), min(rlu), max(rlu)), digits = 3), error = function (e) return(NULL)))
# internal lake catchment fraction
if ("ICATCH" %in% toupper(names(object))) {
res$icatch <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(signif(c(mean(object$ICATCH), median(object$ICATCH), min(object$ICATCH), max(object$ICATCH)), digits = 3),
error = function (e) return(rep("-", 4))))
} else {
res$icatch <- rep("-", 4)
# outlet id(s)
res$outlet.ids <- OutletIds(object)
# column names and classes except SLC and SCR classes
# get classes of all columns except SLC, SCR, and DHSLC
col.cls <- sapply(object[, -c(pos.s, pos.r, pos.d)], class)
# create dataframe with column numbers, names and classes
res$columns <- data.frame(column = as.character((1:ncol(object))[-c(pos.s, pos.r, pos.d)]), name = names(col.cls), class = as.character(col.cls))
res <- summaryHypeGeoData(x = res)
# print method for summary list object
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
print.summaryHypeGeoData <- function(x, ...) {
## columns in table
cat("\nColumns, except 'SLC_n', 'SCR_n', and 'DHSLC_n':\n\n")
# format columns dataframe so that it plots nicely on-screen (in three columns)
te <- ceiling(nrow(x$columns)/3)
tep <- te - (nrow(x$columns) - 2 * te)
print(cbind(x$columns[1:te, ], " |" = rep("|", te),
x$columns[(te + 1):(2 * te), ], " |" = rep("|", te),
rbind(x$columns[(2 * te + 1):nrow(x$columns), ], data.frame(column = rep("", tep), name = rep("", tep), class = rep("", tep)))
), row.names = FALSE)
## range table
# subbasin area range
tes <- c("Sub-basin area (km2):", format(x$subbasin.area, scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE))
# unit river length range
ter <- c("Unit river length (km/km2):", format(x$unit.river.length, scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE))
# icatch range
tei <- c("ilake drainage area fraction (-):", format(x$icatch, scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE))
tesri <-, ter, tei), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE))
names(tesri) <- c(" ", "mean", "median", "minimum", "maximum")
print(tesri, row.names = FALSE)
## number of subbasins
cat(paste("\n Number of sub-basins:", x$n.subid), "\n")
# outlet id(s)
teo <- as.character(x$outlet.ids[1:min(c(length(x$outlet.ids), 10))])
cat(paste(" ID(s) of outlets in 'maindown':", paste(ifelse(length(teo) == 1, teo, c(teo, "...")), collapse = " "), "\n"))
# number of SLC classes
cat(paste(" Number of SLC classes:", x$n.slc, "\n"))
# number of SCR classes
cat(paste(" Number of SCR classes:", x$n.scr, "\n"))
# number of DHSLC classes
cat(paste(" Number of DHSLC classes:", x$n.dhslc, "\n"))
## SLC class columns as ASCII text representation, copy-paste-friendly (friendlier than dput() output with disjointed columns)
# create comparison data
te <- x$pos.slc
te1 <- c(-2, -1, te)
te2 <- c(-1, te, te[length(te)] + 2)
te3 <- c(te, te[length(te)] + 2:3)
# replace column number with colon, if either next or previous SLC column is a direct neighbour
te.str <- ifelse(te3 - te2 > 1 | te2 - te1 > 1, te2, ":")[-c(1, length(te) + 2)]
# string formatting, condense into c()-function string
te.str <- paste0("c(", gsub(", :, ", ":", paste(na.omit(ifelse(te.str == ":" & c(te.str[-1], "") == ":", NA, te.str)), collapse = ", ")), ")")
# print columns
cat(paste(" SLC columns:", te.str, "\n"))
## SCR columns as ASCII text representation, copy-paste-friendly (friendlier than dput() output with disjointed columns)
# create comparison data
te <- x$pos.scr
# just print if there are any SCR classes
if (length(te) > 0) {
te1 <- c(-2, -1, te)
te2 <- c(-1, te, te[length(te)] + 2)
te3 <- c(te, te[length(te)] + 2:3)
# replace column number with colon, if either next or previous SLC column is a direct neighbour
te.str <- ifelse(te3 - te2 > 1 | te2 - te1 > 1, te2, ":")[-c(1, length(te) + 2)]
# string formatting, condense into c()-function string
te.str <- paste0("c(", gsub(", :, ", ":", paste(na.omit(ifelse(te.str == ":" & c(te.str[-1], "") == ":", NA, te.str)), collapse = ", ")), ")")
# print columns
cat(paste(" SCR columns:", te.str, "\n"))
## DHSLC columns as ASCII text representation, copy-paste-friendly (friendlier than dput() output with disjointed columns)
# create comparison data
te <- x$pos.dhslc
# just print if there are any SCR classes
if (length(te) > 0) {
te1 <- c(-2, -1, te)
te2 <- c(-1, te, te[length(te)] + 2)
te3 <- c(te, te[length(te)] + 2:3)
# replace column number with colon, if either next or previous SLC column is a direct neighbour
te.str <- ifelse(te3 - te2 > 1 | te2 - te1 > 1, te2, ":")[-c(1, length(te) + 2)]
# string formatting, condense into c()-function string
te.str <- paste0("c(", gsub(", :, ", ":", paste(na.omit(ifelse(te.str == ":" & c(te.str[-1], "") == ":", NA, te.str)), collapse = ", ")), ")")
# print columns
cat(paste(" DHSLC columns:", te.str, "\n"))
# merge method
#' Merge HypeGeoData object
#' Merge an imported HYPE GeoData table of class \code{link{HypeGeoData}} with another data frame.
#' @param x \code{\link{HypeGeoData}} data frame, HYPE GeoData table to be extended with new columns.
#' @param y Data frame, with mandatory \code{SUBID} column.
#' @param all.x Logical, keep all rows from \code{x}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}, as opposed to default method, thus extending the GeoData
#' table with columns in \code{y}.
#' @param sort Logical, result sorting by \code{by} columns. In addition to the default method's choices \code{TRUE, FALSE}, a third
#' option \code{NA} (default) will use sorting of \code{x} for results. I.e. a sorted GeoData table will be runnable in HYPE even after
#' merging.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to S3 method for data frames, see \code{\link[base]{merge}} and Details.
#' @details
#' \code{merge.HypeGeoData} allows to merge new columns to an existing HYPE GeoData table, while preserving the \code{HypeGeoData}
#' class attribute. Duplicate columns are marked with a \code{".y"}-suffix for the merged \code{y} data frame.
#' The following arguments of the default method are hard-coded:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{by, by.x, by.y}, set to \code{"SUBID"}}
#' \item{\code{suffixes}, set to \code{c("", ".y")}}
#' }
#' The method warns if any of these arguments is supplied by the user. To override, use the GeoData table as argument \code{y} or
#' call the data frame method explicitly (\code{}).
#' @return
#' A \code{HypeGeoData} data frame.
#' @examples
#' # import and create dummy data
#' te1 <- ReadGeoData(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "GeoData.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te2 <- data.frame(SUBID = sample(x = te1$SUBID, size = 10),
#' loc_vol = runif(n = 10, 10, 50))
#' merge(x = te1, y = te2)
#' @name merge
#' @method merge HypeGeoData
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{merge}}, the S3 generic function.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
merge.HypeGeoData <- function(x, y, all.x = TRUE, sort = NA, ...) {
# check user-supplied arguments
if (!(sort %in% c(NA, TRUE, FALSE))) {
stop("Argument 'sort' must be of type logical.")
if (!(all.x %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))) {
stop("Argument 'all.x' must be of type logical.")
# prepare for NA sorting, which will be resolved after merge function call
if ( {
sort <- TRUE <- TRUE
} else { <- FALSE
## check if a hard-coded argument is supplied by user and warn accordingly
# list user-supplied arguments
dots <- list(...)
# hard-coded argument names
hardcoded <- c("suffixes", "by", "by.x", "by.y")
# match
te <- which(names(dots) %in% hardcoded)
# conditional: duplicates found
if (length(te) > 0) {
# duplicated arguments
dupli.arg <- hardcoded[hardcoded %in% names(dots)]
# remove duplicated from list
dots <- dots[-te]
# throw meaningful warning
warning(paste0("Argument(s) '", paste(dupli.arg, collapse = "', '"), "' are hard-coded in this method and will be ignored."))
# combine user-defined arguments with hard-coded ones in one list
combined.args <- c(list(x = x, y = y, all.x = all.x, sort = sort, by = "SUBID", suffixes = c("", ".y")), dots)
# call function ( construct to be able to pass combined argument list into the function)
z <-"merge.default", args = combined.args)
# conditional: sort in order of x
if ( {
z <- z[na.omit(match(x$SUBID, z$SUBID)), ]
# add class and return result
z <- HypeGeoData(z)
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